Orthos |
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Drejk wrote:The fact that healthcare reform is controversial is much like the fact that punching nazis has become controversial: It's a horribly grim commentary in and of itself on U.S. politics, and that's all I'll say.I am pretty sure the talks about American health insurance are taking us dangerously close into politicis kill-zone.
Though I am not sure if mocking American health-care system counts as politicis or is merely unelegant as kicking someone who is down.
Quoted for truth.

Orthos |
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I'm just going to leave this here.
Awesome! Best news I've seen on that front in a long time. Here's hoping the remainder of the trials go well.

captain yesterday |

Got tested.
Quarantined at home until I get my results.
Do you want to switch? I'm cutting pavers and it's currently 31 degrees.
The boss got us German saw blades for our saws, I'd say they cut through pavers like warm butter but even that might be selling them short.
No need to quarantine either as I'm the only one who is stupid enough to still be working on this job site.

captain yesterday |

captain yesterday wrote:Yes, but I can't run the risk of infecting others.Freehold DM wrote:Do you want to switch? I'm cutting pavers and it's currently 31 degrees.Got tested.
Quarantined at home until I get my results.
No risk, there's literally no one else here, even the homeowners are gone for the day. I didn't even go to the shop this morning as I already have all the tools I need here.

CrystalSeas |

He was annoyingly vague about his reasoning, just said he feels he'd do better as a player in that team than as DM, despite us actually liking the way he runs things for the most part.
I'm curious about why you are annoyed.
What is it about "vague" that makes you uncomfortable?And what is it about you "actually liking the way he runs things" that makes it worse?

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

For me it's a pretty easy answer: I have run a game at least once a week since 2011. I am exhausted of GM'ing. I just don't want to do it any more, for at least a couple of years.
So people enjoy my games. People really want to play my games. But I'm tired.
And no player considers that a "legitimate" excuse from a GM. So GMs will quit for unspecified reasons, rather than admitting they're tired of the whole thing.

CrystalSeas |

And no player considers that a "legitimate" excuse from a GM.
That's what my questions are getting at.
I can understand being disappointed that a GM is stepping back, but I have no idea why someone would be annoyed.
There's a whole 'nother thread (actually 2) that have been running the past couple weeks about whether a person offering a (gift, buff, poison) who gets a "no, thanks" from the intended receiver, has a right to an explanation/discussion about why someone doesn't want their gift.
People who get told 'no' (I'm not going to be your GM; I'm not going to let you poison my weapon) are reacting as if they get to decide whether or not the receiver is "justified" in making that decision.
And as if they are entitled to a chance to change the mind of the person who said 'no'. There's a real sense that the person saying 'no' doesn't have agency and must get approval from the people affected by their decision.

Vanykrye |
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Unrelated, if anyone needs a key cut from stone I'm taking requests.
I think I want one. It would be freakin' awesome. I also need you to cut a dwarf to hold it.
EDIT: Of course, I say this as the HVAC guys are cleaning up from replacing one of our house's furnace and AC units (for reasons the previous owner alone understands, this house has two furnaces and ACs). So that's about $6k I didn't want to spend on that. The Great Key will have to wait.

Icyshadow |

Icyshadow wrote:He was annoyingly vague about his reasoning, just said he feels he'd do better as a player in that team than as DM, despite us actually liking the way he runs things for the most part.I'm curious about why you are annoyed.
What is it about "vague" that makes you uncomfortable?
And what is it about you "actually liking the way he runs things" that makes it worse?
I appreciate open and honest discussion. He kept us in the dark for nearly a year about the status of the Council game, he only told me about potential delays without telling anyone else, and basically made me play herald / messenger on his behalf.
Also, he had some trouble with arbitrarily declaring houserules without asking the players if they are OK with them rather often. It was the main thing we had to complain about, but otherwise I can't think of other reasons for quitting.
He DID mention burnout, but he also said something about compatibility with the party, but was vague about that, which makes me think he's holding some grudges or something, instead of being willing to talk things out properly.

Icyshadow |

We've been friends since childhood, so I'm honestly a bit concerned about him hiding something from me when we usually speak quite openly with each other about issues. Like, I am annoyed but I think it's one of those "anger born out of worry" type things, and I'm stressed out as is due to some scheduling mishaps with work and other things today.

The Vagrant Erudite |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

GM burnout is real, yo.
Some people just take and take and take as players, most never stepping up to let the rest of us enjoy being a character and not a whole plotline. Then you just get so tired of it.
And you take a break. But you still want to do SOMETHING gamewise, cause it's better than nothing. So you force yourself to volunteer to GM again. And the burnout happens even faster next time.
And this repeats. And that's how people quit RPGs.

NobodysHome |
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Why You Don't Want A Cynic On Your Product Roadmap Call:
I was dutifully taking notes on upcoming features, then one PM started in on his updates with nothing but grandiose statements, pretty pictures, and world-solving software without a single line of code having been written yet.
My summary of his section:
"Vaporware of 'what might be'"

captain yesterday |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

GM burnout is real, yo.
Some people just take and take and take as players, most never stepping up to let the rest of us enjoy being a character and not a whole plotline. Then you just get so tired of it.
And you take a break. But you still want to do SOMETHING gamewise, cause it's better than nothing. So you force yourself to volunteer to GM again. And the burnout happens even faster next time.
And this repeats. And that's how people quit RPGs.
According to Stranger Things it's because of demogorgon attacks every f&@!ing year. And girls.

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am *so* glad Impus Major is an emotionally mature adult.
He was playing an online game with a group of friends. One friend used a slur. The other team reported him and he got kicked. Impus Major and the rest of his friends kept playing, figuring kicked friend would come back as soon as he calmed down.
Instead, kicked friend sat their sulking, decided everyone had betrayed him, sent Impus Major a nastygram accusing him of being a terrible friend, and quit all the Discord channels they shared.
Basically a classic teen temper tantrum of, "You should have known what I wanted you to do!"
Impus Major wanted to talk it out with me, and I gave him a simple rule: "If your friend/girlfriend/family member ever uses, 'You should have known,' then you can relax because no, you shouldn't have."
Seems like FaWtL today is all about communication. All said friend had to do was shoot Impus Major a Discord message saying, "Hey, let's do something else," and Impus Major would've joined him in a heartbeat. Instead, it was, "I'm going to go silent and dark, and if you don't join me you're not really my friend."

captain yesterday |
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I got nothing, I'm just glad I'm not dealing with it.
Unrelated, 80s week on the Great British Baking Show is pretty weird. I don't know if it's because I hated the 80s (I was born in 1976 and I suffered a tremendous amount of abuse (by my biological father) and bullying (my brothers) and have mostly repressed them or if 80s brittain was different than 80s america but I'm not really getting their references.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I got nothing, I'm just glad I'm not dealing with it.
Unrelated, 80s week on the Great British Baking Show is pretty weird. I don't know if it's because I hated the 80s (I was born in 1976 and I suffered a tremendous amount of abuse (by my biological father) and bullying (my brothers) and have mostly repressed them or if 80s brittain was different than 80s america but I'm not really getting their references.
Quiche, ET, and ice cream cakes were all a thing, but as for all the pop culture references that Noel and Matt made, I think those only made sense if you grew up in England. Ditto for those weird "doughnuts" in the technical.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Unrelated, if anyone needs a key cut from stone I'm taking requests.I think I want one. It would be freakin' awesome. I also need you to cut a dwarf to hold it.
EDIT: Of course, I say this as the HVAC guys are cleaning up from replacing one of our house's furnace and AC units (for reasons the previous owner alone understands, this house has two furnaces and ACs). So that's about $6k I didn't want to spend on that. The Great Key will have to wait.
Nonsense, I'll do it just for fun!
We actually have a s!~+load of old slabs at the shop it won't take me more than 5-10 minutes.
The dwarf patio will have to wait for spring.
Of course now I have to do an image search for dwarven fortress keys.

The Vagrant Erudite |

What's everyone's favorite character type/trope?
I like reformed villains and heroes who wield the darkness against the darkness. I suppose it qualifies as antiheroes, but a rather specific type. More of a fan of antivillains than antiheroes in literature: the bad guys who can play nice with good guys or who have good reason to be bad/are relatable. Types like Magneto or the Honorable Enemy who gives you a fair chance/has a greater good motivation/etc.
But by that same token I rather more enjoy the ex-villain or hero powered by darkness. Not for the angst or edginess. Just for the idea of turning fire against fire. I suppose it's why tieflings and half orcs are my favorite races in Pathfinder.