cryosphinx |
as the title states im working on a halfling paladin level 8 25point buy. we are alowed to use the phb/beastiary 1&2/apg. normally id be able to sort something out but this is really rather unorthodox and i have never in my gaming history played a mounted character.i will need help with a mount as well due to inexperience.
im inclined to take the APG shining knight path for its assorted bonuses if its not worth it let me know. im also planning on taking the halfling outrider alternate race trait.
ideally id like to charge in for a big hit with a lance than quick draw into something more appropriate for a melee beatdown but i am open to suggetions.
so i turn to you forum gurus for tips and tricks for my mounted crusader of justice!
quick edit here: I was wondering if giving up spells was worth taking the warrior of the holy light alternate package.
Candide |
One of my players is playing a gnome paladin, who took the shining knight archetype. He's 8th level now and rides a flying pig(yep you heard me). Since his mount is medium size, it can go wherever any normal medium character can, allowing him to go into dungeons and for the most part, still be effective.
cryosphinx |
yeah having the mount be medium is the exact reason im going this route. im still having some issues working out a build but i should be able to post a tentative one later today. i could really use help picking a mount though. nothing that can fly as the dm will throw a fit. im really eager to see all of your takes on this odd character
Candide |
Parcelus, the gnome paladin character played by one of my players in the Rise of the Runelords game, is our leading damage dealer. He just started with a pony or riding dog. Upgrading to a Dire Corgi(posted online somewhere), and then to the winged boar.
He's taken Power Attack but mostly uses his mounted combat capabilities to charge in, attack and wheel about setting up for another attack.