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Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

Notes on the Day:

- The pollen season has finally hit the point that masks aren't cutting it any more. Over the last two days, the Prius has developed a thick yellow powdery coat, kind of like a light dusting of snow that's thick enough that you have to run the windshield wipers to be able to see. All pollen. GothBard and I are rather miserable, but at least it didn't hit us until May.

I know some people report that mask wearing has resulted in a much better allergy season. I suspect my problem is I don't wear masks enough - I work from home these days, and typically take my daily walks/hikes unmasked because I live in a relatively remote area and it is easy to social distance. I wonder how much of the day people are wearing masks that it makes a difference for their allergies.

Silver Crusade

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Apparently a mask isn't the only article I was going without...

Silver Crusade

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So, in light of a milestone birthday approaching far too quickly, my husband surprised me* with a trip to a lodge up on in the mountains. The weather was gorgeous and the scenery was beautiful. And so much good food! (Not great for my diet, but I'll get by.)

It was amazing to get away for a bit!

(*He had to tell me we were going away, but I didn't know where.)

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I have not yet gone to get my injection. There is a concern with how it will affect my high blood pressure, even thought it is a minor concern. I haven't been able to meet with my medical doctor on this as his office has been quite busy due to the obvious. I'm keeping my mask on and maintaining social distance, but a family trip has snuck up on me and I will be flying to NobodysHomeLand in a few days. I'll be maintaining the utmost level of COVID restrictions while traveling and while there. I would attempt to hang out with NobodysHome at a distance, however his state is ENORMOUS and I doubt I will be nearby his home.

Freehold, I am not a doctor and I don't know your specific situation, but I know *multiple* people with high blood pressure, including Aiymi, who have gotten the vaccine and have not had issues. One of my friends got the second shot just a week after having a stroke and continued wildly fluctuating blood pressure. No issues from the vaccine.

Aiymi's father has two rare blood disorders, high blood pressure, and massive clotting problems. He was still able to get vaccinated.

Of course, speak to your doctor over me, but I haven't seen any research stating that there is a major problem with the COVID vaccines interacting with BP medications.

This is heartening news. I'll try to talk to my doctor soon.

Do it soon! Call you’re doctor tomorrow. Don’t wait.

1. People with high blood pressure are at greater risk of complications from COVID. We do not want you getting it.

2. NY, like most other states, is rapidly relaxing masking and social distancing rules. That will make it harder for unvaccinated people to stay safe.

3. NY is giving out free lottery tickets with the vaccine. FREE LOTTERY TICKETS!!!

The NY vaccine centers now take walk-ins, so if your doctor says go for it, you don’t even need an appointment.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Notes on the Day:

- The pollen season has finally hit the point that masks aren't cutting it any more. Over the last two days, the Prius has developed a thick yellow powdery coat, kind of like a light dusting of snow that's thick enough that you have to run the windshield wipers to be able to see. All pollen. GothBard and I are rather miserable, but at least it didn't hit us until May.

Have you considered looking at higher quality anti-smog sport masks with a proper replaceable filter? Some of them might be really good at handling pollen, and you are already willing to keep wearing mask anyway.

I was very cross a year ago, when after years of considering anti-smog masks and always not going through with the purchase, finally came the moment that the mask would be even more useful than handling occasional winter smog (Kraków has a terrible air quality in the colder parts of the year because people are idiots and warm their houses burning crap, and the irresponsible construction policies blocked major windways).

Still not purchased anti-smog mask, but now they are rare and even more expensive than in the past years.

NobodysHome wrote:

- The pollen season has finally hit the point that masks aren't cutting it any more. Over the last two days, the Prius has developed a thick yellow powdery coat, kind of like a light dusting of snow that's thick enough that you have to run the windshield wipers to be able to see. All pollen. GothBard and I are rather miserable, but at least it didn't hit us until May.

I hate when it's thick enough that you use your windshield wiper and it comes out as a goop that just mixes with the pollen to make a thicker goop.

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Fortunately I don't suffer from allergies to much, especially since I work outside.

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MasterChef is coming back!

captain yesterday wrote:
MasterChef is coming back!

Chef is back! Back! Back!

Back again! 'gain! 'gain!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I have not yet gone to get my injection. There is a concern with how it will affect my high blood pressure, even thought it is a minor concern. I haven't been able to meet with my medical doctor on this as his office has been quite busy due to the obvious. I'm keeping my mask on and maintaining social distance, but a family trip has snuck up on me and I will be flying to NobodysHomeLand in a few days. I'll be maintaining the utmost level of COVID restrictions while traveling and while there. I would attempt to hang out with NobodysHome at a distance, however his state is ENORMOUS and I doubt I will be nearby his home.

Freehold, I am not a doctor and I don't know your specific situation, but I know *multiple* people with high blood pressure, including Aiymi, who have gotten the vaccine and have not had issues. One of my friends got the second shot just a week after having a stroke and continued wildly fluctuating blood pressure. No issues from the vaccine.

Aiymi's father has two rare blood disorders, high blood pressure, and massive clotting problems. He was still able to get vaccinated.

Of course, speak to your doctor over me, but I haven't seen any research stating that there is a major problem with the COVID vaccines interacting with BP medications.

This is heartening news. I'll try to talk to my doctor soon.

Do it soon! Call you’re doctor tomorrow. Don’t wait.

1. People with high blood pressure are at greater risk of complications from COVID. We do not want you getting it.

2. NY, like most other states, is rapidly relaxing masking and social distancing rules. That will make it harder for unvaccinated people to stay safe.

3. NY is giving out free lottery tickets with the vaccine. FREE LOTTERY TICKETS!!!

The NY vaccine centers now take walk-ins, so if your doctor says go for it, you don’t even need an appointment.

Yes, I definitely agree.

And I say that as someone who hates needles with a deep passion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

What's Wrong with my Brain, Chapter 897:

This morning in the car I switched on NPR, and the story was about the Eurovision competition, which is the first big spectator event to happen in Europe since the start of Covid.

And because I turned it on halfway through the story, I missed the first part and what I heard was how one of the Icelandic band recently tested positive and it was such a shame because they were the odds-on favorite to win.

And because of what just happened with the Kentucky Derby, my brain went straight to doping. And I thought, what kind of performance-enhancing drug could get a rock band disqualified? Especially considering the fact that the contest is happening in Rotterdam. Isn't Holland the country where no one cares what you take as long as you bring enough to share with the rest of the class?

And it took me a good couple minutes to realize that what the band tested positive for was actually Covid.

...aaaaand to be filed under "WTF, brain? Quit messing with reality!", this happened.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Night John.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I feel spectacular today!

Time to see what kind of new super powers I got from the vaccine.

Also, Biomutant is arriving today, and our first order of t-shirts from Woot! (Aptly named The Early Worm Gets The Bird).

Tomorrow my Paizo subs and our other order of t-shirts from Woot! (Titled "I Have The Vaccine!" With He-man holding a vaccine needle instead of the sword of power, seemed a more entertaining way of showing everyone we're vaccinated) should arrive.

lisamarlene wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

What's Wrong with my Brain, Chapter 897:

This morning in the car I switched on NPR, and the story was about the Eurovision competition, which is the first big spectator event to happen in Europe since the start of Covid.

And because I turned it on halfway through the story, I missed the first part and what I heard was how one of the Icelandic band recently tested positive and it was such a shame because they were the odds-on favorite to win.

And because of what just happened with the Kentucky Derby, my brain went straight to doping. And I thought, what kind of performance-enhancing drug could get a rock band disqualified? Especially considering the fact that the contest is happening in Rotterdam. Isn't Holland the country where no one cares what you take as long as you bring enough to share with the rest of the class?

And it took me a good couple minutes to realize that what the band tested positive for was actually Covid.

...aaaaand to be filed under "WTF, brain? Quit messing with reality!", this happened.

Looks nervously at awards shelf.

*Mumbles something about those being the good ole days and how everyone was doing it*

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Good morning, you hoopy froods! Do you know where your towels are?

In our linen closet ofcourse!

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Once again I experienced the mind-boggling stupidity of a guest coming to the lobby, wearing a mask, and leaning across the desk and taking the mask down to talk to me. Why, dumbass? Why?!

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lisamarlene wrote:
Good morning, you hoopy froods! Do you know where your towels are?

I know where so many towels are, it's ridiculous. Only a few are mine, though.

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Don't Panic.

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It's an excellent day to have my towel with me: I can use it as a pillow.

Mandatory all-division meeting about planning for our annual review cycle with our manager. The topics? How you can work on getting that promotion. How you can plan to move laterally within the organization. How you can grow your career.

So yeah, that's all well and good, but Global Megacorporation only has five "tiers" for promotion, and I hit the top tier more than a decade ago. I can't get promoted. And considering I see everyone outside of our division being burned out and leaving due to overwork within 3-5 years, moving laterally seems idiotic.

In short, I'm already at the top tier for what I do, and I don't want to move. So what's the point of this meeting for me again?

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

In short, I'm already at the top tier for what I do, and I don't want to move. So what's the point of this meeting for me again?

Testing out your towel pillow?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's an excellent day to have my towel with me: I can use it as a pillow.

Mandatory all-division meeting about planning for our annual review cycle with our manager. The topics? How you can work on getting that promotion. How you can plan to move laterally within the organization. How you can grow your career.

So yeah, that's all well and good, but Global Megacorporation only has five "tiers" for promotion, and I hit the top tier more than a decade ago. I can't get promoted. And considering I see everyone outside of our division being burned out and leaving due to overwork within 3-5 years, moving laterally seems idiotic.

In short, I'm already at the top tier for what I do, and I don't want to move. So what's the point of this meeting for me again?

Having reached level 36, you can now ascend to Immortal status.

Just my towel this morning.

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Wow... these talks always make me SO appreciative of my manager.
- "Managers should communicate proactively."
- "No feedback on your annual review should come as a surprise. You should have already heard all of it."
- "Your manager's job is to help you grow your career."

Outside of academia, I've never had a manager who didn't do these three things. But apparently I've been extremely lucky.

EDIT: For example, he's spent the last 10 minutes talking about how terrifying it is to provide feedback to your manager. Er, no, not for me. But I know that's a rare, rare thing. Because even my teammate is terrified to correct my manager. I have to keep telling him, "She has a thick skin. Just be honest with her and everything will work fine."
"But... but... what if she gets mad?"
"What part of 'thick skin' don't you understand?"

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It is the 42nd Towel Day.

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CrystalSeas wrote:
It is the 42nd Towel Day.

I am 42 years old.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
It is the 42nd Towel Day.
I am 42 years old.

Goddamn, you're old!

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Cookies for everyone!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The Boss gave me a project that he expected would take me all day.

I'm already done.

Fortunately he foresaw this and told me what I'm doing tomorrow so I can get a head start on that.

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So I have a shirt package arriving via UPS and a video game arriving via FedEx today.

1) I hope they arrive at the same time.

2) I hope the General has her phone ready to film the inevitable brawl if they do.

Hello, everyone.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Best Line from a Restaurant Employee on the Pandemic:

Shiro finally went back to his favorite Thai place after a 14-month absence. The owner/manager took one look at him and exclaimed, "Wow! You've lost a lot of weight! Either you've been exercising a lot, or you're a terrible cook!"

NobodysHome wrote:

It's an excellent day to have my towel with me: I can use it as a pillow.

Mandatory all-division meeting about planning for our annual review cycle with our manager. The topics? How you can work on getting that promotion. How you can plan to move laterally within the organization. How you can grow your career.

So yeah, that's all well and good, but Global Megacorporation only has five "tiers" for promotion, and I hit the top tier more than a decade ago. I can't get promoted. And considering I see everyone outside of our division being burned out and leaving due to overwork within 3-5 years, moving laterally seems idiotic.

In short, I'm already at the top tier for what I do, and I don't want to move. So what's the point of this meeting for me again?

You mentioned having a boss, so upward movement is theoretically possible, no? I mean you may not want his job, but it does exist; there are higher ranks.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
It is the 42nd Towel Day.
I am 42 years old.
G*@~$*n, you're old!

I can't be old. NobodysHome is old.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's an excellent day to have my towel with me: I can use it as a pillow.

Mandatory all-division meeting about planning for our annual review cycle with our manager. The topics? How you can work on getting that promotion. How you can plan to move laterally within the organization. How you can grow your career.

So yeah, that's all well and good, but Global Megacorporation only has five "tiers" for promotion, and I hit the top tier more than a decade ago. I can't get promoted. And considering I see everyone outside of our division being burned out and leaving due to overwork within 3-5 years, moving laterally seems idiotic.

In short, I'm already at the top tier for what I do, and I don't want to move. So what's the point of this meeting for me again?

You mentioned having a boss, so upward movement is theoretically possible, no? I mean you may not want his job, but it does exist; there are higher ranks.

Depends on your definition of "upward". I do not want to manage; I want to remain an individual contributor. As an individual contributor, I can no longer move upwards.

Grand Lodge

Problem solvers for the win.

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Fantasy NPC: Mad Cultist Of Ice... Doesn't he look familiar, though?

Disturbed cats that are down with the sickness

Drejk wrote:
Fantasy NPC: Mad Cultist Of Ice... Doesn't he look familiar, though?

there are no words to describe how touched I am. Thank you, friend.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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Seen on the windscreen of a parked car this morning:

'For sale - £1,500. Includes private parts'

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That's a lot of money for a shitty movie about Howard Stern.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
That's a lot of money for a s%%+ty movie about Howard Stern.

The movie really wasn't very good.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
That's a lot of money for a s%%+ty movie about Howard Stern.
The movie really wasn't very good.

I would say that same thing about Howard Stern.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
That's a lot of money for a s%%+ty movie about Howard Stern.
The movie really wasn't very good.
I would say that same thing about Howard Stern.

I agree. Howard Stern is not good.

That guy is really starting to get on my nerves. He's been staying here one day week for the last 6 weeks or so, and the first night our rate was relatively low because we weren't busy. Now he argues with me every time he checks out that the rate should be the same as it was then, even though the rates have gone up because we're busier. And he books online, so he sees the rate there and agrees to it when he makes the reservation, yet still he always tries to get me to drop the rate. I keep hoping he'll get annoyed and go somewhere else, but he keeps coming back.

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The college kid already broke my broom.

I was going to break that.

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captain yesterday wrote:

The college kid already broke my broom.

I was going to break that.

I guess you'll just have to break them instead.

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The first night of the orphanage battle had its ups and downs:
- Their "attack from the side" tactic was successful; it's taking forever for the enemy troops from the other sides of the building to get to the fight
- Unfortunately, as usual every player was acting as an individual and not focusing fire, so it took them 3 full rounds to drop ONE GUY. With 43 more bad guys converging on them, that's not a sustainable rate
- Fortunately, after about 6 rounds they finally started focusing fire
- Unfortunately, they put the level 2 ranger in the front lines, and she died to a crit and a coup de grace
- Fortunately, that caused the muse to appear on the battlefield, disguised as a little girl
- Unfortunately, the kids are convinced she's an evil fire druid trying to fool them, so they're talking about focusing fire on her instead of the bad guys.

Should be entertaining next week.

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