Kajehase wrote: Annnnnd it's Tuesday here. Happy Birthday Jess!
*blows Kazoo, releases balloons, wheels in a big cake for a half-naked Aberzombie to jump out of when he shows up*
Naked Aberzombie!?
Oh myyyyyy
Jess Door wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Who is thinking about going to Paizocon in 2013? I am planning on it! Cool. Diane and I are tentatively planning now. If we don't have the grandkids she could actually attend the con and banquet.
It would be cool to meet even more FAWTLs!
Bitter Thorn wrote: Kajehase wrote: Annnnnd it's Tuesday here. Happy Birthday Jess!
*blows Kazoo, releases balloons, wheels in a big cake for a half-naked Aberzombie to jump out of when he shows up*
Naked Aberzombie!?
Oh myyyyyy Now with extra naked Bitter Thorn as well.
~laughter~ AWESOME!!! Michael Dorn plays the new Duke Atreides in the video game Emperor - Battle for Dune.
Kajehase wrote: *also adds some squashable skyscrapers for Jesszilla* RAWR! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
10.5 inches of snow...That is all.
What a birthday this is going to be!
Got another interview tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck!
Luck! And Happy Birthday, Jesszilla. <3
Justin Franklin wrote: 10.5 inches of snow...That is all. *big-mittened bro-fist*
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Celestial Healer wrote: Got another interview tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck! Good luck CH.
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Justin Franklin wrote: 10.5 inches...That is all. O.O
~rereads~ Oh. 10.5 inches of SNOW!!!
Happy Birthday Jess.
Hope it's a lovely one and that the next year will be amazing as it deserves to be.
Bitter Thorn wrote: Who is thinking about going to Paizocon in 2013? I would love to go, but..... darn time, paperwork, money all tries to stop me. :(
Huh, got two more days of sick leave. Better just make use of them somehow.
Bluh. Overslept. Have to wait two hours now before I can go into work.
At least this is the first time it's happened.
Gray sky, gray snow, mild but annoying headache occasionally pulsating with a stronger spike.
Drejk wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Kajehase wrote: Annnnnd it's Tuesday here. Happy Birthday Jess!
*blows Kazoo, releases balloons, wheels in a big cake for a half-naked Aberzombie to jump out of when he shows up*
Naked Aberzombie!?
Oh myyyyyy Now with extra naked Bitter Thorn as well. LOL! I'm sure every one could do without that visual. ;)
Sharoth wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: Got another interview tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck! Good luck CH. +1
DSXMachina wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Who is thinking about going to Paizocon in 2013? I would love to go, but..... darn time, paperwork, money all tries to stop me. :( :(
Icyshadow wrote: Huh, got two more days of sick leave. Better just make use of them somehow. I hope you feel better soon.
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Happy Birthday Jess!
To all f you cold-weather-ers, I hope your enjoying it!
It just finally dropped cold enough today to actually wear a coat outside. And still above freezing.
That's not a complaint so much as an observation. ;P
I live in Louisiana, where it only has 2 seasons a year. Hot, and not quite so darned hot. But I'm originally from Oklahoma where we have 4 seasons. And while I don't like driving to work in it, I MISS snow dangit! ;(
Orthos wrote: Bluh. Overslept. Have to wait two hours now before I can go into work.
At least this is the first time it's happened.
Justin Franklin wrote: 10.5 inches of snow...That is all. , does wunian snow dance
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Jess Door wrote: What a birthday this is going to be! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELLOW SAGITTARIUS JESS DOOR! May your foes know only the agony of being trampled under your massive kaiju feet as the ill luck that has plagued our sign gives way to more normal Sagittarius super - luck!
Performs secret ultrasonic sagittarius battle cry
Celestial Healer wrote: Got another interview tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck! DO EET CH!
aeglos wrote: hi everyone Howdy, how is Sabine doing?
Anyone here played Dark Souls before?
I'm considering playing the Pinwheel theme when the heroes enter
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Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone! I brought my own birthday cake into work - #2 of my new, patented peppermint / red velvet swirl cake with peppermint icing and crushed candy cane topping.
I will take photos as my coworkers dig in to tempt you all into moving to Houston. :D
Bitter Thorn wrote: aeglos wrote: hi everyone Howdy, how is Sabine doing? more or less the same, she may need to go to the doctor again tomorrow (it get's on her nerves, she really hates being sick and would rather work)
I hope she feels better soon!
Pictures of the Peppermint Red Velvet Swirl Cakea are up on facebook!
Laptop turned off itself again. Maybe a minute after being turned on so it wasn't overheating... Now it works again but it scarred the hell out of me.
Jess Door wrote: Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone! I brought my own birthday cake into work - #2 of my new, patented peppermint / red velvet swirl cake with peppermint icing and crushed candy cane topping.
I will take photos as my coworkers dig in to tempt you all into moving to Houston. :D
Mmmm cake,...
I'm starting to pack now! :)
I managed to get a nosebleed on the train into NYC. Kept it off my shirt and tie at any rate. Nothing says "hire this candidate" like blood spatters. No idea what brought that on, although the air is somewhat dry today. Or I'm not getting enough iron.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
You see fun things on trains. Like a guy wearing a huge hat and carrying a huge hat box that obviously goes with it. Did he just buy the hat and wanted to wear it, so he is stuck carrying the hat box? I will never know.
I am easily amused.
Took some painkillers. The mild headache persists but at least is manageable.
To complete the day my Captain's based Commander class took a very negative review. Maybe I should have been more critical when publisher sent me the overview of changes he added - but being critical while ecstatic due to having my first publication is quite hard. On the other hand I can't say how would it be received in its original form, unless the reviewer responds to my PM. It could be deemed equally bad.
First time in ages (or about two or three years) I resorted to buying and eating ramen-like noodles.
I have the house to myself and the phone shut off, damn this is nice!
Oh, right, I would overslept... Happy birthday!
Solnes and kids are away?
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Drejk wrote: Solnes and kids are away? Over at her parents house, and since I don't care to go over there, I am here getting some peace and quiet. :)
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yay for peace and quiet! Yay for birthdays! Yay for the prospect of the royal FAWTL family moving to the true headquarters of FAWTL, Houston! :D
Moorluck wrote: I have the house to myself and the phone shut off, damn this is nice! ~tries calling and calling, then cries as I realize that I am not loved anymore~
~GRINS~ Enjoy yourself. I will leave you alone tonight.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote: Yay for peace and quiet! Yay for birthdays! Yay for the prospect of the royal FAWTL family moving to the true headquarters of FAWTL, Houston! :D We'll know by the end of this week if/when. I have never been so hopeful about anything before. :)
Jess Door wrote: Yay for peace and quiet! Yay for birthdays! Yay for the prospect of the royal FAWTL family moving to the true headquarters of FAWTL, new york city! :D fify