Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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*Gets dressed. Stupid page break* Hi, Kjel!

John Napier 698 wrote:

About to go home from the library. Too hot here to cook, so I think I'll have some Tortilla chips with Cheese sauce, a can of Chili, and some diced up Jalapeno peppers.

I'll see everyone tomorrow, while I'm at work.

I couldn't find any Jalapeno peppers, so I bought a jar of salsa and strained the juice.

lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So, I knew that religion was going to be a little different here in Texas (easy there, Fritzy, no flaming bikes are going to be needed) but I didn't realize how much it was going to come into my classroom.

For example: in California, I occasionally had acquaintances who were Jehovah's Witnesses, but had never met a child who was one. Now I have one in my class. And yesterday she turned five. Getting a year older is a big happy deal for kids. But we're not supposed to say "Happy Birthday". We're also supposed to walk her down to the office if someone else is celebrating a birthday in class. I just said "Congratulations on being five!" She grinned.

Last night I received an email from the mother of one of my Kindergartners, asking me to please monitor/offer him alternative snack if the offering at the snack table violates his "only God-made foods" diet. (No gluten, dairy, sugar, or anything with the ingredients mixed together and cooked; his lunches are usually whole nuts, chickpeas, vegetables, etc.) Just out of curiosity, after I read this, I tried to do some internet research on the background/rationale/extended belief system around this diet, just so I can understand the family a little better. And, wow, was THAT a rabbit hole. amuses me that you're commenting on weird dietary stuff when you were a teacher in the fricking Bay Area!

I swear, EVERY family around here just makes restrictive dietary s*** up just to seem cool.

"Oh, my child isn't allowed to eat any food that blossoms in February, nor any meat where the animal's scientific name contains the letter 'n'."

Living in California, you just learn not to feed people. Or just bring something and say, "No, it's *not* gluten-free, nor vegan, nor low-salt, nor low-fat, nor Kosher, nor anything else. I just made food. If you have a dietary restriction, I'm sure it's bad for you."

And then they eat it anyway.

(NobodysHome's fun fact of the day: As of my last


I assume a bundt cake has nothing at all to do with the Yiddish Socialist League.

Forum seems to be glitching again. Taking several minutes to actually display posts it says exist.

I noticed that too. It seems impossible to get to this page directly. I've had to change the page number in the browser's address just to get here. Maybe Deep-6 FaWtL is dying. Did someone post a complaint in the Website Issues forum?

Posts flicker back and forth, don't update or do update…
Feels a bit touchy.

Yea that's probably a good idea John.

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I actually got a decent day of work in today, so Yay!

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Scintillae wrote:
And The Crucible begins. Countdown to everyone hating Abigail...

Have them read Wuthering Heights and try to find a single male in the class who doesn't want to track down and beat Heathcliff to death with his bare hands.

I swear, I've complained about "A*****e Dazzle" on the thread before (the tendency of teen girls to be attracted to execrable males), but Wuthering Heights takes it to a whole new level; Heathcliff has NO redeeming features whatsoever. He's a complete jerk who deserves to be beaten senseless every day of his life. And yet Catherine loves him for totally-inexplicable reasons, and at least in my high school class at least half the girls fell in love with him as well.

It was a serious "WTF?" revelation moment for me...

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And let's be honest: If you took ANY of the fathers from Shakespeare's romantic comedies, and you allowed them to say, "And here are all the boys my daughter declared her undying love for in the last two years. Talk to them and find out what kind of people they are," they'd be much more sympathetic figures...

2 people marked this as a favorite.


You trying to freak me out or something!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
And The Crucible begins. Countdown to everyone hating Abigail...

Have them read Wuthering Heights and try to find a single male in the class who doesn't want to track down and beat Heathcliff to death with his bare hands.

I swear, I've complained about "A*****e Dazzle" on the thread before (the tendency of teen girls to be attracted to execrable males), but Wuthering Heights takes it to a whole new level; Heathcliff has NO redeeming features whatsoever. He's a complete jerk who deserves to be beaten senseless every day of his life. And yet Catherine loves him for totally-inexplicable reasons, and at least in my high school class at least half the girls fell in love with him as well.

It was a serious "WTF?" revelation moment for me...

But...but then I'd have to read Wuthering Heights...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


You trying to freak me out or something!

My favorite advice I received as a new parent: "So, you have a boy. For the next 12 years you will suffer as your friends with daughters reap the benefits of having girls instead of boys. Then, their daughters will become teenagers. And you will have your payback. With interest."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not overly worried, I'm a pretty awesome dad so that should weed out most of the train wrecks, the chop saw and various axes and hammers my job requires should take care of the rest.

Also I pity the first boy that pisses her off, trained in Tae Kwon do, and able to swing a twenty pound hammer. :-)

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Now that I'm home, more on Wuthering Heights

The Exchange

Kjeldorn wrote:

*Looks over cake, with tears welling up in his eyes*


*Faceplants into the cake and inhales it through every facial orifice*

I don't think that was the way you were supposed to eat a cake...

Oh and I got to try a poppy seed cake - it was delicious!

The Exchange

John Napier 698 wrote:
I noticed that too. It seems impossible to get to this page directly. I've had to change the page number in the browser's address just to get here. Maybe Deep-6 FaWtL is dying. Did someone post a complaint in the Website Issues forum?

The same for PBPing, but I didn't think to complain since I was too busy moving things and spamming FAWTL.

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
And The Crucible begins. Countdown to everyone hating Abigail...

Have them read Wuthering Heights and try to find a single male in the class who doesn't want to track down and beat Heathcliff to death with his bare hands.

I swear, I've complained about "A*****e Dazzle" on the thread before (the tendency of teen girls to be attracted to execrable males), but Wuthering Heights takes it to a whole new level; Heathcliff has NO redeeming features whatsoever. He's a complete jerk who deserves to be beaten senseless every day of his life. And yet Catherine loves him for totally-inexplicable reasons, and at least in my high school class at least half the girls fell in love with him as well.

It was a serious "WTF?" revelation moment for me...

Girls want bad boys?

The Exchange

They also messed up the profile tab, or was it paizo idea of fixing things?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm not overly worried, I'm a pretty awesome dad so that should weed out most of the train wrecks, the chop saw and various axes and hammers my job requires should take care of the rest.

Also I pity the first boy that pisses her off, trained in Tae Kwon do, and able to swing a twenty pound hammer. :-)

The Adult Kid, like 13 years ago, used to take her prospective boyfriends down to the basement to show them my crossbows so I didn't have to.

I love that kid.

2 people marked this as a favorite. other thing


Having met you and your family, I will firmly defend your Awesome Dad status without reservation.

About to go home. Good night, everybody.

Another abysmally early morning... *yawn*

[overtly and cheerfully annoying voice]Good morning, Drejk![/overtly and cheerfully annoying voice]

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Strictly speaking, searching for padded bottom-and-thigh enhancing underpants online for you isn't part of my job description, but I am willing to help if asked.

The Exchange

Good morning, Sharoth!

I've mentioned that I joined a Formula De league that some of my friends are in. I have decided to make use of my 3D printer to make some custom cars to run. So I am working on painting them up. First, I have the Delorean time machine from Back to the Future, in two versions: driving mode and flight mode. Second, I have a VW Bus that I am painting with a kiwi green body and a white top. I just hope that the others get as good a laugh out of these as I do, and that they are the right size. It would suck to put this effort in (not much effort, really) and have the cars be too large to fit on the track. I think they'll fit, the VW might be slightly oversized but ought to work, but we'll find out if I remember to take them with me on Monday.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Because the boy that she shares a locker with is president of the gamer club she's going to start leaving Starfinder books in her locker.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Coworker suggested we get T-shirts printed for Crookshanks' presidential bid.

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What the f~*! man! It's 53 degrees outside!!

I'm not done with summer yet!!!

I don't remember - is it generally considered acceptable to post GoFundMe links? The FLGS I mentioned a few pages back didn't have flood insurance and is therefore at a total loss.

As long as it isn't for Korean gambling dens you should be good.

4 people marked this as a favorite.


If anyone is willing/able to help out, they'd appreciate it.

captain yesterday wrote:
Because the boy that she shares a locker with is president of the gamer club she's going to start leaving Starfinder books in her locker.

Please, please, PLEASE tell me his name is boyd.

captain yesterday wrote:
Coworker suggested we get T-shirts printed for Crookshanks' presidential bid.


Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:

What the f&&& man! It's 53 degrees outside!!

I'm not done with summer yet!!!

hugs, kisses Captain yesterday's state

Scintillae wrote:


If anyone is willing/able to help out, they'd appreciate it.

also create a thread, so that non fawtls can get in on it.

Limeylongears wrote:
Strictly speaking, searching for padded bottom-and-thigh enhancing underpants online for you isn't part of my job description, but I am willing to help if asked.

the sacrifices you make are considerable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Strictly speaking, searching for padded bottom-and-thigh enhancing underpants online for you isn't part of my job description, but I am willing to help if asked.
the sacrifices you make are considerable.

If it helps Ms Call Centre Manager (Joramy, from now on) to out-rump the other maids of honour at the wedding she's attending today, it shall have been worth it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:


If anyone is willing/able to help out, they'd appreciate it.

also create a thread, so that non fawtls can get in on it.

Was running behind for work, hadn't had time to figure out how to word a thread yet. Will do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And done. I feel so awkward asking people for money, even when it's nothing to do with me directly.

Scintillae wrote:
And done. I feel so awkward asking people for money, even when it's nothing to do with me directly.

I don't mind. Can I have some money?

Seriously, in high school I was in a quiz bowl tournament and between matches I went around to all the other teams asking if anyone had some spare change. No one asked why, but I gathered over $10 that day. Some people gave me change early in the day when I asked and then came up to me after lunch and said "Here's my change from lunch, if you want it."

Another, less ethical time I made money, I was at an ICTM meet. (ICTM was basically taking math tests competitively). From previous experience, I knew that there were vending machines that didn't accept dollar bills and no change machines. So in the weeks leading up to it I put together about $30 in quarters, and waited. Sure enough, people would wander around asking if anyone had change for a dollar. I would reach into my backpack, pull out 3 quarters, and say "Sorry, I only 75 cents." And people would take it because it was that or nothing. By lunchtime I was out of quarters, so I went to the book store (we were on a college campus) and asked if they had a bunch of quarters. They would only give me $20 worth, so I took them and went back to the vending area. Pretty soon I was out of quarters again. I felt a little guilty about it, but I made a pretty good profit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:

What the f%!* man! It's 53 degrees outside!!

I'm not done with summer yet!!!

LOL. 53 degrees *IS* summer around here!

Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Because the boy that she shares a locker with is president of the gamer club she's going to start leaving Starfinder books in her locker.
Please, please, PLEASE tell me his name is boyd.

Nope, it's Max.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Because the boy that she shares a locker with is president of the gamer club she's going to start leaving Starfinder books in her locker.
Please, please, PLEASE tell me his name is boyd.
Nope, it's Max.

Is that short for Maximillian Boyd Von Werther?

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Let's see...

120 pounds a block... 4 pallets of blocks.... 36 blocks on a pallet... F#$+!!

Is there a reference to the Boyd thing I'm not getting?

Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Let's see...

120 pounds a block... 4 pallets of blocks.... 36 blocks on a pallet... F@@*!!

So I'm curious because I don't work with such things: How do you lift a 2-ton pallet. Can a forklift really handle that kind of a load?

(I mean yeah, a full-sized backhoe or something would have no trouble, but I think "pallet" and then I think "forklift" and for whatever reason I thought a forklift maxed out at around a ton just because of the physics.)

Oh, and here on Google I see that forklifts are typically rated to around 5000 pounds. Who knew?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Is there a reference to the Boyd thing I'm not getting?

just a running, soon to be overused gag where I misspelled something and now all guys interested in crookshanks are now named boyd.

There is a council of Boyds out there, somewhere, who are coming up with plans to impress captain yesterday, which will all inevitably fail.

Scintillae wrote:
And done. I feel so awkward asking people for money, even when it's nothing to do with me directly.

you're doing the right thing.

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