Two question about factions

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 5/5

I just have a quick question well two.

Every character a player has in the PFS organized play must be part of a faction. Does every pathfinder belong to a faction? Are the PCs who are part of a faction, a small portion of the Pathfinder Society or the majority?

I have created a character for the PFS organized play that I am planning to use. This character is an elven Magus, someone part of the defenders of Kyonin.

Here is the back-story I have written so far:

Mithos was born tens of thousands of years ago. He lived in Koynin during the time of Earth fall. He was a Lieutenant in the guard. His squad was guarding an elf gate while civilians were evacuating. An ogre mage tried to get through the elf gate. In the ensuing battle, the Ogre mage used a spell to turn Mithos into stone. Then Earth fall struck. The Ogre Mage was killed, and Mithos, or his petrified self and the elf gate were buried in volcanic ash, which later turned into Basalt, or volcanic stone. Mithos’s stone form survived some ten thousand years. The elves returned to Koynin. And eventually an elven archeological team excavated the elf gate. They also found Mithos. A wizard recognized that he was a petrified elf, and he was turned back to the flesh. He has taken a vacation from his post as a guard and joined the pathfinders; He wants to see the world as it is now.

I know I am stealing the name of a character in the Highlander TV series.

I know that I he has to join a faction. Given the brief back-story I wrote, I have trouble imagining him being loyal to or having sympathies for Taldor nor Qadira, nor Chiliax. I am not sure about Osirion, or Andoran. I see him as being loyal to Koynin. What do you all suggest? I now I have to pick one. Thanks

Grand Lodge 2/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
I am not sure about Osirion, or Andoran. I see him as being loyal to Koynin. What do you all suggest? I now I have to pick one. Thanks

I'd go with Andoran. As a prisoner for thousands of years, he probably has a special interest in seeing others who are able to walk in freedom.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Andoran is so overplayed ;)

It all depends on where you want to take the character. I could see someone having a serious personality change after a 10,000 year nap.

Plus doesn't he have a lot of backpay burning a hole in his pocket?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Theoretically, the Pathfinders who are part of one of the 5 factions are a small minority. It is only a remarkable coincidence that your characters keep getting sent on missions where all of your compatriots are also in factions :)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

The Decemvertate knows who's in the factions, they are all kept together trying to contain their influence in the society as whole.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ogre, K Neil Shakleton, thank you both for your posts. Heh yeah Ogre ill bet he has lots of back pay he wants to spend.

It makes sense that the pathfinders, who have split loyalties between the Society, and their handlers in Cheliax, Andoran, Taldor, Qadira or Osirion, would be in the minority. And it also makes sense that the Decemberate would herd all of these agents onto the same teams. That would make it easier for the Venture Captains and the Decemvirate to keep their eyes on them, and hey, maybe they will end up killing themselves off. Its probably better for the Decemvirate to know who are the “spies” whom are using the Pathfinders as their cover story in their midst.

Mark Gerringer, thank you for the suggestion about Andoran. I think that “feels” like the right choice. I looked up in the Elves of Golaron Pathfinder Companion, the “Foreign Relations” between Kyonin and their neibhors. Out of all their neibhors It seems that Andoran has the best relationship with Kyonin.

I like the bit about the “apolitical laisons"

One idea that I’m playing around with is that he is actually 12 level, but over his 10,000 years of inactivity, both his combat skills and arcane skills have atrophied so he is now effectively 1st level. As he goes on adventures and experiences combat and new things he will “remember” his Katas or sword forms, and his arcane spells (as he accumulates experience and gains levels),.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I will be playing this new character tomorrow evening. We shall see if he survives “The Godsmouth Heracy”. Time for me to brush off my Thees Thous and Thines to give him an archaic turn of speech.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Sorry to pull a Columbo on you guys

And one more thing- With the shadow lodge going on, wouldn't it be interesting, if we could go to the web pages where we have our PFS characters registered, and for each of them, decide if the character is Shadow lodge or Loyal to the Decemverate?

I wonder how the numbers would work out. How many on each side. Maybe the powers that be could use the tally to decide if the decemverate falls or the Shadow lodge falls based on how many characters go one way or the other.

Just an idea

I don't wonder, I know.... What does that mean? We'll just have to wait and see I guess. :D


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Do I have to wait and see?

The Exchange 5/5

Hyrum Savage wrote:

I don't wonder, I know.... What does that mean? We'll just have to wait and see I guess. :D


*curls up on the couch with blanket and popcorn awaiting the good news*

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hyrum Savage wrote:

I don't wonder, I know.... What does that mean? We'll just have to wait and see I guess. :D


DUN dun DUNNNNNN!!!!!!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Double lodges. What does it mean?

- sorry blew my will save to resist

Silver Crusade

Eric Brittain wrote:

Double lodges. What does it mean?

- sorry blew my will save to resist


Silver Crusade 5/5

Hyrum Savage, and Mark Morland, thank you for peeking in on my post.

I was just thinking, I have probably made far to many characters, but , depending on the personality of the character, he might go one way or another.

It will be interesting.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Hyrum and mark do you have any plans in the future to add the Ufflen
as a Faction?

BTW I very much like all the faction missions for the Quadrian Faction.
There is on Quardian faction mission that requires the use of posion
that seeemed to upset some of the Quadrian players that were not rogues. All in all they were very good.

The Exchange 5/5

Lou Diamond wrote:

There is on Quardian faction mission that requires the use of posion

that seeemed to upset some of the Quadrian players that were not rogues. All in all they were very good.

That one is almost as good as the Taldan mission in the same scenario. Many faction missions are forgettable. It's the contraversial ones that are the most fun and stick in your mind. However, it can be like dancing on the edge of a slippery slope when you try to write one of those.

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