Squeezing Chapters 11 & 12 in 9 hours

Shackled City Adventure Path

Scarab Sages

My gaming club is having a swap around soon, so I have to finish SC in 3 sessions (each of 3 hours).

The party have just dipped into the ruins of Shatterhorn, so we've still got a bit to go. Here's my idea on how to cut the adventure path short, any advice is welcome.

I'm cutting shattehorn short, and having them fight Vhalantru there to save time.

Once they go to Carceri, I'm cutting out the long journey and porting them right outside Skullrot.

I'll keep in the main encounters in Skullrot if I can, but I may cut some out if they're not up to Adimarchus before the last hour of the game.

What do you guys think?

You might want to give the characters (or at least the clerics) some
"visions" that help move the plot line along. Call it the intruding presense of the mind of Adimarcus?

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