Avalon Games |
Happy New Years everyone, Avalon is here to help you celebrate 2011 and we have a ton of games and goodies to get you started.
First up we have the release of Infinite Futures. Yep Sci-Fi at its best with this Pathfinder compatible system. Very detailed and open ended enough to allow you to run just about any sort of Sci-Fi game you want, Infinite Futures is going to be a big one, so get on board the train and have a great ride. To make things even better, we will be having a sale on this core book for month with $2.00 off the cover price, so that even more reason to get into this great game.
Next we have a new game, Leviathans. Steam powered war using a great game engine that allows you to build any sort of steam tank you want. Kit bash to your hearts content and then see how your creation does on the battlefield. A great tabletop game, you are sure to have a blast with this system
Game Geek is going strong and 2011 will see new features and columns in this great gaming e-zine. Great Art, great gaming stuff and cool fiction. What more can you ask for.
Arcana has new stuff this month with the release of two new journals. We will be finishing up the northlands this year as well as most of the south. Even more fun though waits for you in the western reaches which we will explore in dept this year.
If you love Arcana then the journals are a must have for your collection.
How to create a great villain comes out this month as well. Continuing with the how to series of gaming, we look at how to generate and play a great villain. After all, a hero is measured by their villains. And no game is complete without a really memorable bad guy.
Avalon Pathfinder this year will have two new additions to the series. Avalon Treasure and Avalon magic. More Pathfinder then you can swallow in one big bite, but what a meal it makes.
New clip art, counter set and Design Set this year, so get your art on with Avalon Games. You need it we got it.
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Necromancer |
In case anyone hasn't seen it, they've added Infinite Futures. Link to PDF
I'm downloading now and at 108mb I'm anxious to get into this.