Freehold DM |

Feros wrote:lisamarlene wrote:Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...Drejk wrote:Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.lisamarlene wrote:Asterix or Obelix size?How to make Teensy Valeros happy:
I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.LOL, we DO have a serious problem with packs of feral hogs, but although I've seen discussions about how to butcher and prepare them in a couple of online groups I follow, I wouldn't be up for trying it myself. Particularly since one recipe I read began with "Singe the hair of the boar off with a blowtorch..."
No skinning and entrails for this girl.
From what I have heard it is a serious problem. Some have said the meat is inedible.

lisamarlene |
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Once again, Texas proves why we can't have nice things.
"Science makes everything possible! Let's cure cancer, AIDS, even the common cold!"
"Nah, man, let's just take some dead spiders and turn them into robots."

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Once again, Texas proves why we can't have nice things.
"Science makes everything possible! Let's cure cancer, AIDS, even the common cold!"
"Nah, man, let's just take some dead spiders and turn them into robots."
Impus Major, on hearing the news: Finally! Something good came out of Texas!

Drejk |
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lisamarlene wrote:Once again, Texas proves why we can't have nice things.
"Science makes everything possible! Let's cure cancer, AIDS, even the common cold!"
"Nah, man, let's just take some dead spiders and turn them into robots."
Impus Major, on hearing the news: Finally! Something good came out of Texas!
The right priorities.

captain yesterday |
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Once again, Texas proves why we can't have nice things.
"Science makes everything possible! Let's cure cancer, AIDS, even the common cold!"
"Nah, man, let's just take some dead spiders and turn them into robots."
Those aren't robots they are just expensive and impractical grabby claws.
Edit: And it's not even a robot! It's just harnessing the power of biology! I hate deceptive articles like that!

BigNorseWolf |
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Edit: And it's not even a robot! It's just harnessing the power of biology! I hate deceptive articles like that!
Well, if the headline was Drunken Scientists Draw "Arachnic Zombie Robot" In a game of mash up and decide "yeah lets make that" would you have believed it any more?

NobodysHome |

Woooow... so much for credit unions being more reliable than banks with your personal information.
I'm with "A" credit union. I just got a letter from "B" credit union, whose "printing vendor" experienced a "network security incident".
And then the kicker: "The information involved may have included your name, address, account numbers, credit score, and Social Security number."
So, WTF is my credit union doing bandying my SSN about to other banks? Oh, that's right! Ancient IT guys who've never grown out of the 1970s still use SSNs as unique record identifiers instead of generating their own.
On the other hand, it'll be interesting to see my corporate identity theft provider at work: We're locked down at all three credit reporting agencies (no credit reports, no new accounts may be opened) and one of my corporate benefits is identity theft protection, so at least no new accounts will get opened in my name.
But name, address, account number, and SSN? That should be enough for someone to drain my bank account with little to no difficulty.
Waiting to see what happens.
EDIT: OK, looks like my credit union might be slightly off the hook. I looked up credit union "B" and it's associated with the company my brother works for. And he gave me a check at about the right time. So, I deposited his check, his credit union processed the information, and they bungled it. My credit union had to give them the information for the transfer... except again WTF is up with using SSN as an ID for anything any more?

NobodysHome |
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Impus Major took his turn doing HelloFresh, with pork chops with a mango salsa over rice. The only assistance I gave him was to zest a couple of limes because they were ornery; otherwise I wasn't even in the kitchen. He didn't bother using timers; he cooked both the rice and the pork chops until he thought they were "done".
And he did an amazing job; both the rice and the pork chops were done perfectly. The whole thing took him under 90 minutes, and he's a completely novice cook. Another point for HelloFresh.

lisamarlene |
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NobodysHome wrote:Do you even have a big enough one to qualify as a lawn? I've been through the bay area.Drejk wrote:Back to San Francisco.Get off my lawn!
Not really, but it has a zombie flamingo, so there's that.
But he gets bonus points for NOT having a front yard covered in cheap-a** painted landscaping rocks from Home Depot instead of anything living, like too many people in the East Bay.

gran rey de los mono |
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Good game tonight. The Paladin was really happy when he waded into a swarm of 17 skeletons and blasted 14 of them into dust with a channel energy.
The book (Broken Moon, part 3 of Carrion Crown) says that if a PC "...wants to run up and channel energy on the entire horde, let her do so!" because "...using this tactic can make that PC feel like more of a hero." Which it absolutely did.

NobodysHome |
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captain yesterday wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Do you even have a big enough one to qualify as a lawn? I've been through the bay area.Drejk wrote:Back to San Francisco.Get off my lawn!Not really, but it has a zombie flamingo, so there's that.
But he gets bonus points for NOT having a front yard covered in cheap-a** painted landscaping rocks from Home Depot instead of anything living, like too many people in the East Bay.
LOLOL. We bought this house in 2002 from a "stereotypical landlord": The fixtures were the cheapest available at the time, no upkeep had been done, and, most importantly, they'd done the whole, "Put black plastic over the entire front yard and then cover it with dirt."
They might as well have salted the earth. It's 20 years later and our front yard is still a barren patch of dirt, with occasional moss growing if it's rainy for a week or two in a row.
Zombie flamingos? Check. Frog skeletons? Check. Abstract steel art? Check. Anything remotely alive? Barely.
And for those who wonder what a "front yard" in the Bay Area is like, it's 14' by 20' (4.25m x 6m), which most 'Merikuns would consider too small to even be a driveway.

Vanykrye |

lisamarlene wrote:captain yesterday wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Do you even have a big enough one to qualify as a lawn? I've been through the bay area.Drejk wrote:Back to San Francisco.Get off my lawn!Not really, but it has a zombie flamingo, so there's that.
But he gets bonus points for NOT having a front yard covered in cheap-a** painted landscaping rocks from Home Depot instead of anything living, like too many people in the East Bay.
LOLOL. We bought this house in 2002 from a "stereotypical landlord": The fixtures were the cheapest available at the time, no upkeep had been done, and, most importantly, they'd done the whole, "Put black plastic over the entire front yard and then cover it with dirt."
They might as well have salted the earth. It's 20 years later and our front yard is still a barren patch of dirt, with occasional moss growing if it's rainy for a week or two in a row.
Zombie flamingos? Check. Frog skeletons? Check. Abstract steel art? Check. Anything remotely alive? Barely.
And for those who wonder what a "front yard" in the Bay Area is like, it's 14' by 20' (4.25m x 6m), which most 'Merikuns would consider too small to even be a driveway.
For scale, a VW Golf...one of the best selling cars throughout the world...is 14.5' long.

Limeylongears |
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Limeylongears wrote:Please give her my best.Today is ALL (DE)' s birthday, so we had a substantial barbecue to celebrate; tomorrow we are going on a nice boat ride.
Thankyou - I shall do so. Her pals from East Yorks. came over, and we had a lot of Tibetan food, then went on the aforementioned boat ride, which also provided us with a fruity scone and jam and cream, and a pot of tea. We also finally got the little lad to have a (long overdue) bath.