NobodysHome |

Val's piano teacher, because he's uncomfortable with technology and prefers to receive paper checks, which he takes to a bank teller window like it's still the 1970s.
Yeah, but is he over 60? My mother-in-law still uses checks almost exclusively, but it's what she was brought up with, and change is stressful. So I don't begrudge someone in their 60s and beyond from using checks. But PayPal came along when I was in my early 30s, electronic payment skyrocketed, and checks started going the way of the CD by the early 2000s. If you're 70 and you're writing checks for most of your transactions I don't have an issue. If you're 35 and you're writing checks for most of your transactions I wonder what's wrong with you.
And to cut off the "online payments are expensive" argument, ordering checks now costs me $1 per check. Learning to do it electronically would rapidly start saving me money.

Scintillae |

I know I've tiraded about this before, but one of the great joys in life as you get older is to repeat yourself ad nauseum and chalk it up to aging.
I 100% understand a cash-based lifestyle. As people have said, it makes it easier to stick to a budget, there are a lot of interactions that are cash-only, etc.
I 100% fail to understand people younger than me who still write checks.
They are a bane to the writer and the recipient. I'm down to 2-3 checks a year, almost exclusively to medical places that say, "Well, if you want to do online payments you have to sign up for an account, and if you sign up for an account we'll sell your data to every advertiser who asks," (a depressingly-accurate summary of GothBard's physical therapist's agreement).Impus Major has a "real" job taking care of a non-functional adult so his parents can have a break every Saturday, and every Saturday they write him a check as payment.
Learn to Venmo! Learn to Zelle! Heck, just pay cash! Or write a check once a month!
I do not want my house filling with pointless slips of paper because we have to track Impus Major's income for tax purposes (my guess is that they're reporting it so he'll have to as well).
I have many checks left from when I made my bank account, and school fundraisers don't take cards.

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Any company, business, or agency whatsoever that accepts physical checks but not direct withdrawal via ACH, or at least the use of a Debit Card is an organization that is deserving of my hard-earned dollar. The last time I ran into that kind of policy was with paying my city taxes two years ago where they "couldn't" take Card payments and asked for a check so I got out of line and went to the bank to pull out cash which they were legally obligated to accept.
I do not, and if I can ever help it, will never own a checkbook or have my banking setup to allow physical checks to be created, they are an inconvenient hassle and far too insecure as far as your personal information goes to risk allowing to exist for my tastes.

Drejk |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy NPC: Grandmother Disappointment
An ancient barbarian chieftainess, whose descendants are nowhere near as heroic as she would expect them to be.

lisamarlene |

lisamarlene wrote:Val's piano teacher, because he's uncomfortable with technology and prefers to receive paper checks, which he takes to a bank teller window like it's still the 1970s.
Yeah, but is he over 60? My mother-in-law still uses checks almost exclusively, but it's what she was brought up with, and change is stressful. So I don't begrudge someone in their 60s and beyond from using checks. But PayPal came along when I was in my early 30s, electronic payment skyrocketed, and checks started going the way of the CD by the early 2000s. If you're 70 and you're writing checks for most of your transactions I don't have an issue. If you're 35 and you're writing checks for most of your transactions I wonder what's wrong with you.
And to cut off the "online payments are expensive" argument, ordering checks now costs me $1 per check. Learning to do it electronically would rapidly start saving me money.
I Googled him. He's 71. Doesn't look it.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.
Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.

Johnny Fencesitter |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.
It could also mean super abusive parents or a cult like structure.
Perhaps I've been living in the Midwest too long.

captain yesterday |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

That's the difference between the Midwest and the west coast.
On the west coast as long as everyone keeps to their own business and doesn't intrude on their neighbors everything is cool.
In the Midwest, if your neighbors aren't interested in your business or intruding on their neighbors then everything is not cool.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

On the west coast as long as everyone keeps to their own business and doesn't intrude on their neighbors everything is cool.
That is terrifyingly accurate. If you're running a meth lab but using proper ventilation so it doesn't smell and doesn't make a ton of noise and nobody parks in front of anyone else's house, you're golden.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.
It could also mean super abusive parents or a cult like structure.
Perhaps I've been living in the Midwest too long.
Goes so in the South too.

NobodysHome |

A couple of perfectly polite young men just knocked at the door looking for "Miles", a 17-year-old friend of theirs. I have to assume he's a member of the horde next door, since there are no "Mileses" listed on our nosy neighbor's neighborhood watch dude's list.
Seems much more cult-y and much less abuse-y.
I can live with that.
EDIT: If you think I'm bad for monitoring (and complaining about) activity in my area, at least I don't bang on all new neighborhood member's doors and demand to know their names, birthdays, kids' names, birthdays, and all their pet names and types. Normally when I meet my neighbors I warn them because Neighborhood Watch guy is pretty scary if you meet him out of context. Tall, with a gaunt, haunted face, knocking at your door and asking about all your family members. Scary dude. Which is hilarious because he's actually a really nice guy.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.
That sounds eerily like a Mormon family that I lived across the street from about a decade ago, a big family with the parents, four kids plus one cousin all sharing a roof and you would hardly know anyone lived there at all if it weren't for the two vehicles in the driveway with the occupants occasionally entering/exiting the abode. They never socialized with the neighborhood, hired a lawncare company to mow, and seemed to be meticulous about the whole home being lights out by 9pm.

BigNorseWolf |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Someone knocks at the door at 8 o clock. Answer. Someone is looking for the neighbors kid. Seems kinda sketchy and is hard to understand
Ask the neighbor, the kid got into a fight.
12 midnight knock knock knock. Grab the nearest pointy object on the way to the door.
Open the door. Looking for kid. Wrong house.
Guy grabs a baseball bat out of my bushes.
I swing the door open a leeeeetle wider. My left hand is holding a bastard sword, already raised.
"Look, there's the wrong house and theres WRONG. House...."

NobodysHome |

NobodysHome wrote:That sounds eerily like a Mormon family that I lived across the street from about a decade ago, a big family with the parents, four kids plus one cousin all sharing a roof and you would hardly know anyone lived there at all if it weren't for the two vehicles in the driveway with the occupants occasionally entering/exiting the abode. They never socialized with the neighborhood, hired a lawncare company to mow, and seemed to be meticulous about the whole home being lights out by 9pm.Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.
What my neighbor said is that it's a couple who both have kids from previous marriages. So mom has two kids, gets divorced. Marries a dad who has 2 kids from his previous marriage. Then they have two kids together. Voila! Horde!
Though I'm fairly sure there's some shared custody or something going on -- I've seen Dad, Mom, Baby, and Sister and Brother (maybe 10-12-ish?). So even though I've been told there are up to 8 people living there, I've only seen 5 so I suspect they're rotating custody around to keep the house from getting too crazy.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, well, the mystery is over. It was fun while it lasted.
Yes, it's a nice "mixed" family where Dad has 4 kids from a previous marriage and Mom has 1 and they have one together, but 3 of Dad's kids are away in college so there are only 5 people in the house right now. And apparently at their previous place there were issues because they were the noisiest house on the block so they were trying to be ultra-careful here.
Which is pretty hilarious because they admit they've been listening to Impus Minor's screams since the day they moved in.
You want noisy neighbors? Impus Minor'll drown out the best of 'em.
And suddenly, after that conversation, I'm nearing noise and kids playing and just general sounds of happiness from the house next door.
All is good.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Why is Impus Minor screaming?
You might as well ask, "Why does Impus Major sing at the top of his lungs every time he emerges from WhimseyShire?"
It is the nature of the universe.
But to be more specific, he is greatly enthusiastic about his online gaming, and his "hyena-like cackling" can be heard half a block away. He yells about everything that's happening at the top of his lungs. I would be horrifically embarrassed by it all, except every single neighbor I've talked to says they appreciate it.
Apparently in the past the noise of a town crier was reassurance to the huddled masses that all was well in the world. These days it's a screaming gamer.
And I'm not exaggerating for once: One neighbor came down with crippling clinical anxiety during COVID, and they insist that if it hadn't been for Impus Minor's joyous screams every night during lockdown they might not be here today.
So I let him scream.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Why is Impus Minor screaming?You might as well ask, "Why does Impus Major sing at the top of his lungs every time he emerges from WhimseyShire?"
It is the nature of the universe.
But to be more specific, he is greatly enthusiastic about his online gaming, and his "hyena-like cackling" can be heard half a block away. He yells about everything that's happening at the top of his lungs. I would be horrifically embarrassed by it all, except every single neighbor I've talked to says they appreciate it.
Apparently in the past the noise of a town crier was reassurance to the huddled masses that all was well in the world. These days it's a screaming gamer.
And I'm not exaggerating for once: One neighbor came down with crippling clinical anxiety during COVID, and they insist that if it hadn't been for Impus Minor's joyous screams every night during lockdown they might not be here today.
So I let him scream.
So close, and yet so different.
I do not scream while gaming. I do have a case of Game Rage (TM), but I don't scream - I curse the designers under my breath, stride between my room, kitchen, and bathroom frustrated, but I don't scream.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of perfectly polite young men just knocked at the door looking for "Miles", a 17-year-old friend of theirs. I have to assume he's a member of the horde next door, since there are no "Mileses" listed on our
nosy neighbor'sneighborhood watch dude's list.Seems much more cult-y and much less abuse-y.
I can live with that.
EDIT: If you think I'm bad for monitoring (and complaining about) activity in my area, at least I don't bang on all new neighborhood member's doors and demand to know their names, birthdays, kids' names, birthdays, and all their pet names and types. Normally when I meet my neighbors I warn them because Neighborhood Watch guy is pretty scary if you meet him out of context. Tall, with a gaunt, haunted face, knocking at your door and asking about all your family members. Scary dude. Which is hilarious because he's actually a really nice guy.
Okay Mrs. Kravitz.

Freehold DM |

NobodysHome wrote:Orthos wrote:Why is Impus Minor screaming?You might as well ask, "Why does Impus Major sing at the top of his lungs every time he emerges from WhimseyShire?"
It is the nature of the universe.
But to be more specific, he is greatly enthusiastic about his online gaming, and his "hyena-like cackling" can be heard half a block away. He yells about everything that's happening at the top of his lungs. I would be horrifically embarrassed by it all, except every single neighbor I've talked to says they appreciate it.
Apparently in the past the noise of a town crier was reassurance to the huddled masses that all was well in the world. These days it's a screaming gamer.
And I'm not exaggerating for once: One neighbor came down with crippling clinical anxiety during COVID, and they insist that if it hadn't been for Impus Minor's joyous screams every night during lockdown they might not be here today.
So I let him scream.
So close, and yet so different.
I do not scream while gaming. I do have a case of Game Rage (TM), but I don't scream - I curse the designers under my breath, stride between my room, kitchen, and bathroom frustrated, but I don't scream.
I don't game with others online.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just whipped up the three different versions of my kobold for the 5e game. Alchemist and Artificer are basically clones of each other down to the stats, just with different class abilities. 5e Gunslinger is apparently a Fighter archetype so less Int, more Dex - no extra skills for high Int in 5e, alas.

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:I don't game with others online.NobodysHome wrote:Orthos wrote:Why is Impus Minor screaming?You might as well ask, "Why does Impus Major sing at the top of his lungs every time he emerges from WhimseyShire?"
It is the nature of the universe.
But to be more specific, he is greatly enthusiastic about his online gaming, and his "hyena-like cackling" can be heard half a block away. He yells about everything that's happening at the top of his lungs. I would be horrifically embarrassed by it all, except every single neighbor I've talked to says they appreciate it.
Apparently in the past the noise of a town crier was reassurance to the huddled masses that all was well in the world. These days it's a screaming gamer.
And I'm not exaggerating for once: One neighbor came down with crippling clinical anxiety during COVID, and they insist that if it hadn't been for Impus Minor's joyous screams every night during lockdown they might not be here today.
So I let him scream.
So close, and yet so different.
I do not scream while gaming. I do have a case of Game Rage (TM), but I don't scream - I curse the designers under my breath, stride between my room, kitchen, and bathroom frustrated, but I don't scream.
Neither do I. I rage at games and their design(ers), not other players.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pretty much only play NWN1 online with people I actually interact with.
FFXIV when I get to dungeons or raids that need groups has a group-finder system, but otherwise is designed to be played mostly solo.
Very occasionally play a round of Deep Rock Galactic with friends.
Everything else I play is single-player.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pretty much only play NWN1 online with people I actually interact with.
FFXIV when I get to dungeons or raids that need groups has a group-finder system, but otherwise is designed to be played mostly solo.
Very occasionally play a round of Deep Rock Galactic with friends.
Everything else I play is single-player.
And let's be honest -- both FFXIV and DRG have some of the friendliest, most supportive player bases out there.
There was a so-so 3-minute "comedy" video on "WoW player tries FFXIV for the first time", but one bit resonated with me: "OK. We wiped. Now I'll scream that it's all your fault and rage quit."
"Oh, no. We'll just do it again. No worries. And let us help you out where you're having trouble with the mechanics."
Very close to home in everything except top-level raids in FFXIV.
(And Orthos, if you ever need extra players for dungeons you can PM me and I'll give you my player info.)

NobodysHome |

Wow. Now I feel like a monster.
Finally met the family next door. Told them that we had no issues whatsoever with happy noises. After our conversation all afternoon and evening I heard kids playing.
How could they possibly have thought we were so monstrous that they stifled their kids that much? I shudder to think what their former neighbors were like.

Margola Xenth, Warrior of Light |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Pretty much only play NWN1 online with people I actually interact with.
FFXIV when I get to dungeons or raids that need groups has a group-finder system, but otherwise is designed to be played mostly solo.
Very occasionally play a round of Deep Rock Galactic with friends.
Everything else I play is single-player.
And let's be honest -- both FFXIV and DRG have some of the friendliest, most supportive player bases out there.
There was a so-so 3-minute "comedy" video on "WoW player tries FFXIV for the first time", but one bit resonated with me: "OK. We wiped. Now I'll scream that it's all your fault and rage quit."
"Oh, no. We'll just do it again. No worries. And let us help you out where you're having trouble with the mechanics."Very close to home in everything except top-level raids in FFXIV.
They really are. It's been such a wonderful breath of fresh air compared to years of playing WoW.
Wiped in a group three times on a tough boss yesterday, every time the group was just "okay here's what we did wrong, ready to go again?" and everyone was cool about it. I've gotten so many helpful comments as I've been learning how to play healer classes, rather than complaints about "letting people die".
(And Orthos, if you ever need extra players for dungeons you can PM me and I'll give you my player info.)
Mine's in my profile!

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

They really are. It's been such a wonderful breath of fresh air compared to years of playing WoW.
Wiped in a group three times on a tough boss yesterday, every time the group was just "okay here's what we did wrong, ready to go again?" and everyone was cool about it. I've gotten so many helpful comments as I've been learning how to play healer classes, rather than complaints about "letting people die".
Shiro and GothBard quit years ago at the end of Shadowbringers because of the infamous Seat of Sacrifice duty. (8 players with THREE, count 'em, THREE, "If anyone in the party does this wrong the whole party wipes" mechanics.)
I was telling them how amazingly friendly the "modern" community has become so they've come back to the fold and we did SoS with three friends I'd met in the game and two randos, and it was an incredibly supportive group. My "price" for getting help was to tank Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) without ever having seen it. Turns out the other tank hadn't either, so we wiped a few times as the two tanks learned the mechanics. And everyone else thought it was hilarious.. "OK, guys, we wiped because your next job is to pull those two adds to these two corners. Let's go again..."
"Great job! But we forgot to tell you that the NEXT thing to do is..."

Orthos |

Margola Xenth, Warrior of Light wrote:They really are. It's been such a wonderful breath of fresh air compared to years of playing WoW.
Wiped in a group three times on a tough boss yesterday, every time the group was just "okay here's what we did wrong, ready to go again?" and everyone was cool about it. I've gotten so many helpful comments as I've been learning how to play healer classes, rather than complaints about "letting people die".
Shiro and GothBard quit years ago at the end of Shadowbringers because of the infamous Seat of Sacrifice duty. (8 players with THREE, count 'em, THREE, "If anyone in the party does this wrong the whole party wipes" mechanics.)
I was telling them how amazingly friendly the "modern" community has become so they've come back to the fold and we did SoS with three friends I'd met in the game and two randos, and it was an incredibly supportive group. My "price" for getting help was to tank Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) without ever having seen it. Turns out the other tank hadn't either, so we wiped a few times as the two tanks learned the mechanics. And everyone else thought it was hilarious.. "OK, guys, we wiped because your next job is to pull those two adds to these two corners. Let's go again..."
"Great job! But we forgot to tell you that the NEXT thing to do is..."
I've never done the Extreme version of that. My main class is DRK so I'm usually tanking, and thus far only done the basic version of the duty required to get through that part of the story. I don't remember having too much difficulty with it, but again not Extreme.
(I'm currently between ShB and EW in MSQ progression, stopped to level my lower-level classes, particularly Healers, during the Mogstone events.)

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've never done the Extreme version of that. My main class is DRK so I'm usually tanking, and thus far only done the basic version of the duty required to get through that part of the story. I don't remember having too much difficulty with it, but again not Extreme.
My guess is that you were playing with experienced randos:
(1) At the start of the duty, everyone drops to 1 HP. Healers have 10 seconds to heal everyone in the party to full; anyone who doesn't get fully healed dies.(2) Mid-duty there's a button-mashing event where even dead players have to mash the button. AFAIK it's the only duty where dead players have to participate, so there were a lot of wipes early on because players died, saw the event start, and went off to get a drink because they figured they weren't involved.
(3) Right after the button-mashing, one of the tanks has do do a limit break within a 3 second window or the party wipes. This is the HUGE mechanic of the fight because it used to be that there was no indication as to when to hit the button. That was obviously so horrible that Square Enix re-thought it, and when I did the duty last week there's now a handy text box that says something like, "Gird your defenses" which is code-speak for "hit that limit break button NOW, tanks!"
(I'm currently between ShB and EW in MSQ progression, stopped to level my lower-level classes, particularly Healers, during the Mogstone events.)
I live in the land of "don't ask", having played as only an obsessive-compulsive can. Yes, max level in all classes. Yes, all MSQ quests and non-raid side quests done. Yes, I have a spreadsheet of the remaining raids I need to finish to wrap up all available content (except PvP) and have it all done before Dawntrail releases. Yes, obsessive-compulsive much.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was playing with "whoever came up on the duty roulette" so probably. I remember the 1-hp thing but it wasn't an issue so I'm guessing the healers were on the ball. Likewise I'm guessing the other tank handled the LB because I always forget that's a thing >.> and tanks don't usually have to use it (the only other time I've seen a tank LB required to not wipe being Alexander).

Margola Xenth, Warrior of Light |

Yes, max level in all classes.
Sweet, that means you got the Amaro mount! It's my current long-term goal, but I have a looooong way to go.
And that's not even talking DoH/DoL classes, which I haven't even unlocked much less leveled. >.>
Out of curiosity what classes do you enjoy/play most? As I said my main class is DRK, followed by the other tanks, then SGE and the other healers, then RPR, RDM, BLU, and NIN for DPS.

NobodysHome |

Quote:Yes, max level in all classes.Sweet, that means you got the Amaro mount! It's my current long-term goal, but I have a looooong way to go.
And that's not even talking DoH/DoL classes, which I haven't even unlocked much less leveled. >.>
Out of curiosity what classes do you enjoy/play most? As I said my main class is DRK, followed by the other tanks, then SGE and the other healers, then RPR, RDM, BLU, and NIN for DPS.
(2) Reaper. The DPS. OMG. The DPS.
(3) Dancer. Lower DPS, but a self-heal, buffing others, and staggering mobility. (Yes, you might have noticed that I like support classes.)
(4) Sage. How many instant heals to you need? Got 'em. VERY good team healer. White mage is better for solo play, but sage is better at keeping teams alive.
Other than that, I kind of poke around. I hate monk. The other tank classes are fun, but I prefer defense and healing over offense so paladin's my go-to class. Scholar is useless. Machinist is lots of fun, but aside from an initial burst DPS their damage output is too low to be practical. And I really enjoy the long, slow simmer that is the black mage's HUGE laundry list to get up to their massive DPS output. The problem is, getting 13 seconds of standing around casting isn't particularly practical against anything other than bosses, so pretty much exclusively a dungeon class.
And the rest? If I didn't mention it, I can play it, but nothing about it really inspired me to say, "Wow! This is a lot of fun!" Dragoon and their jumps, ninjas and their frogs, etc., are all "interesting", but not tons of fun for me.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

In other news, mainly for Scint's amusement, to my abject horror Impus Major's malicious compliance presentation got a 50/50 and he got an A in the class.
To add further insult to my sense of decency, the instructor tried to add a comment on Impus Major's presentation but got cut off mid-sentence and he didn't even notice, so Impus Major has a 50/50 and a comment along the lines of, "Nice job re".

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I'm staying with my brother for a bit and a nice little windstorm hit a few nights ago.
The bad news: A fully mature tree fell and landed squarely on the very topmost peak of the building in the middle of the night. From inside it sounded like an actual explosion as it struck the truss and sent noise through the bones of the entire structure which woke up everybody including his toddler.
The good news: As I was the only "fit" person in the home I was the one to check the attic plus roof and there was remarkably little damage, like, shocking little. It was thankfully a birch tree and did negligible damage, a few damaged shingles, a slightly bent up rain gutter, and some siding was shaken loose. and a roof that needed sweeping of some bark and twigs. It wasn't even enough to bother filing an insurance claim since fixing it will involve replacing one section of gutter and two shingles, both of which there were some leftover pieces sitting in the garage.
I spent a few hours helping him take the chainsaw to the (now) dead tree and hauling it to a newly designated spot in the hedgerow for deadfall wood that needs to be chopped up and split for bonfires and I got a nice workout from it.

Orthos |

Margola Xenth, Warrior of Light wrote:** spoiler omitted **Quote:Yes, max level in all classes.Sweet, that means you got the Amaro mount! It's my current long-term goal, but I have a looooong way to go.
And that's not even talking DoH/DoL classes, which I haven't even unlocked much less leveled. >.>
Out of curiosity what classes do you enjoy/play most? As I said my main class is DRK, followed by the other tanks, then SGE and the other healers, then RPR, RDM, BLU, and NIN for DPS.
SGE is absolutely my favorite healer. Laser healmage! Pew pew pew! I specifically glammed mine up to look like a mad scientist - white coat, black gloves and boots, kooky glasses with lots of lenses.
AST is my second-favorite, I love tossing out the cards and bopping people with regen. I don't mind WHM and it's fun for dungeoning, but prefer SGE or AST in raids and duties. Likewise I don't really care for SCH outside of very low-level dungeons where I can just blast and let the fairy heal.
NIN I actually don't use the frog much, mostly because I can never remember the right combo for it. I tend to either use the thing that lets me hit from any angle or the one that throws down an AoE DoT zone. Otherwise I love the flavor and the crazy acrobatics. I also dressed mine up in the full Gambler's/Setzer's outfit from the Gold Saucer with a domino mask, playing up the dashing rogue archetype more than the typical ninja.
I may have a bit too much fun with Fashion Fantasy. 8D
RPR I have to agree with you, it's just crazy damage fun.
MCH is just too entertaining. All the wonky gizmos are just hilarious.
RDM is my favorite offensive caster class, it took a while to get the hang of it but I love the rhythm of cast->instacast once it gets rolling.
I absolutely agree that Monk is the worst, it's stuck at the bottom of my list along with Dragoon, Bard, BLM, and SUM I just kinda ... don't really use. I'm going to have to to get them leveled, eventually, but I'm not looking forward to it, especially with Monk and Bard.
I've always loved Blue Magic so I do enjoy BLU, though since it's sequestered off in its own box I don't get to do much with it.