Campaign Setting still canon?

Society Scenario Submissions


With the upcoming release of the revised Inner Sea guide, I wished to know if, for the purpose of writing modules, the 3.5 guide is still usable as a reference source? I would believe so, but I'd just as soon not make an assumption. :)

My Thanks,

Shadow Lodge

I would say so. The Inner Sea Guide doesn't really contradict anything in the campaign setting, but it updates and expands upon what was already there.

Silver Crusade

Yep, most everything should still be good!


I've found a very, very small number of things that changed between the original PFCS and the Inner Sea World Guide. Most things it's just an addition or clarification based on things released after the PFCS, but in a few places there are some changes, albeit mostly small ones (or which can be rationalized).

But the book isn't out yet, so me = no talk. Once it's out, I'm game to discuss.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

If you're proposing a scenario that is at risk of being contradictory of canon on the level that canon is different between the two books, you're overthinking it. A good proposal should take place in one of Golarion's many distinct locations, but if it hinges on a small little detail mentioned in the CS that we didn't think significant enough to grandfather into the expanded hardcover, then it's likely not an adventure I'd contract you to write.

Mark Moreland wrote:
If you're proposing a scenario that is at risk of being contradictory of canon on the level that canon is different between the two books, you're overthinking it. A good proposal should take place in one of Golarion's many distinct locations, but if it hinges on a small little detail mentioned in the CS that we didn't think significant enough to grandfather into the expanded hardcover, then it's likely not an adventure I'd contract you to write.

Thank you for your response. While I doubted much would change between the two books, I've been reading the CS and wished to ensure my assumption was accurate before writing a submission using it as a reference. Much obliged to you.

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