gran rey de los nekkid |
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You wanna know one of my pet peeves? Software that gives you the choice of "Yes" or "Not now", but not "No". The big offender I deal with is the email app I use. It keeps wanting me to give it access to my phone's contact info so it can import all the names and phone numbers and whatnot. I don't want it to have that, because I don't think it needs to, but since I can't tell it "No" it asks me every couple of days. I just want it to shut up.
I'm not working tonight, so I don't need pants.

captain yesterday |
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It only took 2+ years but I finally was able to show the boss what I meant when I told him I could carve a fountain in a boulder.
So now he's probably going to line up a half dozen boulder carving jobs.
Yup, I got to the shop yesterday and he had bought all the tools I need to make it happen.

captain yesterday |

A couple of things I learned this week.
Eddie Vedder trying to hum atmospheric music sounds EXACTLY like a mother whale.
According to the baby wipes the General picked up at the store last week, cucumber and perfume smell exactly the same.
It's been a long week.
Cats are always trying to kill you, even when they're shedding hair.

gran rey de los mono |
A couple of things I learned this week.
Eddie Vedder trying to hum atmospheric music sounds EXACTLY like a mother whale.
According to the baby wipes the General picked up at the store last week, cucumber and perfume smell exactly the same.
It's been a long week.
Cats are always trying to kill you, even when they're shedding hair.
*takes notes*
Eddie Vedder is an atmospheric whale who hums cucmber wipes that smell like baby perfume while cats shed deadly fur all week long.Got it.

Vanykrye |
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While nominally Friday signifies the beginning of the weekend, deadlines dictate that this will be a working weekend.
When can we roll dice again?
Hitting the "roll dice" number generator button is just not the same as rolling physical dice.
Also, working weekends really suck. I know the feeling all too well.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, it looks like Strange Aeons is going to give us a classic Call of Cthulu ending after all.
In last night's session, GothBard's bloodrager determined that the *only* way to redeem her soul was to destroy the Necronomicon.
Sounds like the world's going to end pretty soon.

Freehold DM |
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Nylarthotep wrote:While nominally Friday signifies the beginning of the weekend, deadlines dictate that this will be a working weekend.
When can we roll dice again?
Hitting the "roll dice" number generator button is just not the same as rolling physical dice.
Also, working weekends really suck. I know the feeling all too well.
I am sorry, my friends.
But as strange as it sounds, I would KILL for a chance to work a weekend at the second job, if only to get out of the house and see manhattantown again.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Politics, politics, grumble, grumble.
I just learned that one of the "essential" services that you can maintain during the lockdown is housecleaning.
Because Heaven forfend people need to clean their own darned houses!
(We've been paying our housecleaner to stay away for two months now, and I even got the family to do a thorough housecleaning a couple of weeks ago, but she asked, "When can I come back?" so I went to the California web site to check, and it very clearly states that housecleaning is an allowed exception. WHY?!?!?!?)

Nylarthotep |

Vanykrye wrote:Nylarthotep wrote:While nominally Friday signifies the beginning of the weekend, deadlines dictate that this will be a working weekend.
When can we roll dice again?
Hitting the "roll dice" number generator button is just not the same as rolling physical dice.
Also, working weekends really suck. I know the feeling all too well.
I am sorry, my friends.
But as strange as it sounds, I would KILL for a chance to work a weekend at the second job, if only to get out of the house and see manhattantown again.
Understood. But this is all work that can and will be done at home. We are going to my wife's brother's baby gender announcement family gathering on Sunday to get out of the house.
It will push the 10 person rule, but there are several local older family members so everyone has been on good behavior for the duration of the SAH order. It is not rolling dice, but I will take it.

Nylarthotep |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Politics, politics, grumble, grumble.
I just learned that one of the "essential" services that you can maintain during the lockdown is housecleaning.
Because Heaven forfend people need to clean their own darned houses!
(We've been paying our housecleaner to stay away for two months now, and I even got the family to do a thorough housecleaning a couple of weeks ago, but she asked, "When can I come back?" so I went to the California web site to check, and it very clearly states that housecleaning is an allowed exception. WHY?!?!?!?)
Flip answer - because the politicians want their houses cleaned.
Less flip answer - janitorial services at essential businesses are actually essential. We want and need the waste we generate at such places to be cleaned and removed in orderly fashion for health and sanitary reasons.
So by extension, other cleaning services are essential. The work is essentially (heh, see what I did there) the same, but the environs are different. The sanitation and health factor are still present and maybe greater since people are at home generating waste at home instead of at an office. So, it looks essential.
Or put it in the health care world. Dr. X spends 70-100 hours of her week at the ER. Her husband is a postal worker (or UPS driver or whatever). They both work - a lot. They don't have time to clean their house. They still generate waste/laundry/etc. So much like their childcare has been deemed essential, their housecleaning services are as well.
Do you want to have to go case by case on it? Make them break the law/rule so that they can get what they need? Easier to just say, there are enough reasons that people will need this that we should just make it essential.
Or maybe the flip answer is the real reason.

Freehold DM |
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NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*.
Politics, politics, grumble, grumble.
I just learned that one of the "essential" services that you can maintain during the lockdown is housecleaning.
Because Heaven forfend people need to clean their own darned houses!
(We've been paying our housecleaner to stay away for two months now, and I even got the family to do a thorough housecleaning a couple of weeks ago, but she asked, "When can I come back?" so I went to the California web site to check, and it very clearly states that housecleaning is an allowed exception. WHY?!?!?!?)
Flip answer - because the politicians want their houses cleaned.
Less flip answer - janitorial services at essential businesses are actually essential. We want and need the waste we generate at such places to be cleaned and removed in orderly fashion for health and sanitary reasons.
So by extension, other cleaning services are essential. The work is essentially (heh, see what I did there) the same, but the environs are different. The sanitation and health factor are still present and maybe greater since people are at home generating waste at home instead of at an office. So, it looks essential.
Or put it in the health care world. Dr. X spends 70-100 hours of her week at the ER. Her husband is a postal worker (or UPS driver or whatever). They both work - a lot. They don't have time to clean their house. They still generate waste/laundry/etc. So much like their childcare has been deemed essential, their housecleaning services are as well.
Do you want to have to go case by case on it? Make them break the law/rule so that they can get what they need? Easier to just say, there are enough reasons that people will need this that we should just make it essential.
Or maybe the flip answer is the real reason.
as someone who lived through the garbage strike in the 90s, I would say the less flip answer is true.

Scintillae |

NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*.
Politics, politics, grumble, grumble.
I just learned that one of the "essential" services that you can maintain during the lockdown is housecleaning.
Because Heaven forfend people need to clean their own darned houses!
(We've been paying our housecleaner to stay away for two months now, and I even got the family to do a thorough housecleaning a couple of weeks ago, but she asked, "When can I come back?" so I went to the California web site to check, and it very clearly states that housecleaning is an allowed exception. WHY?!?!?!?)
Flip answer - because the politicians want their houses cleaned.
Less flip answer - janitorial services at essential businesses are actually essential. We want and need the waste we generate at such places to be cleaned and removed in orderly fashion for health and sanitary reasons.
So by extension, other cleaning services are essential. The work is essentially (heh, see what I did there) the same, but the environs are different. The sanitation and health factor are still present and maybe greater since people are at home generating waste at home instead of at an office. So, it looks essential.
Or put it in the health care world. Dr. X spends 70-100 hours of her week at the ER. Her husband is a postal worker (or UPS driver or whatever). They both work - a lot. They don't have time to clean their house. They still generate waste/laundry/etc. So much like their childcare has been deemed essential, their housecleaning services are as well.
Do you want to have to go case by case on it? Make them break the law/rule so that they can get what they need? Easier to just say, there are enough reasons that people will need this that we should just make it essential.
Or maybe the flip answer is the real reason.
I'm hoping it's the less flip answer. I do know some of the cleaning companies in the area do both house and business cleaning services.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Disembodied Font of Knowledge: All life in the universe is doomed! But if you pull this lever, you'll wipe out everyone on this innocent planet but save the rest of the universe.
Virtually every movie, book, or anime hero ever: There must be another way! (Puts entire universe at risk while searching for a way to save ALL the planets)
Pathfinder archon: Oh, OK. Sounds like a good trade-off. (Pulls lever)

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nylarthotep wrote:While nominally Friday signifies the beginning of the weekend, deadlines dictate that this will be a working weekend.
When can we roll dice again?
Hitting the "roll dice" number generator button is just not the same as rolling physical dice.
Also, working weekends really suck. I know the feeling all too well.
Doubly so when the system uses fancy dice and the rolling process involves re-rolls and selecting dice you want to keep. Yes, L5R, I am looking at you.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Today countertop for kitchen should have finally been delivered. The devlivery windows was 12:00-16:00.
No countertop.
Ive been listening to hold music for over half an hour now.
give me a day or two to find captain yesterday and stuff him into a cannon. I'll fire him across the Atlantic to you.
Actually, the aiming requires math. Let me get Vany in on this, he lives not far.

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You want political?! I will give you political!
There was a strong push for delaying them because of the safety reasons - which required issuing an emergency state (state of natural disaster, which is legally distinct from martial law). The current regime wanted to follow the pre-COVID schedule because (a) the incumbent president was at peak of his popularity, (b) incumbent president was using public resources for own popularity gain, going around the country and showing himself while the rest of candidates were not - especially after gatherings were forbidden (c) because they will lose a lot of support after the economic impact of epidemics fully hits, (d) their most staunch supporters would be less afraid of getting infected at polling stations than more scientifically literate progressives. Because of those reasons they were fully willing to risk health of millions of citizens.
Once it became clear that there is a serious public resistance to elections, the current regime started pushing idea of voting by mail - which is not supported by our election laws, except for a small amount of mail votes for disabled people. Our electoral system completely lacks procedures for handling those.
Bavaria, one of the German federal states had mail elections earlier this year... Which was pointed as an example that mail elections are possible, completely disregarding the fact that they have established system for that, and the boom in infections afterwards among people handling the votes.
Anyway, the question was should be moot because substantial changes to election laws can only be done at least 6 months before elections, no later.
Did I mention that the current regime is dismantling the constitutional system of checks and balances since 2015, unconstitutionally replacing members of Supreme Court and Constitution Tribunal? If you would like to get more information about that, you'd have to ask Gorbacz, who is constitutional lawyer, though.
So the current regime started proceeding a series of laws that would turn presidential elections into mail vote. They with taking away organization from independent(ish) Public Elections Committee and passing the organization to one of the ministries. Which proceeded to order mail vote cards (costing "mere" 5 millions, though there is apparently another 10 millions of other costs involving assembling the sets, packing them in envelopes, storage, etc.). The catch? The order was made when the legislation was still proceeding - and thus illegal (an officer of the state has to work within the frame of existing law, especially when spending public money - but there was no legal basis for the public contract).
Unconstitutionality of election laws within the last two months before the elections aside, the mail vote project was also violating the constitutional warranties of confidentiality of vote, and freedom to vote (the way the law was worded would allow jailing citizens who didn't send their vote - though it was probably stupidity on their part and not deliberate and that specific part was removed from the project once it was pointed out).
There were some protest from the post office about the impossibility of delivering election kits to all the citizens and the risk for mailmen being overexposed in the process (which lead the current regime to replace director of public post office with a party men from ministry of defense).
Then the new head of the post office demanded voters data from local governments in a completely illegal way, violating all the standards of the data protection (thank you, EU), which was rightfully ignored by local governments, except a few cases where current regime cronies complied with the request.
Constitutional scholars and lawyers widely pointed out the many issues, clearly stating that such elections would be not valid.
European Union institutions, which are already seriously worried about anti-democratic activities of current regime, issued multiple warning regarding the legality of such elections.
The poorly cobbled law passed in the lower chamber of the Parliament, held strongly by the current regime and their allies, though the allies started to crumble away and was sent to the senate which had 1 month to introduce changes or reject it. The stupidity of the whole situation - and the common sense of "no tampering with the election laws just before elections" rule should be obvious to everyone anyway because the legally required 1 month period passed a few days before the elections.
In senate the current regime has 48 out of 100 seats (a small but important victory for opposition us all in the last year elections, that prevents the current regime from officially tampering with constitution). If the Senate would reject the bill, the Sejm could override them - if majority of the current regime allies would vote with them but the alliances started to show cracks... At that time it was uncertain.
The Senate finally voted on the election bill this week, in the evening of the day before the final date - rejecting it in totality.
The Sejm had no time to reject the rejection - not before the date of the elections. In a frantic move, the current regime desperately asked Public Elections Committee if they can organize the normal elections.
The effect was to the effect of "You voted away our involvement in the organization of elections almost two months ago. We don't have people, budget, or time to salvage the situation. Buzz off"
So... Formally, on Sunday we have elections. But there are no actual elections. They will take place at later date, once some sort of improvised solution is found.

captain yesterday |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Woran wrote:Today countertop for kitchen should have finally been delivered. The devlivery windows was 12:00-16:00.
No countertop.
Ive been listening to hold music for over half an hour now.
give me a day or two to find captain yesterday and stuff him into a cannon. I'll fire him across the Atlantic to you.
Actually, the aiming requires math. Let me get Vany in on this, he lives not far.
Sounds like a solid plan.
Puts on helmet and adjusts safety goggles.

lisamarlene |

You want political?! I will give you political!
** spoiler omitted **...
I was reading about this on Politico this morning. (They're referring to it as "Schrodinger's Election").
It's funny; here, liberals joke about "moving to Canada if it gets any worse", but as a private school teacher, I have met so many liberal Polish expats. Every single one has named the political situation in Poland as the one and only reason they've left, even at the cost of leaving parents behind. But they've all been in professions where they could afford to leave.

NobodysHome |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Case in point: I went to the corner store yesterday afternoon. It's roughly 200m (660'). I passed six people violating social distancing rules, and three people not wearing masks, including two who tried to go into the store in spite of the "No Masks, No Entry" signs clearly posted on both doors.
And this is on a residential street in a relatively well-educated, well-to-do neighborhood in the heart of the liberal Bay Area.
So I realized about a week ago that the virus will be endemic to the U.S. for the foreseeable future, and my job is to do my best to avoid getting it until there's an effective vaccine or treatment, probably in late 2021 or early 2022.
GothBard made that realization this morning. She was devastated.
We live in stupid times...

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy NPC: Sir Krr'k Of The Crossriver Marshes. The last knightly post for now.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:No disease ever truly goes away. SARS, Ebola, west Nile, and the like are all still very much with us, we just no longer see the precautions taken to avoid them.** spoiler omitted **
There's a difference between "endemic" and "extant".
In 2021 I'd expect under 100 SARS cases, 0 Ebola cases, and a few thousand West Nile cases in the U.S. They are so rare as to be "out of sight, out of mind".
Similar to influenza, I expect there to be 100,000+ COVID-19 cases in the U.S. in 2021.
The cat got out of the bag.

Ragadolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just to show I'm not full of myself.
THAT is admittedly awesome.
And, also, a LITTLE out of my budget. Ever. :P

Drejk |

An article I read recently referred to a study that estimated that around 2% of population (around 15k, or 0.02 of 750k) of my city already passed through low-key COVID-19. Funnily enough, the number of total confirmed infections in Poland at the moment is a bit over 15k.
Another article I am reading at the moment mentions that the positive test results in people who already went through COVID infection, is not a sign of re-infection but leftover infected dead cells that are slowly removed from the body. There is still not enough information to determine if surviving the infection gives immunity or not.

Orthos |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:No disease ever truly goes away. SARS, Ebola, west Nile, and the like are all still very much with us, we just no longer see the precautions taken to avoid them.** spoiler omitted **
There's a difference between "endemic" and "extant".
In 2021 I'd expect under 100 SARS cases, 0 Ebola cases, and a few thousand West Nile cases in the U.S. They are so rare as to be "out of sight, out of mind".
Similar to influenza, I expect there to be 100,000+ COVID-19 cases in the U.S. in 2021.
The cat got out of the bag.
Unfortunately I think it's going to take a far heavier hand to overcome what has become a cultural obstinance in our population. And the government that is willing to do such, even for our own good, will be thrown out by the very people its trying to save.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry, Drejk.
All registered voters in California will be able to vote by mail in the November election, state officials said Friday, in an effort to maintain voter participation in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Precisely 6 months before the election.
We may be lunatics, but at least we're decent lunatics.

![]() |
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captain yesterday wrote:Just to show I'm not full of myself.THAT is admittedly awesome.
And, also, a LITTLE out of my budget. Ever. :P
Yeah. But its on the list if I someday become filthy rich ;)

captain yesterday |

Ragadolf wrote:Yeah. But its on the list if I someday become filthy rich ;)captain yesterday wrote:Just to show I'm not full of myself.THAT is admittedly awesome.
And, also, a LITTLE out of my budget. Ever. :P
It's amazing how much cheaper things become when you get cheap or free labor (me).
Just saying.
That job actually didn't cost as much as you might expect because he was out there pretty much every day helping us.
Also I bring that level of detail and professionalism to every job I do, no matter the size or material.
And to be honest, it's always more rewarding to do something cool for friends.