World of Warcraft - So Noob It's Not Funny

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Silver Crusade

I have an addon (I forget what it's called, and I won't have a chance to check) that gives you coordinates for your location. It's very useful if you are using any out-of-game quest helpers. A lot of those refer to coordinates, and the game doesn't give them to you. If I get a chance, I'll look for what it's called, but I'm going to be out of town for the rest of the week.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Carbonite looks like an all encompassing AddOn: has the coords, questhelper, UI changes, and bag/bank management. I may check that one out myself.

Pair that with an Auctioneer-type AddOn or just the Undermine Journal and you should be pretty good.

Sovereign Court

Just logged back in after being away for four or so years (law school). Man has the game changed. All my marks disappeared and I can buy the old warlord gear super cheap instead of grinding months worth of bgs.

Is the guild thing still going? Does it cost money to switch servers?

Also, what is a glyph and where do I get them?

Silver Crusade

I've been away since my big move over the summer. I'm considering re-subscribing once I get paid later this month.

Sorry for the longer-than-anticipated absence, all!

Liberty's Edge

I'm a complete WoW noob because I've never played. Oh, troll holding a sign that says "30 Days Free!" - you are enticing, but I am immune to your wiles. My hope and wil, you might say, burn brighter stil.

WoW is interesting, though. I actually do know a lot about it because all these people are always talking about it (and because of NPC Comic and Weregeek).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I still log on frequently to do dailies and train up skills. The guild remains small. We are a level 2 guild about 60% to level 3. Click here for a link to the guild.

The last expansion was Cataclysm, which added flying mounts in the "Old World." A new expansion is in the works with a pseudo-China theme, introducing the Pandaren race and the monk class.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Severed Ronin wrote:
Any Paizonian guilds for an up-and-coming Alliance Hunter? And what server if so? -cringes in fear of Horde retaliation-

I wouldn't call the Moonwood Rangers a Paizonian guild. (never saw the point of it) but we are a roleplaying guild on Earthen Ring which is one of the roleplaying servers. So if you're making an Alliance Hunter on Earthen Ring. you might want to send Drahliana an in game email. Hint: Night Elf hunters rock! :) Worgen hunters are pretty cool as well but I assume that you're not buying all the expacs at first go. You do have the option of changing race and faction with your characters later although it's a paid service.

I'd encourage you to interact with people early on in the game. And Blizzard has made changes that accommodate late entry players so you're not nearly as bad off as it would seem.

I don't believe in making Paizonian guilds because I don't want to exclude roleplayers because they don't play Pathfinder. But we do talk about it on the local chat channels every now and then.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
waltero wrote:

I still log on frequently to do dailies and train up skills. The guild remains small. We are a level 2 guild about 60% to level 3. Click here for a link to the guild.

The last expansion was Cataclysm, which added flying mounts in the "Old World." A new expansion is in the works with a pseudo-China theme, introducing the Pandaren race and the monk class.

The new expac added a lot of other stuff as well. In fact the latest patch came with a bunch of new stuff including the mysterious and somewhat creepy Darkmoon Island a place for players of all levels.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

Just logged back in after being away for four or so years (law school). Man has the game changed. All my marks disappeared and I can buy the old warlord gear super cheap instead of grinding months worth of bgs.

Is the guild thing still going? Does it cost money to switch servers?

Also, what is a glyph and where do I get them?

Guilds now have levels now and levels bring guild perks. They have banks too.


Glyphs you get from scribers, players who've taken the Inscription profession. they modify spells and abilities and you get an increasing number of glyph slots to stick them in as you level.

Rememember the old Warlord/Knight Commander gear can not be used for transmog unless you have the equivalent Feat of Strength acheivement for old school rank.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Any guild members on the Velen server going to be on in the next week or two? I have a couple of lowbie alts I wanted to admit to the guild.

Oh, and we made level 3 now.


I have simpler questions. I looks like fun, but I don't know the first thing about it. Do I need a joystick? Where's the "hello total noob, here's what you need to know" page?

I wouldn't call the Moonwood Rangers a Paizonian guild.Never saw the point of it but we are a roleplaying guild on Earthen Ring which is one of the roleplaying servers.

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