Ice Titan |
Instantly slain, please do tell?
Inquisitor is an overpowered class. I've already broken it down elsewhere so I won't break it down here.
She had the party on the ropes the entire time until the inquisitor got a full attack. Killed her from half-ish to a contingency'd heal to -100+ in one full attack. Was a very solid fight until then; but if the party had one magic circle it would've been a cake walk.
EDIT: A witch would be good as well, but I dunno. I think her ability to cast spells like glibness and a mega-high charisma and Perform (oratory) really channels the flavor of the villain.
walter mcwilliams |
Ice Titan:
Thanks for your posts. I can't comment on the Inquisitor as none of my players have played one, but I am fretting the entire AP because I have 7 players, and am using APG to boot.
Ref you edit - That is the big reason I just didn't covert to witch straight away, as I too have conserns about flavor (which is always the highest priority for me).
Thanks for your thoughts
The 8th Dwarf |
Ice Titan:
Thanks for your posts. I can't comment on the Inquisitor as none of my players have played one, but I am fretting the entire AP because I have 7 players, and am using APG to boot.
Ref you edit - That is the big reason I just didn't covert to witch straight away, as I too have conserns about flavor (which is always the highest priority for me).
Thanks for your thoughts
I would do the conversion to Witch, Give her the Deception, shadow, or trickery Patron.
Give her an imp as a familiar, there are enough of them hanging around for it to go unnoticed.
Bolster her enchantment spell DCs with feats.
All of the hexes work well for her.