Master Spies and the Assumption capstone ability

Rules Questions

Recently, a rules question about the Master Spy's capstone ability, Assumption, came up in our game.

On page 272 of the APG, it states:

"Assumption (Su): The ultimate ability of the master spy is to take over another persona entirely, making it her own. As a full-round action, the spy can touch a helpless creature and shift her aura to that of her target. This confuses divination effects and spells, even ones as powerful as discern location, such that they register the spy as being the creature she has touched. This ability is not proof against the actions of deities or similarly powerful beings. The assumption of an identity lasts until the master spy ends it (a standard action) or she uses the ability on another creature."

The question about this hinges around the phrase "shift her aura to that of her target." Does the master spy switch auras with the target, or does she just take the target's aura as her own?

I presume by the language that the use of "shift her aura to" rather than "shift her aura with" would indicate it's not a switch of identities, but a taking or stealing of identities instead.

Shadow Lodge

Well, you actually have to take the entire ability into contest. Later it say they register the spy as being the creature touched. So, basically the Master Spy is cloaking his aura in that of the being he/she touched.

This would mean any spell looking for the being the Master Spy touched would register 2 of them in existence.

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