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I rather like the Rage Prophet. I like prestige classes that attempt a theme-y mashup of two classes you wouldn't normally put together as I think it can inspire fun character concepts.
I think the Rage Prophet does a pretty good job, but falls up short in one key area: Selecting Rage Powers or Oracle Revelations with a level requirement. Since you probably won't ever get past level 5-7 in each of the foundation classes it makes certain Rage Powers or Revelations that might fit your character concept really nicely out of reach.
Now, there is the Savage Seer class ability of the Prophet to allow powers obtained to advance. I was thinking that it wouldn't be at all problematic to houserule in a clause allowing Rage Prophet levels to stack with Barbarian levels or Oracle levels for determing selectable Rage Powers or Revelations. Since there's a good chance anyone wanting more of these will be getting them through the "Extra X" feats it doesn't seem too gamebreaking to me. Feats are thin for the character, so a slight boost to what you can do with them seems fair.
I generally avoid house rules and only implement them when some sort of mechanic REALLY sticks in my craw. Fortunately, I am one of those poeople who is pretty happy with Pathfinder's mechanics and design 99% of the time. Unfortunately, this falls into that tiny 1%.
So, those of you out there adept at GMing and tinkering with mechanics: Is this a sound adjustment, or is it too much?

Abraham spalding |

The combination of the oracle and the barbarian in the form that is the rage prophet has caused one of the most game breaking characters available in theory craft.
The oracle is head and shoulders better than the sorcerer, and with the lame curse is able to rage at will without any penalties or fatigue between rounds granting continuing assess throughout a fight to abilities that are supposed to be once per rage.
Combined with the rage casting ability that lets you add your Con Modifier bonus onto the DC of save throws against your spells you have a character that can cast any spell he knows at a DC that is well beyond what anyone else in the game can do a number of times per day equal to his rounds of rage per day.
No I really do not think that giving them the ability to ignore one of the three drawbacks to the prestige class is a good idea.

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The combination of the oracle and the barbarian in the form that is the rage prophet has caused one of the most game breaking characters available in theory craft.
The oracle is head and shoulders better than the sorcerer, and with the lame curse is able to rage at will without any penalties or fatigue between rounds granting continuing assess throughout a fight to abilities that are supposed to be once per rage.
Combined with the rage casting ability that lets you add your Con Modifier bonus onto the DC of save throws against your spells you have a character that can cast any spell he knows at a DC that is well beyond what anyone else in the game can do a number of times per day equal to his rounds of rage per day.
No I really do not think that giving them the ability to ignore one of the three drawbacks to the prestige class is a good idea.
O_O Fair point. I had not connected those dots yet. That IS pretty ridiculous.
It does, however, depend on an eye towards optimization which is far from a concern with my group. They're the sort that's more concerned with customizing their character's background than their stat block. Also, the player is FAR more interested in the Barbarian aspects than the Oracle/spellcasting aspects.
Regardless, though... I think you've discouraged me to the idea of throwing them any sorts of bones.
Pre-APG, if you'd told me that the Barbarian would be part of one of the most abuseable character builds I think most people on this board would've had a good laugh.