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Sure tell me when he's coming, and we can arrange to meet up - what are his tourism preferences - ie. nature thingies, museums...even the local pathfinder lodge if he so wishes.
If you want shopping, sorry I'm the wrong cat.
"Cool, Wacky American!"
Well unless he's a creep once I see him in person :P
Also, food preferences - are there things he doesn't take, like spicy stuff, sour...is he particularly attached to any form of cuisine?
Museums - also what kind? I'm not really good at the art museum tours thingie, but if you want Singapore history, it can be arranged. There's also sciency thingies like discovery centre and the new water plant.
Please don't go to the beaches...they're overcrowded and have the tendency to have dead fish floating on them if there's a heat wave. I counted 50 dead fish on a beach once...

NobodysHome |
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Sure tell me when he's coming, and we can arrange to meet up - what are his tourism preferences - ie. nature thingies, museums...even the local pathfinder lodge if he so wishes.
If you want shopping, sorry I'm the wrong cat.
"Cool, Wacky American!"
Well unless he's a creep once I see him in person :P
Also, food preferences - are there things he doesn't take, like spicy stuff, sour...is he particularly attached to any form of cuisine?
Oh, gods, will you two get along!
No; he doesn't shop at all, and he's a foodie, just like the rest of us.
I'll send you a PM if/when he ever actually buys tickets and so forth.
And I don't know whether it's unusual in Singapore, but he's a 6'3" (190 cm) Caucasian. Shiro says that in some areas of Japan he drew quite the crowd because of it (he's 192 cm). Maybe you can plan something hilarious. A shrine where all the doorways are 180 cm?

John Napier 698 |
John Napier 698 wrote:And, it seems that I'm coming down with a cold.I hope you get to feeling better quickly.
Thanks. It's just a sore throat at this point. I've got stuff I can take for it, but it's at home, and I'm still at work. *shakes fist at clock* Just made a pot of hot tea, though.

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Foodie definition – how into…non conventional cuisine is he?
I.e – My Dad brought an Australian for Fish head curry. Australian freaked out saying how could you eat the curry with the eyes staring at you.
Me: *facepalm*
I think he will need to bend on any public bus we go up – I don’t usually notice height stuff because for me the problem is the opposite. You can’t find me because I am small and have a +4 to stealth checks.

Tequila Sunrise |

Oh my god Tequilia that is so awesome! What legendaries were they? Lich King one of them?
Nah, I'm buying Kobold packs nowadays, and opening classics that I get from brawls.
Nat Pagle
Lorewalker Cho
Baron Geddon
The Runespear
None of them were on my wishlist, but maybe they'll be fun in some future deck I put together. :)

Freehold DM |

But, but... Natural! It must be good for you! Life is natural! Water is natural! Grain is natural! Pigs are natural! Chemistry is unnatural! GMO is unnatural!
Lots of very quiet and ugly fighting - including deaths, as in people killing each other - over the latter in this country. And that's even before we get to food allergies involving gmos, which are no fun. Won't go into more lest we have an et tu, Fritzy moment. But check it out online. Interesting stuff.

The Vagrant Erudite |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Second day of training went well. Second date went really well. Freezing f!*+ing cold riding on a motor scooter in the misty weather from the cold front did NOT go well, but I lived. Tomorrow is colder - and I got my boss to get me it off. He says I'm learning really fast, and has started trying to cheat in front of me on my turns, which he isn't with the other two hired. Even talked a little bit about promotion possibilities in the future (admittedly it was me ASKING about that stuff, but still, it was met favorably I think). Chilling with new chick tomorrow. Pun unintended.
So Freehold, you got the cold working great, but can we turn down the rain and mist?

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:I don't think so - rapiers were, by and large, civilian weapons, whereas sabres were military weapons, and didn't come into wide use in Western Europe until rapiers had fallen out of fashion. When rapiers did get taken on campaign, they were generally given a heavier, cut and thrust blade, as it's much easier to defend yourself in a melee by making big cuts that encourage all the people around you who might want to give you bother a to stay away. Rapiers are the tops for one-on-one combat, though, IMO.Limeylongears wrote:wasn't the former conceived to defeat the latter?NobodysHome wrote:They should come over here. There's a lovely (very) raw and organic canal they can lap at, and muddy puddles all over the place.
In other news, my rapier works superbly, especially against oafish sabreurs.
wouldn't even modest armor turn away such a blade?

Freehold DM |
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Kjeldorn wrote:NobodysHome wrote:It seems to me to be a Appeal to Nature argument all over again.
Something being "natural" doesn't necessarily make it any better for you.
Heck, we might not even be able to properly define this "natural" as its a nebulous and vague term.The moment someone in my presence uses the term "All Natural", I immediately cite:
- Organic botanicals such as nightshade, foxglove, and hemlock
- All-natural microbiotics such as the botulism bacterium, anthrax, or e. coli
- Absolutely pure elements such as lead, mercury, and arsenicAs opposed to atrocities like artificially-generated calcium carbonate, or in some places, even the vile sodium chloride or dihydrogen monoxide.
Of course, I also boycott any product that produces a commercial where a person says earnestly, "I don't want to put anything I can't pronounce into my body."
Hope you never in your life get a bacterial infection, bub. Good luck pronouncing the names of any of the modern antibiotics.
sigh. My post got eaten.
Long story short, poor pr on the part of chemistry enthusiasts has lead to distrust of the science, to say nothing of the priesthood mystique/ low charisma score(with respect to actually explaining the science to others) of most practitioners.

Freehold DM |
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I drink tap water.
*Grins at Freehold DM and shows a nice set of sharp teeth*
Any comments? =)
Usually we boil tap water first, but if I’m thirsty I’ll just say heck to it, and drink it out of the tap. Doesn’t bother me anyway.
I’ll also drink bottled water but don’t feel that good about it – since its really environmentally not very friendly to keep bottling water (all those plastic bottles, you know).
i. can't hear you. Too busy drinking water from the tap. My pipes make noise.

Freehold DM |

In Albany, we're fortunate enough to be part of the Hetch-Hetchy watershed, so our water is some of the best in the country (some parts of Oregon, Hawaii, and of course the Sierras beat us hands-down). Yet of course because we're a high-income area, we have one of the highest per-capita consumptions of bottled water in the country as well.
On the other hand, Davis was farmland well water, and nigh undrinkable. But I just went to the local supermarket, paid my $0.15 per gallon, and carried the 5 gallons home every few days for cooking and drinking. We bathed and washed in the tap water, but every 6 months had to clean out everything with vinegar.
Yeah, interesting times.
But I always find it hilarious that the areas with the best tap water drink the most bottled water.
EDIT: Oooh! This is a fun tool!
similar to when i visited my dad in South Carolina the first few years.

Terrinam |
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Second day of training went well. Second date went really well. Freezing f!&*ing cold riding on a motor scooter in the misty weather from the cold front did NOT go well, but I lived. Tomorrow is colder - and I got my boss to get me it off. He says I'm learning really fast, and has started trying to cheat in front of me on my turns, which he isn't with the other two hired. Even talked a little bit about promotion possibilities in the future (admittedly it was me ASKING about that stuff, but still, it was met favorably I think). Chilling with new chick tomorrow. Pun unintended.
Sounds like you have an ace up your sleeve the others do not.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, Just a Mort! Make sure you don't move for the next year! :-P
It looks like Hi is finally going to make his lifelong dream of a pilgrimage to Japan come true this year, and I told him that if he'd work in a stopover in Singapore, I might be able to finagle you into showing him the sights.
Let me know whether you think that would be, "Cool! Wacky American!" or, "Creepy! Older guy I've never met!" and I'll let him know.
I want to go to japan.
I want to see the life sized gundam that my ashes will be interred at.
I want to go to soapland. I want to go to harajuku. I want to go to akihabara. I want to get laid solely because I'm the only black man for miles around. Unfortunately I'm only 5'9, so I won't be able to work that 6' plus magic, but Im sure my black manliness will make up for that.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Second day of training went well. Second date went really well. Freezing f~!!ing cold riding on a motor scooter in the misty weather from the cold front did NOT go well, but I lived. Tomorrow is colder - and I got my boss to get me it off. He says I'm learning really fast, and has started trying to cheat in front of me on my turns, which he isn't with the other two hired. Even talked a little bit about promotion possibilities in the future (admittedly it was me ASKING about that stuff, but still, it was met favorably I think). Chilling with new chick tomorrow. Pun unintended.
So Freehold, you got the cold working great, but can we turn down the rain and mist?
sorry, it's a package deal.
Use it as an excuse to warm the new chick up from the inside out.
No need to thank me.

doctor_wu |

Vanykrye wrote:I saw a similar article re: Raw Water (and this is the last time I will intentionally type those words together, let alone capitalize them) on Ars Technica. I have a big problem with science-deniers, but I have just as big of a problem with those that start making stuff up that's just dangerous to others like this.I see where you are coming from. However, depending on where you live, it can take a lot of work and money to get milk that isnt full of hormones, antibiotics and eeeeeeeeeeeevil preservatives. I could see the same attitude affecting water. Most people don't like additives, rightly or wrongly.
thanks I would have forgotten some pills otherwise.

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*pokes Freehold DM with an extended claw*
I think you heard me now =)
Akihabara – I was brought around “those shops” for an “education” and it made me uncomfortable. Yep, I’m a prude. In fact, I wonder if I qualify for paladinhood except I am lawful, but NOT good.
Mind you – Japan has a whole bunch of weird fetishes if you know where to find them…

Freehold DM |

*pokes Freehold DM with an extended claw*
I think you heard me now =)
Akihabara – I was brought around “those shops” for an “education” and it made me uncomfortable. Yep, I’m a prude. In fact, I wonder if I qualify for paladinhood except I am lawful, but NOT good.
Mind you – Japan has a whole bunch of weird fetishes if you know where to find them…
yelps in pain as flesh sizzles
Your touch, it burns me! Too much banal lawfulness!

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Its New Year. I spent most of New Year playing Path of Exile with my brother. Besides it was raining so I didn’t go anywhere, so there weren’t any fluffy animal pictures.
Well my BF outran me the last time we went running, so it means I need to TRAIN HARDER!
Some context:
In Singapore – all males have to go for compulsory national service, and with it comes the fitness test. One of the tests in that physical fitness test is to run 2.4 km run (1.5 miles), which if my BF wants to get the incentive, has to run it in under 15 min and 50 seconds, assuming he got full score for other stations.
I did check my speed in the gym, I made 2.4 km run in 16 min and 5 secs, which means I need to push to about 9.5km/h. But 9 km/h is rather harsh on me…yeah out of condition cat.

Rosita the Riveter |
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Paizo plz to stop eating my posts.
There was a storm in Northern France. Only train line from Paris to Normandy not shut down by debris on the tracks was that to Rouen. Which is the one I have tickets for.
It wasn't so bad here in Paris. I was standing in line for the Catacombs during part of the storm, and I got wet but not dead.
The Catacombs are suitably dark and creepy and interesting, but the line is SO long. I arrived 30 minutes prior to opening in a storm in the off season, and stood in line for 2 and a half hours before getting in. It's because only 200 are allowed in at once to keep traffic manageable down there.

gran rey de los mono |
nice. Yeah if that ever happens here I pray that I am not working at the time.
It happened to me once, long ago. Okay, maybe 10 years ago, but still. The pump station that supplied water to the entire western third of the city I was working in failed one night while I was working. It was not good, as many people were upset (including 25 or so rooms of people there for an early morning wedding). But, it wasn't our fault and there really wasn't anything that could be done, so all I had to do was keep explaining to people over and over again that "It isn't just us, it's 1/3 of the city. There's a crew working on it. No, I don't know when it will be done."