Solias Hawklorn |
First some background...
I am running a game for some friends (4th level using a 25 point buy; so they can handle themselves) set in the very generic Western Shores campaign included in the old Fantasy hero book. Gunpowder is a non-factor thus far and the friends I am running for are playing up and coming members of a noble house currently operating out of the settings biggest city.
During a tournament that my player's participated in during the previous storyline the GMPC I am running won a sword (it was a fair bet; never bet against the Pavenost family) from a relatively well known pirate captain that was operating under the guide of a merchant to enjoy the festivities unmolested. Now the weapon itself, while magic, is largely forgettable. The history I have since thrown around it has made it very valuable indeed to the pirate captain in question. More than it's practical use in battle like many things it has become a symbol of his authority and exploits.
So what would any dishonorable man do? He sent two of his thugs to the villa "humbly requesting" that the weapon be returned as, upon further review, it would appear that the bet itself was less than fair. Well my players laid one of the the thugs low with a heavy crossbow bolt to the gut and told the other that if their employer wanted it back to come and beg for it himself.
Now said pirate captain obviously can't suffer such a slight, nor is his command upon his crew what it once was without the weapon he seeks so naturally he's going to throw everything he's got at them.
My question is...were you in my shoes: What would you throw at them?
(4 total PC's at 4th level using the 25 point buy. They also have a dozen or so House Guard using the CR1 guards from the Game Mastery Guide at their disposal.)
I am just looking to make a rather mundane encounter a little over the top so fire away!!!
Abraham spalding |
Captain: Level 5 -- probably a combination of fighter and rogue
First Mate: level 4 bard
Quarter Master: level 4 Alchemist
Boatswain: level 3 warrior
Carpenter, Surgeon, Cook: level 3 experts each
Crew (set 2): Warrior 1 x 5
Crew (set 3): Expert 1 x 10
Now that will be a hard fight but if they have help like you say and are at their home that's probably enough to make it hard but not impossible for them (especially if they have some help). If things start to look bad have the city watch step in to help (after all pirates rampaging in town against a noble house looks really bad for a trade town).
Fergie |
For some reason I'm on an undead kick tonight.
Idea 1. The sword is actually the phylactery of a slightly insane lich. He would send undead assassins (a couple Ghoul rogue 2)?
Idea 2. He is a vampire. He sends vampire spawn, and/or some charmed/dominated friends of the party, backed up by some kind of minions.