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2 people marked this as a favorite.

She'll start using those soon enough, trust me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Put that away! She ain't using that!

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Sad news. One of the players in the Carrion Crown group has had to leave the game due to being busy till the end of summer with life.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I am just now watching Age of Ultron for the first time. I don't watch a lot of movies, next up, Antman, which looks great.

I didn't really like marvel comics as a kid, but even I admit they make way better movies then DC

As someone who's never read a DC or Marvel comic, I was weirded out by the Antman trailer. Not that I'd turn my nose up if I had a friend who was all psyched to see it, but the trailer just made me go '...Srsly?' A guy who can beat the p!ss out of bad guys...but only when he's tiny? I'm sure it makes some kind of sense within its own story, but the concept seems so bizarre, even for a superhero universe.

That said, I have a low tolerance for certain kinds of weirdness. I enjoy the Avengers movies despite the premise.

I always hear about players who have "life get in the way," of gaming.

Life never seems to be in the way of the bar, the club, the party, etc., with any of those players, though...

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I always hear about players who have "life get in the way," of gaming.

Life never seems to be in the way of the bar, the club, the party, etc., with any of those players, though...

She's finishing up her Master's Thesis, so I can understand being busy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm actually going to have a sit down and get an actual day of the week to play nailed down. "When the schedule allows" becomes "almost never" too easily.

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Icyshadow wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I always hear about players who have "life get in the way," of gaming.

Life never seems to be in the way of the bar, the club, the party, etc., with any of those players, though...

She's finishing up her Master's Thesis, so I can understand being busy.

And that is a perfect reason to not play. Things like that should take priority over literally everything else in your life.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry, what was that about clubbing...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I always hear about players who have "life get in the way," of gaming.

Life never seems to be in the way of the bar, the club, the party, etc., with any of those players, though...

the things you describe tend to be one-off events where it isn't impossible to enjoy if someone doesn't show. Gaming is a bit different, as everyone has to balance their lives among everyone else's.

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But I was just saying it seems the circles of every single group I've been in has had the legitimate good excuse come up....

...but said legitimate good excuse seems to hinder NO OTHER ASPECT of their social life.

Over ten years, probably close to 15, with about half a dozen groups, seen it happen about a dozen times. Never a whole group but always one to two players.

My point isn't there aren't good excuses...I just hate when people say stuff like that and then make time for other stuff, clearly indicating that if they really wanted to they could keep playing, so obviously that's not the real reason they stopped in the first place.

I tend to agree... but I suspect that it's also a matter of mental fortitude and immersion, as well as time. RPGs can be hard - even when they're easy or fun - because of the focus and thought required to do them.

It's like writing. Technically one of the easiest jobs in the world... until you try to make things that aren't crap. The. It's toooouuuggggghhhhh.

Also, different folks have different thresholds for different activities. What is easier for some is more difficult for others. Some find that much focus easier while others more difficult. It's annoying, but I can see it.

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Square dancing is an evil visited upon mankind for the amusement of vile alien intelligences.

Or so I believe, yet everywhere people still f!$+ing square dance.

My theories on water parks are even more out there, even for me, but I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed to be uttered, by decree of the Geneva convention.

Or at least that's what the lawyers for Noah's Ark tell me.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The first and last time I square-danced was in 5th grade P.E. I still cannot get this song out of my head

Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.

But, have you ever square danced.

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
The first and last time I square-danced was in 5th grade P.E. I still cannot get this song out of my head

The funny thing about growing up in the Midwest, not funny haha mind you, but funny still (for someone at least) is that square dancing becomes an every Friday night so the parents can network and one up each other's casserole type of thing, and not just as a middle school torture device.

I cannot recommend it.

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I don't dance so I can't comment on which ones are torturous and which ones are not.

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Most of my Saturdays up until the age of around 12, when my parents thought it would be safe to leave me at home on my own...


Anyway. Up until then, I spent an awful lot of time watching people doing various sorts of country dancing while my Mum shouted orders from the stage and my Dad played a concertina, and I ate a ploughman's lunch and drank Panda Pops.

My parents still do that sort of thing, but I have seen neither a Panda Pop not a ploughman's lunch for years, which is something I am very grateful for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What is a ploughmans lunch? Or panda pop?

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yup, I'm working tonight, at least it's my only day this week, might as well get the mail out of the way early I guess. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I walk up the service desk to get my gear, and the manager on duty looks at her watch, and sounds impressed as she says "And it's only 5:40, getting in early uh cap"

I was scheduled for 5:30.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
What is a ploughmans lunch? Or panda pop?

What an odd combination!

A "ploughman's lunch" is a British term for a working man's meal: Cheese, pickles, bread, and beer is the traditional fare, but most modern lunches have cold meat added.

Limeylongears should be able to provide you with a menu.

On the other hand, Panda Pop is a game produced by NobodysWife's company. Woo hoo!

Play it. Spend much money on it. Talk about how great it is.

If she gets a bonus, she's more likely to be able to afford a Lulu costume...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.

Yes, it is supremely aggravating when someone can't bring themselves to say "I like gaming, but it's somewhat down my list of hobbies, so I won't be playing when it conflicts with one of those." I get it, but I'm no less annoyed for understanding.

It's one of the factors which has led me to miss actual gameplay less than I used to.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

On the other hand, Panda Pop is a game produced by NobodysWife's company. Woo hoo!

Play it. Spend much money on it. Talk about how great it is.

But limey said it was a drink that he enjoyed as a lad, and...


If she gets a bonus, she's more likely to be able to afford a Lulu costume...


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ayup, already bored.

New McFarlane The Walking Dead building sets in.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hm. I appear to be unable to temporarily place a link in the forum box to save it for later without inadvertently posting it. Oops.

Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Yes, it is supremely aggravating when someone can't bring themselves to say "I like gaming, but it's somewhat down my list of hobbies, so I won't be playing when it conflicts with one of those." I get it, but I'm no less annoyed for understanding.

It's one of the factors which has led me to miss actual gameplay less than I used to.

While I agree, there are also other factors at play. Basically: it's really hard to know yourself, or understand, factually, what and who you really are, what you quantifiable strengths and weaknesses are, and why those are actually things.

And, what's more, I think I wasn't very clear. What I was trying to say was that some people really don't "have time" to do PF, where they do "have time" for other social activities because PF is explicitly more time-consuming due to it's more energy-consuming nature.

For example, you're playing PF, even when you're not playing PF. PF is a builder's and planner's game - it rewards thought, preparation, and focus... and it requires those thigns away from the game table, just as much as at it.

By comparison, going for chats/food/drink/fellowship with friends (for some) does not require that (though for others it definitively does).

That's what I'm trying to say: I can see exactly how PF gets pushed away when people "don't have time" even though, socially, they spend a technically-identical amount of "time" on other things.

When you leave your PF game, you're still thinking about your character (consciously or not), the world, the game, the story, and everything else. This is distracting and tiring and thus, effectively, actually does consume more time than the game itself consumes.

This is not a bad thing, and, for many, it's a boon. But for others this is work that's hard and tiring in a way that chatting with others is not.

But, as with most facets of human existance, it's really hard to define this - people often just don't get themselves or understand why, exactly, they do things or perceive some things as harder than others. To them, "I just don't have the time." isn't an attempt at dodging the truth - it's the actual legitimate honest truth, as honest as they can be, fully comprising their understanding of themselves and the world they inhabit.

It's a thing.

For example: as a Christian, I'm called to witness. (This is only flirting with religion, it's not actually going religious.) But that's easy! All you do is go around telling people about Jesus! How simple! You just move your jaw and make the words come out!

... but there are a lot of people who don't do that at all. Who can't. Why? "It's hard." I mean, they are, in truth, wrong. It's not hard at all, barring some very unusual physical issues. But they are also entirely correct. It's difficult - because they can't make themselves do it.

Is it a lack of faith? No. A lack of knowledge? No. Rather, it's a difficulty that's found within the mind of the person as they interact with others in that specific function. They are not liars - they simply are using a different set of variables from some others.

It's this same thing that's true of people and gaming. For some (most), it's not only easy, it's a form of stress-relief. But for some of even those, it's still work. Work that detracts from other facets of their lives due to the mental focus that it consumes and requires.

It's frustrating, yeah, but I don't really hold it against those people. Heck, I can't even hold it against the people that actually know what the issue is but still demure in the admission of it's place as lower in the hierarchy of fun - they're basically trying to be diplomatic and avoid implying (even to themselves) "I find hanging out with you in this manner to be mentally exhausting in ways that interfere with my life." because, like it or not, most people will take that kind of thing poorly.

I submit it's not a "fault" of people, but rather a facet, and one that needs to be worked around. It's like that pesky free will - if everyone just did exactly what would make me happiest at all times in my life, everything would be better! C'mon, people! >:(


2 people marked this as a favorite.

TL will like this. He PM'ed me several weeks ago with suggested loot items for the kids.

I'm re-reading his list TONIGHT to see what I can drop for them!

Yes, TL. I take a LOOOOOOOONG time to digest PMs!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

TL will like this. He PM'ed me several weeks ago with suggested loot items for the kids.

I'm re-reading his list TONIGHT to see what I can drop for them!

Yes, TL. I take a LOOOOOOOONG time to digest PMs!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.

Yes, it is supremely aggravating when someone can't bring themselves to say "I like gaming, but it's somewhat down my list of hobbies, so I won't be playing when it conflicts with one of those." I get it, but I'm no less annoyed for understanding.

It's one of the factors which has led me to miss actual gameplay less than I used to.

Incidentally, this is one thing my preference for modernish Pathfinder settings with PCs as government agents makes easier to adjust for. My government monster killing agency has reserve agents. If a player doesn't show, we can always say their character twisted an ankle or something and got temporarily replaced by a reservist, a DM run NPC.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In our group, in addition to being GM, I'm the Dwarf.

Early on, they realized dwarves don't get penalties for encumberance (even tho I've never actually used them) and knowing my weakness for dwarves, either my wife or daughter manipulate me into making a dwarf (they've both admitted to it) so they have someone to carry their excess luggage and Dire Corby Flank Steaks and Ogre Sweetbreads ("the secret ingredient is inbreeding" Pea Bear once said).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hm. I appear to be unable to temporarily place a link in the forum box to save it for later without inadvertently posting it. Oops.

Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Yes, it is supremely aggravating when someone can't bring themselves to say "I like gaming, but it's somewhat down my list of hobbies, so I won't be playing when it conflicts with one of those." I get it, but I'm no less annoyed for understanding.

It's one of the factors which has led me to miss actual gameplay less than I used to.

While I agree, there are also other factors at play. Basically: it's really hard to know yourself, or understand, factually, what and who you really are, what you quantifiable strengths and weaknesses are, and why those are actually things.

And, what's more, I think I wasn't very clear. What I was trying to say was that some people really don't "have time" to do PF, where they do "have time" for other social activities because PF is explicitly more time-consuming due to it's more energy-consuming nature.

For example, you're playing PF, even when you're not playing PF. PF is a builder's and planner's game - it rewards thought, preparation, and focus... and it requires those thigns away from the game table, just as much as at it.

By comparison, going for chats/food/drink/fellowship with friends (for some) does not require that (though for others it definitively does).

That's what I'm trying...

I am drunk. Religion was mentioned. I don't know whats going on really, so I'm just going to wave this flaming bike around blindly.


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Tacticslion wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
After a few days without internet (visiting my parents, who have wifi but my laptop just absolutely refused to connect to it), I see there are over 500 posts I missed. I'm not going to read them. So if there was anything super-important I missed, please let me know. Thank you.

Im teaching people (you included) how to play a game.

Tacticslion wrote:

Happy Birthday, Drejk! God bless you, dude!

Aranna wrote:
Is it hard to learn? I am currently between games and that might be fun.

It isn't. The basics are: "roll dice, select the top two."

The post above your has a link with more details! :D

Drejk had a birthday and is awesome, and said game is easy to play.

Happy Belated Birthday, Drejk. And I will look at the game after while. Thank you for the recap.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He didn't even mention what schemes I'm working on the last week or two that continue onward even as we speak.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

WTF weather? This morning the forecast said "maybe an inch of snow on Wednesday". Now it says "5-8 inches, with 30mph sustained winds". I call b*&@!*!&.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
He didn't even mention what schemes I'm working on the last week or two that continue onward even as we speak.

Can't we just always assume you have schemes that are in motion?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Most of the time they just kind of go around in circles.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
WTF weather? This morning the forecast said "maybe an inch of snow on Wednesday". Now it says "5-8 inches, with 30mph sustained winds". I call b~*@+%#%.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Most of the time they just kind of go around in circles.

Circular motion is still motion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tac, I understand that, but then man up (or woman up, as may be the case) and just admit it. Don't throw out some stuff about the new kid being so much work you have no possible time ro game, yet you have grandma watching her every Sunday night to go out and get wasted at the bar, or the job has zero schedulable free time, yet your standing appointment at the gym class hasn't fudged. I can't stand the deceit. Legitimate excuses - if they actually were the real excuse.

I dunno. I'd consider a gym appointment or unwinding at the bar after a hellish exhausting week to be higher priorities than a Pathfinder game.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

On the other hand, Panda Pop is a game produced by NobodysWife's company. Woo hoo!

Play it. Spend much money on it. Talk about how great it is.

But limey said it was a drink that he enjoyed as a lad, and...


If she gets a bonus, she's more likely to be able to afford a Lulu costume...


Panda Pops (the beverage).

Lulu costume not included.

Ploughman's lunch recipe

Beer not included.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Overslept about three hours or so. I hope this doesn't become a habit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
WTF weather? This morning the forecast said "maybe an inch of snow on Wednesday". Now it says "5-8 inches, with 30mph sustained winds". I call b~*@+%#%.

Not so awesome when you're trying to figure out if you'll be able to get to work or not.

Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hm. I appear to be unable to temporarily place a link in the forum box to save it for later without inadvertently posting it. Oops.

I... I can't believe I missed the opportunity to do this right.

Well! No time like the present!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:


EDIT: Well, you know, as much as it can be fixed.

EDIT 2: Filthy casual.

EDIT 3: Well, okay, maybe not literally "filthy" - I happen to know, after all, you just took a shower.

EDIT 4: Yes, I was there. I'm always there. >:)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

On the other hand, Panda Pop is a game produced by NobodysWife's company. Woo hoo!

Play it. Spend much money on it. Talk about how great it is.

But limey said it was a drink that he enjoyed as a lad, and...


If she gets a bonus, she's more likely to be able to afford a Lulu costume...


Panda Pops (the beverage).

Lulu costume not included.

Ploughman's lunch recipe

Beer not included.

both look delicious. And sound suspiciously like my own lunch, minus the chutney.

Freehold DM wrote:
my own lunch, minus the chutney.

For no other reason than those words (out of context, even), I just wanted to link this.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ninja-Assassin wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


EDIT: Well, you know, as much as it can be fixed.

EDIT 2: Filthy casual.

EDIT 3: Well, okay, maybe not literally "filthy" - I happen to know, after all, you just took a shower.

EDIT 4: Yes, I was there. I'm always there. >:)

What have I done!!!

Now Tacticslion aliases are arguing with, and sexually harassing him! Have you people not used me as your example or cautionary tale!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Ninja-Assassin wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


EDIT: Well, you know, as much as it can be fixed.

EDIT 2: Filthy casual.

EDIT 3: Well, okay, maybe not literally "filthy" - I happen to know, after all, you just took a shower.

EDIT 4: Yes, I was there. I'm always there. >:)

What have I done!!!

Now Tacticslion aliases are arguing with, and sexually harassing him! Have you people not used me as your example or cautionary tale!

You were the inspiration...

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