austin thomas |

right guys so this is my first time doing this so be kind
we will casrters a such
step1 i will allow the core rule book, the advanced players guide, and bestiary1&2
step2 25 point buy
step3 i will allow these races all 7base races puse assimar(note assimar has a -2 to con as well), drow base kind, tiefling
step4 all classes are go to go if they are in the above books
step5 all feasts and skills are the same as classes
step6 alignment is not a box on a graft you pick, you act it
step7 equipment you start with10500 note though poisons in this world are not evil and are seen as a way to protected ones self the cost for all poisons are dived by 10
all things are up for debate if you would like to use some thing from a different book so dont be afraid to ask

austin thomas |

right guys so this is my first time doing this so be kind
we will casrters a such
step1 i will allow the core rule book, the advanced players guide, and bestiary1&2
step2 25 point buy
step3 i will allow these races all 7base races puse assimar(note assimar has a -2 to con as well), drow base kind, tiefling
step4 all classes are go to go if they are in the above books
step5 all feasts and skills are the same as classes
step6 alignment is not a box on a graft you pick, you act it
step7 equipment you start with10500 note though poisons in this world are not evil and are seen as a way to protected ones self the cost for all poisons are dived by 10all things are up for debate if you would like to use some thing from a different book so dont be afraid to ask
i forgot lvl 5

Xane |

Heh...I think it would be pretty neat. =)
With the amount of starting money a character gets for 5th level, buying an "Amulet of Reduce Person" means the character should be able to 'fit' in socially most of the time and when combat starts, shift to "Full tilt BOOGIE FOR JUSTICE!" =)
Plus, it'll be a good 'wealth tax' for being large any way....
Plus, I'm happy to only be equivalent to 4th level, just so others don't feel Xane is 'Power OVERWHELMING!' =D
Hope to hear from you at your convenience. *Bows*

Xane |

Built the Amulet using the "Magic Item Construction" guide lines in the Core Rule Book I'm pretty sure the price is right, but please! Feel free to critique away.
Yah, if Xane is accepted into your game, I shall be re-doing her bought items stuff...the better to match the game you're creating, so the faithful hounds will prolly not be bought next time around. =)
Also, for live chat, try here. LINK

austin thomas |

okay story time it is well know that a long time ago the world on witch you live was ruled by a great beast that enslaved th world in the darktimes this was brought to a end when hope from people was given from in to a army of god of every type lead by a god whose name has been lost for some time but who it is said was made by the hope of a little girl.
the world at this point is full of runes and magic. it is the goal of any one with the power to try find gold glory and power. the economy and society is based around this.
the parallel to this is the underdark is ruled by beast and men still faithfuls the great best that ruled the word ages past searching to find a power that will a awake the best and destroy the gods that now rule
this is a mythos heave world with some steam punk and is ever open end to what you guys would like to do

austin thomas |

when you all have made your back stores post the parts that your pc has shared with the party when we start you will have known each other for sometime also your ability
(*not im a rouge with theses skills
like this
i tobey have been the one that gets us past the locked door and trapped halls of the world and have been saving money for my sick mom how has foot-in-mouth)

Umbriere Lunas |

Umbriere is quite the talkative type. the party would have heard quite a bit about "Uncle Max" and how she wants to repay his kindness by starting a kingdom in his name. they would have also probably have been annoyed by the tale of the night of her conception, and the sweet honey rolls that Mother Nera made for her in moments where her illness got the best of her. they could also tell that the most common symptoms occur most often in times of stress. there isn't much about her the party wouldn't know.

Umbriere Lunas |

Fetchlings are in Bestiary 2. they are one of 7 planetouched races among both bestiaries. they are mostly human, but have a fair amount of blood from the plane of shadow. they aren't really that overpowering to begin with and would be quite fitting for an underdark themed campaign. you also said in your original post, that the races from bestiary 2 were fine. thier spell like abilities really don't come into play until the higher levels and are heavily limited in what they can do and how often they may be used. i think being able to take yourself and your gear to the plane of shadow and back once per day at 13th level isn't really that game breaking. especially since it comes with it's own built in drawbacks. and leaves you a lone victim to far greater horrors.

Umbriere Lunas |

I have the social part mostly covered. and i can do some tertiary healing. i also have my Dances if buffs are needed. i can't do much in combat besides dancing and helping with the search for flanks. i'm more of a non-combatant. so i am hoping that there will be some social encounters and other stuff that may be solved without always resorting to violence.

Xane |

Aye, there shouldn't be too much of an equal fight what wont go down to a good thumpin' by me.
Here! I've just had a thought....
*Looks at Umbriere with a grin*
If I'm Thumper, does that make you Bambi? ;)
Looking forward to making a name for ourselves in the adventures to come!
Yes, still adjusting character to fit in with the game. *Bows*

Umbriere Lunas |

*nods* Aye and thank'e fer the tips...like I said re-working the character...which is kind of harder than putting her together in the first place... :P
As for that movie..? Would you believe I've forgotten how many years it's been..? ;)
you could earn a net 6 points by lowering your charisma to 10 (after modifiers). which could be used to give you (after modifiers) 10 wis, 14 int and 16 con after modifiers. this also comes with better saves, more hit points, and more skill points. making you more versatile while being less vulnerable in your weaker areas.

Umbriere Lunas |

I'm already playing a cleric of iomedae in another game, i would like to try something else.
lets see if any of these ideas interest you? i only intend to help.
Fighter/Witch/Eldritch Knight?
Rogue/Witch/Arcane Trickster?
Battle Oracle of either Gorum, Irori, or Shelyn?

Xane |

Right! *claps hands together and rubs vigorously*
That's that done with the character sheet. I think every-thing's okay, but since I've been shown to be terribly muddle headed any thoughts or comments will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to be shown to be a muddle head....but I think I've hit a quandary and I think the thoughts and ideas of others would be helpful.
Having added the 'Giant' Template, I have added the modifiers under said template. Now, it also says to increase the creatures size category by one level....
Over the page there is a table which shows what is added/changed when this is done.
Now, my thoughts are that the Template changes stats and adding from the table over the page would seem to me to be 'double dipping'....
Thoughts? Conclusions? Postulations? Note* The Dm's word is final, as always. =)
To Gandal. You could always play a Witch, I'll be your 'giant-kin' minion to help add to the part. ;)

Xane |

*scratches head* Um, I've got teifling AND Giant in there....
So before modifications I'm Str 18 (-17), Dex 12(-2), Int 12(-2), Wis 9(+2), Con 12 (0), Cha 14(-5)
I come up one short......
Which I'll prolly put into Wis....
*Nods* Yah, that's what I was thinking about that as well in regards to the template plus the table..... =)

Umbriere Lunas |

*scratches head* Um, I've got teifling AND Giant in there....
So before modifications I'm Str 18 (-17), Dex 12(-2), Int 12(-2), Wis 9(+2), Con 12 (0), Cha 14(-5)
I come up one short......
Which I'll prolly put into Wis....
*Nods* Yah, that's what I was thinking about that as well in regards to the template plus the table..... =)
increasing wis sounds like a good idea.

Xane |

Aye, there's nothing hard on the eyes about your character. Prolly why some one got some one else t' be keepin' a look out for ye?
Don't want the 'China doll' getting broken. (^_~)
Best of luck sorting a character out Gandal.
*Looks around* I thought there were four of us...?

Umbriere Lunas |

A note to DM austin, i couldn't find any sign of fetchling age categories so i thought i would improvise and steal the elf's age categories. it merely means i get a prolonged youth. and i get to milk a paladin's code of chivalry for all it's worth during that prolonged youth.

Umbriere Lunas |

a note To Xane. if you put a 12 in consititution before applying the Giant template, then it would be 16, not 14. 12+4 = 16. and you would still have a point left to spend, which i would reccomend placing in Dex which can improve Ac, reflex saves, and initiative with a 4th level stat point.
so i would add (After Modifiers) Con 16 Dex 13 and you would break even. this would also give you additional hit points to soak up damage more easily.

Umbriere Lunas |

I forgot to roll hit points too
4d8 + 13 ⇒ (8, 3, 7, 3) + 13 = 34
Xane, your hit points should Be 31 before factoring favored class bonuses. you also have a total of 9 skill points before factoring favored class bonuses. may i suggest bumping up your hit points to 34 with those favored class goodies?

Xane |

I forgot to roll hit points too
Xane, your hit points should Be 31 before factoring favoured class bonuses. you also have a total of 9 skill points before factoring favoured class bonuses. may i suggest bumping up your hit points to 34 with those favoured class goodies?
Ah! *Clicks fingers* Favoured thingamajigs!
*nods* Though I'm happy to have Xane be only 3rd level. Don't want to put people off too much.
Unless people want to twist my arm? I'm sure there's an extra little something I could add in to bring her up to what other people think is fair. =)

Umbriere Lunas |

Umbriere Lunas wrote:I forgot to roll hit points too
Xane, your hit points should Be 31 before factoring favoured class bonuses. you also have a total of 9 skill points before factoring favoured class bonuses. may i suggest bumping up your hit points to 34 with those favoured class goodies?
Ah! *Clicks fingers* Favoured thingamajigs!
*nods* Though I'm happy to have Xane be only 3rd level. Don't want to put people off too much.
Unless people want to twist my arm? I'm sure there's an extra little something I could add in to bring her up to what other people think is fair. =)
i think it would be perfectly fine for you to be level 4 with the template applied. the template only adds 1 to your effective level and is actually pretty much on the low end for an ECL+1 template. everybody else is going to be level 5 or so. i think there is a problem when the fighter with 16 con has the same amount of hit points as a noncombat support bard with 10 con. i would say give yourself another level Xane. being large already has it's own built in consequences. i would be fine with a 4th level giant tiefling fighter in a 5th level party.

Umbriere Lunas |

I chose my 2 traits. Extremely Fashionable and Focused mind. both of which i find to be rather fitting for Her Excellency, Lady Umbriere Nox Astrum Lunas Moonwhisper. who may become a baroness sometime in the future. assuming that she doesn't get a chance to start the kingdom of "Maximilia".

Umbriere Lunas |

*Makes sure is wearing the right amulet of size making teh smaller*
*HUGZ Umbriere Lunas* (^_^)
Heh, I was thinking more of adding the "Advanced" template...>_>
Still, I shall await the comments of the DM. *Bows*
*"please excuse me for saying this, but i feel like i am being squished."*
*Tries to cover her mouth as she breaks out into a spontaneous inconvenient series of hacking coughs*

Umbriere Lunas |

according to this little passage, you can be (by the rules as written) a 4th level giant advanced fighter. but tis a short term gain that over time will be eclipsed by class abilities. but you will dominate combat reasonably well for quite a few levels. levels 4-9 will probably be your prime.