Damon Griffin |

The only official map of Thassilon is the one in the Campaign Guide, and Paizo has said they have no plans to expand on this anytime soon.
Has anyone created their own maps of Thassilon based on that one (showing how the ancient borders overlay current Varisian geography?)
At the dam site in the "Hook Mountain Massacre" I added a 3D relief map of the area as it was 10,000 years ago; the map has runes around the edge which when pressed cause points on the map to light up. Those points show the locations of Thassalonian monuments built using stone from the quarry that became the Storval Deep.
One of the PCs has close ties with Brodert Quink, Sandpoint's resident expert on the Thassilonians, and he'll be ecstatic at the find. I'll like to show my players a 2D version of it. For my purposes the map can show all of Thassilon or just Shalast and a small portion of each bordering nation. I am not interested in the other ancient lands.

Damon Griffin |

More information on your 3D map you provided please.
To clarify: The characters found a 3D relief map, made of stone, in one of the control rooms at the dam. At this point, they've sussed out that it represents some portion of what-is-now-Varisia as it looked 10,000 years ago. The players thus far have seen nothing.
What they don't yet know (and I can be flexible about) is the scale of the map or what portion of the land is depicted: all of ancient Thassilon (including the part now covered by the Varisian Gulf) or just Karzoug's territory of Shalast.
If anyone has created maps of either, I can use that as the basis for a 2D visual aid for the players. I have no mapmaking skills, 3D or otherwise.