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*Gets Dressed* At my garage, the lawn care people were mowing yesterday. Mowing dormant grass. *huh?*

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It's to get the rows established. But mostly busy work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, okay. Bought a new gas trimmer to replace the one that got "damaged" during last year's move.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, the construction crew has started laying the concrete blocks for the walls for the second floor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Spring cleaning is done!!

And people wonder why we don't get a bigger house!

Mostly because of the location and big ass yard.

But also because I can clean it top to bottom in a day and a half.

Washing walls and everything. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Geez, nothing like taking ONE sick day to find out what it is you do at your job.

We have a grand total of 6 people in my department (myself plus 5 others).

This morning, after ONE sick day I have to meet with 4 of them to help them resolve issues, plus solve issues for two people outside of my department.

I swear, one of these days I'm going to retire and the department will implode...
...and, another meeting request!


At least it's good to know I'm needed...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Geez, nothing like taking ONE sick day to find out what it is you do at your job.

We have a grand total of 6 people in my department (myself plus 5 others).

This morning, after ONE sick day I have to meet with 4 of them to help them resolve issues, plus solve issues for two people outside of my department.

I swear, one of these days I'm going to retire and the department will implode...
...and, another meeting request!


At least it's good to know I'm needed...

Some people call that "Job Security."

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I knew a guy, every time there was a delay on the job site he'd call it "job security" and then go sit in the port a john for an hour.

Once, when we had to go home early because of a gas leak and he said that, I asked him if he knew what "job security" actually meant.

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Obviously unclear on the concept. A bit bummed out right now. Just learned that seven Radio Shack stores in the area are closing, leaving just three that I can get to.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los everything wrote:
Wait, I'm confused. Do Anna and Elsa have three snowflakes each, or is there a total of three split between the two of them?

it's split between them.

We had budget cuts.

It's ok if it's a seventies villainy, it can involve female full frontal nudity...

Though it would be easier on budget if you used less diamonds and more silk for your codpiece...

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Obviously unclear on the concept. A bit bummed out right now. Just learned that seven Radio Shack stores in the area are closing, leaving just three that I can get to.

Radio Shack is still in business? I remember when our local 'Shack closed its doors ~25 years ago. Truly, business is very slow warfare.

Dark Archive

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I'm incredibly busy and have some 200 posts to read on this thread alone but I needed to share this vid of pure articulate beauty.

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The last time I felt this sad over a store closing was when Borders went out of business.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los everything wrote:
Wait, I'm confused. Do Anna and Elsa have three snowflakes each, or is there a total of three split between the two of them?

it's split between them.

We had budget cuts.

It's ok if it's a seventies villainy, it can involve female full frontal nudity...

Though it would be easier on budget if you used less diamonds and more silk for your codpiece...

I'm black. The codpiece is a necessity.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sure is nice out today.

Even without a diamond studded codpiece.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, do be quiet about it.



Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm black an august example of an alpha Nubian Demigod. The codpiece is a necessity.

Fixed that for you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los everything wrote:
Wait, I'm confused. Do Anna and Elsa have three snowflakes each, or is there a total of three split between the two of them?

it's split between them.

We had budget cuts.

Is it safe to assume that "strategically placed" means there's Anna, then Elsa, and then the three snowflakes are about 3' to the left of them?

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Apparently the local university hired a new coach for one of their teams. It's apparently a big deal. Someone just asked me as I was checking them in what I thought about it. I stared at them blankly and said "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." They said "Ok, that answers my question." Thankfully they didn't try to enlighten me like some have tried to do in the past about sportstuff.

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Happy belated birthday, Tri Omega Zero!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, it's (or was) his birthday?

Happy Birthday Tri!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday toz!

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

I have a question for those with your own threads.

How time consuming is it?

Would having a Baron Arem Heshvaun's Star Wars thread prove to be a time black hole ?

I can barley read all of Tacticslion's posts on this thread alone, having a stand alone thread seems like a time consuming wasteland.

Mine isn't all that time consuming.

I just need a stable internet connection (which I get, but usually while I do t have time this last weeeeeeek-ish. For example, this post has been in my phone for a day...

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Oh, yeah -- I never did really throw in my two coppers about the prospect of a Heshvaun Star Wars thread:

It'll only become a time black hole if you let it, or if I get involved. And I'm pretty sure I'd get involved. :D

. . . Well, . . . . Maybe not. We all might be better served if I keep my SW opinions to myself . . . .

Nice to read ya again, Tac! Been a bit. Well, longer than usual, anyway.

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Happy activation day TOZ!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday TOZ! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A very merry unbirthday to everyone except TOZ!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Aaaand... tirades!

  • I am always astonished when people cannot do something very simple that they have been asked to do by their managers. I think I've told the story of the guy whose ONE JOB was to follow the exact steps handed to him, he utterly failed, and we learned from his manager that he always fails, but it's "too much trouble" to fire him. Really? More trouble than fixing everything he touches? Forever? Then we were convinced by the powers-that-be to hire consultants to supplement our small team. After 2 weeks and $10,000, they provided us with... a 2-page Word doc. Full of stuff we already knew. We just had a team in India whose only job was to update our PowerPoints to the new template. They took 2 months. And I just got to present to my manager 3 of the 28 lessons they did, all 3 in totally different formats and templates. WTF?!?!?!
  • Paizo is no longer showing me the number of unread posts on threads. How can I possibly keep up? Waaaaah!
  • /tirades

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I prefer not being kept up.

    Kinda reminds me of being a kid. :-)

    Grand Lodge

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    For my birthday, they broke the forums!

    I'm not sure that was a gift.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Birthday!

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You're less likely to deal with people you don't like though :3

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    TriOmegaZero wrote:

    For my birthday, they broke the forums!

    I'm not sure that was a gift.

    Oh, but that's just the warm-up. I'm sure the server will completely crash soon enough. :)

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Cake Day TOZ!

    Hmm what to post ...

    To be fair it was a loud BOOM.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, TOZ. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy b'day TOZ, may the inner monk be every with you!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Blergh. Was trying out a book by an author I haven't read before and it left me feeling like my brain needs a wash. Things I want to tell bad writers: if in the real world it would result in criminal charges because it's not just wrong, it's a crime, then don't. That's not romantic. It doesn't show that your main characters are meant to be together. It's just squicky. >.<

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Aaaand... tirades!

  • I am always astonished when people cannot do something very simple that they have been asked to do by their managers. I think I've told the story of the guy whose ONE JOB was to follow the exact steps handed to him, he utterly failed, and we learned from his manager that he always fails, but it's "too much trouble" to fire him. Really? More trouble than fixing everything he touches? Forever? Then we were convinced by the powers-that-be to hire consultants to supplement our small team. After 2 weeks and $10,000, they provided us with... a 2-page Word doc. Full of stuff we already knew. We just had a team in India whose only job was to update our PowerPoints to the new template. They took 2 months. And I just got to present to my manager 3 of the 28 lessons they did, all 3 in totally different formats and templates. WTF?!?!?!
  • Paizo is no longer showing me the number of unread posts on threads. How can I possibly keep up? Waaaaah!
  • /tirades

    didn't you complain about this guy before?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'd rather watch paint dry than read a bad book. Someone should start a thread like "Authors and their titles to avoid."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    Barrow-Tree... Because barrow-spiders were too tame for serious haunted barrow downs!

    Putting this here to come back to later.

    I wanna read it !

    Also, that awkward moment when you intend to finish reading all the forms, and update your play-by-post, and instead spend all of your free time putting your child down for a nap, and then creating an NPC that will literally never see the light of day, at least in-game. And will probably never figuratively see the light of day, either.

    Happy birthday, TOZ!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Level-Up Day, TOZ. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy TOZday, birth!

    Is that right?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Aaaand... tirades!

  • I am always astonished when people cannot do something very simple that they have been asked to do by their managers. I think I've told the story of the guy whose ONE JOB was to follow the exact steps handed to him, he utterly failed, and we learned from his manager that he always fails, but it's "too much trouble" to fire him. Really? More trouble than fixing everything he touches? Forever? Then we were convinced by the powers-that-be to hire consultants to supplement our small team. After 2 weeks and $10,000, they provided us with... a 2-page Word doc. Full of stuff we already knew. We just had a team in India whose only job was to update our PowerPoints to the new template. They took 2 months. And I just got to present to my manager 3 of the 28 lessons they did, all 3 in totally different formats and templates. WTF?!?!?!
  • Paizo is no longer showing me the number of unread posts on threads. How can I possibly keep up? Waaaaah!
  • /tirades

    didn't you complain about this guy before?

    Yeah. He really impressed me because they even threw him a retirement party.

    So he retired from doing no useful work to... doing no useful work!

    Just a poster child for, "Oh, you want a job where your performance doesn't matter, and you can mail it in every day? OK! No problem! Here... meet your co-workers..."

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Aaaand... tirades!

  • I am always astonished when people cannot do something very simple that they have been asked to do by their managers. I think I've told the story of the guy whose ONE JOB was to follow the exact steps handed to him, he utterly failed, and we learned from his manager that he always fails, but it's "too much trouble" to fire him. Really? More trouble than fixing everything he touches? Forever? Then we were convinced by the powers-that-be to hire consultants to supplement our small team. After 2 weeks and $10,000, they provided us with... a 2-page Word doc. Full of stuff we already knew. We just had a team in India whose only job was to update our PowerPoints to the new template. They took 2 months. And I just got to present to my manager 3 of the 28 lessons they did, all 3 in totally different formats and templates. WTF?!?!?!
  • Paizo is no longer showing me the number of unread posts on threads. How can I possibly keep up? Waaaaah!
  • /tirades

    didn't you complain about this guy before?

    Yeah. He really impressed me because they even threw him a retirement party.

    So he retired from doing no useful work to... doing no useful work!

    Just a poster child for, "Oh, you want a job where your performance doesn't matter, and you can mail it in every day? OK! No problem! Here... meet your co-workers..."

    can I get his job?

    Sharoth wrote:
    1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)

    Saving this to look at later...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Well, I'm sure *someone* is building character, but darned if I can say who that might be.

    Impus Minor is a very "shiny new thing" sort, so for his birthday, he desperately wanted a Nintendo Switch. I checked on the Thursday before his birthday, and Amazon had 'em at $350 each, with free 2-day shipping (curse you, Amazon Prime!) He insisted, "No, Dad! The retail price is $300. Don't pay that extra $50!"

    I was rather proud of him for his frugality, so I didn't pull the trigger.

    And now, of course, the things are downright impossible to find, with dozens of scalpers showing up as "new listers" on Amazon selling the things for $150-$300 over retail. And I'm a very firm believer in, "If no one bought from scalpers, there wouldn't be scalpers, and there would be enough xxx to go around", so I refuse to *ever* buy from them.

    So Impus Minor is suffering from "no early buyer's remorse", I'm stubbornly refusing to go through scalpers, and NobodysWife is desperately trying to figure out some way to get one without going through scalpers.

    I figure he can wait 6 months. There will be plenty by then, and we may even pay less than retail. He is a *teensy* bit more eager than that, but understands that there just aren't that many out there right now. (A shipment showed up at the Gamestop in S.F. today. The line started at 4 am, to which we wondered, "Don't you people have LIVES?")

    So anyway, I've never been a "first in line" type anyway, so it's interesting watching all the pain and disappointment that goes along with, "I want it NOW, instead of 6 months from now!"

    I admit, Impus Minor is really being VERY good about it. He's just mildly disappointed, and there are no tantrums or anything like that. But I wish he'd stop seeing, "New shipments hit stores Wednesday" and get his hopes up.

    As long as people are lining up at 4 am to get 'em, we're not getting one. I'm just not that dedicated to material things...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    If it helps, out here they line up at 8 p.m. the night before.

    BLARG! I need more time...

    Grand Lodge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I'm still working on finding the will to pony up for a 3DS.

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