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...An animal companion hunting demon...

Thanks for the inspiration, Vid!

Ooh! I'm very inspired.

Scarab Sages

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Ah, getting old(er).
When somehow you sleep 'wrong' and you wake up with a sore/stiff neck.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

Ah, getting old(er).

When somehow you sleep 'wrong' and you wake up with a sore/stiff neck.

Ugh I feel that...unfortunately.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

Ah, getting old(er).

When somehow you sleep 'wrong' and you wake up with a sore/stiff neck.

points, laughs, sprains two fingers, tears a rotator cuff, and breaks a rib in the process

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Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I had actual pigs, which I unfortunately had to actually kill in order to have ham and bacon.
We had as well. We just gave them all the same name so we could pretend it was the same pig.

That's not how my mom worked, every animal was given a name and taken care of and then murdered with their meat labelled by name on every package.

People say it's better this way, those people are f&%&ing a~~+**!s.

My mom was an amazing person that left the world a better place but she was an a#&!~@+ sometimes.

My mom made sure she was on the other side of the farm come slaughtering day.

To be clear, my mom didn't butcher the animals, that was up to dad and I plus the Amish farmer down the road, but she labelled everything and had me name them (or named them herself if she didn't like what I came up with (Mohawk and Slash were apparently NOT good pig names, I STILL disagree).

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

Ah, getting old(er).

When somehow you sleep 'wrong' and you wake up with a sore/stiff neck.

Just wait until you're old enough to forecast the weather entirely by what body parts are sore.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:

Ah, getting old(er).

When somehow you sleep 'wrong' and you wake up with a sore/stiff neck.
Just wait until you're old enough to forecast the weather entirely by what body parts are sore.

My broken thumb (now healed, of course) has the accuracy of a high end barometer.

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That, and since moving back to Texas, I can forecast a storm by the onset of the Queen Mother of all headaches. Haven't had that happen since I was in middle school.

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So, between the soul-crushing anxiety attacks, my usual holiday season depression, and the extra work on my plate at school, I hadn't been running since the middle of November. And my weight shot back up again. So I finally got out there this morning and did my three miles, which hurt, but it was a good hurt. Then I made breakfast for my family, balanced the accounts, and now I'm at work, prepping for next week.

Grumpy as all hell, though.

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Huzzah to all but the grumpiness.

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Limeylongears wrote:
In other news, the boss has decided that what we need in our room is a LIVING WALL. I always thought a LIVING WALL was a hideous melange of stitched-together body parts, howling in rage and torment as it lashed out at you with a variety of viciously clawed appendages, but apparently not - it's a series of 3ft square bits of plastic vegetation, so I don't really see what's living about it, unless it comes to life at night and skips about the office performing routine maintenance tasks if you leave a bowl of milk out for it or summat.

Sounds like Prax panels except the whole plastic part. If you think plastic office plants are depressing, wait till you see those plastic plants covered in a thin layer of dust from neglect.

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I really loved the living wall they have on the top level of the rainforest dome in the California Academy of Sciences, but WW said (a) it's too expensive, (b) it would cause mold and vermin problems, and (c) I'd probably kill it. He might be right, but I wanted one anyway.

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Lt Dangle: Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to tail that woman!

Deputy Junior: Like a bunny, or a cat, or what are you thinking here?

Scarab Sages

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captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I had actual pigs, which I unfortunately had to actually kill in order to have ham and bacon.
We had as well. We just gave them all the same name so we could pretend it was the same pig.

That's not how my mom worked, every animal was given a name and taken care of and then murdered with their meat labelled by name on every package.

People say it's better this way, those people are f&%&ing a~~+**!s.

My mom was an amazing person that left the world a better place but she was an a#&!~@+ sometimes.

My mom made sure she was on the other side of the farm come slaughtering day.
To be clear, my mom didn't butcher the animals, that was up to dad and I plus the Amish farmer down the road, but she labelled everything and had me name them (or named them herself if she didn't like what I came up with (Mohawk and Slash were apparently NOT good pig names, I STILL disagree).

We always hired the tows butcher. Chickens my dad could do himself, but the pig was a bit too much.

The butcher, practical man that he was, had a butchering trailer he could hitch to the back of his car.
The butcher got payed in the best quality meat bits of the pig as payement, and we got the poor quality bits.
My dad put all the bits we got to keep in bags and labeled them with the type of meat and date.

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We split the meat with the Amish family but we had to help with the butchering which is good because we usually butchered two pigs every year and steer every couple of years.

Chickens and turkeys (20+ turkeys and a dozen chickens) we'd usually invite the church over to help and whoever did got a free turkey.

There was one time a biker gang helped and then gave away all their turkeys to the food bank.

Scarab Sages

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We only butchered the chickens when they stopped laying eggs. Of course, the meat wasnt very good by that point but nothing a full day of stewing cant fix.

We usually got part of a cow from the neighbors, in exchange for letting them use our pastures.

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I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yep. I have talents. Sad, pathetic talents.

Impus Major is in a music composition class, where he's supposed to record his compositions using MuseScore and post them for viewing using Loom. And of course, Loom wouldn't record the audio output from MuseScore and Impus Major couldn't figure out how to fix it. (As always, the support articles for Loom said, "Just do this," and it didn't work.)

Having worked for Global Megacorporation for 15 years now, I sat down and figured out the whole arcane path he has to follow in about 15 minutes. And it's not easy. It involves shutting down background processes, turning off microphones, and ignoring the error message that "Loom will not record any audio for this recording."

I have an amazing talent for making buggy software work.

Kind of sad if you think about it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Yep. I have talents. Sad, pathetic talents.

Impus Major is in a music composition class, where he's supposed to record his compositions using MuseScore and post them for viewing using Loom. And of course, Loom wouldn't record the audio output from MuseScore and Impus Major couldn't figure out how to fix it. (As always, the support articles for Loom said, "Just do this," and it didn't work.)

Having worked for Global Megacorporation for 15 years now, I sat down and figured out the whole arcane path he has to follow in about 15 minutes. And it's not easy. It involves shutting down background processes, turning off microphones, and ignoring the error message that "Loom will not record any audio for this recording."

I have an amazing talent for making buggy software work.

Kind of sad if you think about it.

this is not sad. That you have not acquired the source code for icewind dale 2 is sad.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.



2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.



Join me instead.

I have complete control of who my crew is this year and there's a labor shortage so you're guaranteed work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.

We're getting hit on Tuesday. All day snow event followed by incompetent driveway/parking lot plowing.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.



Join me instead.

I have complete control of who my crew is this year and there's a labor shortage so you're guaranteed work.

I can see you extending a friendly hand while flanked by milkmaids.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the snow to start, we're expecting 6-9 inches of snow now so it should be a fun day tomorrow.

We're getting hit on Tuesday. All day snow event followed by incompetent driveway/parking lot plowing.


Fun fact: The company that does my neighborhood is manned almost entirely by people I've broken previously (they have one guy I don't know).

They do a terrible job.

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We had a massive, drought-busting, "two weeks of solid rain" series of storms coming in.

Being California, it rained for a couple of days and then wandered off.

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It's like you live in Anti-Britain.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Limeylongears wrote:
It's like you live in Anti-Britain.

So best to keep Britain and California away from each other lest they cancel each other out in a massive explosion...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
It's like you live in Anti-Britain.
So best to keep Britain and California away from each other lest they cancel each other out in a massive explosion...

So why haven't the Sussexes triggered the big earthquake that finally turns the greater Los Angeles area into the new Atlantis?

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And now to see if the new back-up drive is working. Supposedly it is, but we'll just see.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Should be easy to test just walk backwards...

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And that's over USB. When (if) we get the system upgrade we're supposed to get in April or May, it will be internal and possibly faster.

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Even when the old drive worked, it took between 20 and 30 minutes to backup to a tape. This new drive uses hard drive "cartridges", and took 6 minutes. 6! Great googly-moogle, good golly gravilicious Gracie, I love this drive.

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We got what your describing like 2 years ago. your hotel needs to get with it.

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And allow room parties too!

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No. No room parties. We're going to start allowing pets, which I don't think is a great idea. But room parties are out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
We got what your describing like 2 years ago. your hotel needs to get with it.

I know. This place is so outdated it's hilarious.

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Ugh allowing pets? Terrible idea. don't do it!

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Not my decision. I would 100% not allow them.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Looks like we got about 6 inches of snow.

They say we just watch for drifting so hopefully it's not wet and heavy.

Scarab Sages

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Its been lightly freezing here. No snow, but I did have a good time stepping on frozen puddles and hearing the nice ice creaking.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Looks like we got about 6 inches of snow.

They say we just watch for drifting so hopefully it's not wet and heavy.

The Feta and the Flurrious: Madison Drift was filmed before a live audience of unshaved bears and unshaved skid loaders.

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Fantasy Monster: Familiarvore

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
No. No room parties. We're going to start allowing pets, which I don't think is a great idea. But room parties are out.

oh come on! You're gonna allow fido and loud anonymous hours long sex, but I can't watch Ranma on VHS with 5 of my buddies?!?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Watching The Good Lord Bird.

Holy shit.

John Brown is the man. But in the good way.

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I think last night was the beginning of the end for Left 4 Dead 2... Lara Croft guy is simply incapable of cooperative play in a game where failing to do so results in a party wipe. Over, and over, and over again...

Last Night's Highlights:

- In L4D2, melee weapons are remarkably effective, so Shiro and I were kneeling down and using melee weapons to protect the party from swarm zombies, while GothBard and Lara Croft guy were supposedly shooting the ranged/unique zombies. Except... Lara Croft guy insisted on using a shotgun, which shoots ahead in a cone and was shooting the crap out of the melee players. We complained vociferously. He insisted that since
(1) The shotgun did the most damage, and
(2) The shotgun's rate of fire was too slow for him to be in the front, so he needed us in front of him.
In short, "No, I'm just going to keep playing this way even though I'm doing significant damage to you; you have to change."
By the end of the first two sections, Lara Croft Guy had done more damage to me than the zombies had.

- In both Left 4 Dead games, separating the party is even worse than it is in Pathfinder -- it usually ends up in a party wipe. And yet just like the other night, his whole attitude was, "If you stop, you get hit by zombie swarms, so you have to keep moving forward no matter what," and he kept leaving us behind, then accused us of "breaking up the party" when there were three of us in one place, and he was in another. (And yes, he does that in every game we play: "I don't know what the three of you are doing, but I'm going this way.")
Shiro got pissed off enough to make a point and he simply ran forward nonstop 'til we had a near-party wipe because we weren't slowing down to clean out the trash zombies that swarm every area.

- The capper was the finale. In a mall, you're supposed to gather 13 gas cans to fuel a car. Unfortunately, this was a game patch. In the old game you only needed 8, so all the tutorials have the party split up, race to a pair of cans each, then once the four players have thrown two cans each three players cover the fourth while they fill the tank. Takes under 3 minutes.
In the new version of the game, you need 13 cans and the "special" zombies that disable lone players spawn immediately, so splitting up is impossible. Doesn't matter. Lara Croft guy kept running off on his own, getting killed, and we had a party wipe. After half a dozen tries we had to give up for the night. Because Lara Croft Guy simply could not stay with the group.

So yeah, usually he's a nice guy, but he plays all games as if they're single-player games where his friends just happen to be online as well, and there are some games where playing that way makes it impossible for anyone. So one more multiplayer co-op we're going to have to drop...

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I love L4D, but it does encourage 2nd edition level party togetherness, and that isn't a lot of fun for some people.

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WW wants my Harper for his continuing Sword Coast campaign to be "well-researched", so I'm going through stacks of old gaming materials, and the urge to lampoon it is too much to resist.

"Hi, I'm Moonshadow Eversorrow, a tavern wench here at the Lady Luck Tavern in Daggerford, but I'm secretly the love child of Laeral Silverhand and Drizzt. No, seriously, look! I have lavender eyes! This is my magical singing dagger, the Nightflower Crystal, oh, and I have a tattoo of the Harper's emblem on my left butt cheek. Can I take your order?"

I'm also curious how much Elminster/Mordenkainen/Ed Greenwood slash fiction is out there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

WW wants my Harper for his continuing Sword Coast campaign to be "well-researched", so I'm going through stacks of old gaming materials, and the urge to lampoon it is too much to resist.

"Hi, I'm Moonshadow Eversorrow, a tavern wench here at the Lady Luck Tavern in Daggerford, but I'm secretly the love child of Laeral Silverhand and Drizzt. No, seriously, look! I have lavender eyes! This is my magical singing dagger, the Nightflower Crystal, oh, and I have a tattoo of the Harper's emblem on my left butt cheek. Can I take your order?"

I'm also curious how much Elminster/Mordenkainen/Ed Greenwood slash fiction is out there.

I love watching the realms be lampoon.

Please make it as lampooniest as possible.

Deliver the aforementioned lines in the deadest deadpan as possible.

Scarab Sages

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Now I miss playing left 4 dead 2

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I don't. Multiplayer? Meh.

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