VictorCrackus |

My first thread attempting to be made got eaten.. Completely.
So. I'm a player soon to be playing in Legacy of Fire. A rogue cut purse. Now. A little backstory would be that he is a single father, and he HAD, had his child watched over by Haleen. Judging by the description of that character trait, I imagine she would do it for less. So. He was able to earn an honest living. Though, with her disappearance, as described in the players guide, he had to have more expensive people look after his child, while he worked. Thusly, he had to become a thief of sorts just to get back.
Being more on the side of chaotic good, without any religious affinities at this early junction, he finds that tricking bullies and those working in the flesh trade into situations where stealing would be possible.
My main worry, is the constructs that watch over Katapesh. LIke.. What they see, if they can determine exactly what is going on. If they can even be bluffed or hidden from. Information like this I think the thieves of the city would know.
So. Any tips that wouldn't be considered metagaming?
Also. No spoilers of course.

Thazar |

As with anything in the game world it all depends on the dice roll. ;)
Your thief is going to pick a pocket or something along those lines then anyone that has the ability to perceive that action has a chance of catching you. Perception is based upon the senses and in some cases magic.
Since the things you are talking about are the "enforcers" in the city it is a fair guess they are tougher then your average street tough. And in PFRPG tougher usually means more skill points to spend on thinks that may allow you to get caught. And as constructs they are obviously magical in some way.
All that said, only the DM is all knowing in your game world, so just because one the the constructs is near by does not automatically mean they KNOW everything that is going on around them. A skilled slight of hand can bypass even the best observer. But even the best thief probably chooses to do his work when a cop is not standing 3 feet away from them...
Your best bet is to hang out in the seedier parts of town. The area where the night stalls are or maybe the gnoll area.
Being a thief and stealing from merchants in a city where trade is king is always risky. In the game I am runny our party thief was forced to join the caravan when "someone" payed their bail after being caught steeling for the extra body for guard duty.

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Well, the way that is used to be done is if you stole something. Your hand would be cut off from the wrist, this was meant to keep the peasents in check of stealing from the rich, the peasants could get away with it if they were clever and the conspirators had proof that you actually did take the item. So, try paying off a small band of kids and have them secretly pass it off to you for like 5 - 10% of the price of the stolen possessions.
This should trick the Constructs into not being able to figure out which one is the one that took it and you can sneak away. ;) You can use these guys for plenty of things such as getting any word on the streets of what has been happening with the plot and such :D this is why I like Katapesh.