Deep 6 FaWtL

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I have to get some sort of long-range teleporter to apprehend sweets from the other side of the planet...

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Got together with the family for thanksgiving, and probably won't see anyone for Christmas, so we did a small gift exchange over Thanksgiving. I'm sure a couple packages will show up for Christmas too, though. I"m planning to put on a Christmas dinner for my friends (probably not ON Christmas, but around then), and I like to give out homemade candies or other foodstuffs to friends. I think this year I"m going to make peppermint popcorn balls. I made hard candy last year,and seafoam and white chocolate peppermint fudge the year before that.

prepares ny-texas boom tube for food raiding purposes

CH, let's do this!

It will be almost as much fun as when we ran around the country burglarizing the houses of FAWTLies who were at PaizoCon and stealing their RPG books.

No one ever caught on to that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The teleporter will be of no use unless it will 'port inanimate objects, such as clothes and apprehended sweets with me...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It would be a bit awkward to be caught naked by Jess while plundering her kitchen... Hopefully she won't have anything sharp or hot in hand.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

My bank will go into fusion with another bank?

I have no savings and most of the time my account contains pennies, otherwise I could be more interested in that fact...

The word we would use is "merging."

I hope the new management are not jerks. I've known some people who have wound up with a bank that they hate because their old one got bought out.

I have always tried to use small local banks, and back in the late 80's and early 90's I went through ~ 6 buyouts IIRC. Everyone of them went poorly from my perspective.

I hope Drejk has a much better experience.

ebon_fyre wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

This is going to be a long day... again...

I'd love to have more time to game.

Don't you have a holiday break coming up?
Yes, thankfully. In the meantime, I have loads to do and not enough time to do it all in. Story of everyone's life, right?


Celestial Healer wrote:
Sorry to hear about the car woes, Orthos, and the job woes, Icyshadow. I hope things improve.


Icyshadow wrote:
Oh, they're serving wine and potato chips after work. Guess I'll go take some just to cheer myself up. In other news, my next Kingmaker session is this week's saturday, and I need to plan one of the most awesome NPCs yet for that session to fill in the spot of a missing player. Can't help but feel excited when I finally get to introduce the party to their awesome Ranger's even more awesome older sister, who just happens to be a badass Pistolero Gunslinger. And what better timing than when they actually need someone to fill in the 4th player slot?

Cool, but I would be careful not to overshadow the PCs with too cool of an NPC. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Playing my new Sorc has reminded me just how long it's been since I played regularly, prior to this past year when I started up my new group. Back in '07-'08 when I was running Savage Tide, I used to be able to rattle off game information off the top of my head, knew most commonly used spells' details by memory and could quickly learn and remember the ones I was unfamiliar with, and otherwise was a font of game-related but otherwise useless trivia.

Three years later I can barely remember half of it, and I find myself checking back to the books constantly, having to look things up I thought I had memorized, and having to make myself notes as to how feats/spells/class abilities/etc. work rather than seeing the name and being able to recall "Oh yeah, that does _____".

My memory's never been stellar, but I think it's gotten worse -_-

been there before, man. I have to regularly look up my own house rules. *sigh*.
I write mine down on my gaming group's forum specifically so they're there to look up when I need them. My players are encouraged to remind me of any I forget.

It doesn't get any easier as you get older either. :(

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Got together with the family for thanksgiving, and probably won't see anyone for Christmas, so we did a small gift exchange over Thanksgiving. I'm sure a couple packages will show up for Christmas too, though. I"m planning to put on a Christmas dinner for my friends (probably not ON Christmas, but around then), and I like to give out homemade candies or other foodstuffs to friends. I think this year I"m going to make peppermint popcorn balls. I made hard candy last year,and seafoam and white chocolate peppermint fudge the year before that.

prepares ny-texas boom tube for food raiding purposes

CH, let's do this!

You want an xmas snack pack mailed? :D

A new blog post!

Ok, I am cheating this time. This is a reposting of an item that I wrote in Umbral Reaver scalling artifacts thread but I hadn't posted anything for almost two weeks...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

There is something fundamentally wrong when I find out about my Mother-In-Law in an accident on FaWtL's thread. Obviously, it's all my husband's fault. He may need to be "reminded."

Oh, and I ordered my dad's Christmas gift from Amazon. I thought I was ordering 2 bottles of soap (yes, he wanted just soap). I actually ordered 2 "3 packs." ... At least he'll be clean and not run out for a while? >.<

Who is your hubby ebon fyre?

Nobody on here. Muahahahaha *cough*

*points at Orthos* He's the Brother-In-Law who spilled the beans about the accident though.

Ahhh... you have my sympathies ebon fyre. I guess Orthos is your cross to bear. -grins and runs from the wrath of Orthos-

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And has been for ... oh goodness, 9 years now that we've been friends? Yes, we were friends before relatives.

And don't worry, Orthos isn't the one to be afraid of. *shifty look*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ebon_fyre wrote:

And has been for ... oh goodness, 9 years now that we've been friends? Yes, we were friends before relatives.

And don't worry, Orthos isn't the one to be afraid of. *shifty look*

GULP!!! ~slowly backs away~

Liberty's Edge

Bad things.

What is the matter? Did you need to talk?

ebon_fyre wrote:

And has been for ... oh goodness, 9 years now that we've been friends? Yes, we were friends before relatives.

And don't worry, Orthos isn't the one to be afraid of. *shifty look*

She keeps my soul in a cookie jar.

Orthos wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

And has been for ... oh goodness, 9 years now that we've been friends? Yes, we were friends before relatives.

And don't worry, Orthos isn't the one to be afraid of. *shifty look*

She keeps my soul in a cookie jar.

With all the other sweet things?

Nah it's empty otherwise.

The jar, or your soul?

Both, last I checked. <_<

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
Sup Ashe

Not much. 'sup with you?

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Sup Ashe
Not much. 'sup with you?

Work, gaming, writing, sleep, and prepping for Xmas mostly.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Sup Ashe
Not much. 'sup with you?
Work, gaming, writing, sleep, and prepping for Xmas mostly.

Same here.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


Also, my current desire to.....

.....KILL! KILL!! KILL!!!

Scarab Sages

But not any of you fine folk. Some that I'm currently working with.

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


Also, my current desire to.....

.....KILL! KILL!! KILL!!!

The port engineer?

The starboard engineer?

The starport engineer?

Sovereign Court

NO! Spare the starport engineer! I want my personal spaceship!

What color is his shirt?

Silver Crusade

F#*~ing corporate red tape. If no one else cares whether we lose this client, why should I?

They might blame you?

Celestial Healer wrote:
F$!%ing corporate red tape. If no one else cares whether we lose this client, why should I?

That bites.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gah! What have you done, Apple! At least give me the option to use the old itunes interface if I don't like the horrible thing you've replaced it with!

And going back through the posts made since I began yesterday's 9-hour snow-trudging I'm sorry to read about Orthos's mother's crashed car (good to hear she's okay, though) and Icyshadow's job woes - hope things'll be and feel better for you soon.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Bad things.

I hope it gets better soon.

Apple? Giving options?

Silver Crusade

doctor_wu wrote:
They might blame you?

Of course they will.

hi everyone

Celestial Healer wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
They might blame you?
Of course they will.

Who else could they blame? Obviously not themselves for instituting policies that discourage consumers...

Hi Aeglos

Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Got together with the family for thanksgiving, and probably won't see anyone for Christmas, so we did a small gift exchange over Thanksgiving. I'm sure a couple packages will show up for Christmas too, though. I"m planning to put on a Christmas dinner for my friends (probably not ON Christmas, but around then), and I like to give out homemade candies or other foodstuffs to friends. I think this year I"m going to make peppermint popcorn balls. I made hard candy last year,and seafoam and white chocolate peppermint fudge the year before that.

prepares ny-texas boom tube for food raiding purposes

CH, let's do this!
You want an xmas snack pack mailed? :D

You can DO that?

tomorrow 10 cm of snow announced, traffic will be a terribel mess


Be safe Aeglos!

And now I'm in a bit of a predicament. My sore throat's gotten worse, and I most likely have a flu. However, my boss intended to listen in on my calls tomorrow. I do not want my condition to turn worse nor do I need the extra stress. On the other hand, I don't want her suspecting me intentionally bailing out by calling in sick. What should I do?!

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