Heroes of the Valley


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The small wooden lodge near the old pine copse at the fork in the road stands empty. Usually cheerful light can be seen leaking out from under the wooden shutters, but this summer evening it looks abandoned.
The owner of the lodge, a superstitious old widow, left early in the season when the rumors of a plague to the south came. The lodge is practically the only neutral place for a traveler to rest his head this side of the river, where the suspicious and prickly, though not quite feuding this year, Houses are constantly bickering over the smallest piece of land. Though it stands cold and empty, it's to be the Heroes' first stop on their long journey, and where the representatives of the different clans will meet for probably the first time. The evening waits.

The layout of the lodge: a smallish square house with the front half as one big common room, and the other half divided into a kitchen, private room, and communal sleeping room.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

"So what other outcasts do you think we shall meet this evening ?" A lanky, fur clad human chats with the bird sitting on his shoulder. "This looks like the place, may as well go in and start these rabbits cooking. It can't hurt to start out on the right foot. At least they can't be any worse than father and his "proper born" sons. The fools have no idea that this opportunity is exactly what I've been waiting for. Keep an eye at the window, and let me know when the others arrive." He instructs as he walks in the door of the house and, after depositing his few belongings in a corner of the sleeping room, goes to the kitchen to start preparing some supper for himself and his yet unmet friends.

Do you have a preference as to the use of bold and italic to denote different parts of the post? Also, Peregrin is watching the path to the house, and will alert Garlon as soon as someone approaches.

Simply, black for everything but ooc, blue for ooc as typical. Other than that I don't have a preference.

A blond hair man with a robust build walks in the Lodge.

At the first person he can see when he enters "Oi! Good fella! I would require some food and mead to start my evening properly and a place to sit, if ya don't mind lad" as he searches the room for an empty place to have a seat and he will walk towards the one closest to the kitchen.

The only other person there is Garlon.

Thread ate my post/
The only other person there is Garlon.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

Garlon barely manages to hide a grimace and scowl at the newcomer's words as they strike him as being a little too much like something his father or brothers would say. After taking a moment to control himself he finally replies, "Stew is on the stove, Mead I cannot help you with" as he puts some stew in a dish for himself, grabs the rabbit that had been set aside for Peregrin, and calling his bird, sits down to eat some supper before anybody else shows up, and braces himself for a long, unpleasant evening.

Aidan Rhúne wrote:

A blond hair man with a robust build walks in the Lodge.

At the first person he can see when he enters "Oi! Good fella! I would require some food and mead to start my evening properly and a place to sit, if ya don't mind lad" as he searches the room for an empty place to have a seat and he will walk towards the one closest to the kitchen.

Also, you know that this lodge is the arranged meeting place for the Heroes.

"Aidan is my name and I would take some of that stew" as he approaches Garlon to shake his hand "What is your name lad?" before he answers, he reaches in to his backpack "Oh! I got some mead with me to share some with you, if you wish, grant me yer company good fella and don't forget the stew" as he goes in search of some mugs to poor some mead.

A small dark haired man will enter wearing armor that looks of too big and draging a pack that looks far too heavy for him. His clothing makes him seem more like a beggar than a hero and his head is covered by a hood that is drawn low over his brow.

After a brief glance around the room he mumbles an unintelligable greeting and moves over to a corner siting with his back to the wall and getting some rations from his pack.

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

Shortly after, the door is pushed open and a towering figure blocks out the remaining light of dusk, as a giant of a man, more than 6½ feet tall enters. His arms are the size of most men's thighs and his studded leather armor strains to contain his massive chest. A mane of long, dark grey hair hangs loose, and a bit of similarly colored stubble adorns his chiselled chin. Bright blue eyes twinkle underneath his massive brow. Around his neck sits a silver torc. He is carrying a massive, longshafted axe over his shoulder and a couple of smaller weapons hang at his belt or a strapped to his backpack along with a large, round, wooden shield.

Seeing the others already seated, he lights into a big smile and booms, Well met, by Cayden's blessing. Is that stew I smell? I sure hope there's enough to go around. Name's Bjarki Bjornsson.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

"It's in the kitchen, and there should be plenty; Peregrin managed to keep busy most of the day. It's self serve, as I have no intention of volunteering to help just to become someone's servant." The level of annoyance in his voice is apparent despite Garlon's best attempts to hide it. The eagle lifts his head from the now half eaten rabbit briefly at the sound of his name, otherwise, he focuses on the meal in front of him, being remarkably neat in the dissection of his prey.

Berric glances up briefly at newcomer before returning to his rations. He pokes at them for a few moments before scooping them into his pouch and gets up saying in a subdued voice "I'll be back in a moment excuse me." He then heads out of the door.

Berric, feeling rather insecure here will go outside and around the back to call his Eidolon then explain to it that he would like it to pretend to be an animal for the moment and conceal it's rune with mud nd his with the hood of his cloak.

Disquise (untrained) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Btw i'd like to change enlarge person to lesser rejuvinate eidolon as i didn't know they have no healing ability if thats ok.

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

Oh, I'm sorry if it seemed like I expected you to get the food for me...I like working for my feed. With that, Bjarki goes to the kitchen to reappear shortly after with a big bowl of steaming stew.

Nice, Germanic alliteration, and I didn't even try...

Berric Vandrbarn wrote:

Berric glances up briefly at newcomer before returning to his rations. He pokes at them for a few moments before scooping them into his pouch and gets up saying in a subdued voice "I'll be back in a moment excuse me." He then heads out of the door.

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, that's fine.

Talking to Bertiuos "Oi!! there is enough place in my table for you" and then to t he rest in the lodge " All of ya! Come sit here, share the stew and I got some mead for nice mug, besides there is no one else here to steal your rags or stab ya in the back to put it against the wall" as he laughs hard from his own joke.

As Berrick starts going outside "Don't take to long, or there probably wont be enough stew for ya when you come back" throwing a smile and a good laugh.

"Well met Bjarki, I'm Aidan Rhúne this good fella over here" pointing at Garlon and faking like he was whispering to Bjarki "He a bitter one or something he is always angry, but a good fella" smiling back at Garlon "I haven't heard yer name yet good man, nor some of the others I see here if you people were to do me the honors of introducin' yer selfs"

(Including a bit of history here)

Rathguard Goddancer, a name that is more of an insult in his case than anything else. While his father was a great and potent warrior, who walked the line of insanity and bravery, most of the elders are unsure of the daft boy that was raised by the town drunks in his absence. Accustomed to rough conditions, poor clothing, and no weapons, the young monk is clad in torn, loose-fitting clothes and carrying a rowing oar on his back.

Platinum colored hair drapes down to his shoulders, and lithe muscle lines most of his body. Along the rowing oar hangs a few bottles of wine and mead, the most potent drink hanging from his belt. He stumbles into the inn to meet the rest of the House's chosen here. He muses to himself, they must not want me to come back, which could explain why they sent me. It was odd that such a man would even be considered a "hero" by any means. He was a drunk, a braggart, and openly accepted dares. Often fighting naked and with nothing more than whatever lied about as his weapons. It was a bet likely to be won if a person were to bet on him to die before old age set in, if that were in the cards.

Couldn't find the OOC board, here's the character sheet:

Monk of the Empty Hand
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Flurry of Blows (Improvised weapons)

Feats: Power Attack, Furious Focus
Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows

Bonus Feat:Catch off-guard

Initiative: +1
Skills: Acrobatics:+5
Escape Artist:+5
Perception: +7
Perform (Dance):+4
Stealth: +5

Flurry: -1/-1
Unarmed Damage: 1d6
BAB: 0
To hit (Unarmed or with Improvised): +2
Saves: Fort:+6 (+1 trait) Ref:+3 Will:+5
12-int +1
12-Dex +1
17-Wis +3
16-con +3
11-Cha +0
14-Str +2

AC: 14
The plan is to go Empty Hand Monk, then take some drunken ki features, and possibly crossclassing for the drunken barbarian stuff. We'll see how it goes :p

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

"My apologies if I got started on the wrong foot, but I just a left a bunch of jackasses who saw fit to treat me like dirt, and I have no intention of letting that happen here." The lanky man sighs as he tries to recover from his earlier unfriendliness. "I am Garlon; the last name matters not a whit, since I was quite certainly considered dead the second my shadow finished exiting the door. This is Peregrin, the provider of the contents of the stew you are enjoying." Garlon points to the eagle who doesn't even lift his head this time as he finishes off his meal, flies to the most comfortable perch in the room and starts to nap.

Berric returns after a couple of minutes with an air of confidence that was lacking before this is most likely due to the fact he is no longer alone behind him is a wolf like creature Image link in the spoiler belowthat stands nearly 4' to the shoulder.

As her returns to his seat in the corner he comments in a pleasant voice "Thank you for the kind offer of stew but as i have yet to get to know any of you i feel eating something i didn't see prepared may be slightly risky." Just before sitting he bows slightly to the occupants of the room and says with evident pride despite his clothes. "Lest i continue to forget my manners i am Berric Vandrbarn son of Lothric Jarl of Stonfort and this is Valdyrkyn." Gesturing to his companion.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

When Valdyrkin enters, Peregrin moves to Garlon's shoulder until the trustworthiness of the large carnivore can be ascertained. Garlon does a cursory examination of the creature before returning to his supper. "There are some left over bones in the kitchen if he's hungry. As long he understands eagle is not on the menu, we'll be good."

"Again thanks for the offer but he is fine at the moment," replies Berric. "Valdyrkyn here takes care of himself with regards to food much like your own companion I've no doubt."

"I wonder how many other people will be joining us on this task? I was somewhat expecting more than just the 4 of us... well 6 including our companions. While Berric talks Valdyrkyn seems to be warily watching the room almost as if it was expecting trouble.

@Yucale and Garlon:
Just a thought as a druid Garlon should have a good shot at noticing that Vandyrkyn is not a natural creature. Of course it's your call Yucale. :D

The monk would sit himself down by the fire and take a swig. It was obvoius by his lack of fat that he didnt have much interrst in food.

"four? Isnt there two of you?" he asks. There was genuine concern in his voice as he held up three fingers. Perhaps he was drunk or just maybe he cant count.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

He probably will once he gets around to being concerned about it; right now, as long as it doesn't view Peregrin as dinner, he's not particularly concerned.

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

Don't worry Garlon. I treat people with respect unless they prove they are not worthy of it. So far you haven't...

Bjarki greets the others, introducing himself to each while making quick process of the stew in his bowl.

At the sight of the wolf-like beast, he goes Whoa, is that a dog...or a horse?

Just a suggestion. I find it easier to separate dialogue from normal text if bolds or italics are used.

Vist if you log into your account using the my account link at the top you can create a seperate profile for Rathguard and post his stats in there. You can also then fnd a picture to represent him in the avatar files there

Flinching slightly as the drunkard by the fire speaks "Ahhh! Make that 5 of us i didn't notice the," looking at the man and then smiling "only person worse dressed than me here." He then replies to Bjarki "I have absolutly no idea what species he is to be honest but he is more of a brother and companion to me than any i have met so far in this life."

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

Now Garlon might actually be interested in learning more about your little pet, Berric, since he knows some of the history behind it and can relate entirely.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 knowledge (nature) to better understand this curious and apparently loyal beast

"I am glad to see I am not the only one to seek companionship in wild places. Peregrin here is a loyal friend and associate in ways that have yet to be matched in my fellow so called 'humanity'." Garlon strokes the head of his companion as Peregrin settles into a nap on Garlon's shoulder, clearly used to balancing himself as Garlon moves.

"Bringing at pet is not bad, but you do insult us with such a comment as tempering with a food, what do ya takes us for?" giving Berric a furious look.

Calming down a bit "Well let us drink then for our gathering and the stories we might end up telling or makin' for our selves, let there always be good food and drink amongst us" as he raises his mug of mead "And luck to those that can get a wench or two" as he laughs about it.

"Oi! Berric I do seriously hope you got a leash for that animal he looks like he packs quite the punch" as he smiles at Valdyrkin.

Looking at the Knowledge dcs i think you'd know there are no local animals like it but to spot it as unnatural (according to the pfsrd) is dc 20 of course Yucale has final say on that

"Wild indeed," answers Berric with a somewhat sardonic smile "I can think of few places wilder than where i discovered Valdyrkyn here." At the mention of its name Valdyrkn looks up into Berrics eyes and the mocking smile fades from his face.

Valdyrkyn stands and growls menacingly at Aidan with the mention of leashes and Borric says to him. "Forgive me for any seeming rudeness Sir but our respective houses are far from friendly and therfore while politeness may be in order trust is something that may take time to form." Reaching down to scratch Valdyrkyn's ears and soothe him he adds I dread to think what would happen to the man who tried to leash my friend here."

"Anyway what circumstance brings each of you to this place? I myself was set this task in order to prove myself to my father and brothers and look forward to whatever challenges lie ahead."

Edited to respond to Aidan as he ninja'd my post :)

Berric Vandrbarn wrote:

"Again thanks for the offer but he is fine at the moment," replies Berric. "Valdyrkyn here takes care of himself with regards to food much like your own companion I've no doubt."

"I wonder how many other people will be joining us on this task? I was somewhat expecting more than just the 4 of us... well 6 including our companions. While Berric talks Valdyrkyn seems to be warily watching the room almost as if it was expecting trouble.

** spoiler omitted **

Ranger, actually. Hm... moment.

Unless I say otherwise, just assume that the DCs in the books are correct. The disguise would only affect the situation if someone was specifically trying to figure out of Valdyrkyn is an eidolon.
If I don't post for a while, assume I'm unable to. I usually only have free time from around 3:30 pm-8:30 pm on weekdays, not counting days I have community service, fencing, play rehearsals, or a combination of the above.
Continue roleplaying until all the characters are asleep; then it goes to morning and the plot continues.

Yucale wrote:
Berric Vandrbarn wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

he's a druid he has the spells and everything :D

Berric Vandrbarn wrote:
Yucale wrote:
Berric Vandrbarn wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Right... it still feels like a Monday. First day of the week for me an' all that.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

"I volunteered to come as soon as I heard of the mission, and unsurprisingly no one challenged my coming. It's easier this way really, with them able to believe I'm dead, and me with a chance to make a new start somewhere out of their shadow." Garlon replied. "He's not a local critter, that's for certain, so it must be wild indeed." He added, referring to the wolf figure in the room. "For those who haven't seen the rest of the house, there is a common sleeping area in the back, though your wolf will probably have to sleep outside, trusted companion or no, with the limited space available."

"Hold yer teeth inside yer mouth pup! I have no intent on puttin'a leash on you" as he smiles.

"Well it seems most people here are not well liked amongst their people and perfect for this mission, anyway I suppose yer right Berric about warming up to other people just don't warm up to much, yer not my type" as he cracks down laughing at his joke.

Im afraid my time and internet dropped. I have to drop out. Sorry.

Vistarius wrote:
Im afraid my time and internet dropped. I have to drop out. Sorry.

Aw, bye! Hope you can fix the internet problem.

"I can assure you Valdyrkyn will not be a problem when we sleep i shall set him free to roam outside. However i would suggest we have some sort of watch system as even a neutral place like this could be attacked.

Blatantly ignoring Aidan's crude attempt at humor he continues "As to the watch I'd like the early morning shift as i rather enjoy watching the sunrise.

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

Now, now, no reason to get at each others' throats...the enemy is somewhere outside this building, I'm sure, Bjarki says with a charming smile. As for me, I was chosen, as I'm one of the strongest men in my House and because I wanted to go.

After washing down the stew with a gulp of water, he stretches, adding Yes, it is probably a good idea with a watch. I'll happily take the first one.

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

"Peregrin and I can take whatever watch is required of us. Since someone has already volunteered for first watch, we shall head off to bed now to get some sleep; just wake us up whenever you need us. I'm going to ahead and take the stew of the stove and let the fire die down so we don't forget about it and let it burn this place down." With that, Garlon takes his dishes to the kitchen, cleans it up for the nights, and heads to the bed he had set his stuff on earlier, with Peregrin resting on the headboard above him.

Male Human Rogue 1/Illusionist 0 (favoured class: rogue)

The door opens and a young man stands there. He's tall (a little over 6 feet) and thin, but barely more than a boy in appearance. A short sword is strapped to his belt and a crossbow to his back. He notices the big wolf-like creature, grimaces and disappears to the side.

A moment later, his head peers round the door frame. He gives a sheepish smile and a little wave. "Hi!" he says, and steps hesitatingly into the room. "Sorry I'm late. My name's Gaddi. Is that thing safe?" He points to the wolf.

"No!" Says the slender dark haired man next to the wolf "but he won't harm you. Gaddi did you say your name was? I'm Berric and this is Valdyrkyn," he says indicating the wolf, "the big man with the axe that is taller than me is Bjarki and the loud one is Aidan sadly you missed Garlon however as he has gone to bed. Why don't you tke a seat we were just discussing keeping a watch tonight as this side of the river is far from safe."

Male Human Rogue 1/Illusionist 0 (favoured class: rogue)

Gaddi moves slowly past the wolf and to the table. He sits down, and takes a quick glance back at the wolf to make certain that it hasn't moved.

"A watch, eh?" he says. "That sounds reasonable. I'd hate to get slaughtered in my sleep the first night out." He pauses and sniffs. "Do I smell food? Is that stew you're eating? Can I have some?"

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

There's probably not much left, but help yourself to what's in the kitchen, Bjarki says, pointing casually towards the other room. As Berric says, I'm Bjarki. Welcome.

Once everyone who's going to sleep rolls perception for their watch, time can move on to morning. But feel free to continue roleplaying (honestly I just felt obliged to post something as the DM).

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

As stated before, Garlon can serve any watch the party needs him to; I just couldn't seeing him willing to stay up for the entire conversation. For the newcomer, if Gaddi looks into the common sleeping area, he will see a good sized lump under a blanket on a bed in a corner, and a sleeping eagle on the headboard of the same bed.

"They send children now to do a mans work... well I trust you must be worth it or you wouldn't be here" as he stands up and starts leaving to sleep " Wake me up if ya need me to do a watch boys, good night"

Male Human Rogue 1/Illusionist 0 (favoured class: rogue)

"Oh, I'm worth it!" Gaddi says as Aidan departs. Then he adds under his breath, "Maybe."

He gets himself some stew and returns to the table to eat. "Not bad," he says as he gulps it down.

"Well then Bjarki if you would keep the first watch then wake Aidan and ask he wake Garlon then Garlon can wake Gaddi here and he can wake me for the last watch." Berric will wait for an affirmative reply then let Valdyrkyn outside saying to him loud enought to be heard inside. "Go hunt my friend i will see you near dawn," then return and go get some sleep in the back.

The first thing he'll do on his watch is resummon Valdyrkyn.

Perception for last watch 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Perception for Valdyrkyn 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Male Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/1

Bjarki sits down on a chair facing the door, starting to sharpen his axe blade with his whetstone, softly humming an old drinking song.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Male Human Eagle Shaman 1

When woken up for his watch, Garlon will finish off any remaining stew, and spend the time contemplating his new companions. Upon waking Gaddi up, he will retire to the private room, leaving Peregrin at the door to alert him of any activity, to pray a bit before returning to bed.

Garlon Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Peregrin Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

While praying he will swap out alter winds for burning hands.

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