stringburka |

It's been a lot of talk about cavaliers (and samurais) mounts, that they need an option. This is my suggestion:
Knight Errant
Wandering throughout the lands to fight his cause, the knight errant is less of a cavalryman and more of a lone hero, upholding his ideals through skill with the blade. While he may travel by horse, he usually fights unmounted.
Traveler (Ex)
At first level, a knight errant gains Endurance as a bonus feat. He also gain a 5 ft. bonus to his base land speed. At levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 this bonus increases by +5 ft, to a maximum of +25 ft.
This ability replaces Mount.
Protective Charge (Ex)
From 3rd level and onwards, the knight errant does not take a penalty to armor class when charging. Instead, he gains a +2 bonus to armor class when charging. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +6 at 19th level.
This ability replaces Cavalier's Charge
At 4th level the knight errant gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat. If he already has Skill Focus (Survival) he instead gains a Skill Focus feat of his choice.
This ability replaces Expert Trainer
Combat Feat
At 11th level, the knight errant gains a bonus combat feat. When choosing this feat, he may take feats that require a fighter level of up to 8.
This ability replaces Mighty Charge
Weapon Mastery (Ex)
At 20th level, a knight errant chooses one weapon, such as the longsword, greataxe, or longbow. Any attacks made with that weapon automatically confirm all critical threats and have their damage multiplier increased by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, for example). In addition, he cannot be disarmed while wielding a weapon of this type.
This ability replaces Supreme Charge

shikomekidomi |

cranewings wrote:I love it. It reminds me of king Arthur.Great! :)
Is there anything that should be changed for the sake of balance?EDIT:
To use this with the Samurai, he only gets Traveler (in place of Mount) and Survivalist (in place of Mounted Archer).
This is a good idea.
Only one of the cavalier orders has mount related abilities and many of them have powers that make me want to stand on the ground and fight, so an unmounted archetype would be handy.
As far as balance goes, fast-movement is a nice idea for replacing a mount and Survivalist makes sense for replacing Expert Handler.
Protected Charge is a lot trickier because it's an ability that grows in strength as the character levels while Cavalier's Charge is a flat bonus. You might want to make it a fixed gain of some appropriate amount (+3 perhaps) instead.
I do not like the idea of giving Weapon Mastery to any kind of Cavalier. I can see why you'd want to, since it's a good power they'd find useful that is probably already balanced with other level 20 combat boost powers, but it is a unique fighter ability that plays off their already existing powers, like Weapon Training and the ability to take Greater Weapon Specialization. It's the capstone of the Fighter class and it dilutes their uniqueness to offer it elsewhere.
It'd be best if you could develop some new ability for this archetype at 20, though I know that's a lot more work and harder to balance.

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I have to say this is a well balanced archetype. The cavalier can lose his mount for certain areas of an adventure and the abilities you replaced the mount are well chosen. None provide too much power and are well thought out.
Traveler (Ex) I really like this. Maybe change to +5 ft at 1st, 10th, and 20th levels. And reduce the penalty to moving in armor by 10 ft. at 5th and 15th. Under your proposition the base speed for 30 ft move increases to 55, but in medium or heavy armor is reduced to 40. Proposed change increases the speed to 45 with no speed reduction. If you multiclass with another class that grants fast movement, penalty is reduced as well.
Protective Charge (Ex) Again, very well thought out. Exchanging a +4 to hit for +6 AC is not bad at all. I personally would give a Mobility style bonus for charging. But your idea works well since it is spaced out and grows with the class.
Survivalist Fits great with theme.
Combat Feat Again, well balanced.
Weapon Mastery (Ex) This one I am torn on. While it is not overpowered, it does not fit well with the rest of your theme. Maybe during a charge you are not affected by difficult terrain and can charge through an allies square?

Sphynx |

Argh, after all those comments, I feel bad saying this, but I'm not a fan of the Traveller. Thematically, it doesn't sit well with me. This isn't a monk, it's an armoured war machine. Maybe just ignore armour penalties to speed (and maybe a 1 time +5'bonus)? I just can't thematically understand a knight in armour outrunning say, a Ranger or Rogue unarmoured, just because he forgoes a mount... I understand the mechanic reasons... lose a mount... need the speed... but it just don't feel right.
I like all the rest of the changes, although I have to agree that Weapon Mastery for a non-fighter feels a bit wrong... it still feels better than the speed boosts.

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Love the idea, but maybe the archtype should go like this
Traveler (Ex)
At first level the cavalier gains Endurance and Fleet as bonus feats. The cavalier can make all charges at three times it's normal speed. Armor never reduces the Cavaliers speed.
This ability replaces mount.
Blazing Charge (Ex)
At twentieth level the Cavalier can do a full attack action after a charge. If all the attacks land, you deal an extra 2d10s of fire damage.
(based it off of the Whirlwind blitz power of the mobile fighter)
I think that these changes will make everyone feel better, without making the Cavalier under or overpowered.