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Just spent 10 minutes arguing with a lady about how if she wants to stay for 2 nights, she has to pay for 2 nights. Her entire argument was "But I'm an elite member, so I'm guaranteed early check-in. So just check me in early." First off, elite members do not have guaranteed early check-ins. Secondly, even if they did, that doesn't mean you can check in a day early.

I wanna go back on vacation.

Hello, everyone.

Hello, John!

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I'm going to declare that it's officially hit "autumn" in the Bay Area. Our trees never change color and we never get any significant wind nor rain, so autumn occurs when I can't open the windows at sunrise any more because it's too "cold" outside.

"Cold" being a relative term. For everyone's comfort, I don't open the windows unless it's at least 70°F inside or 60°F outside. This morning is the first time those conditions haven't been met since the start of summer, so summer is over and now it's autumn.

And yeah, I prefer "autumn" to "fall" because I try to avoid overloaded English words. I typically use "correct" instead of "right" for the same reason. I'm a pedant.

All I know is everyone is all worked up about leaves changing color.

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Apparently today is a day of painful silliness:

- Impus Minor's driver's license arrived in the mail. As infamously bad as DL pictures are, this one is truly a pinnacle of hideous personal photography.

- GothBard got not one, but two jury summons on the same day, with two different juror numbers. One with her hyphenated name, and one with a space instead of the hyphen.

Did I mention that interacting with the government can be painful at times?

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Today, the cats (AKA the Mognol Horde, AKA the Purrbarians) managed to get into the cardboard box containing their little foil packets of grub, and scoffed the lot. As such, cat food is now being kept in a locked box.

They were still claiming to be starving when I got home, of course.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?

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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?

Saw? Pretty sure cap uses laser eyes to cut them.

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?

Stihl 420 with German saw blades.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?
Saw? Pretty sure cap uses laser eyes to cut them.

Also, yes.

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Back at work today. Trying to stay positive.

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Sent an email to a client on Monday last week. Needed to schedule a time to do a local disaster recovery test.

First, they asked me to do this.

Second, it means shutting down their key production servers, so I have to do it outside business hours.

Took them a week to get back to me. Fine.

I ask when I can do it, and I was told it would have to be after 10pm. Ok. I said it would be a good idea for one of their people to be "on call" in case something goes sideways. Shouldn't, but people shouldn't win the lottery either.

Later in the day, the client calls in to our help desk. During the call, he answers his cell phone. Puts it on speaker,does not mute the call with our help desk tech, and then proceeds to complain in this "other conversation" about how I'm forcing them to stay up late and why do I have to do this so late at night...

I don't know what I've done to attract these people, but I'd like it to stop.

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Vanykrye wrote:
I don't know what I've done to attract these people...

*Douglas Adams mode on * Being born was probably when the things went sideways for you. *Douglas Adams mode off*

I should know better than check on Humble Bundle by now (or any of my game shop accounts, really).

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Year One Pass is on sale (which I was hoping for when I added it to my wishlist). What's worse, it's exactly within range of being affordable to me at the moment...

At least the Valhalla isn't on sale anymore, and Far Cry 6 sale price is still beyond my reach solving me the conundrum of deciding.

Unless I'd pass on DLCs.

Nahhhh, I want to play as Pagan Min!

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Drejk wrote:

I should know better than check on Humble Bundle by now (or any of my game shop accounts, really).

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Year One Pass is on sale (which I was hoping for when I added it to my wishlist). What's worse, it's exactly within range of being affordable to me at the moment...

Ghost Recon is a source of neverending amusement for our gaming group, because apparently elite special ops forces can neither jump nor get past chain link fences.

Worried about a U.S. invasion? Put up concrete curbs and chain link fences. Crisis averted!

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I see Raoul Castro busily taking notes.

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I should know better than check on Humble Bundle by now (or any of my game shop accounts, really).

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Year One Pass is on sale (which I was hoping for when I added it to my wishlist). What's worse, it's exactly within range of being affordable to me at the moment...

Ghost Recon is a source of neverending amusement for our gaming group, because apparently elite special ops forces can neither jump nor get past chain link fences.

Worried about a U.S. invasion? Put up concrete curbs and chain link fences. Crisis averted!

Oh, I hate the lack of jumping and terrible contextual-mis-climbing that gets more and more commonplace in games, particularly 3rd person shooters. Metal Gear Solid V was equally big offender earlier this year as Ghost Recons were last year.

I was particularly annoyed in Wildlands when I slid down a mountainside only to get stuck in the s&!$ty geometry. Because it was matter of poorly placed underlying polygons, there was no contextual climbing possible - regular jumping would easily took me out of that small crack in ground, but no, they had not include the obvious skill.

You would have thought that US military expect some degree of physical fitness from special forces operates...

BTW: Have your group got to play Breakpoint after Wildlands? I found the Breakpoint's gameplay (though not necessarily story or visuals) far superior to Wildlands, though Bolivia sure was gorgeous place.

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Drejk wrote:
Oh, I hate the lack of jumping and terrible contextual-mis-climbing that gets more and more commonplace in games, particularly 3rd person shooters. Metal Gear Solid V was equally big offender earlier this year as Ghost Recons were last year.

Apparently you haven't "enjoyed" Fallout 76's, "I Fast Travel to a friend... only to wind up in the netherspace below their house that I can't get out of without Fast Traveling somewhere else..."

Drejk wrote:
You would have thought that US military expect some degree of physical fitness from special forces operates...

As I said, their inability to cross even knee-high railings was a source of neverending amusement and/or frustration.

Drejk wrote:
BTW: Have your group got to play Breakpoint after Wildlands? I found the Breakpoint's gameplay (though not necessarily story or visuals) far superior to Wildlands, though Bolivia sure was gorgeous place.

Soooo... the best description I've ever heard of Lara Croft Guy's play style is that "he's a solo gamer who happens to have other people gaming around him."

Another neverending source of frustration with Wildlands was to have me, GothBard, and Shiro sneaking up on a base, sniping sentries in watchtowers, only to have everything explode into gunfire, alarms, and hordes of reinforcements because Lara Croft Guy decided to go in guns blazing. In most games we can deal with him wandering off and doing his own thing. In Wildlands it was our #1 cause of death. So no, if he can't run off and do his own thing, we're not so eager to play the game.

Breakpoint felt more forgiving than Wildlands when it came to more blunt combat approach, at least to me, though still pure assault with disregard to cover and not silencing alarms/radio operators was asking for having your donkey handed to you.

Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I don't know what I've done to attract these people...
*Douglas Adams mode on * Being born was probably when the things went sideways for you. *Douglas Adams mode off*

Drejk gets cookies.

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captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?
Stihl 420 with German saw blades.

We've got something similar. Based on experience, I'm assuming the trick to making curved cuts is to try as hard as you can to make straight cuts.

lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I don't know what I've done to attract these people...
*Douglas Adams mode on * Being born was probably when the things went sideways for you. *Douglas Adams mode off*
Drejk gets cookies.

I could use a cookie.

Ok, maybe not right now, because I am going to sleep soon (yeah, right) and I would to have to wash my teeth afterwards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The solution to your dilemma may be found in LisaMarlene's Special Toothpaste Cookies.

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?
Stihl 420 with German saw blades.
We've got something similar. Based on experience, I'm assuming the trick to making curved cuts is to try as hard as you can to make straight cuts.

I basically cut a whole bunch of small strips out with the saw so it looks like a bunch of piano keys and then I use a hammer to knock off whatever doesn't naturally break off when cutting and then either use the saw or an electric hand grinder (depending on how thick the paver and how severe the curve) to clean up anything left behind.

I've also refined the process a bit but that would require making a video or showing you how to do it in person.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

How is it that the closest I've come to an actual fight in my classroom wasn't to do with the Lord of the Flies survival activity but a disagreement over whether or not "Monterey Jack cheese" should be capitalized?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Cheese is important.

Scintillae wrote:
How is it that the closest I've come to an actual fight in my classroom wasn't to do with the Lord of the Flies survival activity but a disagreement over whether or not "Monterey Jack cheese" should be capitalized?

How about whether or not "Colby-Jack" should be hyphenated?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
How is it that the closest I've come to an actual fight in my classroom wasn't to do with the Lord of the Flies survival activity but a disagreement over whether or not "Monterey Jack cheese" should be capitalized?
How about whether or not "Colby-Jack" should be hyphenated?

The only thing that matters is it says it's made in Wisconsin.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Cheese is important.

This guy gets it!

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What an educational thread this is. Without it, I would never have heard of Colby-Jack cheese, nor discovered the website, and thereby found out that somebody (American) decided to make a cheese called Amish Frolic.

Limeylongears wrote:
What an educational thread this is. Without it, I would never have heard of Colby-Jack cheese, nor discovered the website, and thereby found out that somebody (American) decided to make a cheese called Amish Frolic.

It's the kind of "cheese" that old ladies like because it's non-threatening and has virtually no flavor.

It's my mom's favorite.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

My players are upset with me. They think I killed a baby on purpose to mess with them.

They found the baby.
The Rogue fashioned a sling to carry the baby.
They found an enemy in a room.
The Rogue used a wand to turn invisible (I ruled that since she was carrying the baby, it also turned invisible. Mainly because I thought she was going to run away to keep it safe.)
The Rogue moved into the room, as did the rest of the party.
The enemy, being an 11th level evil Cleric who was surrounded by enemies, channeled negative energy for 6d6 damage to everyone. Including the baby. But he wouldn't have done that if he knew the baby was there, because he needed it alive.

I say they have some responsibility for its death, especially since they could have left it with the Paladin (The Paladin's player caught the COVID, so he wasn't there and we put the Paladin out to guard the horses. He could have easily watched the baby too, instead of hauling it through the rest of the house.)

Today, in the group chat, the players discussed the humorous possibilities around having the baby Reincarnated. I told them that I was all for it, mainly because of how it would play out.

"Let's think this through. You meet the parents, disappear for a week (it's about 3 days travel each way to the nearest place they know they can get a Reincarnate), show up and hand them a 3-month-old...something...and say 'Here's your baby! She may be a bit more sickly than you remember, what with the permanent -2 CON she has now. Good luck!' I look forward to seeing what you roll on the chart."

And now they don't want to do it.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
What an educational thread this is. Without it, I would never have heard of Colby-Jack cheese, nor discovered the website, and thereby found out that somebody (American) decided to make a cheese called Amish Frolic.

It's the kind of "cheese" that old ladies like because it's non-threatening and has virtually no flavor.

The concept of threatening cheese is an intriguing one...

New challenge!

Let's see if I can make it the rest of the week without getting rained out early.

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Personally, I'm on day 3 of cutting pavers. And I'm making really good time which should tell you how many pavers I have to cut.

And it's also all curves and half circles I have to cut.

Out of curiosity, what kind of saw are you using?
Stihl 420 with German saw blades.
We've got something similar. Based on experience, I'm assuming the trick to making curved cuts is to try as hard as you can to make straight cuts.

Hahaha! I just now got the joke!

Yes, that is correct!

I've actually found you get a higher degree of accuracy if brace your elbow on your knee or leg when you cut.

Also, for whatever reason this song is extremely helpful when cutting.

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Does anyone else get irritated by people who "specialize" in very broad things? Like, there's a commercial I hear on the radio occasionally for a dentist that says "We specialize in treating patients of all ages". That's not a specialty. That's a generalty. Or a car mechanic that "specializes in foreign and domestic cars". Or a plumber who "specializes in repairs, refits, remodels, and new construction". So everything? You can't specialize in everything.

Maybe it's just me.

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I specialize in vague generalities.

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Vanykrye wrote:
I specialize in vague generalities.

Really? I generalize in special vaguities.

Musical interlude -essential music for work-

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Limeylongears wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
What an educational thread this is. Without it, I would never have heard of Colby-Jack cheese, nor discovered the website, and thereby found out that somebody (American) decided to make a cheese called Amish Frolic.

It's the kind of "cheese" that old ladies like because it's non-threatening and has virtually no flavor.

The concept of threatening cheese is an intriguing one...

Obvious Limburger joke goes here.

Though I now want to request that Drejk stat the Cheese Mafia as NPCs...
"Big Cheddar's run out of patience."

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

'Here's your baby! She may be a bit more sickly than you remember, what with the permanent -2 CON she has now. Good luck!' I look forward to seeing what you roll on the chart."

And now they don't want to do it.


depending on the rogues bluff why not just snag a baby squirrel and hand it to them and save the money?

Damn, it's proving incredibly difficult cutting around the deck posts. Of course it is also incredibly windy and cold. And unfortunately whoever put the posts in did not care if they were square with the house at all.

OK. This is what it's like living in the Bay Area.

I look at this article and think, "Wow! That really *IS* a bargain!"

So... this might be fun.

LaGrangian multipliers are incredibly important in multi-variable calculus, but they're also incredibly convoluted. So, how do you test students on them? There are only a handful of examples that resolve quickly.

So Impus Major gets one 8.5"x11" cheat sheet for his midterm on Tuesday. One half of the sheet is all the other formulas he might need. And about 2/3 of the back side is the single-most-commonly asked LaGrangian example ever: "What is the shape of an ideal can?"

If I guessed right, it'll be hilarious.

(Awaits Freehold's requisite comments on "ideal cans")

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The importance of the size and shape of the can is inversely proportional to their distance from my exploratory apparatus.

Third out of the four characters in our Vampire: The Masquarade game managed to mess up her feeding time and got witnessed after sucking a man dry in the alley. By the Venice's finest, no less. That's what you get when you start hunting anything more lively than blood bags (she normally feeds on stored blood).

I am the only one left that hadn't bungled that. I'll stick with the cool corpses delivered to my funeral house, thank you.

We already had inquisition in the city. Now we have a curfew announced by police to catch the "pair of serial killers" known as "Butchers Of Venice".

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an ideal can designed by a mathematician is a sphere

Sovereign Court

Drejk wrote:
We already had inquisition in the city.

No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition! Especially when you're in Italy!

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