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5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Yeah, our public school system in Texas is pretty awful. Like pre-Scopes-trial awful. No, that's not an exaggeration.
You have got to be s*$~ting me.

She's not. At all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I may be naked, but I'm still serious.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, turns out even the contractors around here have issues.

Since our fireplace guy is doing the fireplace to *OUR* specifications, he wanted *us* to order all the materials. As he put it, "I know people who spend $10 per square foot, and people who spend $100 per square foot, and I don't want to be the one making the decision for them."

So GothBard went to the tile place to get us tiles for our hearth and facade...
...and ALL THE TILES IN THE STORE are a 3-week back order! Real estate is seriously so precious around here that they keep *nothing* in stock.

And here my contractor thought he would be done this week.


(The good news is, he said we can run the fireplace without the tile. I'm not so sure about the hearth, but I don't think he's going to be happy when he finds out that he just lost his work for the rest of the week.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.

You have a point...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I decided whenever anyone in the company texts me complaining about someone else I'm going to respond with "This would never had happened if Sonny Bono was still with us!".

No particular reason.

John Napier 698 wrote:

Hello, everyone.

My mother went to the eye doctor for a Glaucoma test. I hope things go well.

Was the order sudden or expected? Either way, here's hoping for good results.

Ragadolf wrote:
Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!


Ragadolf wrote:
I am a fan of the pumpkin spice,

The same! I'm actually a little sad because we ran out of pumpkin spice life cereal last night (because I ate it), but there isn't a reason to get more (because we have plenty of cereal). Ah, well.

Ragadolf wrote:

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.

And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

I will! It's actually really good. At least the ways I've had it.

Before I ever had it, I was suspicious, too, but after having it, it wasn't whatever I'd thought it was before (which I can hardly remember).

In my experience the texture is a little chewy - a little akin to a smoother more rubbery jerky; it has a salty flavor, too, but nothing like jerky in that case - as the only place I get it is from Asian restaraunts it's more an Asian flavor that I never remember the name of, but which shows up in a couple of dishes.

I have not had any of them be slimy or whatever. Just tasty.

It's a shame it's always so comparatively expensive, or I might get it more often. As it stands, I settle for the occasional "mixed tentacles" from Publix (which is the salty 'cheap' kind and is still multiple dollars - it's strictly a 'sometimes food') and the very rare foray into true octopatic totes a word deliciousness when we eat at Asian Pop and get the salad there. I think they might have it sometimes at the local Asian buffet, but it's not as memorable if they do (the place is swamped with delicious food).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.

...can I call you Shirley?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?

No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My mother is home now. All is well. :)

Tacticslion wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!


Ragadolf wrote:
I am a fan of the pumpkin spice,

The same! I'm actually a little sad because we ran out of pumpkin spice life cereal last night (because I ate it), but there isn't a reason to get more (because we have plenty of cereal). Ah, well.

Ragadolf wrote:

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.

And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

I will! It's actually really good. At least the ways I've had it.

Before I ever had it, I was suspicious, too, but after having it, it wasn't whatever I'd thought it was before (which I can hardly remember).

In my experience the texture is a little chewy - a little akin to a smoother more rubbery jerky; it has a salty flavor, too, but nothing like jerky in that case - as the only place I get it is from Asian restaraunts it's more an Asian flavor that I never remember the name of, but which shows up in a couple of dishes.

I have not had any of them be slimy or whatever. Just tasty.

It's a shame it's always so comparatively expensive, or I might get it more often. As it stands, I settle for the occasional "mixed tentacles" from Publix (which is the salty 'cheap' kind and is still multiple dollars - it's strictly a 'sometimes food') and the very rare foray into true octopatic totes a word deliciousness when we eat at Asian Pop and get the salad there. I think they might have it sometimes at the local Asian buffet, but it's not as memorable if they do (the place is swamped with delicious food).

Dang it, now I need some.

Thank, FaWtL, now I have to find broadly Asian food. Sigh.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

You can call me daughter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:

Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!

I am a fan of the pumpkin spice, I am sitting down at the PC with a cup of coffee with both pumpkin spice creamer, AND pumpkin spice Baileys in it.

(MY lunch break, MY coffee!) ;P

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.
And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

goes to manhattan

buys takoyaki

attached self to underside of car heading in Rags direction


You WILL enjoy Takoyaki.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

So I guess you'll be my bodyguard, then.

Tacticslion wrote:
Wow. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is surprisingly excellent. I love basically every character, and that would be a hard thing to pull off, but when this is a comedy about a bunch of goofballs with exceptionally eccentric personalities it becomes much harder... and when you also have them be actually competent at their jobs and goo-, uh, nic-, mm, not objectively terrible in every way (and are generally willing to admit when they are wrong and change for the better, at least over-all).

I personally found the show to really be cheesy. I wish I could tell you why. It just screamed early 90s sitcom, and I can't tell you what about it just threw me off. Maybe it's because I'm not an Andy Samberg fan.

I'm glad you like it. My brother is a fan, as well. It just couldn't snag me.

I think I've been spoiled so much by deep, intricate writing that your simple episodic sitcom just can't entertain me the way it used to.

NobodysHome wrote:

Well, turns out even the contractors around here have issues.

Since our fireplace guy is doing the fireplace to *OUR* specifications, he wanted *us* to order all the materials. As he put it, "I know people who spend $10 per square foot, and people who spend $100 per square foot, and I don't want to be the one making the decision for them."

So GothBard went to the tile place to get us tiles for our hearth and facade...
...and ALL THE TILES IN THE STORE are a 3-week back order! Real estate is seriously so precious around here that they keep *nothing* in stock.

And here my contractor thought he would be done this week.


(The good news is, he said we can run the fireplace without the tile. I'm not so sure about the hearth, but I don't think he's going to be happy when he finds out that he just lost his work for the rest of the week.)

"The" place?

You went to one place, it was out of stock, and....that was the end of your search?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Power went out right before the last hour of the day. Knocked out my ability to have the kids do their grammar practice online, and meant 30 minutes of talking about Gatsby in the dark.

You'd think by the age of 16, they'd stop acting like the world ended when the lights go out.

NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h@*#&~@&+, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

And Thanksgiving was weird, and my pay got put in the old account again instead of the new bank even though the HR guy promised me it was fixed, so I had to scramble to keep automated bill payments from bouncing, and that was scary.

And I just had to have The Talk with the kids about how things are tight, and if I put lentil tacos on the table because lentils are cheaper protein than meat, to eat it and like it.

I'm following my mom's advice and just taking things one day at a time and doing the best I can, but holy f+++ing s&#&, I am so damned tired of this.

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting analysis as to why such rankings...

Yeah, not here. In fact, I will be homeschooling my daughter for as long as is fiscally possible. The education system, as I experienced it, was a systematic "be like everyone else" conformity machine that focused on the least common denominator, to the detriment of both the exceptional and those who needed help.

That's culturally speaking, which is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as I'm concerned, with the shoddy education itself. To this day, I'm convinced I learned absolutely nothing from 9th grade on that wasn't merely reinforcement or reviewing of something I already learned earlier.

(This is aside from one 11th grade English teacher who taught me to write papers so well I ended up selling them in college for extra cash - he was an exception to the rule, however. He was a year from retirement, and gave absolutely no s$!&s about the school rules, actively encouraging us to skip class if we weren't paying attention so he wouldn't have to waste his time on people who didn't care because what were they gonna do - fire him? He was the model teacher, as far as I'm concerned).

A child deserves a tailored education, bent to their strengths, compensating for their weaknesses, finding their niche, and encouraging growth in the areas that will strengthen their future. Our system doesn't do that. It just teaches you how to pass standardized testing. If you're good enough at test taking, and know things like "when in doubt, answer all of the above", "look for answers that are longer than the rest", "find similarities between answers and pick the one that stands out", etc, well - you can skip more classes than you showed up to (I did) and get about a B average (my high school GPA despite sleeping more at my desk than in my bed at home).

Despite the system declaring me firmly above average, my success in life was not such. They don't teach you the Why you have to work hard, just that you should - despite the fact that life will teach you at one point laziness doesn't pay off. They don't teach the f%#+ing WHY of anything, frankly, and simply shove "because the authority said so" down your throat until you learn to hate said authority.

....or such was my case, at least.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Meanwhile, I've had the reverse experience.

Homeschooling can be an okay option...if the parent in question knows how to teach. In my experience, the vast majority of the kids we get from homeschool (which is a significantly higher portion of our students than I would have expected - we get a lot whose parents enroll them starting in junior high) come to us with devastating gaps in their basic skills across the board. I don't want to get into specifics because confidentiality.

Maybe you'll fare better since you have some background in pedagogy, but this community has made me extremely leery of the practice.

Scintillae wrote:

Meanwhile, I've had the reverse experience.

Homeschooling can be an okay option...if the parent in question knows how to teach. In my experience, the vast majority of the kids we get from homeschool (which is a significantly higher portion of our students than I would have expected) come to us with devastating gaps in their basic skills across the board. I don't want to get into specifics because confidentiality.

Maybe you'll fare better since you have some background in pedagogy, but this community has made me extremely leery of the practice.

Funny, I only saw a handful of kids who came in from a homeschool background when I worked in education, but they were on average doing much better than the rest. Perhaps it's because of the reasoning for said home education? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you come from a region where the majority use religious reasoning for said...alternative practices? Most of those parents I know who do use the same reasons as myself - an inferior opinion of the public system.

Ugh. I could rant on education for longer than I should.

I'll say this:

1) The system is f$#&ed up, and to me, unrepairable on the whole.

2) Exceptionally wonderful people work within the system, but are, sadly, outnumbered by the mediocre, due to the nature of said system taking the hard-working, caring people and grinding away at their spirit until they're either diamonds or they quit.

3) Said diamonds who stick it out and continue despite the nature of said system are glorious heroes who deserve as much respect as any soldier, fire fighter, doctor, or other modern-day hero. Probably more.

So even though it might sound like otherwise, I have more respect for you Scint, as well as the other educators and former educators here on FaWtL, than I could properly articulate.

Scintillae wrote:

Power went out right before the last hour of the day. Knocked out my ability to have the kids do their grammar practice online, and meant 30 minutes of talking about Gatsby in the dark.

You'd think by the age of 16, they'd stop acting like the world ended when the lights go out.

depends on where you live. I still had some classmates who were old enough to remember the occasional horrors that would occur during the rolling blackouts of the early 80s.

Only in TTRPGs can you infiltrate a fortress by disguising yourself as a cloud, then air-dropping in one of your miniaturised comrades, dressed in a magical expanding bikini, using a parachute made from a handkerchief.

Also, farting zombies are a great way to discourage over-curious gate guards from enquiring too deeply into your party's lack of permits.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

Meanwhile, I've had the reverse experience.

Homeschooling can be an okay option...if the parent in question knows how to teach. In my experience, the vast majority of the kids we get from homeschool (which is a significantly higher portion of our students than I would have expected) come to us with devastating gaps in their basic skills across the board. I don't want to get into specifics because confidentiality.

Maybe you'll fare better since you have some background in pedagogy, but this community has made me extremely leery of the practice.

Funny, I only saw a handful of kids who came in from a homeschool background when I worked in education, but they were on average doing much better than the rest. Perhaps it's because of the reasoning for said home education? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you come from a region where the majority use religious reasoning for said...alternative practices? Most of those parents I know who do use the same reasons as myself - an inferior opinion of the public system.

hey, I knew I already gave my opinion on homeschooling, almost a year ago to the day!

I was home schooled, my parents meant well but I definitely would have benefited more from going to public school.

captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.
You can call me daughter.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that I so blatantly f&#%ed up an iconic Pearl Jam song or the fact that none of you called me out on it.

I'm very disappointed, I'd sell you all for spice if I could.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

By the way, that's what I'm telling the new guys this fall when they mess up.

Which of course leads to the new guy asking "What's spice?"

Which of course leads to all the older guys exclaiming "Wait, you haven't seen Dune?".

By this time I've already left.

captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.
You can call me daughter.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that I so blatantly f$%%ed up an iconic Pearl Jam song or the fact that none of you called me out on it.

I'm very disappointed, I'd sell you all for spice if I could.

I just now got back to the forum, but yes, I absolutely noticed.

captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.
You can call me daughter.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that I so blatantly f$+%ed up an iconic Pearl Jam song or the fact that none of you called me out on it.

I'm very disappointed, I'd sell you all for spice if I could.

I noticed, but didn't comment, 'cause I don't like Pearl Jam, but I know you do, so I didn't want to say that, but you mentioned it, so I'm saying it now, but I almost said "not fair to me"

Freehold DM wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!

I am a fan of the pumpkin spice, I am sitting down at the PC with a cup of coffee with both pumpkin spice creamer, AND pumpkin spice Baileys in it.

(MY lunch break, MY coffee!) ;P

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.
And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

goes to manhattan

buys takoyaki

attached self to underside of car heading in Rags direction


You WILL enjoy Takoyaki.

Dont threaten me with something I might enjoy!

What if I like it? THEN what are you gonna do?!? ;P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!

I am a fan of the pumpkin spice, I am sitting down at the PC with a cup of coffee with both pumpkin spice creamer, AND pumpkin spice Baileys in it.

(MY lunch break, MY coffee!) ;P

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.
And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

goes to manhattan

buys takoyaki

attached self to underside of car heading in Rags direction


You WILL enjoy Takoyaki.

Dont threaten me with something I might enjoy!

What if I like it? THEN what are you gonna do?!? ;P

...I didnt think this through...

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I may be naked, but I'm still serious.
...can I call you Shirley?
No, but I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.
You can call me daughter.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that I so blatantly f$+%ed up an iconic Pearl Jam song or the fact that none of you called me out on it.

I'm very disappointed, I'd sell you all for spice if I could.

I noticed, but didn't comment, 'cause I don't like Pearl Jam, but I know you do, so I didn't want to say that, but you mentioned it, so I'm saying it now, but I almost said "not fair to me"

That's cool, I don't even care.

turns away so no one can see me cry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this a bad time to mention I didn't care much for Dune?

If it helps, I do like Eddie Vedder's solo stuff. :-D

Scintillae wrote:
Is this a bad time to mention I didn't care much for Dune?

I hate Dune, possibly more than any other movie other than Poltergeist, but it's a gold mine for outdated references.

captain yesterday wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Is this a bad time to mention I didn't care much for Dune?
I hate Dune, possibly more than any other movie other than Poltergeist, but it's a gold mine for outdated references.

My name IS a killing word!

Just got done watching a documentary on Krakatoa.

Dune is a story that deserves a better movie than either of the two that it got.

Vanykrye wrote:
Dune is a story that deserves a better movie than either of the two that it got.

I haven't seen either movie, but I couldn't get invested in the book.

I listened to it as an audio book about five or ten years ago. It wasn't super memorable. If it weren't for all the references to it in other media, it would be completely forgettable.

lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Is this a bad time to mention I didn't care much for Dune?
I hate Dune, possibly more than any other movie other than Poltergeist, but it's a gold mine for outdated references.
My name IS a killing word!

You trying to steal my schtick?

About to clock out. Good night, everyone.

"You're going to have to work for an hour or two tonight."

Working on hour four right now...

Someone needs to learn to estimate the time it takes to do a job before yelling at me about time management.

Concrete Bridge Model

I haven't seen the film of 'Dune', but I thought the book was a smasher.

Scarab Sages

Wow LM, that really sucks. I hope it gets better soon.

Scarab Sages

I read the first book of Dune, but it didnt really stick in my mind.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've read several of the Dune books. I enjoyed them, generally, though there were definitely some parts that got really weird. Particularly in the later books like God Emperor of Dune. And the old movie, with Sting in it, is cheesy as all hell. It may have been groundbreaking in its day, but now it's mainly good for a laugh. I did enjoy the Sci-Fi channel's adaptations of the books into the miniseries Dune and Children of Dune (they actually covered more than just those two books, but that's what they were called). I haven't seen them in years, so I couldn't say how well they hold up, but I thought they were quite good when they first came out.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

New Guy: Man, it's cold out! Don't you think it's cold out!?

Me: I'm wearing 25 pounds of winter clothing. So, no, it doesn't feel that cold to me.

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