Bachelor of Arts: Pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I've always said learning a game was like a college course. Let's see what a formal degree program would look like.

PATH 111 Introduction to Pathfinder
Introduction to roleplaying, history of D&D/Pathfinder, basic concepts, character creation, gameplay.

PATH 201 Basic Player Character
Player Character stats and abilities, combat and maneuver, player etiquette.

PATH 202 Basic Game Mastering
Setting up the game, designing adventures, dealing with players, rewards and punishments.

PATH 203 Spells and Magic Items
Understanding the rules of magic, core spells, core magic items.

PATH 301 Advanced Player Character
Tactics, party composition, handling player knowledge, using non-core abilities.

PATH 302 Advanced Game Mastering
Campaign design, villains and rivals, judging non-core material, situations.

PATH 303 World Building
Real world geography, fantastic elements, power groups, establishing connections.

PATH 304 Cartography
Dungeon mapping, ship/building mapping, city mapping, campaign mapping, world mapping.

PATH 305 Rules Creation
Understanding game balance, house rules, creating new rules, playtesting.

PATH 306 Monster Studies
RPG ecology, using monsters in encounters, random encounter tables, monster building, modifying monsters into PC's.

PATH 320 Dwarf Studies

PATH 321 Elf Studies

PATH 322 Gnome Studies

PATH 323 Halfling Studies

PATH 324 Human Studies

PATH 325 Half-breed Studies

PATH 350 Pathfinder and other RPGs
Finding common concepts, modifying useful concepts, evangelizing Pathfinder to 4th edition players.

PATH 370 Miniatures
Selecting miniatures, miniatures use, miniatures painting, other scenery.

PATH 371 Game Book Writing

Silver Crusade

Cooler than the degree I really earned!

Kilmore wrote:

I've always said learning a game was like a college course. Let's see what a formal degree program would look like.

PATH 350 Pathfinder and other RPGs
Finding common concepts, modifying useful concepts, evangelizing Pathfinder to 4th edition players.

Path 351 Comparative RPG's (d20)

Comparing d20 RPG's, commonalities and differences.

Path 352 Comparative RPG's (Other)
Examining non d20 RPG's, exploring nature vs nurture, what concepts, if any, cross all RPG's.
Note: Students with a strong d20 belief may be challenged by this course.

Kilmore wrote:
All that stuff up there.


Silver Crusade

mrofmist wrote:
Kilmore wrote:
All that stuff up there.

Really? I would have expected it to be a 4-year honours course...

It would be really nice to be a paid professor...

I would so take this entire series of courses.

somebody make it happen!!

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