Deep 6 FaWtL

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DSXMachina wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Rowan Atkinson is Doctor Who

Digging holes in the ground can really pay off, sometimes!

Although I can think of a few things that are more fun to do naked.

Then again, I suppose the queen would be not amused if she saw that.

Scarab Sages

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Good evening FAWTLY Folk! The wife, boy, and I had a great Day out with Thomas. Charlie really had a blast, as did his parents. I especially enjoyed seeing the steam engines kind of up close, but wish I could have gotten a bit closer.

Scarab Sages

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In other news, Charlie has been throwing up this evening. So there's that....

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Aberzombie wrote:
In other news, Charlie has been throwing up this evening. So there's that....

I blame vomit guy.

Aberzombie wrote:
In other news, Charlie has been throwing up this evening. So there's that....


gooooood morning FaWtL,

sunny day

we will propably go picking strawbwerries at the pick-your-own field and make marmelade

Aberzombie wrote:

Good evening FAWTLY Folk! The wife, boy, and I had a great Day out with Thomas. Charlie really had a blast, as did his parents. I especially enjoyed seeing the steam engines kind of up close, but wish I could have gotten a bit closer.

cool pics and vids, AZ

was it a theme park or a special day at a regular train station ?

Scarab Sages

aeglos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Good evening FAWTLY Folk! The wife, boy, and I had a great Day out with Thomas. Charlie really had a blast, as did his parents. I especially enjoyed seeing the steam engines kind of up close, but wish I could have gotten a bit closer.

cool pics and vids, AZ

was it a theme park or a special day at a regular train station ?

It was at the Strasburg Rail Road here in Pennsylvania, about an hour and a half east of Philly. The Day out with Thomas is usually held there. Strasburg also has a rail road museum, and a museum of toy trains.

I believe the Thomas thing is done once a year in each state. I know in Texas it takes place in Austin. Not sure if it's the same Thomas in each location, or if they have multiple ones around the country.

Scarab Sages

doctor_wu wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
In other news, Charlie has been throwing up this evening. So there's that....
I blame vomit guy.

Actually, we think it must have been something he ate. Poor kid puked three times last night, but the last time was nowhere near as bad as the other two. And this morning he seems to be feeling a lot better, but we'll see.

Scarab Sages

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Also, Happy Father's Day to those of us who go by that title.

Scarab Sages

Need more coffee.

Scarab Sages

Scarab Sages

Finally got the last of the books packed away. And I think I've found a home for some/all of my lawn equipment.

Scarab Sages

Still a good bit more packing to do. The tricky stuff comes now - plates and glasses. For some of them I have boxes they came in. Others it's gonna

Scarab Sages

All right folks. I'm gonna go and do some more of my usual Sunday stuff - no rest for the (occasionally) wicked!

Happy Fathers Day all those it pertains to!

I don't celebrate it myself (it feels s bit Hallmark holiday to me). But, I hope all you out there who do get done kickass ties!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Happy Fathers Day all those it pertains to!

I don't celebrate it myself (it feels s bit Hallmark holiday to me). But, I hope all you out there who do get done kickass ties!

Ties?!?! I need new shoulder pads for hockey so I am going for that. Although it looks like Father's Day is going to involve errands, a trip to the zoo, and my hockey game tonight.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
In other news, Charlie has been throwing up this evening. So there's that....
I blame vomit guy.
Actually, we think it must have been something he ate. Poor kid puked three times last night, but the last time was nowhere near as bad as the other two. And this morning he seems to be feeling a lot better, but we'll see.

Looks like it is in Duluth here in August. I will have to see if we want to make the trip.

After four days of withdrawal, I finally have internet again. Good going Cox Communication and thanks for the free month of service.

I need a fix of Skyrim, STAT!

Sovereign Court

Mmmm... Skyrim

we had Asparagus, propably the last for this year, next Saturday is the end of the Season (with many Asparagus-Festivals all over Germany)
you can tell that it is going to end, the quality is going down, the plants need to grow and relax now


Happy Feathers Day! Or something...

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Back from session. This time it was full of sex and no combat.

The main part of the sessions was inaugural party of the newly opened bordello to which some of the PCs seriously contributed* and even considered investing actual money into it (they didn't as the party fighter decided to buy mithril plate armor and others decided that they prefer to save/buy some other things). The session was spent on interacting with NPCs, introducing some new NPCs and adding depth to existing ones, lots of in-character jokes and discussions regarding sex, sexuality and then everyone except the paladin who shows no interest in sex went to enjoy companionship provided at site (threesome with one of the working boys and an NPC friend with benefits in case of bard). Later they were given a few options about their future adventure and decided to organize direct assault against one of areas full of monsters in monster-infested city district.

In the background of the session was visit of enemy envoys send by "rightful heir to the ducal throne of the city with the blessing of Lord Bane". As fr as the party knows envoys left the human-controlled part of the city after unsuccessful request for surrender of the current city council.

The bordello is a enterprise started by three city guardsmen who are party friends and who became moderately rich after finding and selling a couple of magic items in the cellars of a kobold-infested building. After the building was burned down. By a fire started when a stray fiery eldritch bolt ignited kobolds' stash of flamables. When the party's levitating halfling warlock was using suppression fire to prevent kobolds on a second floor from oil flask-bombing the players in front of the building.

Another players' contribution was actually suggesting opening bordello to the three NPCs when they wondered what to do with the acquired money during a small party (Jak, Dak and Zak felt they owe the PCs at least a barrel of good wine for not finding the treasure during their foray thus allowing the NPCs finding it when they searched the conflagration**.

Dictionary tells me that conflagration can mean both the big fire and place left after the fire but I don't recall any time when I would actually see "conflagration" used in the second sense. Am I missing something or is the dictionary wrong?

I have never heard it used that way Drejk

I got my old man a cool gift. A birdhouse shaped like a cat ( he likes both so win/win). I had a busy day doing yard chores. Now, inaugural True Blood in a bit over two hours

Getting my dad into the same music I like has made shopping so much easier for the next few holidays.

Now to get him into another band before I run out of CDs...

Happy (Late in the night) Fathers Day to those who are! :)

Spent ALL Fathers Day at work, :P

Just now going home to bask in the last embers of my day of triumph! :)

Last year my family got me an awesome Batman/Father's Day card.
It was cool.

Night Fawtlies!

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Racist B&B It's satire.

Hope everyone's day was really amazing yesterday. And that all is fine with you fine folks.

Had another marvellous session of D&D last night, even if the sight of naked dwarves might not have been appealing to our characters.

Dining on brains at the Silver Seven Casino.

Scarab Sages

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Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Monday! My last Monday working for the U.S. Navy.

Scarab Sages

Charlie is doing much better as well. No more puking since Saturday night. Huzzah for that! The clean up was very much not fun.

Scarab Sages

What I got for Father's Day....


Scarab Sages

Anyway, folks. It's gonna be a busy week. Time to get going. Have a good one!

Silver Crusade

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Happy Fathers Day all those it pertains to!

I don't celebrate it myself (it feels s bit Hallmark holiday to me). But, I hope all you out there who do get done kickass ties!

You get ties?!

I should make some kids.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:

What I got for Father's Day....

** spoiler omitted **

*sad trombone*

hi everyone

Rest in Peace Ottmar Walter

World Champion 1954, player for the 1.FC Kaiserslautern, he died at 89

from the legendary team of the "miracle of Bern" now only 2 are still alive

Ottmar Walter was honored together with his 4 Kaiserslautern team mates in theWorld cup team by a bronze statue in front of the Fritz Walter Stadium, named after his brother and team mate, the captain of the team

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Still alive.

Treppa wrote:
Still alive.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Man, if I had a GLaDOS alias...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm alive too and at the Venetian.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Off to listen to some Jonathon Coulton.

Scintillae wrote:
Man, if I had a GLaDOS alias...

Nah, you don't need that.

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Still alive.

Any news on your plans?

Orthos wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Still alive.


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