Strands of FATE Alternate History Game

Gamer Connection

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hi all. Thinking about running an alternate history game I've been kicking around. I would like to use the Strands of Fate system to run this game, as I'm mapping challenged, and I think I could run this without maps. I'm in no hurry to start the game, and would rather have 4-5 players who are familiar with the system...or at least own it. Following is a little bit about the Alternate history. {Note: Strands of Fate pdf is only 9.99)

The Nations of America
This is an alternate history of the United States of America, created for exploration in the FATE role-playing game.

How we got here:


Things in the USA pretty much followed real history until July 21, 1861. And, even the first part of that day began like any other. In this, the first real battle of the American War of Succession, the Confederate forces carried the day. The inexperienced Union army was routed, and began a retreat back to Washington. That’s where things took a turn. Instead of letting the routed force escape, and celebrating the victory, the Confederate army followed the army, and invaded Washington, before the Union army had a chance to set up their defense. Lincoln and the remnants of his government retreated to Philadelphia, and set up their temporary government. Though the Union forces still outnumbered their southern counterparts, and owned much of the manufacturing, this early battle had a immense effect on the outcome of the war.
Overseas England, and France noticing the early success of the Confederate forces, began to ship equipment, and men to aid the Southerners in their rebellion…after all, the southern states were producers of the needed cotton and tobacco so craved by their European counterparts. To shorten the story, these events caused the war to end before it really began, and Lincoln signed the agreements to grant the southern states their independence. Lincoln then returned to Washington, to set up his permanent capital, and the Confederated States of America was formed.



• 1869 – 1871 First Kentucky War – Kentucky, always a split state ends up joining the USA.
• 1873 Due to increased mechanical production, Slavery is abolished in the CSA.
• 1880 – 1883 Second Kentucky War – Kentucky rejoins the CSA with Slavery now abolished.
• 1886-1891 The Virginia Conflict – West Virginia is formed after this military draw. CSA moves capital to Atlanta after conflict.
• 1922 Texas and Mexico join up to form the Independent nation of Texico.
• 1934 Western states that had never chosen sides form Western Independent Coalition.
• 1944-1948 Combined Russian and Japanese forces occupy Alaska, Western Canada, and move all the way down to the outskirts of San Francisco. Finally for the first time since the revolutionary war CSA, and USA forces combine to help out their Neutral neighbor, and push the Russo-Japanese forces back to the Canadian Border.
• 1962 Nazi Forces whom occupy all of South and Central America try to push up through Mexico and Texas. Once again CSA, USA, and this time WIC forces join the multitudes of Texican forces to stop them at the battle of Yucatan.
• 1965 – Present Uneasy truce between all nations of the North American League of Nations.



• United States of America – Industrial leader of the world (Late 60’s Technology). Strong Central Government. Minimal Military. Capital in Washington, DC
• Confederate States of America – Strong Industrially, but still depend on foreign trade, and natural resources strongly. Strong Military presence.
• Western Independent Coalition – Loosely aligned group of independent territories with central government based in Las Vegas. Many different government types, and cultural groups, that banded together by contractual alliance after the Russo-Japanese war.
• Texico - Wild and Crazy territory that proves that existence is possible without a central government…or a government at all. No legal forces beyond independent armies. Anything goes here, but somehow the lawlessness works. Open borders to the North. No central capital.
• Western Canada – controlled by a coalition of Russian and Japanese forces
• Eastern / Central Canada – Remnants of Western European governments of Spain, Italy, France, and England settled here after all of Europe was taken by Nazi forces in WWII.
• Central / South America – Controlled and governed by the Nazi party from Europe
• Europe – Nazi forces won WWII and basically rule all of Europe with a strong hand. Only isolated underground guerilla units stand against them.
• Asia – ruled for the most part by the Russo – Japanese Coalition. China is basically a backwards slave state to these great forces. The Japanese are close to the USA as far a technology is concerned.
• Africa – Strange things have happened in Africa, and little news is heard from there. The Nazi forces took this area after WWII, but for some reason deserted it in 1955, and haven’t tried to return. Other countries have sent expeditions their but few have returned, and those that retained any bit of sanity spoke of walking dead, and beast men.
• Australia – Since the mid 40’s all the world prisoners and dangerously insane have been airdropped onto this continent. There were originally wardens here, but in the early 50’s the inmates overtook the asylum, and now new arrivals are only airdropped. Who knows what rules there now?

Have several ideas, but this would be very much a "sandbox" campaign, with the party members of an organization with representatives from all the North American League of Nations.

I'll put a speculative mark of interest.

I run Dresden RPG and own Starblazers, Spirit of the Century, and ICONs; so, I'm familiar with many of the FATE system concepts though don't know the ins and outs of Strands of Fate (though am curious to learn).

You have late 60s technology.

Is there any speculative technology or alternate technology from today's technology?

Has Sputnik or the equivalent occurred? Has there been any attempt to put satellites in space or travel to the moon?

What is the state of oil and gasoline since most of those areas would be in Africa and Europe where the NAZIS hold power?

Is Texico the new Saudia Arabia being relatively independent and having vast oil and gasoline reserves?

How wealthy are Russia and Japan since they own Alaska and Western Canada meaning the Yukon and Alaskan gold rush would be in their territory along with those oil fields and gasoline reserves?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Smerg wrote:

You have late 60s technology.

Is there any speculative technology or alternate technology from today's technology?

Yes there are some things. The group formed by the team would have access to some of them...and there are things to be uncovered in the game depending on where you decide to go.

Has Sputnik or the equivalent occurred? Has there been any attempt to put satellites in space or travel to the moon?

The three major powers are just now beginning their space programs, and have sent unmanned vehicles into space
What is the state of oil and gasoline since most of those areas would be in Africa and Europe where the NAZIS hold power?

Each major power has sources of Oil and gas...and yes the oil and gas reserves of Texico, are a large source of the North American Alliances supply, which is why the other groups want it under their control

Is Texico the new Saudia Arabia being relatively independent and having vast oil and gasoline reserves?

See above

How wealthy are Russia and Japan since they own Alaska and Western Canada meaning the Yukon and Alaskan gold rush would be in their territory along with those oil fields and gasoline reserves?

This is the Japanese elsment of the Russo-Japanese's main source of these materials...they have resources...having said that the world is really not on a gold standard. It is still valuable, but other things take precedence, since two of the major powers of the world are Socialist situations.

Okay, are most armies mechanized and tank based?

I'm thinking of some sort of ranger or border patrol officer for the Texico state. I'm thinking of some sort of person that participated in the war against the NAZIS and the battle of the Yucatan.

Depending upon the state of military and armed forces I would be looking at someone who is horse, motorcycle, jeep, or mech type trained.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Smerg wrote:

Okay, are most armies mechanized and tank based?

I'm thinking of some sort of ranger or border patrol officer for the Texico state. I'm thinking of some sort of person that participated in the war against the NAZIS and the battle of the Yucatan.

Depending upon the state of military and armed forces I would be looking at someone who is horse, motorcycle, jeep, or mech type trained.

Texico does not have much manufacturing, so much of what they have is captured, modified or bought second hand. Think Mad Max for the technology of this area. Almost all the military of this area is Mercenary so this would definitely be possible. I'm just now in the process of developing this world, so any input is appreciated. One of the cool things about FATE is you can have input into the environment.

There are various power groups mostly gangs, and small time dictators. If you want to make one up, we could probably roll with it, or I could throw out some ideas...Lot's of Dr. No type characters here.

Okay, fitting into that theme of Mad Max and Mercs, I'm thinking of being the head of a small group of rough rider types.

Following the war, the gang has a slightly over developed sense of law and order but makes coin hiring themselves out as law men. More along the lines of Pinkerton people that could be purchased to help a community but traveling in a bit of a circuit court judge style pattern through the land.

There is no head government; so, we go where communities are willing to pay wage and have a commitment to law and order.

Since this is a bit Mad Max then I'm thinking there are plenty of places that lack roads or good roads. I'm going to go with our group's success during the Battle of the Yucatan verses the NAZIS was there more mechanized army that was not as adaptable in areas with a lack of roads and rails.

The group was successful for their usage of horses and light cavalry raid tactics that they had been using since the American War of Succession and the First Kentucky War. Many groups use various trucks, jeeps, and motorcycles dressed up as light tactical vehicles with medium machine guns but my group sticks to our horses. The horses allow us an ability to move and travel cross country and into areas that vehicles often have more travel navigating.

I'm thinking of going with a name like 'The Greyhounds' and saying the group has a connection to Walker's Greyhounds.


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Smerg wrote:

Okay, fitting into that theme of Mad Max and Mercs, I'm thinking of being the head of a small group of rough rider types.

Following the war, the gang has a slightly over developed sense of law and order but makes coin hiring themselves out as law men. More along the lines of Pinkerton people that could be purchased to help a community but traveling in a bit of a circuit court judge style pattern through the land.

There is no head government; so, we go where communities are willing to pay wage and have a commitment to law and order.

Since this is a bit Mad Max then I'm thinking there are plenty of places that lack roads or good roads. I'm going to go with our group's success during the Battle of the Yucatan verses the NAZIS was there more mechanized army that was not as adaptable in areas with a lack of roads and rails.

The group was successful for their usage of horses and light cavalry raid tactics that they had been using since the American War of Succession and the First Kentucky War. Many groups use various trucks, jeeps, and motorcycles dressed up as light tactical vehicles with medium machine guns but my group sticks to our horses. The horses allow us an ability to move and travel cross country and into areas that vehicles often have more travel navigating.

I'm thinking of going with a name like 'The Greyhounds' and saying the group has a connection to Walker's Greyhounds.


Me Likey!!!

Any thoughts on the Campaign Power Level and the Tech Level?

I picked up Strands of Fate from DriveThruRPG and am looking at the character creation rules.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Smerg wrote:

Any thoughts on the Campaign Power Level and the Tech Level?

I picked up Strands of Fate from DriveThruRPG and am looking at the character creation rules.

Power Level 8 (Some concepts would allow for psionics or hedge magic)

TL - 4, but some things have not progressed as in real life (Computers mainly).

Dark Archive

I've picked up Strands of Fate. I may need some time to go through the document.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
nightflier wrote:
I've picked up Strands of Fate. I may need some time to go through the document.

Cool. As I mentioned the other night, it's a paradigm shift in the way things are done, but I like it. If you've got any questions, or need any clarifications, you know how to find me.

FATE is much more "Who is your character", instead of "What is your character".

Dark Archive

Based on your alternative timeline, I may take the things the other way and play a German. Perhaps a member of Ahnenerbe, sort of Nazi Indiana Jones.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
nightflier wrote:
Based on your alternative timeline, I may take the things the other way and play a German. Perhaps a member of Ahnenerbe, sort of Nazi Indiana Jones.

Boy a big challenge right out of the box...How do I make a Texican and a German want to work together...:-)...Just kidding, I'm sure it can be worked out, and I like the concept.

The campaign will start somewhere in the North American League, so he'd either need to be a deserter, a captured prisoner, or...



An active double agent

Reading through the section of choosing a foe, I was originally thinking NAZIS but I can change that idea to 'Enemies of Freedom'

The idea would be my character as a law person would oppose any person that tried to 'control' the open range.

This would include cattle or oil barons putting up fences. This would include any of the government groups (NAZIS, Russians, Japanese, Confederates, Unionists or any others) trying to dominate Texico. This would be even rail roads trying to force good people to sell their land.

The range is open and my character and the Grayhounds plan to keep it that way.


The other option would be if Nightflier wanted to take the campaign in a way where we are on 'competing' sides of the same story.

Nightflier could represent stories with an emphasis on NAZIS interests to take over and I could represent stories with an interest to keep Texico free. Each character is thus a spearhead for a movement in the overall story.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Smerg & Nightflier

I just created a secret group on Facebook for this game. It has a feature called group chat, which allows all of us to chat together. Might be a good way to do the interactive character creation. Smerg, do you have a facebook page, and if so, would you want to use it for this?
My email is if you'd rather continue this conversation in private


I sent a facebook request to you.

Shadow Lodge

Is this PbP?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Dark Maiden wrote:
Is this PbP?

Yes. It will be when we get it started. Are you interested in playing?

Shadow Lodge

scranford wrote:
Dark Maiden wrote:
Is this PbP?
Yes. It will be when we get it started. Are you interested in playing?

Sorry, but no.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Still Recruiting. Come on all you FATE players, or those interested in learning. Join in the fun.

A couple more would be good.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

still waiting for more players

Liberty's Edge

I'm a big fan of alternate history but I have no experience with the system. Let me see if I can find the pdf.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
normanak wrote:
I'm a big fan of alternate history but I have no experience with the system. Let me see if I can find the pdf.

Void Star games is the company that put's the system out.

I want to try Fate and I am always interested in alternate histories. Unfortunately, I just do not have the time to commit to this.

Liberty's Edge

How about a Mormon Inquisitor from the nation of Deseret?

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