SilverLynx |
Sane doesn't mean good and I think a lot of reviewers are rebelling against evil acts performed by a sane person.
Most evil characters are not insane by any means. This is a character who woke up one day and realized that all the inner freedoms permitted by simply being crazy were gone.
Now she thinks things through, and can't just act out like a wild creature. That doesn't denote a conscience, but it does denote an inner questioning of acts that make no sense.
Now one could respond one of two ways to this: Deside that everything they knew in life was wrong and try to go in a new direction...or attempt to 'fix' what has clearly been 'broken'. This is like a raging alcoholic suddenly becoming sober...and unable to get drunk!
She's acting out of pure desperation to get back to her simple life of pure insanity and she's willing to do anything to do it. She's not being crazy in her acts - she's trying to find a way to drain off the sanity she's been granted. This is someone who is thinking things through in a methodical and intelligent fashion.
If this was the reverse - an insane persone trying to recover their sanity, they would be 100% ineffectual because their methods would not be thought out.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Ankradula the Sane
Description: Ankradula is a slight, ashen-skinned humanoid wearing form-fitting black leather, with a shock of white hair that extends from her head in all directions. Her milky white eyes betray a power of focus and concentration alien to derro faces.
Motivations/Goals: Ankradula was cursed with sanity while attempting to capture subjects for experimentation from the Sarenrae temple in the Taldan city of Cassomir. Her lost madness led to her exile from the derro city of Corgunbier, and she abhors the company of other sane beings, instead cultivating an affinity with mindless oozes and vermin. Her driving force is to reclaim her madness and exact revenge for her condition.
Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks: In her exploration of the caverns beneath Cassomir, Ankradula discovered the prison of an ancient shoggoth, locked away in ages past by five clerics of different gods. She seeks to reverse their binding ritual by sacrificing a representative of each faith. Ankradula will then lead the beast to the surface, where she will allow it to devour her sanity as it destroys the city.• Clerics have been disappearing from Cassomir’s various temples. The only clue linking them is a slimy residue.
• Dangerous vermin and ooze have begun to plague ordinarily quiet sewers, consistently approaching closer to the surface streets...
You should know the drill by now, but in case you (somehow) missed it so far, Ask A RPGSupersuccubus is posting from the point of view of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus:If a sister succubus seduces this villain or a key henchman and things take their course… Well is this villain likely to be good around a young alu-fiend?
Whilst unleashing a creature of awesome chaos on a bunch of moralising, pompous, 'we know better than you and we're going to magically force you to think the way we want' clerics is a goal to which I am to a certain extent sympathetic, Ankradula seems somwhat exclusively focused on this - too much so to give a young alu-fiend appropriate attention I would hazard.
Should a succubus tip off any organisations as to the identity, location, and/or activities of this person?
The short answer is that depends.
The longer answer is I'm slightly concerned about any paladins that might get fatally damaged in the mayhem which will ensure when a shoggoth pops up a la 'Surprise!' in the middle of a city... Ideally I'd like to make sure that any paladins usually in Cassomir are out of the city on some other business when the shoggoth makes its appearance (which helps Ankradula with her initial rampage) but since I'm an enthusiastic admirer of paladins in action I might then have to tip them off so they get to come charging back to 'save the day' once Ankradula's reclaimed her insanity and done enough damage that she feels that she can retire back underground in good grace (assuming she's still capable of deciding to retreat in good order).
How much money would I lend this person?
Not more than five hundred gold. Whilst shoggoth rampages (that avoid succubus, paladin, or alu-fiend fatalities) are good clean fun I really don't feel sufficiently motivated to want to back Ankradula to any extent. Plus there's the fact that if she succeeds in her goals, she'll have reverted to the usual derro level of sanity (or lack thereof) which is likely to render the process of trying to reclaim any loan made that much more trying...
Other comments? (including fruitcake rating where appropriate)
I don't generally bother myself with the combat tactics sections of these reports, but in this particular report I gather that Ankradula is sometimes found in the same time and place as a conveniently sized gelatinous cube. Given that there is no indication of such a cube being a regular companion of Ankradula anywhere in the report, I'm curious as to what Ankradula does on those occasions when there doesn't happen to be a random gelatinous cube of that nature conveniently around?...
Rating on the Gulga-Bracht supersuccubus scale of villainy:
5 (villain with plans for modest mayhem)
Further Disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus (still with half an eye on Lord Orcus) would once again like to clarify that mortal voters should probably rely on more than just her own (impeccable) assessments in making up their minds on how to vote. Thank You.

Eric Tillemans |

I think he attempt to use life bubble to remain unparalyzed is cool...
..So, tactically you ahve one of the more unique presentations, but you ahve stat block errors and your fluf leaves out some details I feel would be essential in published work...
As Russ and others have stated, he used freedom of movement to avoid paralysis and many of the stat block errors turned out not to be errors.

Jason Rice |

You got one of my votes
I was a little uncertain about Ankradula's motivations (she still sounds insane), but I think you've done two unique thigs here (or at least things I haven't seen), and I feel that should be rewarded.
First, a sane derro is an interesting twist. Kudos for thinking of it.
Second, having her riding around inside a gelatinous cube is BRILLIANT. This would be a memorable encounter for my group. I like the idea so much, I'm actually thinking of ways to fit her into my current campaign. Well done.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Three things :)
First, I wanted to reiterate this got my vote :)
Second, every single time I read the name I read "Andrakula" not "Ankradula." Without fail.
Last, I find the debate over sane vs. insane a bit pedantic. These are all villains. Therefore, they all have some sort of issue making them into the vile, despicable, psychopathic, sociopathic and/or out-and-out evil creatures they are.
Just because she's a sane derro certainly doesn't mean she's a nice derro, and I think there's some confusion of the two here. While she's not afflicted with derro insanity, it's not like that made her perfectly normal or anything, or even necessarily 100% sane.

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Yeah...I get that it was cleaned up as folk sorted through the language.
There's no doubt I am voting for this one. Could use a rewrite to practice some of the issues, bbut it's among the more unique. I thought I read somewhere we only got three votes this round, but with 8 this is a no-brainer.
I'm not sure I can vote for 8 entries. But for or five really stand out to me.

Trevor Merback RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka The Leaping Gnome |

I'm glad so many of you caught what I was trying to do with Ankradula. SilverLynx and gbonehead did an excellent job interpreting what I was going for. Among other things, I figured if Hamlet's madness made him sane, then Ankradula's sanity should make her mad (which I imagine is how she looks to other derro).
I'd also like to thank anuvin for spotting where I found the rules on adding class levels to a monster. It seemed very clear in the Bestiary and I felt rather helpless after seeing how Neil Spicer was determining ability scores (which would have been exactly how I'd have done this if it were for 3.5). I wonder if the spreadsheet program Paizo uses takes into account monsters with class levels.
That other ability point was because I thought the bonus point was awarded at every 4 HD, not every 4 additional levels which seems rather counter-intuitive IMO. Feats are awarded at every 3 HD, why aren't ability score boosts? I will have to have this clarified for when I next make a monster with levels.
The other mistakes were mostly design choices on my part. I put wild shape under special qualities because I didn't want GMs to see it under special attacks and think Ankradula would actually use it as such. It is simply another mode of escape if the situation warrants it. I realize this did not conform to the format and that moving it was a bad decision on my part. The SR and CL for her spell-like abilities was also a choice I made knowing I might get docked for it. It seems to me that SR is an intrinsic part of what makes a creature difficult and if that doesn't scale then the creature won't be appropriately challenging for a higher CR. A 9th level mage would only need to roll a 5 or better to beat Ankradula's SR if it stayed at 14. I suppose there's still that chance, but, as a GM, I'd rather not even bother with it. So I figured that putting it on par with a drow or svirfneblin (effectively 11+HD) wouldn't be too unfair (especially considering an average derro's SR is 14, 11+3HD). I made the same assumption regarding the CL for spell-like abilities (drow, duergar, gnomes, and svirfneblin all base their character level). I just felt that these choices would keep her challenging without making her unbeatable.
Freedom of movement makes Ankradula immune to paralysis and keeps her from being grappled, her acid resistance keeps her from being damaged by the cube's 1d6 acid damage, and life bubble makes it so she can breath.
The misspelling, the capitalization of Earth domain, and the natural armor I just did not catch. Even after checking dozens of times. Totally my fault and I deserve whatever is coming to me for it.
Once again thank you all for you votes and you opinions. I hope I cleared up some of your questions about this crazy (for a derro) villain!

Nicolas Quimby RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro |

I don't think that freedom of movement is supposed to make you immune to paralysis; it's not specifically mentioned, and I personally would not include it under the heading of "magic which usually impedes movement", though I see how other DMs might disagree.
Got my vote, by the way, and I'm wishing you luck.

Giacomo The Malefic |

I don't think that freedom of movement is supposed to make you immune to paralysis; it's not specifically mentioned, and I personally would not include it under the heading of "magic which usually impedes movement", though I see how other DMs might disagree.
From the SRD:
"This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. The subject automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin."
It doesn't necessitate that the paralysis be magical, and there is precedent with a ring of freedom of movement in a recent adventure path preventing paralysis while worn.
I can see the confusion, though, especially with the early misconception in the forums about the paralysis being prevented by the life bubble.

Trevor Merback RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka The Leaping Gnome |

I don't know how I read that twice, then a third time just to be sure, and did not see the word "paralysis" in the list of effects. But I'm going to blame the fact that it wasn't underlined, italicized, and hyperlinked like the other states.
Haha, believe me I know how easy it is to miss something, even after reading it again and again.
Thanks for the vote!

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

The moral of the story here is that everyone's capable of missing something. That goes for the designers, the voters, and the judges. No one's perfect. And no one's expected to be.
This contest always makes for an unusual and sometimes trying experience. But, it's a lot like life. And it's a lot like real, actual freelancing. Anyone who makes it through a significant portion of this competition (as most of you have) gains a unique perspective. And, when you look back and reflect on it at the end of everything (whether that's this round or another round), I think it's worth embracing that not everything goes the way you want or intend. It's how you deal with it and grow from it that matters the most. And it sets you up for building more capably on your future successes, no matter how such opportunities come to you.
But that's just my two cents,

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I've purposefully not commented on too many entries this year, since I don't want any questions, compliments, or criticisms to affect the voting, but now that voting is over this round I do have a mechanical question about Ankradula. Wouldn't being inside the gelatinous cube block line of effect for her, and therefore not allow her to use most of her offensive spells?

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Dear Mr. Leaping Gnome (and Mr. Merbeck too),
As I had expressed in my review, I have a certain curiosity regarding what happens when Ankradula is not to be encountered in the presence of a conveniently sized gelatinous cube? Whilst druids of her type are familiar with handling oozes, cubes, and the like (and indeed a number of them of more financial bent and experience with alchemy take the opportunities offered by this faculty to sell some very good 'pampering' products) I had not heard of many specifically possessing loyal companions of that nature. (And indeed you did not make any such indication in Ankradula's case in the stat block.)
Yours in anticipation of Clarification,
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus.

Trevor Merback RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka The Leaping Gnome |

Thank you for your two cents Neil. You've been very courteous and professional this entire competition and your reviews are always welcome (even if I don't agree with some of them).
Wouldn't being inside the gelatinous cube block line of effect for her, and therefore not allow her to use most of her offensive spells?
Ultimately this comes down to the GM, but I had envisioned her sticking her hand out to cast her spells. Of course, that's not until after the party spots the cube (she'd rather wait for someone to approach her, become engulfed, and coup de grace). What would have been really nice for her would have been a feat that works like Shot On The Run for spells (I know 3.5 has one but I don't think Pathfinder does yet).
I have a certain curiosity regarding what happens when Ankradula is not to be encountered in the presence of a conveniently sized gelatinous cube? Whilst druids of her type are familiar with handling oozes, cubes, and the like (and indeed a number of them of more financial bent and experience with alchemy take the opportunities offered by this faculty to sell some very good 'pampering' products) I had not heard of many specifically possessing loyal companions of that nature. (And indeed you did not make any such indication in Ankradula's case in the stat block.)
Ah, my dear Supersuccubus, surely you are familiar with the perils of facing a group of well armed and ill-tempered adventurers. Ankradula does what any sane being would do when outnumbered by a violent group of creatures each twice her size: she hides or runs away (if you spend any amount of time with her you'll find that she is incredibly capable of doing both). She's recently started a mold and slime garden and hopes to place specimens in jars to be used in a pinch to discourage would be followers. She lacks the social skills a succubus such as yourself possess that might allow her to talk her way out of a situation (or at least have a paladin come to her aid) and she lacks the strength to physically pose much of a threat to a group. However, she knows this and will not actively engage a party if she is not certain she has the advantage.
As for her ooze affinity, I'm not certain what you mean be a "conveniently sized gelatinous cube," to me all gelatinous cubes are inconveniently sized, that is, larger than myself. To Ankradula, all gelatinous cubes are just the right size if not too small. Personally, I have never come across a gelatinous cube that wasn't (at least roughly) a 10 foot cube. Additionally, Ankradula likes oozes and vermin because they are simple creatures and that are not hindered by the burden of sentience. She does not expect (or even want) a loyal companion, she expects a creature that eats to survive. She's done her best to let these creatures know they will eat more by keeping her alive.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

...Ah, my dear Supersuccubus, surely you are familiar with the perils of facing a group of well armed and ill-tempered adventurers. Ankradula does what any sane being would do when outnumbered by a violent group of creatures each twice her size: she hides or runs away (if you spend any amount of time with her you'll find that she is incredibly capable of doing both). She's recently started a mold and slime garden and hopes to place specimens in jars to be used in a pinch to discourage would be followers. She lacks the social skills a succubus such as yourself possess that might allow her to talk her way out of a situation (or at least have a paladin come to her aid) and she lacks the strength to physically pose much of a threat to a group. However, she knows this and will not actively engage a party if she is not certain she has the advantage...
Touché. :D