Ant Haul

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Ant Haul spell, is it to good for a 1st level spell

Yes i love the spell, love what it does, etc etc.

But is the duration two long for what it does. Would you have allowed the spell to be reversed, with that duration.

Oliver McShade wrote:

Like to see a new spell

School: transmutaion; Level: alchemist 1, cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M/DF (small loadstone)
Range: touch
Target: creature touched
Duration: 2hours/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates. Spell Resistance: Yes

The target's carrying capacity is diminished by a factor of 3 (see table 7-4: Carrying Capacity on page 171 of the Core Rulebook). This does not affect the creatures's actual Strength in any way, merely the amount of material it can carry while being penalized from this spell. It also has no effect on encumbrance due to armor. If the creature wears armor it still takes the normal penalties for doing; in addition to the normal penalties for being encumbered. Ant Crush counters, but does not dispell Ant Haul.

Guess what i am getting at is, would you allow the reverse of the ant haul spell (Ant Crush) to be reversed as a 1st level spell??

Encumbrance does not stack with wearing armor. I would remove the part of the spell that says that it should do so.

Also- no. Since PC's lack any way to dispel magic I wouldn't allow this spell at 1st level.

For what the spell does the 2hr/level isn't really a big deal. it grants no actual combat benefit- it just lets the PC's travel over land a little easier. (since you can drop things easily enough, all you have to do is ditch the backpack when combat starts and you are unencumbered anyway).

2hr/level for a non-combat benefit? Sounds fine to me, in this context.


Selgard wrote:

2hr/level for a non-combat benefit? Sounds fine to me, in this context.


That's my general thought, especially since the listed weights of items makes it hard for the adventurer with an average strength to even begin carrying what I carried on hikes growing up in the Boy Scouts before I had reached full strength, and masterwork backpacks are out of reach for many of the classes at 1st level, anything that helps people in the encumbrance department is something I will gladly take and let others take as well. As Selgard stated, it has no combat benefit whatsoever, so it's not going to interfere there.

Selgard wrote:

Encumbrance does not stack with wearing armor. I would remove the part of the spell that says that it should do so.

The spell says it should NOT stack.

This was also stated in Ant Haul.

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