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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

i have a habit of calling "realms" what d20 would call planes, which is strange since 'realm' is actually of Old French origin and I usually use this word in the context of 'realms' in my stories based on Germanic mythology. I'm having trouble finding an Old English word for such a concept, though.

the ġeard in middanġeard, maybe?

What term Scandinavians used for the nine worlds? Had they a generic term for the concepts of worlds?

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It seems that I just showed all my worlds.

Is... is that three in a row, Drejk?

EDIT: Oh, nope. CH broke your... heh... streak.

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I was naked on my birthday :-)

Will get back to you asap, Orthos.

Silver Crusade

Celestial Healer wrote:

My experience is definitely consistent with the Midwest being a culinary wasteland, however.

I agree with you for the most part with the exception of Chicago

I actually have a Homer vs. New York thing going with Chicago, i've never been there without something bad happening, i can never go back.

edit: i would actually use stronger more profane language to describe Chicago but i don't want to offend anyone from there (which has happened before:-D)

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Tiny T-Rex looks bad ass as a Ninja Turtle :-)

I'll get a picture tomorrow and post it.

In a bit of an upset he went with Raphael instead of Leonardo, however his temperament us most like Michelangelo :-)

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Raphael is my favorite Turtle.

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I really, really need to get NWN.

It sounds like the kind of fun that will completely eclipse the rest of my life until I spend the rest of my days huddling in a corner on my computer.

Since that's what I do anyways, why not?

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He does seem to have the most character growth potential.

Now I want to see the Michael Bay movie from last year.

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Rawr! wrote:

Raphael is my favorite Turtle.

He can't be your favorite turtle.

He's my favorite turtle.

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captain yesterday wrote:

He does seem to have the most character growth potential.

Now I want to see the Michael Bay movie from last year.

Do it.

Don't listen to the haters.

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The Doomkitten wrote:

I really, really need to get NWN.

It sounds like the kind of fun that will completely eclipse the rest of my life until I spend the rest of my days huddling in a corner on my computer.

Since that's what I do anyways, why not?

I have NWN, but it does not work on my current computer. I will be re-trying it again once I get my new computer and finish updating everything to Windows 10.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I actually have a Homer vs. New York thing going with Chicago, i've never been there without something bad happening, i can never go back.

edit: i would actually use stronger more profane language to describe Chicago but i don't want to offend anyone from there (which has happened before:-D)

It's okay.

Chicago suffers from a case of can't-be-new-york-itis. Many places suffer from that.

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Just saw the most adorable Fox at the park next to Pea Bear's school! Pea Bear and Tiny T-Rex got super close, it wasn't nervous at all, I know this because it was comfortable enough to squat and so it's business with the kids 10 feet away and scratch it's war and chew on it's toe.

And before you say to be careful around wildlife etc please understand my kids get animals, it's like a Disney film:-D

But yes growing up in the country you learn to be cautious.

True story: when I was 10 I found a Badger's den with a Badger and it's babies inside and lived to tell the tale. Entirely because it didn't see me and I didn't linger, still pretty sweet.

captain yesterday wrote:


Just saw the most adorable Fox at the park next to Pea Bear's school! Pea Bear and Tiny T-Rex got super close, it wasn't nervous at all, I know this because it was comfortable enough to squat and so it's business with the kids 10 feet away and scratch it's war and chew on it's toe.

And before you say to be careful around wildlife etc please understand my kids get animals, it's like a Disney film:-D

But yes growing up in the country you learn to be cautious.

True story: when I was 10 I found a Badger's den with a Badger and it's babies inside and lived to tell the tale. Entirely because it didn't see me and I didn't linger, still pretty sweet.

Hey, I'm from the biggest city on the face of the earth, and I learned early on to give animals a wide berth.

I'm all about that pigeon life.

And in one case, that possum life.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


Just saw the most adorable Fox at the park next to Pea Bear's school! Pea Bear and Tiny T-Rex got super close, it wasn't nervous at all, I know this because it was comfortable enough to squat and so it's business with the kids 10 feet away and scratch it's war and chew on it's toe.

And before you say to be careful around wildlife etc please understand my kids get animals, it's like a Disney film:-D

But yes growing up in the country you learn to be cautious.

True story: when I was 10 I found a Badger's den with a Badger and it's babies inside and lived to tell the tale. Entirely because it didn't see me and I didn't linger, still pretty sweet.

The outside cat that has adopted us is very sweet and loving towards me. But if I get near her babies, she will hiss at me as if to tell me that all bets are off.

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captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
"This guy is either going to think "Here's another kid with a fake ID," or "Here's McLovin, the 25-year-old Hawaiian organ donor."
I've never seen that movie, but i'm going to now! thanks that's hilarious!

It's actually pretty terrible, but it's got a few good moments in it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
In other news, I'll be heading down to the land of the gutter possums (i.e. Brooklyn) next weekend to see one of my best friends before he moves to California.
Lovecraft bar!


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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
east coast fast food is alright. West coast sounds better


In-N-Out Burger is, as they say in In-N-Out Burger country, "hella dope," but the rest of the food I've had out west doesn't seem all that different from the food on the east coast. And California pizza is basically just plywood in a cardboard box.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Chicago suffers from a case of can't-be-new-york-itis. Many places suffer from that.

I'm not sure if "suffer" is the right word.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Also could you link where I can find your CD again, I should have a few extra bucks this weekend:-)

Digital download (w/bonus tracks)

Hard-copy CD (very few in stock)

Operation Hennessey 7" record

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

Raphael is my favorite Turtle.


David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
In other news, I'll be heading down to the land of the gutter possums (i.e. Brooklyn) next weekend to see one of my best friends before he moves to California.
Lovecraft bar!

You should hang with me and CH there next week.

Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
In other news, I'll be heading down to the land of the gutter possums (i.e. Brooklyn) next weekend to see one of my best friends before he moves to California.
Lovecraft bar!
You should hang with me and CH there next week.

Got you. I have no real way of contacting you, but I can send a message over to CH with information and stuff.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
In other news, I'll be heading down to the land of the gutter possums (i.e. Brooklyn) next weekend to see one of my best friends before he moves to California.
Lovecraft bar!
You should hang with me and CH there next week.
Got you. I have no real way of contacting you, but I can send a message over to CH with information and stuff.

I can be the go between. I have both your number and FH DM's.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Taking the train downtown tonight to see Tim Minchin's "Matilda". I can't recall the last live musical I attended. I distinctly remember seeing Annie when it started touring off Broadway. My mother took me as it was playing in Chicago and I wasn't old enough to drive yet. So... yeah. Been a while.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Taking the train downtown tonight to see Tim Minchin's "Matilda". I can't recall the last live musical I attended. I distinctly remember seeing Annie when it started touring off Broadway. My mother took me as it was playing in Chicago and I wasn't old enough to drive yet. So... yeah. Been a while.

I'm gldad you're going!!!!!!

Sharoth wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
In other news, I'll be heading down to the land of the gutter possums (i.e. Brooklyn) next weekend to see one of my best friends before he moves to California.
Lovecraft bar!
You should hang with me and CH there next week.
Got you. I have no real way of contacting you, but I can send a message over to CH with information and stuff.
I can be the go between. I have both your number and FH DM's.

Capital idea.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of going, I am heading to the UK for a few days next month. I was invited to a friend's wedding!

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Also could you link where I can find your CD again, I should have a few extra bucks this weekend:-)

Digital download (w/bonus tracks)

Hard-copy CD (very few in stock)

Operation Hennessey 7" record

I'm so glad I.R.S. is still going, man seeing that logo takes me back:-D

i'll get it tomorrow probably:-)

Icyshadow wrote:
Speaking of going, I am heading to the UK for a few days next month. I was invited to a friend's wedding!


Rawr! wrote:
Raphael is my favorite Turtle.
Drejk wrote:

He was my favorite by a wide margin, though Leonardo came pretty close at times (because he was straight-laced, honorable, good, and a leader; also swords).

Raphael started as my favorite, but that's because his bandana was red, which reminded me of Jesus' love for us. After I got to know them a bit better, I switched fairly quickly, though, given Raph was made the main character of the 90's 'Turtles film, I'd guess we were not the majority.

Mikey... I... look, I'm sorry, but... I just... I can't. I'm sorry, Mike. No.

But the 'Turtles in general are awesome.

And the Bay movie is actually... not bad. In fact, it's comparative to the original, though very different. It's probably the tightest, origin story of the turtles yet - by which I mean, it's tightly made, not that it's "tight" in the parlance*. It's generally well scripted and edited; decently acted, and fun humor (very last scene aside).

* The parlance version is ambiguous to my understanding: it could mean either "sexy" or just "pretty cool" - this would fall under the latter of those two meanings, but incidentally.

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Hey, Michelangelo was my favorite, but then I always wanted to be a surfer, grew up reading the original comic book, and have always related more to comedy, also Pizza Rules!!

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Tacticslion wrote:

Raphael started as my favorite, but that's because his bandana was red, which reminded me of Jesus' love for us.

This is one of the most obscure relgiious references I have ever heard.

What about the comic? ALL the masks were red in the comic.

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Thunderstorms moving in and I gotta go to work:-(

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yay thunderstorms!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Thunderstorms moving in and I gotta go to work:-(

Send them this way.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm so glad I.R.S. is still going, man seeing that logo takes me back:-D

It's not IRS Records, it's LRS Records, the cheap knockoff.

We're the Legal Record Syndicate. We've got a DBA and everything.

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I love thunderstorms, it sucks when I'm stuck in a big metal box with hardly windows to see it with Disney songs and s~!#ty covers of cartoon theme songs blaring so I can't f+!#ing hear theme!!

Have I mentioned how much I hate working indoors.


captain yesterday wrote:
I love thunderstorms, it sucks when I'm stuck in a big metal box with hardly windows to see it with Disney songs and s**%ty covers of cartoon theme songs blaring so I can't f$+$ing hear them!!

Where the f@!* do you work?

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Interesting observation for the day:

After getting undressed to get in the shower today, I happened to look down at my shins for the first time in a while (I almost never wear shorts), and noticed two sizable bald patches in my leg hair just below my knees. It took me a minute, but then I realized that I've been spending so much time on a step ladder lately that I've worn the hair off of my shins from bracing my legs against the rungs. Weird. And kind of depressing.

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Speaking of work, I managed to impale my index finger on a roofing nail today. Not how you'd expect, either-- I was hammering in some staples, and caught the nail sticking out of the roof decking on the backswing. The thing went in probably close to half an inch, right down to the bone. The cut itself was *tiny*, but I was rather impressed with the amount of blood spurting out. The journeyman on site thought it was hilarious-- I looked like I'd just butchered an animal, but all I had this tiny little cut on the back of my finger.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I love thunderstorms, it sucks when I'm stuck in a big metal box with hardly windows to see it with Disney songs and s**%ty covers of cartoon theme songs blaring so I can't f$+$ing hear them!!
Where the f&## do you work?

Toys R Us :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Speaking of work, I managed to impale my index finger on a roofing nail today. Not how you'd expect, either-- I was hammering in some staples, and caught the nail sticking out of the roof decking on the backswing. The thing went in probably close to half an inch, right down to the bone. The cut itself was *tiny*, but I was rather impressed with the amount of blood spurting out. The journeyman on site thought it was hilarious-- I looked like I'd just butchered an animal, but all I had this tiny little cut on the back of my finger.

Yeah, but I put a burning capitol building through my foot...

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I'm the Brut Squad, if anyone needs anything heavy lifted I'm the guy they ask, also when you order something online to be picked up at the store I'm the guy that hunts it down.

Those are the parts of the job I like, I can do without the people :-)

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Donatello here growing up, always loved all the gizmos and things he made.

Is FB message center down for anyone else? It straight-up refuses to load, linking to a blank page. I have to go to from my laptop just to view my messages.

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