NobodysHome |

NobodysHome wrote:The fact that he had his own company (or at the least a truck and homeless guy to work for him is what made it so ridiculously stupid.Freehold DM wrote:captain yesterday wrote:[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]Dumbest question this week.
"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.
LOL. That question simply means you don't own a home.
Yeah, grass'll rip through half an inch of sand as if it weren't there. Or half an inch of concrete for that matter.
Grass is nasty stuff. Give it water and it'll rip through anything to get to daylight.
Except, apparently, black plastic garbage bags. Which is what all idiot homeowners did around here around 20 years ago to kill off all greenery, so we get to deal with blowing about bits of decayed black plastic everywhere.
Once you own a home, you realize that grass is nature's revenge on us for our malfeasance.
EDIT: And the grass has exposed me as I have exposed the grass!

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!
(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot aebleskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)
*Looks at Rum with a candle in it*
Eh...can't be worse the Hansen's Rom*
*Gulps down Rum and spits out candle*
*Looks at wax covered aebleskiver*
Well, that's a shame.
Wait I got an idea!
*Scrapes hole in the wax and tries to suck out the aebleskive with a straw*
*Looks nervously at the candle in ice cream, and hurries to blow it out*
But I'm used to my grandmothers home-made Stroh Rum laced ice-cream. That stuff is so laced with Rum that it might catch on fire, if its exposed to an open flame!
But really thank you for the congratulations LM!
*Offers a hug*
*A cheap ass brand of Danish Rum

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!
(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot aebleskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)
*Looks at Rum with a candle in it*
Eh...can't be worse the Hansen's Rom*
*Gulps down Rum and spits out candle*
*Looks at wax covered aebleskiver*
Well, that's a shame.
Wait I got an idea!
*Scrapes hole in the wax and tries to suck out the aebleskive with a straw*
*Looks nervously at the candle in ice cream, and hurries to blow it out*
But I'm used to my grandmothers home-made Stroh Rum laced ice-cream. That stuff is so laced with Rum that it might catch on fire, if its exposed to an open flame!But really thank you for the congratulations LM!
*Offers a hug*
*A cheap ass brand of Danish Rum
When I worked in Jamaica, the local ice cream man used to bring homemade rum raisin ice cream in a plywood box strapped to the back of his bicycle. It was amazing. And there was so much booze in it that even if you put the bowl in the freezer overnight, it would still be the consistency of pudding the next morning.

Freehold DM |

Kjeldorn wrote:When I worked in Jamaica, the local ice cream man used to bring homemade rum raisin ice cream in a plywood box strapped to the back of his bicycle. It was amazing. And there was so much booze in it that even if you put the bowl in the freezer overnight, it would still be the consistency of pudding the next morning.lisamarlene wrote:Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!
(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot aebleskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)
*Looks at Rum with a candle in it*
Eh...can't be worse the Hansen's Rom*
*Gulps down Rum and spits out candle*
*Looks at wax covered aebleskiver*
Well, that's a shame.
Wait I got an idea!
*Scrapes hole in the wax and tries to suck out the aebleskive with a straw*
*Looks nervously at the candle in ice cream, and hurries to blow it out*
But I'm used to my grandmothers home-made Stroh Rum laced ice-cream. That stuff is so laced with Rum that it might catch on fire, if its exposed to an open flame!But really thank you for the congratulations LM!
*Offers a hug*
*A cheap ass brand of Danish Rum
where in Jamaica?

Freehold DM |

captain yesterday wrote:NobodysHome wrote:The fact that he had his own company (or at the least a truck and homeless guy to work for him is what made it so ridiculously stupid.Freehold DM wrote:captain yesterday wrote:[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]Dumbest question this week.
"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.
LOL. That question simply means you don't own a home.
Yeah, grass'll rip through half an inch of sand as if it weren't there. Or half an inch of concrete for that matter.
Grass is nasty stuff. Give it water and it'll rip through anything to get to daylight.
Except, apparently, black plastic garbage bags. Which is what all idiot homeowners did around here around 20 years ago to kill off all greenery, so we get to deal with blowing about bits of decayed black plastic everywhere.
Once you own a home, you realize that grass is nature's revenge on us for our malfeasance.
EDIT: And the grass has exposed me as I have exposed the grass!
That's what she said!

lisamarlene |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tomorrow is supposed to be my last day of work, and I've managed to get a cold, so I went home for the afternoon to lie on the couch. Since I'm trying to rest and Whingey Wizzard is trying to do stuff at his desk and Teensy Valeros is desperate for attention, I did the only thing a responsible mother would and plugged my old Atari tv joystick into an equally old television and introduced him to the joy/hell that is Atari Adventure.
He's hooked. And he thinks the dragons are ducks, and won't hear otherwise.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tomorrow is supposed to be my last day of work, and I've managed to get a cold, so I went home for the afternoon to lie on the couch. Since I'm trying to rest and Whingey Wizzard is trying to do stuff at his desk and Teensy Valeros is desperate for attention, I did the only thing a responsible mother would and plugged my old Atari tv joystick into an equally old television and introduced him to the joy/hell that is Atari Adventure.
He's hooked. And he thinks the dragons are ducks, and won't hear otherwise.
The dragons ARE ducks!
And we have the Atari emulator all hooked up to the TV, so maybe he can do that on Saturday for a couple of hours.
'Cause I just realized our gardener is coming over to rebuild one of our fences, so having him in the back yard asking all kinds of questions and getting underfoot probably wouldn't be all that smart...

lisamarlene |

lisamarlene wrote:where in Jamaica?Kjeldorn wrote:When I worked in Jamaica, the local ice cream man used to bring homemade rum raisin ice cream in a plywood box strapped to the back of his bicycle. It was amazing. And there was so much booze in it that even if you put the bowl in the freezer overnight, it would still be the consistency of pudding the next morning.lisamarlene wrote:Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!
(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot aebleskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)
*Looks at Rum with a candle in it*
Eh...can't be worse the Hansen's Rom*
*Gulps down Rum and spits out candle*
*Looks at wax covered aebleskiver*
Well, that's a shame.
Wait I got an idea!
*Scrapes hole in the wax and tries to suck out the aebleskive with a straw*
*Looks nervously at the candle in ice cream, and hurries to blow it out*
But I'm used to my grandmothers home-made Stroh Rum laced ice-cream. That stuff is so laced with Rum that it might catch on fire, if its exposed to an open flame!But really thank you for the congratulations LM!
*Offers a hug*
*A cheap ass brand of Danish Rum
A little marine lab in the middle of nowhere on the north coast. I was a boat driver/dive guide and got paid under the table because dad was one of the researchers teaching at the lab in the summers. Which ended ignominiously when the university he was hired by fired him. But for a couple of summers, it was great.

John Napier 698 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I remember that game. My family had the console. There was this trick when playing the Space Invaders game. You'd pull down the start and reset switches together, and your base got full automatic fire. Pac-man was my father's favorite. I enjoyed the tank games in the Combat! cartridge. And then, there was Yar's Revenge. Where you were a fly-like alien eating blocks out of a shield to gain energy, then shoot that energy at the game's BBEG. Fun times. There are times where I wish I could freeze that time of my life, and visit it whenever I chose.

Freehold DM |

Tomorrow is supposed to be my last day of work, and I've managed to get a cold, so I went home for the afternoon to lie on the couch. Since I'm trying to rest and Whingey Wizzard is trying to do stuff at his desk and Teensy Valeros is desperate for attention, I did the only thing a responsible mother would and plugged my old Atari tv joystick into an equally old television and introduced him to the joy/hell that is Atari Adventure.
He's hooked. And he thinks the dragons are ducks, and won't hear otherwise.
that's one smart kid!

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When I worked in Jamaica, the local ice cream man used to bring homemade rum raisin ice cream in a plywood box strapped to the back of his bicycle. It was amazing. And there was so much booze in it that even if you put the bowl in the freezer overnight, it would still be the consistency of pudding the next morning.
That's very close to how I remember my grandmother's ice cream.It was somewhere between pudding and ice cream in consistency.
...I did the only thing a responsible mother would and plugged my old Atari tv joystick into an equally old television and introduced him to the joy/hell that is Atari Adventure.
He's hooked. And he thinks the dragons are ducks, and won't hear otherwise...
Sounds very responsible to me.
I had an old Atari for a short time (I was a Commodore kid), and I turned out great!*Slight eye-twitch and starts arranging his things on his desk in strange geometric patterns*

John Napier 698 |
You mean I can go from checking fawtl on my phone to pming fawtlers...on my phone?
It's not private messaging. It's all public. It's just a different channel of communication for use when, say, the Paizo server is down/being maintained. And it's free to use. Download it, install it, and I'll let Tac know that you want an invite.

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Looking for adventurers for Ironfang Invasion
As promised, John, just skip the recruitment page and plop yourself straight into discussion.
Thanks, Gran, for reminding me I have a large store of motivation points. I put them to use.

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It's always amazing to me just how much culture and practices vary even within a fairly strictly-defined community: Caucasian kids raised in Albany.
So I was always taught that when you went to a friend's house and his or her parents offered you dinner, you:
- Politely ate the first serving, whether or not it was nasty
- Politely asked for seconds if you wanted them
- Stopped there so as not to be considered a greedy pigAdmittedly, this might have been born of my Depression-era parents buying only a set amount of food, thus ensuring that if you ate your fill, someone else would go hungry.
So last night we had a guest (who shall remain nameless), and I made spaghetti and meatballs for the three of them (the two Impii and the guest), including a pound and a half of ground beef, a pound of dried spaghetti, and 3 cups of sauce. The kids each had their first servings. Then our guest, without asking, went back for seconds. Then thirds. Then fourths. Until the meal that typically gives us leftovers for 2-3 nights was entirely devoured.
On the one hand, I'm sure his family raised him differently: He has 4 or 5 older brothers and I'm sure it was much more of a feeding frenzy at his place. And it's nice not to have to deal with leftovers.
But for me, it's odd to be at a friend's house and to be helping yourself to fourths, finishing off all the food, without so much as a "by your leave" or "did anyone else want any"?
Different families, different cultures...
(I'm trying to be clear that I'm not angry about it, just kind of surprised and perplexed, because I was always taught that eating all the food at someone else's house was rude, so it's interesting to see someone for whom that was definitely not the case.)
Hmm as you might have expected…I’ve the tendency to clean off everything that’s on the table and not like to leave leftovers. Our idea of a good party is where everyone is satisfied, but with little to no leftovers. Asking if anyone wants another helping is…sometimes done over here, otherwise just whallop, cos we don't care. My uncle has the tendency to polish large amounts of food off by himself, without asking, we just prepare more. Also it’s a bit of a family embarrassment, the last time my cousin had popiah party at her place but didn’t get enough, so she had to take out the chicken nuggets. So rule of the thumb for family gatherings, buy more then what a typical family would eat(since we’re gluttons and proud of it), then keep a few little things as side snacks (mochis etc) in case it isn’t enough.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a Mort wrote:Sorry, Mort, but Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina are the children of Han and Leia. Because their last names are Solo, and not Skywalker.The Game Hamster wrote:Just a Mort wrote:I don't have any issues with Star Wars episode 8 and 9.
Anything's better then Yuuzhan Vong.
I thought they sounded neat.
I didn't read the novels, but they still seemed like a cool idea.You see once the Yuuzhan Vong came into the picture it all ended up as an intergalatical war where good people died. And the horrors of war irreparably corrupted good people(think PTSD), and lead to some rather nasty stuff in legacy of the force series.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Which really made the whole thing too dark for my taste. So anything without Yuuzhan Vong is a good thing!
Agreed, what was I thinking of when I typed it. Really stoopid typos.

Sharoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

~Unmitigated fanboy scream~ OMG! OMG! OMG! It's back! ~begins to hyperventilate~

lisamarlene |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

So because I'm on the couch feeling like someone is inflating my head with a pneumatic snot-injector pump, I'm binge watching Babylon 5 on Prime, which led me to wonder what Straczynski is up to, which led me to his Twitter feed.
Much of it is like this:
"Cartoons have always been an easy target for rage in one way or another. When I was doing She-Ra, He-Man and The Real Ghostbusters we were constantly being attacked for advocating for Satanism (true), when in fact most days we were just mildly supportive of Ba'al."

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, and here is his Ram Man song from He Man:
"Sigh...okay, sing along everyone, to the theme music from BONANZA:
"Who is the man with the head of lead
Who is as dense as a picket fence?
RAM MAN is his name!
Jumping here, leaping there, bouncing everywhere..."
And so forth.
Next: seppuku."

lisamarlene |

Straczynski, before Babylon 5, was a writer for the original seasons of He Man, She-Ra, and The Real Ghostbusters. This is a goofy parody song about a minor character in He Man. The character has no point, his only reason for being is that he's a human battering ram. Apparently word about the song (which I think he'd done at a few cons to amuse the fans) got around.

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:I'm kinda bummed out. I was planning to buy a new 3d printer next month, and the company I was going to buy it from (the company I got my first one from) just shut down. Now I gotta do research for a different one.Out of curiosity, which cats are so fond of, what would you be using it for?
I make random things for myself sometimes, and I have a friend who likes to make/modify board games so I make pieces for his games.