Freehold DM |
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David M Mallon wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I wouldn't have thought there were that many Rick Springfield fans around these days...lisamarlene wrote:More than a few people were really upset by that in modern re-showings.WW tried to show the original Battlestar Galactica to the kids last night. Val ran out of the room heaving sobs after the Cylons killed Zach and said it was the worst show in the world.
Guess we're not showing him Game of Thrones, then.
WW cannot let go of his love for cheesy 70s sci-fi. Last night, we watched the Japanese Spider-Man.
Change Leopardon!
The Iron Cross Killer?!?

Freehold DM |

Interesting... I spoke with GothBard and Impus Major about it:
- GothBard's prom was also in San Francisco, and she drove herself to it in her dad's car.
- Impus Major's prom was in Berkeley and a friend's parent drove him there and back with no issues.
- Both of them had prom on a Saturday night; they were both shocked to hear it was on a Sunday.As I said, my primary objection is getting a bunch of high schoolers to San Francisco at night. It's not a good idea these days. My secondary objection is doing it on a Sunday night with school the next day.
Just how many students do you expect to show up on Monday?

captain yesterday |

Interesting... I spoke with GothBard and Impus Major about it:
- GothBard's prom was also in San Francisco, and she drove herself to it in her dad's car.
- Impus Major's prom was in Berkeley and a friend's parent drove him there and back with no issues.
- Both of them had prom on a Saturday night; they were both shocked to hear it was on a Sunday.As I said, my primary objection is getting a bunch of high schoolers to San Francisco at night. It's not a good idea these days. My secondary objection is doing it on a Sunday night with school the next day.
Just how many students do you expect to show up on Monday?
In fairness, scheduling any event on a Saturday after two years of wedding postponements is probably going to be nigh impossible. Which probably explains why it's on a Sunday.

lisamarlene |
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Wow. Prom in the big city is so vastly different from rural prom.
Tickets to my senior prom, in our little town on the gulf coast, were $15 each or $25 per couple.
My date borrowed his best friend's dad's car and we drove half an hour to the town Tactics Lion lives in to go to the Olive Garden, which (for that area) was pretty swank. The prom itself was at the National Guard Armory, and the "decorations" were grey painted castle walls on cardboard flats, and purple helium balloons. Classy!

NobodysHome |
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OK. I have to rescind my Sunday complaint: It's on Memorial Day weekend. But still, going to San Francisco at night is woefully unpleasant these days; I can't believe they couldn't find somewhere closer and less divey.
Like the Ivy Room or something.
Hears LM snorting water out of her nose from half a continent away.

lisamarlene |
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OK. I have to rescind my Sunday complaint: It's on Memorial Day weekend. But still, going to San Francisco at night is woefully unpleasant these days; I can't believe they couldn't find somewhere closer and less divey.
Like the Ivy Room or something.
Hears LM snorting water out of her nose from half a continent away.
Do you have any idea how many musician friends I have who have played the Ivy Room? More than once? Including the guy Shiro's age who fronts a Mott the Hoople tribute band.

NobodysHome |
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Good to know. We're in San Jose for the week and will be hitting the Monterey Bay Aquarium tomorrow.
Monterey Bay Aquarium is awesome.
The San Jose Tech Museum is awesome.
If you can stomach the traffic, the nightmarish parking, and quite literally several homeless people on every block, the Exploratorium in San Francisco is really cool.
It all depends on what you're here to see, but the Monterey Bay Aquarium is a solid first choice.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Do you have any idea how many musician friends I have who have played the Ivy Room? More than once? Including the guy Shiro's age who fronts a Mott the Hoople tribute band.OK. I have to rescind my Sunday complaint: It's on Memorial Day weekend. But still, going to San Francisco at night is woefully unpleasant these days; I can't believe they couldn't find somewhere closer and less divey.
Like the Ivy Room or something.
Hears LM snorting water out of her nose from half a continent away.
We just call it the "Divey Room" and point out that if they moved away, they'd cut Albany's violent crime rate at least in half.

lisamarlene |
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So if you want to know the kind of privilege our neighborhood gets with local laws enforcement, this evening as she was coming home from a meeting, my MiL saw "a man with two flashlights" going across our backyard, behind the garage and into the utility easement.
She scurried inside and told WW.
WW called the police.
TWO squad cars were in our driveway inside of fifteen minutes, reporting that they had apprehended the "miscreant", whom they described as "a utility worker with an apparent death wish" who was trying to cadge some overtime by working on a pole at the end of the easement in the dark after 9 p.m.
They scared the heck out of the poor guy.
I feel guilty about this. There are many neighborhoods in Dallas that actually *need* this level of police attentiveness. Our neighborhood really doesn't. Nothing happens here. We just get better service because of the average property value.

gran rey de los mono |
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Second shift didn't do any laundry today, and his reasoning for it makes my head spin. He said "I do my job, so since the housekeepers aren't doing their job (they left some rooms uncleaned and clocked out early) why should I do my job?" So I went to start the washer, and it's not working. No water is filling it. Guess I'm not doing any laundry either, but at least I have a good reason.

captain yesterday |
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Second shift didn't do any laundry today, and his reasoning for it makes my head spin. He said "I do my job, so since the housekeepers aren't doing their job (they left some rooms uncleaned and clocked out early) why should I do my job?" So I went to start the washer, and it's not working. No water is filling it. Guess I'm not doing any laundry either, but at least I have a good reason.
What you say is "We're all on the same team!" People hate that one!

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Second shift didn't do any laundry today, and his reasoning for it makes my head spin. He said "I do my job, so since the housekeepers aren't doing their job (they left some rooms uncleaned and clocked out early) why should I do my job?" So I went to start the washer, and it's not working. No water is filling it. Guess I'm not doing any laundry either, but at least I have a good reason.What you say is "We're all on the same team!" People hate that one!
There are at least 3 signs spread about the hotel where management says "We're a team". Nobody pays any attention to them.

Chef Yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Good eating is good eating.On a stretch of highway between Lake Mills and Cambridge I happened across 6 dead Opossum and one dead raccoon.
Or as it's called in the backwoods, Thanksgiving.
I think we have vastly different ideas on what good eating is. You do realize I'm talking about road kill opossum and raccoons, right? Just want to make sure you fully grasp what you're claiming is good eating before you come to visit.

lisamarlene |
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Freehold DM wrote:I think we have vastly different ideas on what good eating is. You do realize I'm talking about road kill opossum and raccoons, right? Just want to make sure you fully grasp what you're claiming is good eating before you come to visit.captain yesterday wrote:Good eating is good eating.On a stretch of highway between Lake Mills and Cambridge I happened across 6 dead Opossum and one dead raccoon.
Or as it's called in the backwoods, Thanksgiving.
I don't know if the current editions still include it (I would doubt it) but The Joy of Cooking used to include a section (with helpful skinning and butchering illustrations) on how to prepare squirrel, raccoon, woodchuck, and I think porcupine and beaver.
Proving yet again why it's of the utmost importance to keep The Joy of Cooking and The Joy of Sex on separate bookshelves.
Unless, apparently, you're Armie Hammer.

Freehold DM |
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Chef Yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I think we have vastly different ideas on what good eating is. You do realize I'm talking about road kill opossum and raccoons, right? Just want to make sure you fully grasp what you're claiming is good eating before you come to visit.captain yesterday wrote:Good eating is good eating.On a stretch of highway between Lake Mills and Cambridge I happened across 6 dead Opossum and one dead raccoon.
Or as it's called in the backwoods, Thanksgiving.
I don't know if the current editions still include it (I would doubt it) but The Joy of Cooking used to include a section (with helpful skinning and butchering illustrations) on how to prepare squirrel, raccoon, woodchuck, and I think porcupine and beaver.
Proving yet again why it's of the utmost importance to keep The Joy of Cooking and The Joy of Sex on separate bookshelves.
Unless, apparently, you're Armie Hammer.
I don't just keep them on the same shelf, I keep them next to each other.

gran rey de los mono |
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lisamarlene wrote:I don't just keep them on the same shelf, I keep them next to each other.Chef Yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I think we have vastly different ideas on what good eating is. You do realize I'm talking about road kill opossum and raccoons, right? Just want to make sure you fully grasp what you're claiming is good eating before you come to visit.captain yesterday wrote:Good eating is good eating.On a stretch of highway between Lake Mills and Cambridge I happened across 6 dead Opossum and one dead raccoon.
Or as it's called in the backwoods, Thanksgiving.
I don't know if the current editions still include it (I would doubt it) but The Joy of Cooking used to include a section (with helpful skinning and butchering illustrations) on how to prepare squirrel, raccoon, woodchuck, and I think porcupine and beaver.
Proving yet again why it's of the utmost importance to keep The Joy of Cooking and The Joy of Sex on separate bookshelves.
Unless, apparently, you're Armie Hammer.
I keep them the pages interleaved.

Limeylongears |

Freehold DM wrote:I think we have vastly different ideas on what good eating is. You do realize I'm talking about road kill opossum and raccoons, right? Just want to make sure you fully grasp what you're claiming is good eating before you come to visit.captain yesterday wrote:Good eating is good eating.On a stretch of highway between Lake Mills and Cambridge I happened across 6 dead Opossum and one dead raccoon.
Or as it's called in the backwoods, Thanksgiving.

lisamarlene |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's official, Hermione got cast as Dixie in a local production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the end of summer.
The producer and director invited a handful of children they already knew to audition for them, it wasn't an open call, and she's the one they picked.
Happily, rehearsals don't start until August.

lisamarlene |
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What I'm doing tonight:
Trying to help a grumpy and argumentative Teensy Valeros make a Roman linen tunic and lorica segmentata for his final history project for school, due a week from tonight.
Every craft store in the greater Dallas area is sold out of EVA foam, so we're just doing it out of cardboard and spray-painting it metallic bronze.

Limeylongears |

Limeylongears wrote:As long as he can nail the accordion solo he'll do just fine!Daniel Radcliffe has been cast as 'Weird' Al Jankovic in the upcoming kinematographic entertainment based on Al's own career.
So there you go.
They'll just have him make empty pumping motions with his arms and then CGI the accordion in.

captain yesterday |
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So, our car has been sitting a few months because it started chugging weird and had an oil leak and I just couldn't afford several hundred dollars in repairs.
After working overtime for 2 weeks straight however I decided to take it in and see how much it was going to set me back.
Turns out it just needed an oil change, which was supposed to happen in February of 2020.

NobodysHome |

I was in the womb during this scene!
I was watching it during its initial broadcast run. Loved that show.