Deep 6 FaWtL

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Grand Lodge

Just a Mort wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:

Sorry don't really think I can help there Rosita.

I haven't really been in touch with the PF 3rd party scene for a while, so I don't really know what's out there, as good stuff to be inspired/swipe from.

As for pain…
I'm in the wimpy end of the spectrum, by being somewhat pain and heat sensitive.

Eh think I might turn in early.
Feeling mopey, tired and lonely again today.

I'm light sensitive. Too much sunlight and it hurts my eyes. And vulnerable to cold. I get cold easily. Pain...I generally try to tell it to go sit in the naughty corner.

Yeah, that me too.

The Exchange

Kjeldorn wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
*ponders if she really wants to know the details, then decides, for her sanity, better not*

Don't worry kitty, the story is quite safe.

*Scratches Mort on the back*

I was just sharing a bed with a friend, who toss and turns a lot in his sleep and he proceed to elbow me right on the nose, which gave me a gushing nose-bleed.
Still I count it as one of the rudest awakenings I've gotten thus far ^^'

Ok phew. I didn't lose any sanity points for knowing.

TOZ, are you nekkid? Get dressed for goodness sake!

*shakes a paw at the nekkid TOZ*

Grand Lodge

Am I? Or do I have the most cultured of clothes?

The Exchange

Noooo my eyes!*covers them with paws*

Now I'd dearly love to arrest you under Section 27A(1a)of the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act, Chapter 184, stating that anyone appearing nude in a public place shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both, but I'm not sure how I'm going to make an arrest while not looking at you.

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*tugs and straightens bowtie*
Guess who got himself a date tomorrow with his crush?
*smooths hair*

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I almost went with the Dapmster, but you can clearly see why I didn't.

The Exchange

Congratulations the Game Hamster! Hope everything goes well!

Assuming it's over a meal:

Also, who's picking the restaurant etc - have you tried the food/at least checked out the reviews to see if the food standards are up to scratch?

Just a Mort wrote:

Congratulations the Game Hamster! Hope everything goes well!

Assuming it's over a meal:

Also, who's picking the restaurant etc - have you tried the food/at least checked out the reviews to see if the food standards are up to scratch?

Restaurant is a mexican place a friend said was good... I don't think either of us have been there before.

The Exchange

If you or her can't take spice, be careful with habanero peppers or sauces containing them. If you overdose anyway, go for milkshakes/ice-cream.

Check with the friend what's good and if you run out of inspiration getting tacos for appetizers shouldn't go wrong.

After that probably burritos, and churrios (if you guys are sweet tooths).

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Both her and I have mexican in our heritage, so...
I don't really think we are going to be getting anything we can't handle.
P.s. when I do check out a Mexican place I order a tamale and a chile Relleno. those dishes will tell you right quick how authentic the place is, if you know what you are looking for.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
The Dapper Hamster wrote:

*tugs and straightens bowtie*

Guess who got himself a date tomorrow with his crush?
*smooths hair*


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Howdy, FaWtLies!!

I actually *did* read the intervening 427+ posts this time. Weird, right?

1) I've been working 12-hour shifts in a non-environmentally-controlled manufacturing facility, on a concrete slab, under a metal roof, in the heat and humidity of north-central Mississippi for the past several weeks after severely straining (very nearly tearing) my right calf muscle in a freak Memorial Day weekend accident. I totally disagree with the suggestion that we menfolk can't push through pain.

Now, when I strained my back in the *middle* of that particular recovery-while-working process, we had another thing entirely going on. I woke up to an empty house one morning, and it took me AN HOUR to crawl across the bed (I slept propped against the wall), into the floor, through the hallway, and into the bathroom to pull myself to standing on the vanity. *That* was a "fun time". Missed two days of work because of that. Not so with the leg, though. :D

2) Mort, you're a lovely young gal. :)

3) lisamarlene, I recommend practicing your "conversational dodgewrench" skills, as well as working on a Whoo! NASCAR!!! invisibility SLA (yes, the verbal component is a **must**, and if you can sell it as a 'war cry' of sorts, you'll have good chances of handling typical Texan ELs).

But on a slightly more serious note about your lifestyle upheaval: I'm proud of you and yours for making such a decision. I hope that it results in better things for you and your family. In fact, I'm fairly certain that it **will** have very positive results. Godspeed!

4) Glad you have new employment, Icyshadow!! :)

5) Take care of that foot, Kjel!

I hold to Robert Downey, Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes assessment of horses: "Dangerous at both ends, and tricky in the middle," but it's awesome that you, too, have found rewarding work.

6) cap, your continued exploits in landscaping always bring a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing!! :D

. . . .



That's all I can remember at the moment. I'll fall back into my typical patterns, for the present.

I've missed you guys!! (Totally my fault for not being around; nice to be back.)

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captain yesterday wrote:

The General is making a three dimensional Bill Cipher pyramid gravity falls cake for Tiny T-Rex's birthday.

One side is going to be Bill and then the other sides will be iconic places like the Mystery Shack.

sounds like lisamarlene has some competition.

The general totally should not get a fawtl account and come in here talking snack to lisamarlene, which would result in an arguement. That would be bad.

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Just a Mort wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Teensy Valeros and I are going home today.

Hermione is staying in Oregon for two more weeks.
I have ten work days left at the old job and we leave California in 29 days.
Trying not to freak out.
LM. Take a deep breath, relax and just do the move systematically and everything will work out fine =)

And if that doesn't work, hyperventilate, pull out your hair, throw everything into random boxes, and hope for the best.

captain yesterday wrote:
Not that being able to do stupid s@+& like that makes me tough or anything, we all have our own threshold for pain

Yeah I remember in highschool I had a ear nose and throat doctor examining m and he mention I had a deviated septum and something else and he said It should be causing me a lot of pain and was surprised I hadn't said anything. I had no idea what he was talking about. I don't If I was just used to it or what but its weird. Pain is soooo subjective. all kinds of pain really physical mental etc.

That why I personally even though I might think I've had a harder life then someone you still take their pain and trauma seriously they might have a different threshold then you.

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Just a Mort wrote:
I'm now an Aunt Agony Mort for my brother's kitchen woes in Arizona. He's preparing his food for a week, then he'll microwave to reheat when he wants to eat it. Apparently for a single person it's not worth the trouble to cook everyday. So he's got a bucket list of stuff in his fridge and I'm giving recipes on what to do with it.

That's pretty much what I do. Mainly so that I can relax and not have to rush around trying to cook every night. For instance, this week I made a slow-cooker FauxBQ pork roast and am having a sandwich and some french fries each night.

I made french dip sandwich tonight put a beef roast in a crockpot for 8 hours on low with 2 cans of french onion and 1 can of beef sonne soup. Then you get your juices int eh crock pot strain em then reduce em by half in a pot for the au ju. SOOOOO good. (ofcourse add bread and cheese.)

That does sound good. I may have to steal that recipe.

Lets all take a moment and be glad that cutting hair doesn't hurt.

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Playing poker is pretty much the only valid reason to wear sunglasses inside. Otherwise people think you are either weird or trying to hide the fact that you are high.

The first person to see a chameleon change colors likely freaked out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Using a fan is trying to domesticate wind.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
That does sound good. I may have to steal that recipe.

I suggest searing the roast on all sides before you throw it in the crock pot too. I didn't think this helped at first but after experimenting with it the mean ends up being so much more tender.

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People get offended when you tell them how to raise their children. Unless you write a book. Then they will pay you to do so.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Playing poker is pretty much the only valid reason to wear sunglasses inside. Otherwise people think you are either weird or trying to hide the fact that you are high.

We can't stop here man. this is bat country!

gran rey de los mono wrote:
People get offended when you tell them how to raise their children. Unless you write a book. Then they will pay you to do so.

Now there is a true statement if I ever heard one. That why I like to phrase my suggestions with "You know I read somewhere that"

(You got to beat those little heathens senseless)

No I'm kidding Little kids are great most of the time.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Lets all take a moment and be glad that cutting hair doesn't hurt.

I believe that there is a medical condition where it does.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Lets all take a moment and be glad that cutting hair doesn't hurt.
I believe that there is a medical condition where it does.

That sounds horrible.

I don't think Arnold Palmer gets enough credit for his fine selection of drinks.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't think Arnold Palmer gets enough credit for his fine selection of drinks.

The man's a drink mogul.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't think Arnold Palmer gets enough credit for his fine selection of drinks.
The man's a drink mogul.

Ok maybe he does get enough credit.

The Exchange

The Game Hamster wrote:

Both her and I have mexican in our heritage, so...

I don't really think we are going to be getting anything we can't handle.
P.s. when I do check out a Mexican place I order a tamale and a chile Relleno. those dishes will tell you right quick how authentic the place is, if you know what you are looking for.

Ah OK id have told you to watch out for jalapeño peppers as well but I think you guys should be fine. My experience with Mexican food is this.

I usually have 2 tacos for a meal.

The Exchange

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I have managed to acquire a stroopwafel. At teatime, the experimentation shall begin. I shall leave it on top of my teacup which has boiling hot spearmint and camomile tea in it for 5 min then eat it up to see if it's as addictive as Woran says. Stay tuned for the research results!

They cost SGD $1 per piece on offer, otherwise it's 1.20.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Lets all take a moment and be glad that cutting hair doesn't hurt.
I believe that there is a medical condition where it does.

LOL yes, it's called "being three".

quiet night. Its weird normally I would work on my book but now that I have submitted it. I just have to wait... So now I need other things to do during this time. I guess I should find a book to read. (after doing something for a year you get pretty used to it.)

Just a Mort wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:

Both her and I have mexican in our heritage, so...

I don't really think we are going to be getting anything we can't handle.
P.s. when I do check out a Mexican place I order a tamale and a chile Relleno. those dishes will tell you right quick how authentic the place is, if you know what you are looking for.

Ah OK id have told you to watch out for jalapeño peppers as well but I think you guys should be fine. My experience with Mexican food is this.

I usually have 2 tacos for a meal.

My go-to is the steak fajita taco salad. Not really traditional, I know, but I think they are darn tasty. Sometimes I'll get some kind of burrito instead.

I prefer fajita's and quesadilla to tacos.

The Exchange

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I’m not the kind of baker/cook that some FAWTL dudes are (LM, I’m looking at you)=P The stuff that comes out of my kitchen will be tasty, but don’t expect any fancy decorations, sauces, dressings etc. It’s very down to earth and simple. All my cakes come without any frosting because they were made to be rations, so I rather no frosting, so it’s easier to transport(don’t have to worry about frosting getting all over the place), and also can keep longer (cream needs to be refrigerated and all that). Besides another part of me looks at the sugar and butter involved in the frosting and goes eeeek at the calories :P

The Exchange

Quesadilas seem a little thin on filings for my taste. I prefer more fillings. The fajita has potential though.

I wonder what it’s like to do the home along thing in US. I suppose I’d be a little better off in the cooking department since I can and will cook for myself. Who knows, I might be having orange or banana cake for breakfast everyday, eschewing store bought stuff :P

Or maybe I’d start baking pizza for myself. If there were chickpeas…I could have hummus spread on wraps(if they are available in the supermart), possibly make my own kebabs out of baked chicken…

I'd probably stock my fridge with brie for snacks though.

The Exchange

Autistic children may find haircuts painful

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and a pot of glue?

You can tune a piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

Just a Mort wrote:
Autistic children may find haircuts painful

Hmm interesting. Good on him. I think I had in mind more of a what if you could feel your hair being cut kind of painful as if it had nerves.

When my grandpa cut my hair it legitimately hurt. he cut hair in the military it was pretty rough and I always got a crew cut.

Hmm You know I was just thinking about the positives and negatives of the behavioral training and autism is one of the big ones that comes up a lot. I've seen some very intensive behavioral therapy over the course of years make truly miraculous effects on children with autism to the point where you wouldn't believe they ever had it in the first place. (when its used it works on about 50% of cases which is staggeringly effective really Its has however been quite awhile since I have updated myself on it however) downside it the price and amount of time invested your talking about 2-3 hours more days then not of a trained professional over the course of years and it needs to start as as young as possible pretty much for better effectiveness.

At the same time there are some psychologists that believe you should instead accept the person as is and not make an attempt to change them. its just a part of who they are. Society should change instead of making them change for society. The whole thing can be pretty interesting. I should look up if there is any research done on the individuals overall happiness after the treatment. It would probably be pretty hard to get a good baseline... I might be rambling

TL/DR: interesting article.

A friend asked me if I was free on Friday. I said "Of course I am. This is 'Murica!!"

Although I almost said "No. I'm cheap, but not free."

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and a pot of glue?

You can tune a piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

Tom and Jerry has taught me otherwise sir. you can piano about anything.

I used to be in a band called "Lost Dog". You may have seen our posters.

I don't understand how people get attacked by sharks. Don't they hear the music?

I washed the car with my son the other day. It didn't go very well. Next time I think I'll use a sponge instead.

Did you know that they are thinking about banning "The Wave" at sporting events? Apparently too many blondes are drowning.

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