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Accent? Me?! Pfff...




Alright, Alright! Yea I got an accent, though I hope as it nowhere near as thick or obvious as these stellar examples of 'Danishness' (A former head-coach of the Danish national soccer team and a former prime minister of Denmark).

Though when conversing in Danish my accent do tend to thicken, especially when I'm speaking in a Danish dialect. Which is a whole pain in and off it self as, depend on which scholar you consult, there are around 3 main area dialects, which can be subdivided into around 18 "subdialects" in total.
In a county with a population around 5.8 million*.

Edit: Nope far too cold up here currently, to prance around naked!

*Puts on clothes, an extra pair of socks, a scarf, a pair of gloves, a winter jacket...and jumps beneath his bed covers*

8 people marked this as a favorite.

So, there are people who "have more money than sense" (anyone seen Shiro lately?) but what about, "More taste than money" or some such?

Yesterday we signed all the paperwork to get our HELOC finalized (home equity line of credit, where you borrow against the value of your house (presumably) to make home improvements), so we were feeling pretty flush. NobodysWife wants a new couch set (just because ours is stinky, stained, hideous, falling apart, and uncomfy unless you're lying down is no reason to get a new set...).

So we went down to Living Spaces to see what we could see. And we saw ugly. Not just "ugly" but "oh my god I thought they put that fabric to death after the 1970s ugly".

Apparently the "fashion of the moment" is "rustic", as in, "Let's put together furniture that looks like grandpa went out to the scrap heap and nailed together a few random pieces of wood into a sofa. The fabrics are "1970s hotel retro". I saw fabrics that used car salesmen would be ashamed to wear. We found a really comfy down-filled sectional set, but instead of colors like, "Deep Burgundy" or "Dark (forest or olive) green", they had bright yellow, bright orange, feces brown, and quite a few variations on "1970s Vegas Hotel".

There's nothing like having plenty of cash to buy new furniture, going into a blocks-long furniture store, and finding everything so hideous that you walk out empty-handed.


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That reminds me of when we went shopping for new beds for the kids a couple of years ago.

It was hilarious!

We ended up getting beds from Amazon.

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I just noticed that I used "1970s" three times in my previous post.

And yep, that about sums up our trip to Living Spaces, all right...

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This is where you get furniture in Madison.

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captain yesterday wrote:
This is where you get furniture in Madison.

I went to their "sectionals" section, and the grey would have been totally acceptable. Not great, but geez, at least not hideous.

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That's as close to tasteful as you'll get in the Midwest without an excursion into Amish country (which my family has connections with).

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I just love the Forbes website.

"Stop using AdBlocker! We need the revenue! We won't let you in without turning it off!" says Forbes.
"That site has more infections than a CDC disease vault!" says my virus scanner as it blocks the website entirely when adblocking is turned off.

Forbes, when using your website has more risk of infection than gargling HIV-infected blood, maybe the problem isn't adblocking? Maybe you just don't deserve the revenue?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Furniture can be pretty good if you have local woodworkers. Check your local farmer's market and ren fairs. You might be surprised what you find if you're willing to ask about other products.

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I rolled 14, 11, 16, 13, 9, 16.

For Pathfinder, do i keep them as is, or what would you do with them.

Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
German does have some fun swear words.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I rolled 14, 11, 16, 13, 9, 16.

For Pathfinder, do i keep them as is, or what would you do with them.

That's a pretty good array for anything other than a Monk or something with equally-MAD stat demands. (Also presuming you don't have to Roll In Order, otherwise hope you like playing Paladins, Bards, or unusually-strong Sorcs.)

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lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.

I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a vaguely Canadian accent. No real explanation. When I am really tired or upset I have a british accent. Even less explanation. I have always known I had an accent because it stands out from the nasally midwestern accent I grew up around. I am very good at imitating accents, but that nasal a sound is the one thing I literally can’t do properly. Still no explanation.

Edit: but I do have a lovely stutter picked up from years of people picking on the way I talk to the point that I became too self conscious to talk at all for a long time. Fun times. Really.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

NH, the ugly furniture problem is real! It’s the reason why we have the loveseat of discomfort. I know what I want in a sofa, but cannot find it. IKEA has something closeish but that’s about as good as it gets. I just want a plain grey sofa, dang it! That doesn’t cost more than a month’s rent! (I know, now I’m just being picky, but not that picky. Rent around here is not that cheap.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.
I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.

I think the point is that everyone has an accent, you just don’t hear yours because it’s normal to you. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.
I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.

I'm just saying that I have yet to meet someone from Pittsburgh who didn't. Granted, most of the folks I know from there are from a specific subset of the population.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Trying to explain the plot of les mis to the kidlet...there’s a lot of and then they die in this recap...

When tired, full of beer, or excited, this is my accent, even if they're from the next county over (Somerset, rather than Dorset).

Same when awake, sober and tranquil, but less thick, and more 'generic Brit' with occasional Yorkshire tinges.

I once had a job ringing up US power stations and asking them questions about their turbines, and people in the Southern states couldn't understand me at all.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Wraithblade, an evil, spirit-possessed sword...

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Let's hope Limeylongears don't met one for a spar...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

When tired, full of beer, or excited, this is my accent, even if they're from the next county over (Somerset, rather than Dorset).

Same when awake, sober and tranquil, but less thick, and more 'generic Brit' with occasional Yorkshire tinges.

I once had a job ringing up US power stations and asking them questions about their turbines, and people in the Southern states couldn't understand me at all.

I went through a phase as a child when I was obsessed with the Yorkshire dialect as represented in "the Secret Garden", so I attempted to practice it until my mother threatened to throw the book in the trash.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Terrinam wrote:

I just love the Forbes website.

"Stop using AdBlocker! We need the revenue! We won't let you in without turning it off!" says Forbes.
"That site has more infections than a CDC disease vault!" says my virus scanner as it blocks the website entirely when adblocking is turned off.

Forbes, when using your website has more risk of infection than gargling HIV-infected blood, maybe the problem isn't adblocking? Maybe you just don't deserve the revenue?

as long as you dont swallow you are good.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

I have a vaguely Canadian accent. No real explanation. When I am really tired or upset I have a british accent. Even less explanation. I have always known I had an accent because it stands out from the nasally midwestern accent I grew up around. I am very good at imitating accents, but that nasal a sound is the one thing I literally can’t do properly. Still no explanation.

Edit: but I do have a lovely stutter picked up from years of people picking on the way I talk to the point that I became too self conscious to talk at all for a long time. Fun times. Really.

great. Who do I call first? Drunk lisamarlene or sober lynora?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Final Space is interesting.

But once again, the weirdo is named Gary.

But he's the main character.

Which means whenever i watch the show I look up at the screen with the urge to respond.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Crookshanks wrote:
Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol

teenagers are fonts of wisdom!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Crookshanks wrote:
Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol

teenagers are fonts of wisdom! [/QUOTES

You are the first person that I have ever heard said that lol

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I just looked up Hero Quest, my favorite board game as a kid on Amazon.

Yeah, I'm not paying $600 for it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I just looked up Hero Quest, my favorite board game as a kid on Amazon.

Yeah, I'm not paying $600 for it.

same here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I just looked up Hero Quest, my favorite board game as a kid on Amazon.

Yeah, I'm not paying $600 for it.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

When tired, full of beer, or excited, this is my accent, even if they're from the next county over (Somerset, rather than Dorset).

Same when awake, sober and tranquil, but less thick, and more 'generic Brit' with occasional Yorkshire tinges.

I once had a job ringing up US power stations and asking them questions about their turbines, and people in the Southern states couldn't understand me at all.

Dorset, thar's well lush.

My accent can be a trifle strange, mostly the posher Harrogate accent - however after a few drinks it goes into the Northern Yorkshire accent.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I just looked up Hero Quest, my favorite board game as a kid on Amazon.

Yeah, I'm not paying $600 for it.



The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Wraithblade, an evil, spirit-possessed sword...

I think they're kinda cool. Did you think about writing them that they can lie in old crypts or blocks of ice waiting for hapless adventurers to pick them up, then steal themselves a new body?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

I have a vaguely Canadian accent. No real explanation. When I am really tired or upset I have a british accent. Even less explanation. I have always known I had an accent because it stands out from the nasally midwestern accent I grew up around. I am very good at imitating accents, but that nasal a sound is the one thing I literally can’t do properly. Still no explanation.

Edit: but I do have a lovely stutter picked up from years of people picking on the way I talk to the point that I became too self conscious to talk at all for a long time. Fun times. Really.

When I get excited or tense I talk really fast and no one understands me(that's my issue with playing on Skype/roll 20 - not to mention games are at midnight so the last thing I want to do is talk and wake my family up). It's like the Oracle tongues curse, but I think blinded is more apt since I can't see nothing without my glasses.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Thor: Ragnarok comes out on DVD on Tuesday!!


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lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.
I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.
I'm just saying that I have yet to meet someone from Pittsburgh who didn't. Granted, most of the folks I know from there are from a specific subset of the population.

*sigh* I concede the point. I'm too tired to debate this, and my headache isn't helping.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.
I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.
I'm just saying that I have yet to meet someone from Pittsburgh who didn't. Granted, most of the folks I know from there are from a specific subset of the population.
*sigh* I concede the point. I'm too tired to debate this, and my headache isn't helping.

I'm sorry, John. I was trying to be funny and I was just annoying instead

Ask Nobody; that actually happens a lot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's okay.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We all do that sometimes!

Pokes self in forehead repeatedly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, I'm fairly certain John is not being entirely truthful.
I'm reasonably sure that I don't have an accent. I'm not a "yin'zer" if that's what you're asking.
I'm just saying that I have yet to meet someone from Pittsburgh who didn't. Granted, most of the folks I know from there are from a specific subset of the population.
*sigh* I concede the point. I'm too tired to debate this, and my headache isn't helping.

I'm sorry, John. I was trying to be funny and I was just annoying instead

Ask Nobody; that actually happens a lot.

Er, you're asking the wrong Nobody. I really don't notice.

Lots of people apologize to me for being snarky with me. 99% of the time I didn't notice the snarkiness.

Meh. Clueless is good.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
NH, the ugly furniture problem is real! It’s the reason why we have the loveseat of discomfort. I know what I want in a sofa, but cannot find it. IKEA has something closeish but that’s about as good as it gets. I just want a plain grey sofa, dang it! That doesn’t cost more than a month’s rent! (I know, now I’m just being picky, but not that picky. Rent around here is not that cheap.)

I was looking at stuff as steep as a month's mortgage payment and it was still hideous...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Crookshanks wrote:
Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol

Welcome back, Crookshanks!

The Exchange

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Road to immortality:

1)Hammer your soul into a shiny looking sword while in an old crypt.

2)Wait for adventurers to pick up the sword with your soul in it.

3)Hijack greedy adventurers body.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Busy with Impus Major's homework right now, but another obit for Shiro's game! Woo hoo!

(He was rescued by a last-minute house ruling, but since by the rules he was dead he gets an obit. Because they're so fun to write.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yep, same reason I obitted the Basilisk victims last night, even though they were only out of commission for less than 30 seconds.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Crookshanks wrote:
Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol

Welcome back, Crookshanks!

I'm driving her home from the east side and she's twiddling her phone on FaWtL, next time she's driving!... Wait a minute...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Yep, same reason I obitted the Basilisk victims last night, even though they were only out of commission for less than 30 seconds.

Well, I've always hated the "equal to negative CON = Death" because players somehow feel "cheated" by that single hit point. It's statistically fairly insignificant, but oh boy do players get upset if they hit exactly negative CON and learn they're dead. So my house rule has always been, "If you fail your save and go to negative CON, then you get no more saves, and you're automatically dead the next time your initiative comes up." So basically one extra round for people to rush to your aid. I feel like it's a more dramatic game, and you'd be amazed how much "good feeling" that single extra hit point generates from players.

So the little gnome sorcerer failed his save and went to negative CON, and Shiro was pretty unhappy about it because we're too low-level to raise him and we're days away from being able to find a replacement PC, so he asked me what I did and I told him about my house rule and he said, "That's great! We'll do that!"

So saved by massively inconveniencing the GM!

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Tired and have a headache. Good night, everyone.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Tired and have a headache. Good night, everyone.

G'night, John!

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