Syrus Terrigan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

An old, still-true opinion of Win10. Worst part is: I hate trying to use Apple products, but I'm gonna be acquiring a laptop within the next week, and all the new Microsoft stuff has it preinstalled, near as I can tell. Anybody know if I could pick up an older version of Windows via a new laptop somewhere?

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Windows 10: turning perfectly good machines into expensive and not-very-good bricks since... I don't know, whenever we started forcing upgrades and snooping through peoples' stuff without the option of opting out. Why did we think this was a good idea? I don't know - we also thought x-bone mach one was a good idea, too, though, so."
~ Company Logo

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Rysky wrote:~Ohhhhhhhhhh, Freeeeeeeeehold~Mom? Why are you attacking people?
She bored.

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Lisamarlene! There's nothing wrong with being a hop on, I followed Orthos here myself. :-)Whoa, whoa, whoa, that was about me?
I resent the implication; I am nobody's hop-on. Just good friends.[crickets chirping]
I should have done that with my gerbils when they pegged it (about 20 years ago)

lisamarlene |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to petulantly whinge about nothing now.
Home sick this afternoon. This is the FOURTH DAMNED TIME I've been sick since we came back from Christmas Break.
Seriously. I've been teaching for nine years, worked in a nursing home for eight years before that, and I have NEVER burned this many sick days in such a short span of time.
And since I'm sick and home with Netflix, can someone please explain to me why everyone seems to think Supernatural is a good show? Does the writing ever improve? Because if it's supposed to be X-Files 2.0, well, they missed. And if it's just about pretty boys playing Emo Frank and Joe Hardy, then, gosh... they're not pretty enough to carry it off.

Tacticslion |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mmp. My niece went through a scheduled set of big scans today - they discovered that her leg had no signs of cancer and it doesn't seem to have spread in her body, but she is suffering from blood clots at the moment, and so has been rushed to ER. Mph.
Sucks being so far away.
So, good news: it was one clot that split into two, one of which was headed to her heart, but, according to the surgeon, "God stopped it."
I am thankful and relieved.

Syrus Terrigan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to petulantly whinge about nothing now.
Home sick this afternoon. This is the FOURTH DAMNED TIME I've been sick since we came back from Christmas Break.
Seriously. I've been teaching for nine years, worked in a nursing home for eight years before that, and I have NEVER burned this many sick days in such a short span of time.And since I'm sick and home with Netflix, can someone please explain to me why everyone seems to think Supernatural is a good show? Does the writing ever improve? Because if it's supposed to be X-Files 2.0, well, they missed. And if it's just about pretty boys playing Emo Frank and Joe Hardy, then, gosh... they're not pretty enough to carry it off.
Double-faved. Reasons.

Syrus Terrigan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Mmp. My niece went through a scheduled set of big scans today - they discovered that her leg had no signs of cancer and it doesn't seem to have spread in her body, but she is suffering from blood clots at the moment, and so has been rushed to ER. Mph.
Sucks being so far away.
So, good news: it was one clot that split into two, one of which was headed to her heart, but, according to the surgeon, "God stopped it."
I am thankful and relieved.
Double-faved. Reasons.

Tequila Sunrise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to petulantly whinge about nothing now.
Home sick this afternoon. This is the FOURTH DAMNED TIME I've been sick since we came back from Christmas Break.
Seriously. I've been teaching for nine years, worked in a nursing home for eight years before that, and I have NEVER burned this many sick days in such a short span of time.And since I'm sick and home with Netflix, can someone please explain to me why everyone seems to think Supernatural is a good show? Does the writing ever improve? Because if it's supposed to be X-Files 2.0, well, they missed. And if it's just about pretty boys playing Emo Frank and Joe Hardy, then, gosh... they're not pretty enough to carry it off.
I liked the monsters and the overarching plot, until I realized that they weren't going to wrap it up around season 3. I still watch eps here and there with my wife who is a yuuuge fan, but...yeah. Studly bromance -- three-ways, in the later seasons! As she says, "It's a soap opera with monsters." Every couple of seasons they introduce a bigger badder critter for the bros to deal with -- eventually Dean will punch God himself out, and then next season he and Sam will have to fight the Great Old Ones. I do still get a kick out of the episodes with Felicia Day, though as I understand it people have very mixed feelings about her (in general).
Ever since my big hospital stay over Thanksgiving, I've been sick then asthmatic then sick then asmthatic...and it's getting really frustrating, so I feel your pain!

Sharoth |
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~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time. Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.

Tacticslion |

I'm trying so hard not to make any Urgathoa/Kellyanne jokes, but I... am... beginning... to... SHATNER... under... the.... strain...
~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time.
Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.
... seriously, your employer would not offer time-forgiveness for what is literally in no way, size, shape or form your fault?!

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~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time. Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.
I miss SCAD, the food was so good...

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time. Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.I miss SCAD, the food was so good...
You lived here? When?

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Rysky wrote:You lived here? When?Sharoth wrote:~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time. Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.I miss SCAD, the food was so good...
I was there for a semester in... 09? I believe.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to petulantly whinge about nothing now.
Home sick this afternoon. This is the FOURTH DAMNED TIME I've been sick since we came back from Christmas Break.
Seriously. I've been teaching for nine years, worked in a nursing home for eight years before that, and I have NEVER burned this many sick days in such a short span of time.And since I'm sick and home with Netflix, can someone please explain to me why everyone seems to think Supernatural is a good show? Does the writing ever improve? Because if it's supposed to be X-Files 2.0, well, they missed. And if it's just about pretty boys playing Emo Frank and Joe Hardy, then, gosh... they're not pretty enough to carry it off.
I was neutral towards the show for a bit, then it started going into Whedon territory for me with respect to Hunter :The Reckoning by white wolf. Then the series kinda steered away from that and became geeky teenage girl masturbatory material (which is great for the geeky teenage girls, who have needed low-cal[or maybe I should say low carb nowadays?] beefcake for some time), and... Well it seems to remain there. I have run out of supernatural shirts to sell at cons a long time ago, all of them bought by teenage girls and their moms, who sometimes watch the show with them.

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lisamarlene wrote:I was neutral towards the show for a bit, then it started going into Whedon territory for me with respect to Hunter :The Reckoning by white wolf. Then the series kinda steered away from that and became geeky teenage girl masturbatory material (which is great for the geeky teenage girls, who have needed low-cal[or maybe I should say low carb nowadays?] beefcake for some time), and... Well it seems to remain there. I have run out of supernatural shirts to sell at cons a long time ago, all of them bought by teenage girls and their moms, who sometimes watch the show with them.I'm going to petulantly whinge about nothing now.
Home sick this afternoon. This is the FOURTH DAMNED TIME I've been sick since we came back from Christmas Break.
Seriously. I've been teaching for nine years, worked in a nursing home for eight years before that, and I have NEVER burned this many sick days in such a short span of time.And since I'm sick and home with Netflix, can someone please explain to me why everyone seems to think Supernatural is a good show? Does the writing ever improve? Because if it's supposed to be X-Files 2.0, well, they missed. And if it's just about pretty boys playing Emo Frank and Joe Hardy, then, gosh... they're not pretty enough to carry it off.
Just like the X-Files I liked it at the beginning when it was a self-contained monster of week format. After that? Meh.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

~both pissed and amused at the same time~ [sarcasm]Well that was fun.[/sarcasm] This will make it the second time that I got rear ended avoiding someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today it was some "person" on a bike stopped in my work's driveway checking his phone. I had my turn signal on, but this pickup truck switched lanes and rear ended me. My bumper is messed up some and the covering for the tail light is broken but the car is driveable and the tail light works and the trunk opens and closes. The amusing thing is that his bumper got messed up enough to where he needs his pickup truck towed. Karma. We are in down town Savannah, GA and even at night stuff happens. We have SCAD and tourists here. Both of them do not think. You have to be careful. I got lucky and did not hit the idiot on the bike or the tree that my car just missed or the wall that my car just missed. My neck hurts some but not as much as the last time. Unfortunately this means that I will have to stay an hour later to make up the time.
strange... Did he pull into your driveway to check or block it? I'd still say it is the fault of the idiot who rear ended you... But what's important is that you are okay.

DSXMachina |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

For limey :P Supposedly 'sponsored' by paizo, but I think that just means they'll be some PF there.

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:I guess I always got away with getting soda because it always made me sleepy. Heck, I just drank a MD Livewire and it mellowed me out a bit.Rysky wrote:Mountain Dew is wonderful.For kindergarteners?
My parenting radar says no. :-)
I'm like that too. Responding to caffeine by becoming calmer and better focused is pretty common for those of us with ADHD. :)
But you still can't give drinks with that much caffeine in them to five year olds. It's too much for their size/age. Very not cool on the part of the parent who did that. Even less cool on the part of the teachers for not intervening. They totally deserve the angry phone calls coming their way. :P