Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :D
And it didn't! (Aside from the one year old freaking out at the overwhelming lights and colors and noise. But he got over that.)
It was awesome! And terrifying! (For me. Not for the four-year-old. That guy just kept running up and down the tallest daggum thing there just so he could super-slide to the bottom on the carpets they handed you to do exactly that. Over and over and over again. Three stories down. My... heart... didn't... give... out... ! ... somehow*!)
* By the time he'd gone up and down it about six or seven times, it honestly wasn't scary anymore. It had gone from mind-bending terror to the mild boredom that comes with enjoying watching your child enjoy a repetitive task as endlessly as you'll allow.
But seriously, it was a magical night. The oldest had never seen such amazingness (despite having visited Tacticslioness every year there* - this is the first year he was interested) and he wanted to go on everything. Unfortunately, of course, that was impossible, but we found at least six rides he could go on, and daggum if he didn't become a "frequent customer" (due entirely to the limitless-use arm band his Mommy had gotten for him; those rides'd be expensive otherwise, yo). It got to the point that I got to know: the tall-slide guy, the tall-slide guy's sister, and the tall-slide guy's sister's husband. They were great people, over-all!
That said, his "favorite" was the Carousel (though not the one he went on the most). Even when I put him to bed that night, he kept talking about how amazing it was, and especially that one, last ride that Mommy had gotten to go on with him (after her shift had finished, we walked around a bit to other rides; she accompanied him on the carousel one**).
* She volunteers to work a booth one day each year, as the carnival is on her school grounds; different organization, but working together for the duration of its stay.
** He's at the exact height needed to be considered both "with adult supervision" and "Okay!" on those rides that sometimes need adult supervision, so it's fine if he goes on his own, but parents are allowed with. I couldn't go, 'cause I had the littlest, but Mommy was able to after her shift!
Which honestly is a line that sounds like it'd have fitted better coming from Ian McKellen in the video to Heart
Not available in my country. Sorry. :/
baron arem heshvaun wrote:My short list for Cattie-BrieOne of those on my short list, Emily Blunt, is playing Mary Poppins in the sequel.
Hah! Oh, baron, you're such... a... caaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Also, I'm very glad our doctor is the chief surgeon for the Badgers. :-)
Celestial? Dire? Dire celestial? You can't leave us hanging without that kind of information~! >:I
Having a high pain threshold can lead to entertaining moments:
The aforementioned, "Driving around in a stick shift with a broken wrist," that had my doctor tut-tutting...
Walking up to my P.E. teacher and saying, "I think I hurt my pinkie," having him say, "Oh, give me a break," and then showing him the massively-dislocated pointing-sideways finger and having him panic.
Sitting there having a polite conversation while the school principal pulled the finger back into place because there was no school nurse that day (budget cuts).
Jumping off a galloping thoroughbred onto gravel, then sitting up and laughing about it as the owner of the thoroughbred panicked, because apparently I cut up my face something awful and was covered in blood. But it was still funny...
Hahah! The bolded two reminded me of when I got stabbed by a scalpel during Biology class in Highschool.
The guy who did it had been playing around with the formaldahide and frogs and I'd told him to cut it out several times. ("You're going to hurt someone or, worse, wreck our project somehow." >:I) I was really unhappy with "random" assignments from our teacher that day. Oh, so random: I know exactly why the most studious student in the class got paired with him*.
Anyway, in his protestations that he had this, he spilled the formaldahide, panicked a little, accidentally stabbed my finger with a formaldahide scalpel, panicked a lot, and genuinely felt terrible.
* I am no longer unhappy about this; either this instance or this sort of thing in general. At the time, however, I was totally a "that guy" kind of guy, who was not pleased at having "incompetence" foisted off on me - which, despite the events here, he wasn't incompetent, he was just goofing off, as some Highschoolers tend to.
Anyway, I got stabbed, and kept working while he freaked out that I was "wounded" (it was a minor cut, at most), "poisoned" (the formaldahide, you know), and so on. I shrugged and would have kept working, except for the blood that started to get in the way. Mildly irritated, I comforted the other guy, ("No, look, it's minor, I'm fine, don't worry about it.") and was eventually sent to the Nurse's office. I was annoyed, but got to the office, rooted around until I got a gauze and band-aid, cleaned the thing off with water and soap, dried it with gauze, and put a band-aid by the time the nurse got there. She adjusted things, but then sent me back to class.
Most of my class was pretty sure I was, like, a super-human hardcore dude, or something. Geez, Highschool: it wasn't that big a deal!
(This, and that one time the Cheerleader somehow found me attractive*, were the two times I was "closest" to ever being "cool" - fortunately, I managed to avoid that by accidentally snubbing the Cheerleader**, and generally being a nerd.)
* I still haven't figured this one out.
** I didn't realize she was flirting with me. Look: my eyes weren't "pretty", it was just contacts! Arg! I don't understand fllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnggggggggggg. Õ.o
EDIT: Code-fixing

Tacticslion |

Whichever one has Ike.
He's one of my favorites in Smash.
Okay FAWTLs, fall in! FHDM needs your help making a decision.
As some of you know, I am a HUGE FIRE EMBLEM FAN although I tend to view the games as individual works as opposed to soe giant interconnected universe. The release of Fire Emblem Fates(if) Birthright and Conquest on a day other than Christmas day 2016 has been a major surprise/letdown for me as I was planning to get both games at once, and maybe super hyper special versions of the game(Revelations, I'm looking at you). Butt aht did not come to pass.
So I am leaving it up to you, FAWTLs to decide which game I get today- Fire Emblem Fates(if) Conquest or Birthright.
Differences between the games? Well, you are the semi-silent protagonist, being raised by the somewhat evil definitely expansionist and germanic-sounding military family who seeks to take over the neighboring not as evil non expansionist japanese-sounding kingdom next door. The germanic sounding folks are harsh, but do want nothing more than peace as they are trying to create/stablize their kingdom. They are a loving family, fair to those under their rule, and more than a bit gothic in appearance and european in fighting style. However, it is discovered during gameplay that you are actually not a scion of this family but a direct descendant of the ruling family of the japanese-sounding kingdom next door, who thought you dead/abandoned you/left you to be raised by the germanic sounding family, who is the only family you have ever known. But the people in this kingdom never truly forgot you, and if you return there you will essentially be seen as a young prince, with an army and land and an entire people revitalized ready to resist the germanic sounding folks and kick them back over to their side of the continent/game world.
So which game should I get? Conquest(germanic) or Birthright(japanese)?
Birthright, sort of. I'm less big on the Conquest kind of things, in general. But, if you're going to get the both, eventually, anyway... Conquest. See what that one is like, first!
EDIT: too much! Oops.

Tacticslion |

One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :D
And it didn't! (Aside from the one year old freaking out at the overwhelming lights and colors and noise. But he got over that.)
It was awesome! And terrifying! (For me. Not for the four-year-old. That guy just kept running up and down the tallest daggum thing there just so he could super-slide to the bottom on the carpets they handed you to do exactly that. Over and over and over again. Three stories down. My... heart... didn't... give... out... ! ... somehow*!)
* By the time he'd gone up and down it about six or seven times, it honestly wasn't scary anymore. It had gone from mind-bending terror to the mild boredom that comes with enjoying watching your child enjoy a repetitive task as endlessly as you'll allow.
But seriously, it was a magical night. The oldest had never seen such amazingness (despite having visited Tacticslioness every year there* - this is the first year he was interested) and he wanted to go on everything. Unfortunately, of course, that was impossible, but we found at least six rides he could go on, and daggum if he didn't become a "frequent customer" (due entirely to the limitless-use arm band his Mommy had gotten for him; those rides'd be expensive otherwise, yo). It got to the point that I got to know: the tall-slide guy, the tall-slide guy's sister, and the tall-slide guy's sister's husband. They were great people, over-all!
That said, his "favorite" was the Carousel (though not the one he went on the most). Even when I put him to bed that night, he kept talking about how amazing it was, and especially that one, last ride that Mommy had gotten to go on with him (after her shift had finished, we walked around a bit to other rides; she accompanied him on the carousel one**).
* She volunteers to work a booth one day each year, as the carnival
I still remember our first trip to Disneyland, before Impus Major could speak (apraxia, so he couldn't communicate until he was a bit over 3). He would go on a ride, and we would be able to tell whether or not he enjoyed it because he'd refuse to get out, give out a little grunt and a shake of his body, indicating that he wanted it to start moving again. It was awesome.
So wonderful!
STILL waiting on the tax returns to see how "big" our trip to Disneyland will be this year. Aaaaargh! Darned slow accountants!
Hah! ... aaaaaaaaaahhhhh... yeah. :/
(The Lioness is having trouble with similar things.)

Tacticslion |

Tac, he's the chief surgeon for the University of Wisconsin Badgers (football, specifically) he is also the single best pediatrician I've ever met. :-)
But... are the Celestial, Dire, or Both?! These are the important questions!
And, even more important: are any of them Honey?! For if so, she has just become the most hardcore of all surgeons~!

Aranna |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ahhh broken bones... You Learn a lot from them.
- my broken finger: a shop vice is NOT a balance beam.
- my broken toe: turn ON the lights before sprinting through the house to answer the phone.
- my broken rib: carrying a puppy while skate boarding is NOT a good idea.
- my broken nose: always wear a seat belt even on side streets.
- my broken back: always practice safe lifting ALWAYS.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :DAnd it didn't! (Aside from the one year old freaking out at the overwhelming lights and colors and noise. But he got over that.)
It was awesome! And terrifying! (For me. Not for the four-year-old. That guy just kept running up and down the tallest daggum thing there just so he could super-slide to the bottom on the carpets they handed you to do exactly that. Over and over and over again. Three stories down. My... heart... didn't... give... out... ! ... somehow*!)
* By the time he'd gone up and down it about six or seven times, it honestly wasn't scary anymore. It had gone from mind-bending terror to the mild boredom that comes with enjoying watching your child enjoy a repetitive task as endlessly as you'll allow.
But seriously, it was a magical night. The oldest had never seen such amazingness (despite having visited Tacticslioness every year there* - this is the first year he was interested) and he wanted to go on everything. Unfortunately, of course, that was impossible, but we found at least six rides he could go on, and daggum if he didn't become a "frequent customer" (due entirely to the limitless-use arm band his Mommy had gotten for him; those rides'd be expensive otherwise, yo). It got to the point that I got to know: the tall-slide guy, the tall-slide guy's sister, and the tall-slide guy's sister's husband. They were great people, over-all!
That said, his "favorite" was the Carousel (though not the one he went on the most). Even when I put him to bed that night, he kept talking about how amazing it was, and especially that one, last ride that Mommy had gotten to go on with him (after her shift had finished, we walked around a bit to other rides; she accompanied him on the carousel one**).
* She volunteers to work a booth one day each year, as the carnival is on her school grounds;...
that sounds like lots of fun.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay FAWTLs, fall in! FHDM needs your help making a decision.
As some of you know, I am a HUGE FIRE EMBLEM FAN although I tend to view the games as individual works as opposed to soe giant interconnected universe. The release of Fire Emblem Fates(if) Birthright and Conquest on a day other than Christmas day 2016 has been a major surprise/letdown for me as I was planning to get both games at once, and maybe super hyper special versions of the game(Revelations, I'm looking at you). Butt aht did not come to pass.
So I am leaving it up to you, FAWTLs to decide which game I get today- Fire Emblem Fates(if) Conquest or Birthright.
Differences between the games? Well, you are the semi-silent protagonist, being raised by the somewhat evil definitely expansionist and germanic-sounding military family who seeks to take over the neighboring not as evil non expansionist japanese-sounding kingdom next door. The germanic sounding folks are harsh, but do want nothing more than peace as they are trying to create/stablize their kingdom. They are a loving family, fair to those under their rule, and more than a bit gothic in appearance and european in fighting style. However, it is discovered during gameplay that you are actually not a scion of this family but a direct descendant of the ruling family of the japanese-sounding kingdom next door, who thought you dead/abandoned you/left you to be raised by the germanic sounding family, who is the only family you have ever known. But the people in this kingdom never truly forgot you, and if you return there you will essentially be seen as a young prince, with an army and land and an entire people revitalized ready to resist the germanic sounding folks and kick them back over to their side of the continent/game world.
So which game should I get? Conquest(germanic) or Birthright(japanese)?
I vote Germanic. Because NobodysWife is a goth.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:He's a surgeon, not a veterinarian, what kind of clown college do you think this is. :-Dcaptain yesterday wrote:The Badgers, like all sports teams in the Midwest are consistently bland, I'm not really sure if they deserve the extra template... :-)Aw, maaaaaaaaaaaannnn~! :I
They're basically the same thing! >:O

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Guess who just moved a couch out of the kid's room back into the living room, having to twist it at a weird angle to get it thru the hallway and doorways the entire time. Also by himself with no help whatsoever?
This guy!
Bonus points to you if you did not use a furniture dolly

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Roy, then.Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:ike was several fire emblems ago.Whichever one has Ike.
He's one of my favorites in Smash.
F*** Marth, though.
Hey! I'm reasonably certain your wife would have some issue with that! >:I

Construction Montage C.Y. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Construction Montage C.Y. wrote:Bonus points to you if you did not use a furniture dollyGuess who just moved a couch out of the kid's room back into the living room, having to twist it at a weird angle to get it thru the hallway and doorways the entire time. Also by himself with no help whatsoever?
This guy!
No dolly. :-)

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay FAWTLs, fall in! FHDM needs your help making a decision.
As some of you know, I am a HUGE FIRE EMBLEM FAN although I tend to view the games as individual works as opposed to soe giant interconnected universe. The release of Fire Emblem Fates(if) Birthright and Conquest
So I am leaving it up to you, FAWTLs to decide which game I get today- Fire Emblem Fates(if) Conquest or Birthright.
Having no experience with any of these, I leave my choice up to the dice gods. 1d3 ⇒ 3....The dice have spoken

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Geez. Busy morning on FaWtL! One more post, then that "work" thing I'm supposed to be doing:
...and I still have the scar, and still give him s**t about it.
My wallet weeps, but my chest swells with pride.

Cap'n Yesterday's Spring Fever |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Are you sure your chest was swelled with pride, could've been a shock heart attack, and your brain was to be repressing the billit to tell you differently.Please, CY, no brain-altering drugs while watching the little ones...
It's the spring fever man! The windows are open, do you know the last time I had the windows open! Months, months I say!

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I might have project to write...
*counts potential earning* Add 3, carry 2, multiply by 7... Wait... New Master Of Orion will be available in Early Access next week? $50 on Steam (which will mean some insane amount of money in euros because I can't buy things on Steam in dollars, because Europa. No matter that we don't have euros here, plus paypal's overpriced conversion rate). Crap. I need more projects.
Especially that the last expansion for Pillars Of Eternity just went live.
And I just bought Risen 3 because it was at half price on GOG.
No matter that I should start to earn money for actual living...

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

~blink~ did I see that right?! New Master of Orion? Hopefully better than MoO 3 was... That game was the worst game ever made.
Voice Actors Revealed. I am a bit afraid that the creators might focus too much on big names, though the short snippets of actual game-play looks promising. Nothing that would show actual game-play beyond galactic map and battles, though.
Oh, and the facebook post lists GOG as a venue where it will be available too... That will save me a few dollars.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Radioactive cat is no longer radioactive, and got to sleep with Her Boy(TM) last night.
Will it make her less hateful towards the universe?
All signs point to, "No."
Ah, cats. EDIT: Good taste in music, though.

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay FAWTLs, fall in! FHDM needs your help making a decision.
So which game should I get? Conquest(germanic) or Birthright(japanese)?
I vote conquest. Longswords > katanas.
I broke my collarbone when I fell off my sister's pram at the age of three. I also fractured a rib last year when someone kicked me in the chest at HEMA, but that's all (and do fractures