Deep 6 FaWtL

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And my Kingmaker character may have done something immensely stupid or brilliant. Still haven't decided which.

Hey, any negotiation with Mab that doesn't end in being an icicle has to be a positive, right?

It isn't for you to decide.

Being naked when dealing with fey might end with either but bad outcome is much more likely.

I am terribly uncreative recently spending my free time playing instead of writing.

*shrug* Maybe I deal with that later... Now time for finding sixth missing ring and some crystal discs in Risen.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Found this little nugget today

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I already have that in my favorites.

Yep, our wargame went the full 3 turns and thus only lasted a mere 7 hours (or so). But had some fun on the bank holiday, as well as a home-made Philly Cheese-steak sandwich.

Sitting in the teahouse again. Enjoying taro cold with pearls. This may just become a regular thing.

Lilith of the Wyld Wood wrote:
Hey, any negotiation with Mab that doesn't end in being an icicle has to be a positive, right?

I wouldn't call iciclefication a complete loss, either.

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtL folks. Hope ya'll are well, have had a lovely Easter, and have a great day today. :) It was a lovely 4 day weekend here (one of few reasons I enjoy our religious nation), but it's back to the auld grindstone now.

Ugh. Back to work after mere four days of rest. I could use some more sleep. Well, I usually could use some more sleep, anyway.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Brethren! Happy Tuesday! Very short and sweet this morning, as I've got a meeting in 10 minutes.

And, yes, that would be at 6:30 in the morning.

Stoopid client.

hi everyone

My next paizo package is shipping Friday.

Wheeeeeeeeeee! Even though it's a Sean K. Reynolds book.

Hiya Aeglos.

I need to order the inner sea gods book for one of my most dedicated players.

And a pdf for myself.

Need to keep an eye on what in doing moneywise this week as I need to pay storage soon.

Rents taken care of, though.

Back in the semi-secret sub-kitchen. It's good to get out of my office for lunch.

Down side is that I'm not even remotely hungry.

Silver Crusade

If only you were having Thai food with me!

Celestial Healer wrote:
If only you were having Thai food with me!

If only!!!! I love Thai food.

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Some emotional stuff:
Just got a great supportive phone call from my boss, my ex, and the entire freaking office at the third job. They were all over me with concern, worried that they were overworking their only content editor with what's been going on. I was so very happy to hear that they were worried about me, and I was even happier to tell them that it is their work that keeps me on an even keel when I'm in the house on my own. My boss has been where I was before, and both she and my ex were all for me calling them if I need anything at all, even just to talk. I did a good job keeping the quaver out of my voice as I thanked them. It really is true that you can never have too many good friends.


My boss at the third job really, REALLY wants me to send in a picture of myself and a bio to use because I am THEIR EDITOR up at their website!!!!!! I will link here once it's up. I have never written a bio before- what do I do?!?!?!?!

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Go to Chipotle!

Silver Crusade

I was gonna say BonChon but chipotle works for me

BluePigeon wrote:
Go to Chipotle!

Clearly, only their unique blend of super healthy burritos and tortillas will help me write my bio!

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
I was gonna say BonChon but chipotle works for me

...Dammit, now I want BonChon!!!

The day they open up on opposite corners from each other is the day my wallet dies.

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Freehold: Pretend you are somebody else and write it about you third person.

Dark Archive

Good morning FaWtL'ers. :) Hope ya'll are well today, had a good day yesterday and have a lovely day today. :) Aw heck, let's go for gold, I hope ye all have a lovely entire week. :D

Dark Archive

Having pretty decent weather on the West coast atm, a nice change of pace. It's still chilly, but the skies are mostly clear and we're not drowned like rats, so I'll call that a win. You recovered from that crazy winter weather across the pond?

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


My boss at the third job really, REALLY wants me to send in a picture of myself and a bio to use because I am THEIR EDITOR up at their website!!!!!! I will link here once it's up. I have never written a bio before- what do I do?!?!?!?!

Grats, and good luck with the bio. I have no idea how to write one, but Treppa's advice sounds solid. Go with that.

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...
Drejk wrote:
New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...

Is there a newer X Com game, or are we talking about Enemy Within? I'm guessing EW, it did only come out in November. It's great craic, I highly recommend it.

LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...
Drejk wrote:
New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...
Is there a newer X Com game, or are we talking about Enemy Within? I'm guessing EW, it did only come out in November. It's great craic, I highly recommend it.

Those are the newer X-Com games for me. Guess what I was playing in '90ties...

My PayPal account is getting drier and drier... I looked on GOG today, thinking "no interesting sales... oh, what is that". I should stop even opening their webpage but I still count on sale on Arcanum, Master of Orion and a few others.

Yay for FHDM's autobiographical writing.

Personally I would probably end with writing some sort of smartass-wannabe jokes about oneself.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:

Freehold: Pretend you are somebody else and write it about you third person.

Not just the third person, but the ROYAL Third Person.

Drejk wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...
Drejk wrote:
New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...
Is there a newer X Com game, or are we talking about Enemy Within? I'm guessing EW, it did only come out in November. It's great craic, I highly recommend it.
Those are the newer X-Com games for me. Guess what I was playing in '90ties...

I know there was an FPS for XCOM that came out recently...The teaser/commercial for it was cool, it almost made me forget how much I hate FPS.

Dark Archive

Drejk wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...
Drejk wrote:
New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...
Is there a newer X Com game, or are we talking about Enemy Within? I'm guessing EW, it did only come out in November. It's great craic, I highly recommend it.
Those are the newer X-Com games for me. Guess what I was playing in '90ties...

Aw, nice. I've never played the originals, do you think they'd hold up for modern gamers? Going back to classics can be great some times, but the nostalgia can let you down at others.

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...
Drejk wrote:
New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...
Is there a newer X Com game, or are we talking about Enemy Within? I'm guessing EW, it did only come out in November. It's great craic, I highly recommend it.
Those are the newer X-Com games for me. Guess what I was playing in '90ties...
I know there was an FPS for XCOM that came out recently...The teaser/commercial for it was cool, it almost made me forget how much I hate FPS.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, perhaps? If so, I wouldn't really recommend it. I went in with high hopes, so maybe I over-hyped it for myself and that led to disappointment, but I don't think so. I think it just wasn't very good.

It's an FPS, and Freehold and FPSs rarely if ever get along. I know a lot of people were disappointed in the game in general.

hi everFaWtL

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me and my colleges today made a outlook appointment for christmas market in Frankfurt including meeting place and hour - for december the 5th !!
is that strange or just very very German ?

and in case anyone wonders:
we will meet in front of the Burger King in Liebfrauen-street at 18:00

That's strange to me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Freehold DM. Nothing specific. Just making him resposible for everything that has, is, and will be going wrong in 2014. Gratz to Freehold DM on your promotion to Scapegoat of the Year.

Silver Crusade

So...Cosmo's off the hook for this year

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
I blame Freehold DM. Nothing specific. Just making him resposible for everything that has, is, and will be going wrong in 2014. Gratz to Freehold DM on your promotion to Scapegoat of the Year.

Cosmo will be so disappointed to hear he's been dethroned.

Edit : ninja'd by 5 seconds.

Is someone following me around with a camera or something? Because I've been scapegoated at work today at least twice.

~evil laughter~

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