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Off-Topic Discussions

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Celestial Healer wrote:

The lady who sits across from me at work had her baby. That's good, because I feel like she was pregnant for at least 15 months.

(Do you ever feel like some people you know are pregnant for the longest time? You know it can't be more than 9 months, but somehow it feels like they've always been pregnant.)

(All healthy, by the way.)


According to my wife(s) (Some of us never learn!) ;)
When they have the babies, It feels to them like they have been pregnant forever too! :D

Happy half-way-through-work week all!

May your week get better!

Oh, they're serving wine and potato chips after work. Guess I'll go take some just to cheer myself up. In other news, my next Kingmaker session is this week's saturday, and I need to plan one of the most awesome NPCs yet for that session to fill in the spot of a missing player. Can't help but feel excited when I finally get to introduce the party to their awesome Ranger's even more awesome older sister, who just happens to be a badass Pistolero Gunslinger. And what better timing than when they actually need someone to fill in the 4th player slot?

FHDM, I hope that things are on the upswing for you.

Orthos, sucks about your mom's car. Glad she's okay though.

Sorry for anything else important I may have missed in the last few days.
Finals are net week. Halle-fricking-lujah. This semester cannot be over fast enough. The last time I slept this little for this long my son was a newborn. But I've got studying to do, programs to write, etc. In a small piece of good news it looks like I might be able to pull off a B in C++ if I do well on the final. So that's better than I had been afraid it would be. I'm waiting nervously to find out how badly I did on the last chem test. I need to have gotten a sixty percent to still be in a position to get a passing grade for the course. *crosses fingers*

Anyways, back to work.

Any idea why my browser (Firefox 16) keeps trying to open a tab to Wizard101? I don't even play that game, and I haven't seen ads for it, but sometime within the past couple of weeks it's been popping up every five minutes or so when I try to click something else, usually jumping from tab to tab or closing one.

EDIT: I just updated to Firefox 17, we'll see if that puts a stop to that...

Probably it sneaked some sort of add on or script that starts it... Damn spammers discover loopholes in browser security faster than browsers are updated :/

Wait, there is 17 already?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woot! On a whim I decided to check if the grades had posted early. I got a 65! ....I never thought I'd be happy to get a D on a test, but hey, at this point I just want to pass this gorram class. Organic chemistry sucks. A lot. Now as long as I get a 60 percent on the final I will get the C I need. In the words of the great Cookie Monster, C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me. :)

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
While I am relieved that everyone is okay, I am perturbed by the awful luck that everyone is having lately. What the frag is god doing up there?

s+*! has been crazy, has it not? :/ I have been burning the candle at both ends too much lately, and something has to give...

GRRRRRAAAARGH!!! That bloody calendar we had to deliver today had better have come with a big payday for the company. 11-hour workdays in constantly falling snow is not my favourite kind of workdays.

If I have to do potentially deadly stuff, could it at least be something a tad more impressive than working down stone stairs with snow caked under the shoes' soles...

Drejk wrote:
Wait, there is 17 already?

Yeah, I went to check my version to be certain and it started downloading an update. Go to Help > About Firefox and it should begin.

And no, that didn't stop/fix it, it's started again now, after behaving for about a half hour. Happens when I click a link, click in a text box, click on a tab, or try to manually scroll (though using the mouse scroll wheel doesn't seem to trigger it).

Would like to have NoScript but I imagine installing things like that on the work computer would be frowned upon.

I did that already.

If it is work computer consult someone of IT department if you have anyone like that and point out that potentially malicious scrip/add-on/whatever is running. Better safe than sorry.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
AZ, did you see this post?


Scarab Sages

Yeerg. Argh.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's some bad hat Harry.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Woot! On a whim I decided to check if the grades had posted early. I got a 65! ....I never thought I'd be happy to get a D on a test, but hey, at this point I just want to pass this gorram class. Organic chemistry sucks. A lot. Now as long as I get a 60 percent on the final I will get the C I need. In the words of the great Cookie Monster, C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me. :)

Woot! Hope you get all the grades you need! I'm sorry C++ has been so annoying for you. I guess we all can't enjoy smacking ourselves in the forehead repeatedly with a blunt object, huh? ^_~

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote:
lynora wrote:
Woot! On a whim I decided to check if the grades had posted early. I got a 65! ....I never thought I'd be happy to get a D on a test, but hey, at this point I just want to pass this gorram class. Organic chemistry sucks. A lot. Now as long as I get a 60 percent on the final I will get the C I need. In the words of the great Cookie Monster, C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me. :)
Woot! Hope you get all the grades you need! I'm sorry C++ has been so annoying for you. I guess we all can't enjoy smacking ourselves in the forehead repeatedly with a blunt object, huh? ^_~

Hey, it's pretty rare for someone with no experience to even make it through C++. I'm now getting better marks than some of the guys who knew better what they were doing. Couldn't have done it without your help. :)

Hopefully you won't have class get canceled because a projector screen falls on the professors hand as happened in my C++ class.

Aberzombie wrote:
Yeerg. Argh.

spanks zomb for foul language

lynora wrote:
Organic chemistry sucks. A lot.

Would that I had known this a few years sooner...

Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.

Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
While I am relieved that everyone is okay, I am perturbed by the awful luck that everyone is having lately. What the frag is god doing up there?
s&%* has been crazy, has it not? :/ I have been burning the candle at both ends too much lately, and something has to give...

I know what you mean.

doctor_wu wrote:
Hopefully you won't have class get canceled because a projector screen falls on the professors hand as happened in my C++ class.



Treppa wrote:
Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.

Orgo broke me. I can't do another three semesters of this. I'd lose my mind. And this is why I switched my major to math. :)

Treppa wrote:
Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.

physical chemistry ismathandthereforeevil.

hi everyone

Sigh. phone is making me sound like an idiot.

lynora wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.
Orgo broke me. I can't do another three semesters of this. I'd lose my mind. And this is why I switched my major to math. :)

P-chem is math. It looks nothing like orgo. You will love it!

Quick FAWTLy poll:

Our families are giving up Christmas gift exchanges this year, except for a token present for the children so they have something to open. Two of my friends here are in the same boat - no gifts.

If you normally celebrate Christmas, what are your plans for this year. Is anyone else giving up gifts?

There we go... Switched typing programs. I like swype, and but it's just too buggy.

Off hunting for food.

What times had come that one have to hunt for fruits and vegetables...

At bargain prices, that is.

Treppa wrote:
lynora wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.
Orgo broke me. I can't do another three semesters of this. I'd lose my mind. And this is why I switched my major to math. :)
P-chem is math. It looks nothing like orgo. You will love it!

I'm sure I would, but they'd make me take three more semesters of the evil orgo before they'll let me take P-chem. I can't do that. P-chem by itself is probably all the parts that I liked about chemistry in the first place.

Treppa wrote:

Quick FAWTLy poll:

Our families are giving up Christmas gift exchanges this year, except for a token present for the children so they have something to open. Two of my friends here are in the same boat - no gifts.

If you normally celebrate Christmas, what are your plans for this year. Is anyone else giving up gifts?

checking everyone's wishlist, and getting what I can afford . Xmas may be late for some this year due to recent difficulties.

Treppa wrote:

Quick FAWTLy poll:

Our families are giving up Christmas gift exchanges this year, except for a token present for the children so they have something to open. Two of my friends here are in the same boat - no gifts.

If you normally celebrate Christmas, what are your plans for this year. Is anyone else giving up gifts?

I think we're doing gift cards this year. I'm sick of scouring stores for crap people don't want in time I don't have and then not mailing said crap until July. Or maybe just skip it...dunno. Not on speaking terms with most of my family right now. Makes it easier to skip presents. :/

Bryce already got his big present a few months early (he had saved up for a 3DS and we gave him the rest of the money he needed to get it) so just have to get stocking stuffers and probably a couple of games for him. Should be pretty low key.

lynora wrote:
Treppa wrote:
lynora wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Orgo is terrible. P-chem is much, much easier.
Orgo broke me. I can't do another three semesters of this. I'd lose my mind. And this is why I switched my major to math. :)
P-chem is math. It looks nothing like orgo. You will love it!
I'm sure I would, but they'd make me take three more semesters of the evil orgo before they'll let me take P-chem. I can't do that. P-chem by itself is probably all the parts that I liked about chemistry in the first place.

They made Orgo a prereq for P-chem? That's DUMB! If anything, P-chem might help you understand the basic principles of chemical bond behavior so you can figure out stupid orgo problems better.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:

Quick FAWTLy poll:

Our families are giving up Christmas gift exchanges this year, except for a token present for the children so they have something to open. Two of my friends here are in the same boat - no gifts.

If you normally celebrate Christmas, what are your plans for this year. Is anyone else giving up gifts?

Going to pool ideas together with Ebon-Fyre, her husband/my brother, and my sister when they get here and get something for our parents.

My own wish list is pretty small, all I really asked for were gift cards to books/gaming stores/etc., so I don't expect to have much. The big gift is having Ebon and bro and the baby cross-country to visit.

Scint got me a DS though, which was nice. I'm getting her something as soon as she can decide what she wants =P

FAWTLy poll:

Hm,... Interesting.

We have already switched to 'secret santa' style giving in my family. Mostly.
Each of the adults (on one side of the family) only get one gift from one other (supposedly random) family member, but I have 2 kids and 3 nephews, and everyone pretty much gets them gifts as 'normal'. ;P

The kids' grandparents are way better off than I am right now (haven't had a raise since I got the job 5 years ago) and usually take care of the 'big' stuff for the kids.

We'll probably go for 'quality over quantity' this year (if I have any control over it) So while they should enjoy it, the kids will not be buried in gifts.

I guess that would be 'low-key' as Lynora above?

R.I.P. Dave Brubek. Everybody should take five in his honor.

Silver Crusade

Like Rags, my siblings and their spouses do a "Secret Santa" to cut down on gift buying. But the number of children in my family keeps growing...




Treppa wrote:

Quick FAWTLy poll:

Our families are giving up Christmas gift exchanges this year, except for a token present for the children so they have something to open. Two of my friends here are in the same boat - no gifts.

If you normally celebrate Christmas, what are your plans for this year. Is anyone else giving up gifts?

very small things for my mum and dad and Sabine (we decided to go small because we just paid the wedding rings)

and a tiny toy for godson and his sister ( anything more expencive then 10€ would get me a scolding by his mother)

What a loss....

Mecharagezilla wrote:




Freehold DM wrote:
Mecharagezilla wrote:




No FHDM, it does not mean that they crush Whedon into a half-liquid mash and pour into Mecharagezilla fuel tank.

Playing my new Sorc has reminded me just how long it's been since I played regularly, prior to this past year when I started up my new group. Back in '07-'08 when I was running Savage Tide, I used to be able to rattle off game information off the top of my head, knew most commonly used spells' details by memory and could quickly learn and remember the ones I was unfamiliar with, and otherwise was a font of game-related but otherwise useless trivia.

Three years later I can barely remember half of it, and I find myself checking back to the books constantly, having to look things up I thought I had memorized, and having to make myself notes as to how feats/spells/class abilities/etc. work rather than seeing the name and being able to recall "Oh yeah, that does _____".

My memory's never been stellar, but I think it's gotten worse -_-

Sovereign Court

Got together with the family for thanksgiving, and probably won't see anyone for Christmas, so we did a small gift exchange over Thanksgiving. I'm sure a couple packages will show up for Christmas too, though. I"m planning to put on a Christmas dinner for my friends (probably not ON Christmas, but around then), and I like to give out homemade candies or other foodstuffs to friends. I think this year I"m going to make peppermint popcorn balls. I made hard candy last year,and seafoam and white chocolate peppermint fudge the year before that.

Orthos wrote:

Playing my new Sorc has reminded me just how long it's been since I played regularly, prior to this past year when I started up my new group. Back in '07-'08 when I was running Savage Tide, I used to be able to rattle off game information off the top of my head, knew most commonly used spells' details by memory and could quickly learn and remember the ones I was unfamiliar with, and otherwise was a font of game-related but otherwise useless trivia.

Three years later I can barely remember half of it, and I find myself checking back to the books constantly, having to look things up I thought I had memorized, and having to make myself notes as to how feats/spells/class abilities/etc. work rather than seeing the name and being able to recall "Oh yeah, that does _____".

My memory's never been stellar, but I think it's gotten worse -_-

been there before, man. I have to regularly look up my own house rules. *sigh*.

Jess Door wrote:
Got together with the family for thanksgiving, and probably won't see anyone for Christmas, so we did a small gift exchange over Thanksgiving. I'm sure a couple packages will show up for Christmas too, though. I"m planning to put on a Christmas dinner for my friends (probably not ON Christmas, but around then), and I like to give out homemade candies or other foodstuffs to friends. I think this year I"m going to make peppermint popcorn balls. I made hard candy last year,and seafoam and white chocolate peppermint fudge the year before that.

prepares ny-texas boom tube for food raiding purposes

CH, let's do this!

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Playing my new Sorc has reminded me just how long it's been since I played regularly, prior to this past year when I started up my new group. Back in '07-'08 when I was running Savage Tide, I used to be able to rattle off game information off the top of my head, knew most commonly used spells' details by memory and could quickly learn and remember the ones I was unfamiliar with, and otherwise was a font of game-related but otherwise useless trivia.

Three years later I can barely remember half of it, and I find myself checking back to the books constantly, having to look things up I thought I had memorized, and having to make myself notes as to how feats/spells/class abilities/etc. work rather than seeing the name and being able to recall "Oh yeah, that does _____".

My memory's never been stellar, but I think it's gotten worse -_-

been there before, man. I have to regularly look up my own house rules. *sigh*.

I write mine down on my gaming group's forum specifically so they're there to look up when I need them. My players are encouraged to remind me of any I forget.

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