Wandslinger (Wizard)

Round 2: Design an archetype

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I see nothing wrong with the idea of a Wandslinger from a thematic standpoint. But the mechanics are a bit unbalanced as has been mentioned. The larger design flaw I see is that to pull off something like this it works better as a prestige class rather than an archetype.

Also of note is that some of the abilities are just rehashes of old 3.5 feats from Complete Arcane and Complete Mage with new names.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus is posting from the point of view of a CE aligned succubus; and in the language of the Abyss ‘sorry’ is what you make others after you’ve had a bad day, ‘commiserations’ is the concept whereby if you’ve had a miserable day you go out and make others at least as unhappy as you are, and ‘sympathy’ is military jargon for a popular model of half a mile high siege-tower with spiked wheels, ballistae and fireball hurling catapults. (By way of explanation for the latter it’s a demonic joke: ‘See, we have sympathy for your situation’.)

Obligatory End of Round 2 Results Post:

In the ever-shifting chaos of Abyssal hierarchies and social-networks, Good Manners are naturally essential. One never knows when a powerful demon whom one once jostled at a dinner party and whom one never actually made sufficient reparations to for the inconvenience is going to be the new landlady of your own part of the Abyss and looking for some demons to make Very Sorry having just had a bad day herself.
Consequently a multitude of books of etiquette are in circulation with examples of ‘appropriate’ phrases to use in various situations. I shall take the liberty of quoting a few:
“Abyssal etiquette, Demon Lords” wrote:
…Greetings, your most puissant highness…
“Abyssal etiquette, Apparent Mortal Who Is Prospective Dinner” wrote:
…Why sirrah, it is a pleasure to meet you. May one inquire, is that an enchanted cold-iron dagger of demon-slaying in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?...
“Abyssal etiquette, Guests Whom There Is No Longer Any Room To Accommodate And Who Are About To Depart Through A Trapdoor Into A (Possibly) Snake Filled Pit” wrote:
…Goodbye Mr. Bond…

(The author of the work from which I derive the latter quote is incidentally a fiend with a curious affectation for monocles and white cats who happens to be a servant of Andirifkhu.)

See you around another year, perhaps. Or maybe sooner if you feel like sticking around to post for the duration of this year’s contest... ;)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

I want to thank you for submiting this archetype. It was very inspiring. Maybe you can give me some feedback on my own version on this?

Wand Slinger Wizard Archetype:

Wand Slinger Wizard Archetype

Class Skills: Craft, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge arcana, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device. This replaces the standard wizard’s list of class skills.

Arcane Bond (Su): The wand slinger must select a wand for his arcane bond class feature.

Wand Talent (Ex): At 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the wand slinger selects one of the following wand talents. He must meet the requirements, if any, of the selected wand talent.

Advanced Wand Crafting (Ex): The wand slinger can craft wands with a spell level equal to half his level (to a maximum of 9th level at 18th level). The wand slinger must be at least 10th level and have the Craft Wand feat to select this wand talent.

Craft Wand (Ex): As the feat of the same name, although the wand slinger need not be 5th level to select this wand talent.

Double Wand Wielder (Ex): The wand slinger can activate 2 wands at once as a full-round action. The wand slinger designates one wand his primary wand and one wand his off-hand wand. Activating the off-hand wand consumes 2 charges when used in this way. The wand slinger must have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat to select this wand talent.

Efficient Wand Crafting (Ex): The wand slinger reduces the cost of wands he crafts by 50%. The wand slinger must have the Craft Wand feat before selecting this wand talent.

Fierce Wand Wielding (Ex): When activating a wand, the wand slinger can make an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent as a swift action. The wand slinger adds the level of the spell to this Intimidate skill check.

Greater Wand Focus (Ex): The wand slinger adds +2 to his attack rolls made with wands he activates. He also adds 2 to the Save DC of any wand he activates. This ability overlaps with, and does not stack with, the Wand Focus wand talent. The wand slinger must have the Wand Focus wand talent to select this wand talent.

Hidden Power (Ex): The wand slinger adds his class level to his Sleight of Hand skill checks to hide a wand upon his body.

Keen Wand Wielding (Ex): The wand slinger doubles the threat range of any touch or ranged touch attack rolls of any wand he activates.

Metamagic Wands (Ex): The wand slinger can apply any metamagic feat he knows to any wand he uses. This uses up a number of additional charges equal to the number of spell levels the metamagic feat normally increases the affected spell by. This cannot increase the spell level of the wand above 4th, unless the wand slinger also has the Advanced Wand Crafting wand talent, in which case the increase in spell level cannot exceed ½ the wand slinger’s level (to a maximum of 9th level at 18th level).

Potent Wand Wielding (Ex): The wand slinger may choose to use his own spellcasting ability modifier to determine the Save DC of any wand he activates.

Quick Wand Wielding (Ex): The wand slinger can draw or sheath a wand as a free action.

Ultimate Wand Wielding (Ex): The wand slinger substitutes his caster level for the caster level of any wand he uses. The wand slinger must be 20th level to select this wand talent.

Wand Daggers (Ex): The wand slinger may treat wands as daggers when wielding them in melee.

Wand Focus (Ex): The wand slinger adds +1 to his attack rolls made with wands he activates. He also adds 1 to the Save DC of any wand he activates.

Wand Mastery (Ex): The wand slinger can Take 10 on Use Magic Device skill checks to activate wands.

Wand Warrior (Ex): As a full round action, the wand slinger can attack with a melee weapon in his primary hand while activating a wand in his off-hand. The wand slinger suffers a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and uses up an extra charge from his wand when using this ability. The wand slinger must have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat to select this wand talent.

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