Blue_Hill's CotCT Campaign [spoilers]

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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Hi, I'm Blue_Hill and this is my campaing log for next AP I'm running to my gaming group. Curse of the Crimson Throne is coming and Korvosa is in danger and new heroes are needed. I've run Rise of the Runelords campaign twice in 1.5 years and played in Second Darkness and Council of Thieves so starting new AP as GM is really exciting. I've read material through couple of times through and overall plot is familiar to me. Still I'm bit nervous but in a good way.

I've six players in my group and I haven't run anything to group this big. All of the players are my friends and know them very well so no problem. Only thing that concerns me is that my players haven't played together ever before. Most of them have but not all and there are really different people around the table. I'm trusting my players that there won't be player versus player conflicts but human nature is hard to predict, especially when in group.

I'm not using many spoiler tags in this log so if you are going to play this AP don't continue reading this. This AP is really good so don't spoil your fun reading what my group did.

Next my PC's. Important thing no notice is that we are using classes as mechanic to something else. Like bounty hunter could be same as ranger or fighter, spy is bard or rogue. To save some space I'm using spoilers with caharacter descriptions.


Ocham "the Quak" human necromancer. Ocham was framed killing some fisherman and was kicked out of the Acamadae. In a edge of madness he was saved by friend but his personality changed and he became a doctor using really weird methods no talent to healing magic whatsoever. Lives in Old Korvosa.


It's not Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign without shoanti barbarian. Adolamin "Guardian" Hawksoar from Tamiir-Quah was born on a fateful night 28 years ago when his father defeated attacking orc horde from Hold of Belkzen. Spirits of his dead kin moved to son of their leader and he lives carrying their will. (Spirit Totem and in future Spirit Totem rage powers). Came to Korvosa with Thousand Bones and is now on a personal mission.


Ragnar Ironbreaker, dwarf cleric of Abadar. Exiled from Janderhoff (was framed by other dwarf) to Korvosa with his son Alrik. Found Abadar as deity and became servant to Master of the First Vault. Alrik disapperead five years ago and Ragnar has veeb looking for him since and still hopes to find him. Now woman named Zellara contacted him that she might have a clue about Alrik.


Faenor, human bard. Classic rocker story. Faenor was born in Korvosa and have lived his life there mainly alone. His varisian mother died when he was eight and father when he was sixteen and had found his talent for singing. Performed for living and found drugs. Mysterious man offered him Shiver and his career started to crash. "Treatment" by Ocham the Quak made him to get rid off drugs and he started to perform again. Faenor wants to repay this man who offered him shiver, Gaedren Lamm.


Mevanthalyn Dagethos Tugathalion, female elf oracle of Battle. Born in Mierani Forest to assistants of elven ambassador of Korvosa. Living her life in Mierani and after big battle against invading goblinoid and ogre army he was cursed by spirits but was saved by mysterious elven woman. After that she became avatar of battle. she trusts Calistira when she needs speed and finesse, Cayden Cailean when she needs courage and Gorum when she needs pure strenght. Moved to Korvosa to found killer of her father 30 years ago and has served as bodyguard to new assistant since (who is her cousin). She found human lover but he was killed three years ago by man Gaedren Lamm and want to avenge him. Zellara contacted her also about knowing about Gaedren Lamm.


Story not ready. From Magnimar is last info is still correct.

We are using Core rulebook and APG (some parts, I'm not great fan of new metamagic feats) and I'm using GameMastery Guide to many things. I can't say that this campaign is low-fantasy but I'm trying to modify rules about bying magic items and so on but only this campaign will show those modifications will work. I'm tired of this "show me the list of items I can buy from this city"-style of handling.

First session will be next Tuesday so stay tuned!

Lastly I have to show my gratitude to Brutesquad07. Campaign logs made by him have been great inspiration to me and I suggest that if you are going to GM this Ap you should read them.

Okay, new campaign and first session. I felt myself bit nervous before session but that was good kind of nervousness. Bad thing was that I didn't have time to choose Harrow cards to my players and I did forget my GM screen home. Sigh. Still everything that I really needed was with me: adventure and keen mind to start gm'ing. Rogues player informed me that he couldn't finish up his character for first sesison so he will be joining in future.

Adolamin (barbarian), Ragnar (cleric) and Faenor (bard) arrived at Lance Street 3 first and went in without thinking much only cleric was bit uneased about it. They found note that told them that Zellara was away but coming back soon. Next person to arrive was Ocham (wizard) and he just rushed in and intoduced himself to these three men. Faenor felt himself very uneasy now that Quack was in same house that him. Last (but not least) arrived Mevanthalyn (oracle) just to found very loud bunch of guys sitting around the table.

Soon afer Zellara arrived and introduced herself to her guests. She collected cards from PCs telling something about meaning of these cards and maybe scaring some of them. Then she told them why she gathred them all here: Gaedren Lamm. This evil man killed her son and when she didn't get help from Korvosan Guard she searched for Lamm by herself. Then she realized that she wouldn't be able to do anything to Lamm so she contacted PCs. They asked about how she knew about their past and they their answer: she listens the sound of city that she loves so much. It wasn't hard to find them using her cards.

Zellara performed Harrow reading to them for free and made some dark predictions about what is going to happen and why. After that they left to get Lamm caught. Some arguments about how they should deal with him were shared but nothing crucial yet.

They found fishery easily and thought about how they should work. Ragnar and Mevanthalyn left to Abadars tmeple to check records about fishery when others started to watch for people moving into or out from fishery. Records didn't help much but they came with cunning plan. Ocham would be acting as next owner of fishery and then he had a reason to "check" fishery with Ragnar and they could suprise criminals inside. Adolamin was their backup while Faenor and Mevanthalyn try check what is inside of loading bay.

I was amazed how they came up with this plan. I wouldn't have bothered checking last owner but mind of roleplayer is sometimes very clever. I dropped hints about something going on background when they smelled smoke coming stronger somewhere from city.

Time to act. Ragnar tried to open the door and Ocham next to him played his role as lesser noble. They heard dog barking behind the door and Ragnar chose to kick door in. One kick and door slammed open revealing small entry room with dog guarding dog attacked and fight was on. Soon guy with blond hair rushed to room and flicked a wand. Some acid flew at Ragnar. Ocham vasted daxe to man while Adolamin moved to seize him.

Meanwhile Faenor and Mevanthalyn sneaked their way to loading bay. They found that there was door on ground level as on lower level and moved to last one. Behind the door were three to five children and some maniacly laughing creature. Faenor casted ghost sounds to fool them moving closer to the door but when creature didn't care much about it, they bursted through the door. Halforc with flail and couple of kids were to attack them.

Blond guy was attacked by greataxes blunt side and Ragnar was unable to hit dog next to him. Blond guy threw vial of acid but failed badly and dropped it right on his feets and went down by that (wuzzah for natural 1!). Then Adolamin moved next to dog that slew it with one slash of his greataxe. Then these three started to check doors in entry room and moved towards sounds of fighting.

Mevanthalyn managed to convience Lamms Lambs to help them and halforc was alone but not afraid of them. Adolamin started to sing but they were unable to hit Giggles. Fight moved on and Adolamin joined in just to notice that they were against halforc (he don't like orcs of any kind) and went to rage. One hit, almost dead halforc. Just before Mevanthalyn casted command to Giggles and next thing halforc noticed was that he was moving past agnry barbarian. Next hit and Giggles went down.

At the same time Ragnar and Ocham opened new door just to find new fight. Hookshanks Gruller and some Lambs attacked them. Ocham won iniative and casted sleep to them. Two kids fell asleep and angry gnome attacked Ragnar. He didn't hit and soon he noticed that this wasn't fight he could won. He didn't chance to retreat because of Ocham daze spell. Party regrouped and tied their enemies to take them to the authority. They asked about Lamm from Lambs but they didnät know much. Others started to look for secret doors and stuff while Faenor went to check boat next to fishery.

He found that there was another pier below the fishery. He informed others and moved to check boat. On a lower deck he was attacked by spiders but together they managed to kill them all. They found secret door and scret pier that ended to door. Mevanthalyn went look for key while ragnar and Adolamin tried to broke it. Key was better solution and they moved in.

Click said crossbow and Ragnar got bolt to his chest and noticed crocodile raising below water surface next to him. Fight against Lamm was on. Old thief had advantage of surrounding but they had man power. Crocodile was about to eat Ragnar but Adolmain managed to kill it with one big chop if his axe (critical hit and over 40 points of damage). Everyone moved to catch Lamm while he insulted them about their past. Before Lamm notived he was against Faenor, Ragnar and Adolamin in melee and soon after he was caught. Some of them wanted to use vigilante but they just tied him to wait.

Soon they found Lamms loot and something shocking: Zellaras head that indicated she has been dead for a week. everyone was shocked about their finding and wanted to move back Zellaras house as quick as possible.

But city was in chaos when they came back to street level.. "King is dead! Long live the queen!" someone shouted but agnry mob answered: "Dead to whore queen!" Party departed here saying that they should meet again in Zellaras house. Ocham and Faenor went to help Sablecompany mariner who crashed nearby, Mevanthalyn and Adolamin went to Zellaras house and Ragnar rushed to Temple of Abadar. They were able to help mariner and heard about what had happened: King has died due his illnes and Queen moved to rule Korvosa. Citizen of Korvosa didn't react well to that and went rioting againts Queen. Others got news from another route.
Ragnar was deployed to Korvosan Guard patrol to proctect citizens. Others found Zellaras harrow deck and she manifested before them to explain what happened to her and her son.- She apologized her actions and told them the obvious that city was on a edge of anarchy.

Here we finished our first session and party leveled up. All took level of their current class. Afterward I asked about how first sessions was and they liked it a lot. I knew it without asking but it was nice to hear that they liked it because I loved running the game. Sessions was awesome and players were in character whole session. Fun and sentimental session. Next time we will be playing on Saturday.

Ugh I'm really sorry about all those typos on my first session report. I shouldn't be writing anything on foreign language when I'm tired. Next time I'll be more accurate.

We picked game up today for about six hour session. Game started at where we left it, Korvosa in chaos. I made again much prep work and I'm really glad that I did that work because I could handle some situations very smoothly.

So city in turmoil and Pcs scattered all around in city. Adolamin was running around city feeling coctail of emotions, mainly rage, frustration, shock and wonder. Kind spirits in him lead him to Gray district where he finds peace with help (or in presence) of his ancestors. Ocham hurries towards his home to check its OK. Meanwhile Ragnar is heading towards Bridgeward with Korvosan Guard patrol to ensure there won't problems. Mevanthalyn and Faenor check the loot and found Queen's brooch. They let Ragnar do the appraise on next day. They check if Lamms gang have waked up (they haven't) and then head up to South Shore and Bard's End for drinks.

Ocham finds his home to be in good condition. He meets crazy old man yelling about how Groetus has cursed them all and this is rapture! Ocham notices that old man is sick and takes him in to check him and to make him stop prophesizing. Coctail of coal, carrot and alcohol, speaking about how severe mans condition was and then kick him out and go to sleep. Quaks work is done.

After all everyone gets some sleep and new day starts.

Three heroes living in South Shore wake up first. They move Lamms gang to prison in North Point and meet up with Ragnar who slept on main bridge of Old Korvosa. They start to check their loot more closely and sell some of it to Bank of Abadar. On same morning they also took evidences about Lamm to authorities. Faenor and Adolamin go to check if Ocham is fine because he didn't show up.

They found sign hanging on a door of his at-home practice. Ocham is shaking like crazy eventhough his medicines have helped him. They left to city after Ocham collects his stuff. At the Bank of Abadar he pays to cleric for cure disease spell. When Ocham is fine they wanted to go Castle Korvosa for reward.

On a way to the Castle they meet some mobs and gangs whining and protesting about how things are in the city. Ragnar says something encouraging to them and soon there is fight going on between Faenor and five angry prostestors. Mevanthalyn and Ragnar both try to suppress protestors and this gives Faenor chance to beat them while they are helpless. Ocham sleeps three of five and fight was over. More damage was done between heroes because Mevanthalyn was pissed off of because Faenors behavior. She slaps him on face and soon they are rolling on a ground. Soon they can move on.

Castle Korvosa is under heavy guarding but they are let through after showing the brooch. Sabina Merrin, bodyguard of Queen, shows them way in Castle. Heroes are waiting to meet seneschal Kalepopolis but soon they are in front of Queen Ileosa. They drop on knee (or Faenor drops and soon after others) and Sabina hands off the brooch. Queen thanks them and offers them a way to help Korvosa even more. They agree and soon they are off to Citadel Volshyenek meet Fieldmarshall.

Cressida Kroft is pleasant woman and most of them share her view of things. They also like about being intependent agents for Guard (eventhough Mevanthalyn wants to check if its fine to ambassador Perishial). Cressida sends them to seize renegade guards lead by Verik Vancaskerkin. They live in old butchery in Northpoint and Cressida wants to know why they rebelled. Mevanthalyn goes to meet ambassador when others go to Northpoint to check records about butchery (or Ragnar does, others go to bar).

After Mevanthalyn comes back Faenor and Adolamin leave to check how things are at the butchery and are suprised about how they sell meat to common citizen. They are turned away because it is closing time and there no meat left to sell. Faenor stays behind while Adolamin goes to tell others about what they found out. Ocham is unsure what should do because they are obviously doing good to citizens. Others know that too but their mission was to catch Vancaskerkin and soon Adolamin lefts to check how things are with Faenor.

He is fine and checking about how to get in. He checks how renegades guard casting ghost sound and after Adolamin comes he circuits the house. Then they notice that someone comes and goes in the house. They left to get other if they had a plan.

Soon they have one. Faenor plays drunk and wants to buy meat. When there is none he starts fight with guy who opened the door. Soon guy gets backup and then Ocham knocks them out with sleep spell. Then they move in but get attacked by other renegades that over heard the fight.

Fight with nine people in two small rooms isn't easy as it sounds but Adolamin rages and his fellow clan members manifest around him to help him. Quickly they beat renegades usnign only nonlethal violence. Then arrow hits Ragnar in back and they hear someone moving in upstairs. Adolamin runs there fastest and found Vancaskerkin with his bow. One big slash with back of his axe and Vancaskerkin is down.

Adolamin was on fire: he critted twice of thrice in this combat. He did 51 points of damage to Vancaskerkin with last crit, luckily nonlethal. I even added one levl of fighter to Verik that he could face Pcs but sometimes they are efficient than you have though..

They clean renegades of their gear and then think about questioning Vancaskerkin. They wake him up but found that man isn't on mood to talk. Adolamin, Ocham and Ragnar left to take him to Citadel while Faenor and Mevanthalyn move other prisoners to closer prison. Faenor realizes that man who came to butchery wasn't with others and they check place again. They found his shirt from offal deposit and soon fingers, toes and some innards. Sickened they left butchery and deliver renegades to prison. They meet up with other at Citadel and tell them and Cressida what they have found. They are shocked and want to know more about Vancaskerkin. Cressida promises tell them as soon as she gets some information. Heroes head to sleep or to take shower.

Awesome session. Lots of roleplaying, drama and planning. Feeling was again awesome and players and I really enjoyed playing this. It is kinda difficult to maintain chaotic feel in city without completely ruining pcs plans but I think that isn't impossible just challenging. I hope that you enjoy reading and don't be afraid to comment and critize my style of writing these session down. English isn't my first language but I want to improve it.

Third session was played last wednesday and it was first four hour session. Schools have started and that brings some scheduling problems but nothing major.

PCs have day off and they spend day apart from one another. Ocham developed anti-panic medicin and went to sell it on streets. Ragnar was send to streets with patrol and his transmission papers were done. Now he serves more under fieldmarshall than Arch-Banker which makes things lot more easier. Mevanthalyn chills at elven embassy. Faenor and Adolamin buy some equipment to themselves.

Next day they left to patrol the streets by idea of Ragnar. They search each other and take off. First they find protestors that riot in front of North Point prison. Reason is that Korvosan Guard shut down local meat store named "All Worlds Meat" which sold good meat to poor people. Some arguments are thrown and soon situation is changing to fight between rioters (100+) and Korvosan Guard (PCs and like 10 soldiers). Sudden appereance of Hellknights breaks the crowd up. Their leader says hi to PCs but Korvosan Guard thanks them for saving their asses. PCs aren't sure did they do something but move on.

In Old Korvosa they meet agnry otyugh which bursts through street! Civilians flee while heroes face up the mosnter. Adolamin charges and manages to hit it. Others take more cautios approach, Ocham casts magic missiles at it, Mevanthalyn casts buff spells and other two just move closer. Fight goes on and otyugh takes some damage while it mainly hurts Adolamin but suddenly manages to grapple both Faenor and Ragnar. Faenor breaks the grapple but Ragnar didn't and thats when Mevanthalyn moved to hit it. Two hits with scythe and one dead otyugh. Civilians thank PCs that they now how much damage one otyugh could do on street level.

Next they run to bar fight. Five guys try to start fight with drunkard who wears Korvosan Guard uniform. Man mistakes Faenor someone called Kibbs and soon they left place with man whose name is Raul Soldado well-liked patrol group leader. They decide to take him to Citadel to recover from intoxication. Cressida thanks them that she has been worrying about Raul. After report Ragnar, Adolamin and Faenor decide to stay living in Citadel for that Cressida needs them suddenly. Other two move to their places.

Next day Cressida contacts PCs and after all have gathered they meet her again and now there is another person with fieldmarshall. Vencarlo Orisini presents himself to PCs and especially to Mevanthalyn. Cressida tells them that ambassador of Cheliax is trying to get power in city and he needs to be stopped and best way is to blackmail him. Korvosan Guard needs documents that they can put use if ambassador tries something and Vencarlo knows where to get those documents. Devargo Barvasi aka. King of Spiders is leader of Eel's End and Vencarlo informs them that he has something about ambassador that could help their cause. So mission was short: get that information.

While on their way to Eel's End Vencarlo familiarizes with PCs and they get to know him also. He asks Faenor and Adolamin come to his school in Old Korvosa that he wants to teach Faenor something and maybe to Adolamin if his interested. Ocham had treated Vencarlo some time ago and he likes that other races are worried about Korvosa than humas (refering to Mevanthalyn and Ragnar of course). Soon they depart him and he wishes good luck to them.

Eel's End, floating casino, whorehouse and tavern. PCs plan soemthing after questioning. First they plan that only two of them go ask about ambassador but King of Spiders followers had informed him about group of five so soon they all are face to face with him. They ask about ambassador and manage to justify their need for documents that he admits that he has something but wants money or fun for it. PCs select fun and they learn new game: knivesies. They plan to win Barvasis trust with this sport and all but Ocham take part to knivesies and they all win. Adolamin and Ragnar both just kick the dagger out of table and them smash thug unconsciuos. Faenor and Mevanthalyn moved for dagger and punished thug sometimes while collecting money from table. King of Spiders likes that and PCs get what they wanted. They depart Eel's End after couple drinks for victory.

Cressida thanks them for their hard work and grant them pseudodragons mark. Session end.

Very solid session. I was afraid that material would end before four hour notice but it didn't. Next bigger event needed some prep work and I didn't have time for that before this session so I created something out of the hat while we played. It was fun and session worked fine with that. Next session is tomorrow so stay tuned!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Blue_Hill wrote:
Game started at where we left it, Korvosa in chaos. I made again much prep work and I'm really glad that I did that work because I could handle some situations very smoothly.

I'm about to start this Adventure Path as well.

What 'prep work' did you do to make the session run so smoothly?

Banesfinger wrote:

I'm about to start this Adventure Path as well.

What 'prep work' did you do to make the session run so smoothly?

I made "NPC sheets" for players. My PCs have lot of contacts over city (and players aren't actually aware of that) so when they meet someone importatn I give some of them a sheet that toklds something about NPC. For example cleric of Abadar meets Cressida Kroft first time and I gave him sheet that tolds: "She is well liked leader of Korvosan Guard. You know that he uses services of your faith often in form of spells". I like this because often someone knows something about well-know NPCs and I don't want share all things with all players.

Thats main thing which have helped me. We played today but story will wait to another day.

I've been lazy with this log, two session and no recap here. Trying to stay in scheduly from now on. We have finished Edge of Anarchy and moved to next book but now recap for last session of EoA.

Game started couple of days later than where we left it. PCs got information about ambassador and were happy about how getting that information went. They heard some rumors about that Kings murderer has been found out and soon they get note from Cressida that they are needed or some girl is going to die by angry mob!

Cressida meets PCs at the Citadelds yard but one who gives mission to them isn't Cressida but leader of Sablecompany Marcus Endrin. Endrin tells them that someone from Castle Korvosa has told the name of killer to common people and now their anger and frustration has been targeted to that one artist girl named Trinia Sabor. Marcus commands PCs to capture that girl for her own safety. Even if she was killer she shouldn't end her days by hands of common folk. They take mission seriously (especially Faenor since his familiar with Trinia) and move to Heights. On the way they discuss how to take her safely to Citadel.

Angry mob is moving slowly but surely towards Trinias flat but PCs are there first. Neighbors are trying to slow them down but with fast talking they can continue. Faenor circles around the block to found Trinias window to check that she doesn't escape that route. Aboutt he same time others reach her house and found out that Trinia is sleeping. Ragnar looks over the Shingles and notices that same girl is running away on rooftops. Everyone leaps out of window and Faenor climbs up and then chase was on!

I was afraid how Shingles Chase goes with my group. Firstly I haven't checked what skills my players have chosen but I had hunch which was generally correct (dwarf cleric had almost none skills related to athletics but bard had lots of "right" skills for this). Secondly I had two rules for this: APs own and original rules and GameMastery Guides new Pathfinder version rules. I choose to use both rules. I took skill DCs from GMG but otherwise I used APs rules. Eventually it went smoothly enough that I could use Shingles Chase encounter again. Skill DCs varieted from 10 to 25 (mostly 15).

Ocham wins initiative and falls from roof trying to move towards Trinia. Trinia moves away from them. Faenor fails to move three cards while others take safer route. Next round Mevanthalyn tries to catch Trinia on ends up on same card but fails grappling her. She moves and uses her Wand of Daze Monster to slow elfwoman down. Surprisingly Faenor fails his skill checks and is left behind (Ocham is real last member but doesn't take it as hard as Faenor). Trinia moves to tenth card and now they are in hurry (15 cards total). Somewhere within Ragnar awakes the athlete that has been hiding over 100 years. He spurts over rooftops with Mevanthalyn and Faenor (Adolamin got stuck at hardest card on board but didn't want to pass card safely) and they manage to shorten the distance. When Ragnar and Mevanthalyn failed their checks its up to Faenor catch Trinia. He moves three cards and manages to catch escaping artist. Chase was over..

Trinia pleads that she is innocent and she didn't do anything to king. Pcs believe her and manage to convience her that safest place right now is Citadel. They escort her to Cressida which moves her to safehouse in Citadel. She thanks Pcs and give some gold to them.

Day after chase they got urgent note that they are really needed by Guard. On the yard of citadel they heard that some Shoanti got himself killed and now their leader or something is asking questioning Cressida. Adolamin runs to Cressida's office and meets familiar face. Others meet up with Thousand Bones first time and hear about Ghaekhen who was with Adolamin and Thousand Bones in city but got lost soon they came to Korvosa. Now spirits have told him that his grandson is dead and he wants him back for burial or Quahs on Storval are soon starting war with Korvosa. Behind this all is necromancer named Rolf (which resembles Ocham or Ocham resembles him) They agree on this and Adolamin runs out of door as soon as Thousand Bones stops talking. Others follow him to Gray district where spirits inside Adolamin guide this short-tempered shoanti to secret entrance of Dead Warrens. (They didn't ask Cressida about where this Dead Warren is or anything, they just followed Adolamin to there as they thought he knows the way.. Nice work heroes.)

They are off to dungeon. Adolamin leads group (or Faenor leads since Adolamin just runs forward without waiting others) and soon they encounter skeletons, six human and one big one. Soon they are can continue since these undead weren't powerful enough to hurt them. Next they encounter strange gray creature which yells loudly and attacks. Adolamin ignores the creature (which is identifyed as derro) and moves to next room desperately trying to found something about his friend. Room he moves is lair of otyugh and that monster attacks barbarian how is alone againts it. Soon others are done with derro and move to help Adolamin. Couple of rounds later fight is over and Faenor lectures Adolamin about his behavior:

"You really should wait others or you are going to die fast."
"Yes maybe I should wait you, I'm sorry."

Adolamin notices something familiar sticking out of filth. Lower body of young Shoanti. He digs them up and is shocked about how his friends body is desecrated. They move on in corridor decorated with hundreds of skulls. Suddenly some of the skulls spray acid on them and strange creatues move from walls to attack. These necrophidius are harder to beat than derro but they manage to win them. Next room is again derro playground but they defeat them easily.

Next door they open leads to dead end but still they are attacked by its guardian (or something). Ocham recognizes it as carrion golem and starts to use his new item: the thurible which helps them fight the diseases carrion golem spreads. Adolamin moves to hit it as Ragnar and Mevanthalyn. Faenor casts Grease on its feet and it slips. Next round it stands up and provokes attack from all three mentioned above. Golem falls now eternally to ground. Ocham tells them that Rolf was kicked out of Acadamae because of some twisted, inhumane projects. They found Ghaekhens arm.

Next they found library which is filled with books about necromancy and diseases. Ocham checks library while others secure room. Adolamin founds Gaekhens head and mourns for his friend. After some weeping his more motivated to find this Rolf whose fault this is. Ocham states that he wants some of these books to his own library. They kicked some halfogres butt very easily after the library.

They found two bedrooms: one without its owner and one with. Angry derro dressed in robe with pictures of bones and skulls. He yells that they have come to Vreegs House of Pain and throws a bone which animates as human zombie. Party attacks.

Fight was long and not so climatic as I had hoped for. Vreeg wasn't able cast spells that really could have hurted the party but they were unable to hit him. Funniest thing was conversation between group and Vreeg:

"Where is Rolf and when he comes back!?"
"I'm Vreeg and this is my House of Pain!"
"Yeah but where is Rolf?!"
"Rolf is away and I'm Vreeg and this is my House of Pain!"
"Who is Rolf?"
"I'm Vreeg! This is Hous.."
*party snaps*

They manage to defeat him by cornering him. Ocham's Power Over Undead-ability took care off zombies Vreeg summoned with his Robe of Bones. They took shoantis body to Thousand Bones which thanks them. He makes Adolamin new shoanti learner and asks him to stay in Korvosa to learn about cities habit that he could sometime understand both cultures. Adolamin takes this as honour.

Next day they haerd about execution of kings murderer, Trinia Sabor. Messenger from Cressida gives them order to go execution as watchers for Korvosan Guard. Everyone moves to execution area and meet up. They wait for event to start. They notice familiar faces in crowd and last comes the Queen and Trinia. Queen makes short speech about how Korvosa and its people have suffered and now its time start new page. King's murderer has to die to this new age to begin. Executioner rises his axe and crowd waits.

Executioner acts like his hurt just before he is chopping with his axe. Someone from crowd yells: Blackjack! and chaos is ready. While PCs are watching, black dressed man releases Trinia and talks to Queen that she is right about better times but should those time be good for Korvosa, not to the Queen. Down with the Queen! Crowd goes nuts and while Blackjack enjoys his work he seems to forgot about executioner.. Party acts fast: Adolamin throws javelin at executioner, Faenor greases guys axe and Ocham dazes him while other two watch chaos to spread. Blackjack escapes but thanks them before vanishing to city. Heroes left execution platform quicikly and session ends.

Long session with lots of happening. Shigles Chase was liked eventhough some bad rolls destroyed Adolamins and Ochams chase. Dead Warren had too much encounters that I and players were bit tired after it. I might cut some encounters from here or add them up (like two derros and Cabbagehead together) to make things move on faster. Good session though and players were enjoying as I did.

Liberty's Edge

I am pleased to see this board. I wish I had seen it sooner, Looks like you have a good group. Let me know if there is anything you need. I loved this AP and I hope you and your friends enjoy it as much as my group and I did.

P.S. Don't worry about the language barrier, you are doing great.

Brutesquad07 wrote:

I am pleased to see this board. I wish I had seen it sooner, Looks like you have a good group. Let me know if there is anything you need. I loved this AP and I hope you and your friends enjoy it as much as my group and I did.

P.S. Don't worry about the language barrier, you are doing great.

Yeah, I wished too that I could run this AP sooner than year after I got it. But my second RotRL campaign took more time than I thought (14 months) so I waited that to end before starting this. Also I enjoyed two APs as a player while waiting to run this. I've liked campaign lot to this point and I never can wait to next session. Luckily we have had long session so with easy scheduling so time between session hasn't been too long. Only sad thing is that rogue's player won't take part to this because our pace will be too much for him. Good thing that he noticed that before he joined. So don't wait for sixth PCs to appear.

Thanks for comments Brutesquad07 and Banesfinger.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Blue_Hill wrote:

Thanks for comments Brutesquad07 and Banesfinger.

I'm eagerly reading your thread, as I'm DMing this Adventure Path (late) as well (we finished our first session last week).

Any "DM Tips" you can throw in will be greatly appreciated.

So we played last Friday but I've been too busy to write recap. But now I write it before we play again. Start of new book is always exciting and especially with this AP because Seven Days to the Grave is by reading feel my favourite book of this campaign.

Game starts couple of days after situation at the execution grounds. PCs spend their time apart from each other most of the time but hear same things. Return of Blackjack is on everyones lips and wonder about his return is main topic in city. PCs take and not take part in this topic that most of them (maybe all) think that he really saved the day back then. They spend their days to train, earn some money and spending money. Ocham helps people with his medical skills, Faenor oerforms at Bard's End (and spends his profits to alcohol), Adolamin trains with his spirits that he can handle the job Thousand Bones assigned to him. Ragnar works with Korvosan Guard and Bank of Abadar. At the Bank he has more work because Bank got big money transfer of silver coins. Mevanthalyn starts to craft better arrows to herself but notices that it as is one could thought to make masterwork arrows.

One night Adolamin is out and hears something is happening at the Jeggare River and he gets Faenor (who is drunk) and go check the situation. Catapults are on use when they move closer to North Points wall. Some citizen are wondering what is happening and want to climb on the wall but Korvosan Guard stops them. Then Adolamin wants to go check and when guards forbids that he indimiates them and tries to push them around. Guards draw their weapons and yell that if he doesn't stop they have to do something. Faenor acts first time since coming to the wall and persuades Adolamin to stop. BArbarian listens his friend and says that guards should tell greetings to Cressida from Adolamin.

Next day PCs hear that pirate ship from Riddleport has been destroyed at the Jeggare River. Only Ocham hears something about yellow light that was shown from sunken ship shortly before it was shot. They spend their day (again) apart from each other, Mevanthlyn goes to riverside to check if she can found dead bodies but comes back empty handed.

Couple of days later everyone gets note from Raul Soldado that he needs their help. Raul tells them that his niece is sick and he need their help to cure the girl. PCs agree and follow Raul to Trail's End where they meet Tayce Soldado and her two sons. They had one visitor already, Ishani Dhatri, celeric of Abadar and he informs that he couldn't indetify the disease and hopes Ragnar and others are can solve this mystery. Our Team Doc (Ocham, Ragnar and Mevanthalyn, Ishani joins them to see them working) question girls mother about her daughter habits and goings and then move to upstairs to check Brianna while Adolamin and Faenor stay in kitchen with Raul.

Girl who is coughing loudly, is full of red blisters and she also has very high fewer that she has passed out sometime ago. Ocham and Ragnar start inspection and Mevanthalyn helps them as much as he cans. Ocham had crafted anti-plague and gives girl a shot but she gags medicine out. Then he gives same medicine with syringe and wants to wait results. Ragnar checks her room but only finds large bag full of silver coins and Tayce tells that Brianna has been saving for rainy day. Ishani informs Ragnar that he could cure the girl but as he knows he can't do charity work and these people can afford to spell on their own. Quick team huddle and they decide to pay the spell eventhough Ocham is bit against it (if they pay for this girls cure they should pay for that in future is someone else gets sick. Ethics of doctor.) but agrees if he can take test samples first. Soon girl is on her feets and Tayce thanks PCs and asks them to stay for dinner. Ocham takes his leave to check places where girl has been before she got sick. Adolamin follows him.

Ocham checks riverside for wood samples from driftwood but all big ones has been taken away. He and Adolamin track for bigger parts of ship and manage to find good part of ship after Adolamin expells some thugs that tried to take their money. Meanwhile the dinner is almost ready and Tayce sends his sons and Faenor to get Ocham and Adolamin. They meet up and Ocham gives Soldado brothers a mission to catch rats and other rodents for him. They agree to this and question everything thse three do on way back to home.

Pcs enjoy dinner with Soldado family and Ishani. When its eaten Ishani thanks them and returns to Bank and Soldado family starts to clean up dinner table. Then something suprising happens: new chair appears next to table and familiar varisian woman appears next to them. Zellara performs harrow reading to them and foresees that their experience with disease won't end with this girl and it will be ordeal to them as group but if they can survive through it they will be stronger. Something in the past will affect them especially Ragnar is confused with that since his card appears in reading. Just before Soldado family returns the room, Zellara disappears and wished them luck. Soon PCs thank Soldado's and move back to city. Ocham starts his experiments with samples.

Very next day Vencarlo Orsini contacts Ocham that he wants to meet up with PCs. They meet familiar face at Orsini's school, no toher than Trinia Sabor. Vencarlo wants to PCs take her pout of Korvosa that she can't hide any longer here or eventually she'll bee caught and killed. 5000 gp reward on her head doesn't make it any easier. He tolds them that Blackjack brought her to him on same day he saved her and he trusts this hero of people and believes that PCs think Trinia is innocent. Ragnar says silent but Vencarlo convinces him that when these hard days are over they'll look for evidences and take care that law won't be forgotten. He nods and they plan how to get her out city.

While on way out they spot people with same symptoms that Brianna had and Ocham wishes others luck and jumps out of wagons to get one of the sick to his practice for tests and other stuff. One beggard follows him and Ocham can run some tests to him. Meanwhile others take Trinia out and wish her luck ans she thanks them. They inform Vencarlo about success and session ends.

Good roleplaying session eventhough I got feedback that something excinting should have happened, fight or something. It was Adolamin's player who said that and I understand him. We have bit different opinion about gaming (mainly because my gm'ing style is different to what he is used to) but after talking with him via facebook we talked about this. Mevanthalyn's player liked this session since last campaign's problems were mainly "how to beat this enemy" so this was different to that. Like I wrote in my very first post of this topic, this group has never playd together but everyone has played under my gm'ing so that kind of differences are expected. But next we'll have session that is more balaced between action and roleplaying.

Ugh, I have so much off-game stuff going that I didn't have enough time write new recap earlier. Last session was on saturday and we started at the next day as Mevanthalyn got sick..

She takes her sickness very casually but stays at the embassy. Soon she is moved to more unoccupied part of building "just to be safe". Meanwhile Ocham analyzes his research but rats (he got them from Soldado Brothers) don't show any signs of getting sick. Adolamin and he see strange box decorated with lots of skulls which Brothers show them and told that Brianna had this under her bed. They took it for inspection and boys left them alone. Here is part where PCs (mainly Ocham) did some research and stuff.

Gozreh 28. they all are invited to Bank of Abadar by Ishani. At the doorsteps of Bank they meet up with mob trying to get healing for really familiar disease. Some of them notice Ragnar and run towards him. He tolds them that they need to be more self-controlled or nothing will happen. Suddenly these people believe what dwarf is saying and start to organize whole mob. PCs are amazed and move to meet up with Ishani.

They hear that some priests of Abadar were sick to this same disease and now really is time act. Bank of Abadar has called together all big faiths in Korvosa and now is time to get Korvosan Guard to help their cause. He wants PCs to escort him to Citadel and soon they are on the move.

At the Citadel they arrive at the time of briefing. Cressida speaks to her men that times are dire and now they need to do some escorting to help Queen's Physicians do their job. Korvosan Guard doesn't complain about their mission, they are doing any job proudly! Soon PCs meet up with her and she introduces Doctor Davaulus to PCs. Doctor is nice man and notices that Ocham also is an doctor. They change news about diseas and they also learn name of diseas: the bloodveil. Other doctors are silent but woman in grey armor isn't when she is asked who she is. Gray Maiden shows them announcement about her order and then they move to Cressidas room. Before that she gives PCs new order: use your senses to notice things that need to be corrected and correct them. Be vigilant but don't go on killing spree and be cautios when making accusations.

PCs depart to make tour around city, first to Eastern Shore, trough the Thieves Camp to Trail's End to return the skull box to Brianna. They ask if there were anything inside but she denies that. Then they move back to city and their own places.

Two days go without anything big going own. Ocham hears rumour about that dead people are dumped on Racker's Alley and pile start to be very big. He contacts others and on the evening they are moving to check the Alley.

They found big pile of bodies and after questioning neighbours they learn that some local freelancers are doing that. They plan ambush and wait 'till nightfall. Others are another side of the street but Ocham stays very near to body pile at the alley thinking that he is safe there since others will see carts before him and he can move up to help them.


*evil gm smile* This is why I love being GM. :D Players try to be smart but I can mess up with their little heads. Check out what happens next so you understand my fun!

After sunset they are still waiting carts that bring bodies to pile. Around midnight Ocham hears rustle somewhere near him but thinks its nothing. Others see lights coming around the corner. Donkey pulling full carts and three men talking loudly about how their job sucks. Ocham hears rustle again. Carts are coming closer and closer, Pcs start pulling out their weapons.. Then they get good look at the cart. Cart of lumber. Something drops near Ocham, hisses loudly and attacks!

Ocham's scream alerts others that he is in trouble! Creature attacks once before others are the alley to help Ocham. Adolamin attacks first and hurts creature badly. Then Faenor and Ragnar attack but do little damage to it but Ragnar recognizes the enemy: vampire spawn! One round later it retreats trough wall to Giovanni's Toy Shop. PCs rush to door and kick it inn.

Empty shop but there is door which leads to "private room". Faenor opens the door and their light spells illuminates the area. Five vampire spawn hiss at them and battle is on! Battle was more dangerous than I thought it would be. Negative levels without saving throws are dangerous to 4th level PCs. Still they did good job at the battle.

Adolamin slashes one next to wall. Ragnar pulls silver dagger and informs that spawns are vulnerable to it (trying to tell Mevanthalyn to use other silver dagger). Mevanthalyn and Faenor take two on them and after channel energy Ragnar gets his own vampire too. Battle was furious, spawns trying to get blood out of Mevanthalyn, trying to dominate Adolamin and hitting with their unholy touch. Still Pcs did more damage and Adolamin finished two spawns while Faenor and Mevanthalyn finished two with help of Ocham. They search the room and found coins and stuff from Ustaval, dark country ruled by Counts and place of many horror stories.. They left shop behind to report cressida about this new threat. If there are vampire spawns there must be head vampire somewhere.

Next day (Desnu 2. if you are interested :) they just sleep because of hard work last nigh. Ocham is frustrated because he can't find anything that supports his theory about Rolf being involved to Racker's Alley. Freelancers are denying that someone told them to bring bodies to Alley. Ocham gets drunk. 4. day of Desnu and Faenor and Ocham are both sick. Faenor disguises his symptoms and goes to ocham for treatment (which suprised me as GM!) and finds Ocham being even more sick. Both take one dose of Ocham's antiplague and start to sleep. Ragnar checks records of Bank if Ustaval had bought something from city but nothing indicates that.

Meanwhile Adolamin and Mevanthalyn meet up in city and she takes Shoanti to tourist tour around Heights. She shows Acadamae and other places to him. Only mistake was to bypass memorial about Heroes of Bloodsworn Vale which of course was insult to Shoanti people. They left to check Ocham but on the way they notice long line to perfume shop. They hear that owner sells cure to bloodveil. They wait to get in but shop closes before that. They announce to be part of Korvosan Guard and want to byu this cure. Girl sells them one dose and they left to Ochams.

At Ocham's they also find Faenor and tell them what they found out. Ocham starts to examine the cure while others wait. He is in great joy when he announces that cure is placebo! They plan to deal with perfume shop next day. Mevanthalyn takes some of placebo to Queen's Physicians and they can confirm Ocham's finding.

Time to close the shop. Some planning and they move in and tell that they are under arrest for selling placebo. Shopkeep screams loudly and whispers her goons to kill PCs. Fight is short.. Goons have no real chance to hurt PCs thanks to all disarming and Ochams spells (Hideous Laughter and Scare are good spells against goons). Adolamin knocks shopkeep out with two non-killing axe swings. Thanks to Mevanthalyn public doesn't go nuts because of closing the shop. They are very happy about what they have done. Ragnar leaves before Faenor checks owner's house. There are more evidence about their scam.

New day and Ocham feels fine, his medicine can help people fight against disease! Still Faenor isn't feeling as good as Ocham..

Very good session. Players liked balance between roleplaying and action scenes. I liked it also and as you may have noticed they were able to suprise me couple of times.

Ah! my medicine! I'm thinking a name for it. Dr.Ocham's uber-medicine? Dr.Ocham's jelly? Dr.Ocham's strange stew? Or maybe Dr. Ocham's Super Salvae of Saving? All ideas are good! There are not your or mine ideas, let's brainstorm!

*nervous giggle*

I've been busy again and now I have two session recaps to write. Hopefully I can do them before our next session that takes place on next week.

Game starts where we left it. Faenor is still very sick and others celebrate that how they closed Lavender's Shop. Adolamin goes to bar to get himself drunk as reward and Mevanthalyn does the same with her accomplices from embassy (girls night!) Suprisingly it's Adolamin who gets company very fast. Strage woman dressing cloaks approaches him and talks about how they are similar in many ways, outsiders here in city and so on. She tells him that there is something happening in sewers, wererats are readying for war against Korvosa. She wants to meet Adolamin and his friends that if they could stop them. Adolamin agrees to meet her again at Ocham's house to discuss about this mission. She leaves and Adolamin stops drinking.

I'm proud about how this went. Adolamin's player isn't the most talkative guy in our group so sending someone to talk to him when he was alone was good way to give him some space in spotlight. Also I played Eries bit more shadowy than originally, she didn't tell that she is wererat but I dropped some hints about it. Much more fun than just old: "X is happening, go and stop X from happening".

Adolamin goes to Ocham to tell that Eries is coming at the morning. Ocham has darker news to Shoanti, Faenor is dying to Blood Veil. He is barely conscious and diseas has advanced rapidly. Worried about his friend Adolamin runs to Citadel to wake up Ragnar that if he could help their friend. Angrily the dwarf wakes and gathers his equipment. Soon Faenor is all good thanks to Cure Disease wand they got their hands. Faenor thanks his friends for saving him.

Next midday they meet up with Eries. She tells them that she is wererat and proud about it. She is worried about her people that there is one angry warmonger know as Girrigz who wants to march war against Korvosa. It isn't good to anyone so she wishes PCs to stop him. For reward she promises exact location of shunken ship and something to help them to get there. They agree and are ready to help Eries. She hopes that they could spare at least all other wererats than Girrigz.

When evening falls they move to sewers. In darkness they march as Eries told them and soon they found large hole in wall and assume its Girrigz lair. Adolamin and Faenor jump to water and suddenly one of big mushrooms starts to skriek alarming three wererats in first room. Battle isn't very long eventhough wererats DR 10 makes it bit harder. Adolamin's greataxe makes it lot easier to them and without real danger they wipeout first wererats using nonlethal damage. Mevantahlyn leads them forward..

They move to room where is only one wererat, big and red as Eries described Girrigz. He turns to smaller rat and runs to other room and PCs run to other fearing that Girrigz might escape.

He weren't escaping, he was going to his subordinates. Five wererats and Girrigz make their stand against heroes. Passage to room is narrow and wererats don't give them chance to move into room. They realize that Girrigz is veteran at fighting and he had chance to buff himself. Luckily Ocham is here to help them: one Ray of Exhaustion makes him less dangerous. In the end all PCs than Ocham are next to Girrigz and hitting him as often as they can. He tries to escape but attacks of opportunity are too much for him and he dies very quickly. Other wererats escape. They found evidences about that Girrigz really was preparing for war. Later Ocham shares his fear about that they have been used to settle something between Eries and Girrigz to Ragnar but cleric isn't sure what to think about Ocham's thought.

Next day and they wait Eries to arrive at Ochams. Day goes on and some PCs get too bored to wait. Ocham's fear grows. At the evening Faenor performs at the Bard's End again after some time and his show is good. Night falls again...

Sun rises and someone knocks on Ochams door and same time someone knocks to Faenor door at Bard's End. Faenor wakes up to open it and is suprised that it isn't some of his friends but cute Varisian girl who asks if he is Faenor. Girl tells him that she is Denira Mirukova brother of Ruan Mirukova and she wants to talk about his brother. Faenor agrees and after covering his shame he meets girl Denira downstairs. She tells him that his brother has gone missing while performing at the Carowyn Manor and when she went look for him noneone came to answer her. She is worried and after asking help from his relative in Korvosan Guard (Raul Soldado) she was instructed to Faenor. Bard promises to look for her brother while flirting with her.

Same time Ocham meets Eries and her reward to them. She explains that it took more time than her thought to get them what they needed but better later and never. Ocham takes sack and wishes her good and Eries returns to sewers. Reward was surprisingly good: five potins of water breathing, map where exact location of ship was marked and one familiar skullbox which wererats had found afterwards.

PCs meet up at Citadel and both Ocham and Faenor explain their morning to others. They decide that ship isn't going anywhere and missing brother is more important. They head to Carowyn Manor.

They move around the Manor but don't find backdoor and when their knocks aren't answered Adolamins breaks the door. First they see dancing nobles but soon the illusion is broken and they see that nobles are turned to zombies! Mad laugh from upstairs gets their attention and they see elf woman dressed in harlequin dress. Woman starts to sing madly and wishes PCs to join her dance party and aims her crossbow at them. Bolt isn't normal one but one that screams loudly and deafens all others than Ocham and Ragnar. Battle starts when new zombies march behind curtains and doors.

Heroes had one goal in this battle: to capture the elf. All others started to move upstairs than Ocham and Adolamin that fight against zombies. Upstairs they found new zombies but those aren't threat to them as aren't the mad elf. Adolamin kills all zombies downstairs and quickly others catch the elf. Mevanthalyn seeks Korvosan Guard to help them and others look for missing brother but are unable to found him. Instead they found Audio Carowyn, master of house Carowyn. He tells them that mad elf came to their party and started to shoot them with poisoned crossbow and that "poison" couldn't be anything else than Blood Veil but maybe more rapid version of it.

Session ends...

Good session eventhough Carowyn Manor wasn't as creepy as I wished it to be. Ochams Turn Undead-ability made it lot more easier to them. I liked that how they were forced to choose between interesting shunken ship and looking for missing brother eventhough choice wasn't really hard to make. I didn't let them level up at this point because there hasn't been any dangerous fights since fighting against Lammn so I'm keeping them one level behind what's recommended. Next session shows how this turns out!

This sounds like a blast. I'm looking forward to running this over the next few weeks, so these posts are really helpful. Thanks.

Doug M.

^Great to hear you like my log. I'll try to write some GM tips/etc. in some time. Today is our last Seven Days sessio so it is time to write recap about previous session.

PCs are going back to Citadel when they notice somethings odd, smoke rises from Old Korvosa. Ocham freaks out and runs to check if it isn't his home while others report quickly to fieldmarshall and then move up to check things out. They are shocked when they arrive to Bridgefront, all bridges are burning down and there is large barricade on mainbridge. Grey Maidens are driving people off the place. They ask what's happening and Maidens state that Old Korvosa is in quarantine until situation changes. PCs have something else in their mind so they won't argue with Maidens, Ocham is sad about losing his home for a while.

They report again to Cressida and tell her that they will check the sunken ship as soon as possible. She asks them to interrogate their new prisoner, the mad elf know as Jolistina Susperio. Cressida knows that PCs have "ways" that can make insane person speak more than rubbish. They use Charm Person to Jolistina and start asking about her motives and her connection to Rolf, trying to get information about his whereabouts. Still they draw blank and later they realize that they forgot to ask about missing brother.. Duhh. They head to plan their trip to bottom of Jeggare River.

After some arguing they look for rowboat at Trail's End and visit Soldado family using their house as base for this operation. Soldado's neighbour is kind man that will get them to river and wait for them. They left lot of their gear to Soldado's and get ready for evening swim. Jeggare River is dark and cold at this seasons (middle spring) but nothign that this group couldn't handle. Most them still has enough gear (or rocks in pockets as in case of Ocham) to draw them to bottom without problem. Quick search and them they see it: Navigator of the Deep.

I changed name of the ship as I couldn't find good finnish translation to Direption. New name was ironic as ship was sunken on purpose.. And I made that name up on the spot!

Ship was cut in two and other part was sideways but they didn't expect ship to be so old and run-down as it was. First they found more open skull boxes and some mid-distance ship gear. Water creatures has made ship their home but most them aren't aggressive but it's goign to change soon as they head deeper to ship. Sea hag and her pet shark attack PCs suddenly and they are forced to fight: they hadn't sleep after Carowyn Manor so they had little disadvantage.

Sea hag loses initiative so PCs attack first but mostly buff or ready for action. Pet shark attacks Faenor and so some damage. Sea hag attacks Adolamin with her spear and soon brawl is ready to start. Space is small and PCs have advantage in numbers so soon after her shark is killed and her summoning spell failed she is forced to retreat. She transforms to shark but that didn't help her at all since AoO from moving kills her. PCs start to loot area and make some interesting findings but main thing is sealed skullbox which radiates necromantic aura.

Ocham indentifies box as others check room more closely. Box is dangerous tool for someone who wants spread diseas. It makes items inside contagious with disead which is place inside. They decide to investigate box more closely later. They also found small darkwood chest which they took with them. Party splits up, other went check the hild while others check captains quaters. Hold is almost empty, some skullboxes which aren't loaded. Captains quarters are more interesting since they found dead body of Quuen's Physician! body is wearing Physicians coat over black robes and they found something more dramatic under the coat: unholy symbol of Urgathoa! Shocked they start swimming to surface. Pcs are united that they need to report Cressida as quickly as possible.

They move their meeting to lower prison where they can examine body and the skullbox while talking with Cressida. She orders them to open the box even if there is chance to get sick. There is one dead rat and bag of silver coins which probably now spread blood veil. After some chatting Ragnar realizes that there was very big silver coin donation same time the ship sank. Darkwood box contains couple of letters to Dr. Davaulus which say that ship is his and "B7" wishes all good to him and his projects. It is time to investigate what Davaulus is doing inside Hospice of Blessed Maiden..

Faenor scouts the place and founds backdoor and party uses it to enter the building. They arrive at storage room and Faenor checks what's behinf curtains and finds sickward almost full of sick people. Also doctors and Grey Maidens. They retreat and plan again: they want to face Davaulus and have something for him. Sadly this doesn't work since its too late and woman at the reception sends them home. They wait for next day...

At the morning they go back to Hospice and get new answer: Davaulus isn't present now but may come back later. Party doesn't believe that and Ocham Charms woman and they move to sickward. When doctors and Maidens notice them they wave some handsignals and them attack them. The fun begins.

This fight is my personal favourite. Lots of people involved and innocent bystanders. In my game doctors were alchemists and Maides were cavaliers of lion order. Thing that made this fight funnier was that they feared that woman from reception desk would join the fight. Why they feared her so much? Picture says more than thousand words: [url] ka.jpg[/url] I described her as woman in that picture. Who she is? She's Justiina from old finnish movies (and comic) named Pekka Puupää and when in Finland you mention than someone is like Justiina they crap their pants right away. Old movies are very neat for remarkable NPC personalities.

Fight takes place between beds and party is outnumbered: five doctors and five Maides take their places for fight. They are really suprised when doctors start throwing strange liquid bottles at them and explosions were stronger than they expected. Maides yelled that they'll defeat enemies and focused to one PCs at time. This was too much for Ragnar who fell early because Maiden critted him. Mevanthalyn casted levitation and moved to take care of archer on catwalks. Adolamin charged to other side of room to face four enemies alone. When Ragnar fell Faenor and Ocham realized that they were really alone against two Maidens and two doctors. They were soon cornered and just without Mevanthalyn's help from catwalks they would have been defeated. Ocham's spells helped them for while but when there is no space to cast it isn't so easy. Adolamin crushed doctors and Maidens alone and helped Ragnar on his feet and fight was over. It was close call but they won. After some healing they moved upstairs. For their relief reception woman had fled.. (*snickers*)

They found lift and Ocham used it to get up while others used stairs. They found more doctors and patients but three doctors had no chance against them. Doctors managed to yell warning to next room where they headed next. It was empty but as they expected Davaulus was invisible. His bombs were more powerful than his underlings. Also his rapier was mean to humans.. Still when he was heavily overnumbered he had no real chance to wim this, he caused lots of damage and made Ocham use his spells but PCs managed to get him down, Ocham's scorching ray was too much for this fake doctor. Party looted and discussed about what to do (and about who would get new shiny mithral shirt they found) but answer was near. Cressida had send note to Marcus Endrin and him and couple his men meet up with party. They took Davaulus under their supervision and Endrin wanted party to secure whole building for Sable Company. Meanwhile Mevanthlyn had found that lift also went underground and there was some sort of facility. They moved to check that place although they had rough day already against doctors upstairs.

Facility was build from grey stone but was decorated with pictures related to Urgathoa and undead. Party moves to north and avoids double doors illustraded with paintings of skeletons with scythes. They found locker room and some doctor equipment and one door. Behind it is small room and again doctors treating sick people. This time there are also priests of Urgathoa and some undead. Small room and over 12+ people start to fight there, Ocham wished he had fireballs.

Fight is quickly over, room is small and people in it can't hurt PCs much. Doctors are only real threat there and their bombs hurt everyone near target so priest and undead get their share too. Nothing too dramatic is found but again yells of alarm make sure that party can't sneak forward. Party finds new room with lots of dead people, skeltons and stuff but these doesn't attack them. Faenoer wants to lead them sout, through smaller doors but Adolamin kicks double doors to east open and is suprised abpout what he sees: big room and people guarding it. Priests, doctors, undead and person whose looks reveal him to be Rolf!

Large battle begins and party knows that they are mostly out of spells and they are outnumbered and they are against Rolf. Still they choose to face them. Most of the battle takes place near the doors eventhough Adolamin and Faenor start to rush towards Rolf, especially Adolamin who is driven by revenge! Mevanthalyn raises fog to room for protection but Rolf dispells it. Again only doctors can do some serious damage to PCs and just slow Adolamin and Faenor a bit. Ocham (who knows Rolf from years in Acadamae) casts debuffs to Rolf, making him weak and fragile for Adolamin who doesn't care about skeletons and priest that hurt him. Meanwhile Mevantahlyn and Ragnar take care of defenders at the doors. Ocham gets attacked sometime and is cornered again but his Defending Bone protects him most of time. Adolamin attacks Rolf in his rage and hurts necromancer a lot. He is almost out of rage and Rolf's spells doesn't make it easier for him (first Hold Person which fails but Ray of Exhaustion makes him fatigued). Then his ancestral spirits guide his hand and he slashes Rolf's arm off and crushes his chest to bits with back of his axe. Rolf's dead.

Fight ends soon after this and so ends the session. Party plans to head forward eventhough players know it's stupid and reckless but they can't rest now because it wouldn't be realistic. I like their style. ^^

Awesome session which contained lot of amazing scenes. I love Hospice of Blessed Maiden eventhough it is mostly fighting but setting is awesome. Rolf's dead got some feedback from Ragnar's player that fight wasn't so awesome as he had wished it to be, there is no almost no reason to remember this fight. Also way Adolamin slaughtered him wasn't cool (roll: 20; roll: 20) and his bit bored to him critting all the time (Adolamin does that more than others). It's good to have some feedback so I can improve my combat scenes. Today we will end Seven Days to the Grave.

Well, I must say (as player of Faenor) that fight with maidens and doctors at upstairs was pretty neat. Adolamin critted with his first blow (non-lethal) and first doctor was down. That really happens all the time with him.
When Ragnar was down, it becomes much more difficult, when everyone realised that there were no channel energy, clw or cmw. Faenor were protecting Ocham and himself, Mevanthalyn were fighting with bow and Adolamin were breaking some bones.

The coolest thing about this fight was when Mevanthalyn used Hold person succesfully and Ocham delivered Coup de crâce with his bare hands. Sounds like wizard to me :D

Oh, and that one Maiden. Tree times in row she rolled 1 for attack roll. almost like Adolamin upside-down.

From now on, i'm trying to make comments here every time our Great Gm makes post.
I remember some pretty cool details about what happened, wich might amuse some people I suppose :)

Last session of 7DttG was played last Tuesday and I'm happy that I could find time to write it down before leaving to winter holiday.

So party decided to continue their exploration eventhough they were almost without healing magic (or any magic..) and in bad shape. Next door lead them to room with strange tubes containing liquid and something else.. Also three priest with scythes were waiting for them and for starters one of them clashed his scythe to one of tubes and magic in it disappered and released the monster in it. Monster was identified as Leukodaemon by Ragnar, Mevanthalyn and Faenor but only dwarf knew that what it might have been used to. They had no time to think as daemon attacked as two priests (daemon killed his freer). Daemon flew to the ceilign and started to rain arrows down to party.

It is hard to fight when enemy is out of reach and has high damage reduction but party tried their best. Adolamin started with javelins but changed to his bow soon and others used their bows/crossbows/darts. Ocham used his new wand og magic missiles but realized daemons SR was maybe too high for wand but used it almost to bitter end (and most of his missiles went trought SR). After couple of rounds desperate shooting Mevanthalyn casted Enlarge Person to Adolamin how now could hit daemon with his axe. Quickly after that daemon flew to ground and used its breath to Ragnar and Ocham. When daemon was on the ground it was easier enemy to beat but dangerous still. Using aid actions and other stuff (like Ragnar's touch of law ability) they were able to beat the daemon. They used last of their potions and went to check smaller door before moving forward.

They arrived to room full of strange equipment and books. Some kind of laboratory and its keeper: greyish man with long nails and bald head. All had hunch that it might be a vampire they were looking for but Ragnar knew it was more dangerous than normal vampire, Nosferatu vampire. Nosferatu greets them and asks to leave since he has project going on. They notice that its Varisian boy bounded to table and they identify him as the missing brother. They ask what Nosferatu is doing and suprisingly it answers them: researching why this boy is immune to bloodveil. Some negotation about if Nosferatu would give boy to them but he doesn't want to. Just before things are moving to violence he makes an offer: 2500 gold pieces for boy and he gets free leave from this boring city to Ustalav. Party huddles and says it too much then Nosferatu lowers his price (or rises whatever) to he gets all magical weapons from priests of Urgathoa and them he gives boy back to party. They agree and soon vampire has backed his things and all magical weapons and takes his leave. All members of party aren't happy with this but were happy they got missing brother back without fight.

Douple doors are always scary and so where these next doors they opened. Doors lead to long hallway with some decoration but what was at the end of tunnel was more terrifying. Round room with eight pools (seven small and one big) and statue of Urgathoa in middle of big pool. Some kind of unholy temple and its master, highpriestess which they had heard enough since arriving to underground facility. Pale skinned and equipped to dark armor and wielding big scythe, all they have waited for. She told PCs that she was coordinator behind blood veil and Korvosa has just get small kiss from her goddes and soon some of the party get that kiss too. Saying that she took offense and fight started.

She started with some buff spells while she was on air, avoiding melee. Ocham used his wand and others took their long range weapons. Next she yelled:
"I'm your queen and goddes, bow before me" and spell forced Ocham and Adolamin on their knees to worship dark priestess. Party launched their missiles toward priestess and did some damage. Ragnar was her next target since she could clearly see that dwarf's deity was Abadar: "Be blind as you can't see your true master" and Ragnar lost his vision to this dark spell. Ocham break enchanment on him and lasked another set magic missiles to priestess and others continued to shoot her. Next turn Adolamin managed to break free from command word and threw another javelin. Priestess had enough of Ocham's magic missiles and casted spell that summoned weapon to attack Ocham as she laughed to him. Her next target was Adolamin how almost went negatives by her Slay Living spell. She was on range of melee so party moved to kill her.

She wasn't easy enemy in melee neither but party managed to get her angry. Last drop was when Faenor disarmed her. She shouted angrily, calling her goddes and black energy erupted from her and all but Ocham were hurt by unholy energy. Adolamin went to negatives and others were not in good shape either. She continued this unholy chant sometime but decided to get his scythe back and attacked. Couple of moments later she was defeated and her body collapsed to ground.

Party cheers and starts to get people on their feets. Ocham finds healing wand and with it they get Adolamin on his feets. When Ocham loots pristess he feels cold coming from her body.

They wonder what to do next when lights in temple started to shut down. Party figurs it was priestess whose spells brought light to place and now spell is ending.

Temple turns colder and darker. Sound of chanting raises from place they can't locate and it grows louder and louder. Adolamin hacks priestess' body to make sure she's dead but chanting just grows louder again and lights turn out. They start to run when priestess body starts to freeze and her essence lingers out of body. Suddenly essence gets new body and chanting is deafening: monstrous looking creature appears from nowhere and laughs maddly before turning her attention to escaping party.

I loved doing this scene. Little clues about something is happening and then the big suprise that priestess wasn't the end of this fight. Scenes like this and player reactions remind me why I'm GM'ing. ^^

They were hurt without any spells left and one of them was blind and enemy was chasing them. They knew that only one person at time could use lift to escape but they would make their stand there. Luckily for them Marcus Endrin had brought his men down to check if party was okay. Short report and healing magic from wand they found and by Endrin and they were ready to face their new enemy: the Daughter of Urgathoa.

Daughter crushes doors before her and chants while attacking the party. Adolamin, Faenor and Mevanthalyn take the frontline, Ragnar was ready to use healing wand to them and Ocham, Marcus Endrin and two Sable Company marines with bows take care of fire support. Even before this many enemies Daughter didn't back out. They start their last stand against it. Frontliners did their job but took serious damage from Daughter as its claw was strong as huge. Without Ragnar's help Mevanthalyn would have fallen first but luckily Daughter hated them all equally. Faenor and Adolamin managed to hurt it much and fire supporters (mainly Ocham and Marcus) were also able to hurt it. Even Ragnar tried to hit it with his morningstar but it's hard to hit anything when you are blind. After some maneuvering Faenor was able to hit Daughter straight through her body and maddly yelling it went down.

Party took little break before looted the whole building and assisted Sable Company with prisoners. They had found some of doctors trying to sneak to suprise the party but take care of them. Party found some loot and more patients. After a while they left to report to Cressida and Marcus thanked them for what they did for Korvosa. Cressida was happy to see all alive and after some discussion he made sure that Ocham had time to make cure for bloodveil since he had notes from creators of the disease.

Week passes and Ocham had cure for bloodveil and Korvosan Guard and Bank of Abadar dtart to deliver it to people. Couple of days later Cressida and Marcus give party a reward: Crimsonstar of Korvosa (highest honor that civilian can get) and writ that is worth of 3000 gold inside Korvosa. Same evening they were invited to dinner at House Endrin. Days pass and they hear that at the last day of this month is trial where Dr. Davaulus and other culprits are heard about their crimes againts Korvosa. Queen itself is questioning them.

Awesome session maybe best of whole campaign. Dangerous fights and suprises and good roleplaying. I was suprised that party decided to flee whem Daughter of Urgathoa appeared but that's maybe very normal for situation. End of sessions was more or less me talking about how things went but we were short of time time at that point so.. Next session will take place next month. Stay tuned because I try to post some GM Tips when I return from holiday.

Now winter holidays are over and our group has played twice already in one week! No scheduling conflicts or something. So we played Thursday on today and now recap about Thursday's session which started the third book: Escape from Old Korvosa.

Last session ended to some rumors about upcoming trial and before it PCs hear some more. People are afraid that new menace will strike to city so mostly people spend their time at their houses and mood in city is wary. Old Korvosa is still in quarantine and Grey Maidens are guarding border between it and northern part of the main land. There has been rumor going around that Queen will nominate her new seneschal and main canditate to take that honour is Marcus Endrin. Night before trial Zellara manifests before them and thanks for saving Korvosa from evil cult. Still her mind can feel new danger approaching the city and she performs new reading. Reading tells that older events of battle and oppression might be useful to remember now and new demonic animals (taking place of dark crows) lurks hidden, ready to catch their prey.

Trial isn't really a trial more like hearing about who are responsible for blood veil etc. Queen reveals her new crown that looks like fangs or talons. She informs that Dr. Davaulus alone is responsible for creating blood veil and also guilty for using Varisians as guinea pigs and will be executed for that. Sabina beheads man with one good strike of falcion and Queen tells that Physicians are dispanded and some are punished.

"Happier" news are that Grey Maidens are now responsible for protecting the Queen and Sable Company is useless and will be included to Korvosan Guard. When Marcus Endrin is asked to return his badge something unexpected happens: he throws his badge to Queen and yells:
"Your reign on tyranny ends now, b%~&~!" and shoots bolt directly to her temple! But Queen doesn't fall and before blood reaches her shoulders she stands before Endrin and raises him off the ground with one hand. She strikes the same bolt right through his skull and lets man fall to ground. Crowd is shocked but Queen makes her point very clear: "This is fate of enemies of Korvosa!". She asks new seneschal to take her home and obese man dressed to thick red robes stands up and teleports Queen to home. Crowd leaves and so does the PCs. They head to Citadel to check Cressida if she's fine.

They meet fieldmarshall at the secret council room. She has been crying but now she has enough composure to make her point clear: Queen probably wants party dead since they revealed the secret behind blood veil IF Queen is responsible for that and today they saw how she deals with problems. Also Vencarlo had contacted her yesterday informing that Queen might have surorunded herself with dark magic and pacts with devils. Those accusations didn't make sense before todays trial hearing. She asks party to look for Vencarlo and co-operate with him. She will use her position as fieldmarshall to protect their friends and families but this is now thei last mission under her command. She wishes them luck and hopes they'll see again. They got last present from Korvosan Guard (some potions and wands) and they leave to prepare for journey.

Mevanthalyn resigns from her job at the embassy (and Perisshiel is acting as he kicks Mevanthalyn out for better cover for embassy) and says farewell to her friends and servant. Faenor and Ocham go shopping and the bard is bying things he hopes they'll need. Ocham buys new spell book and some spell components. Ragnar shares some of his information with Ishani Dhatri who promises to help Ragnar's workers to hide if things go too dire. All PCs head to meet up point, Avenue of Arms where Adolamin waits them. They plan to fly over the Bridgefront while invisible and meet at Ocham's place if they scatter. Weather is easy for flying and soon they are at the Old Korvosa..

Old Korvosa has been cut off from main land for couple of weeks and one can see it easily: signs of riots, fires and other lawless actions are common near Ocham's house that has been robbed. There is text painted to front door: "Death to QUACK!". Ocham's properties has been eithet taken away or destroyed but they leeave his house to check Vencarlo's home. On the way they find out that Vencarlo's dueling school has been burnt down and their fears grow.

Vencarlo's home is empty as they search for their friend. Faenor is very motivated to find his teacher/rolemodel and moves to upstairs with Mevanthalyn while others check downstairs more closely. When Faenor is opening door to Vencarlo's bedroom someone drops next to him and attacks him. Same time downstairs someone drops next to Ocham and attacks. Ambush! Attackers win initiative and their plan is revealed. Attacker downstairs throws something to fireplace and suddenly it explodes and room is on fire! Same explosion starts fire upstairs and they finally see attackers. Humanoids dressed as mantises and dual-wielding nasty looking swords backwards. Real battle starts.

Ocham tries to cast high pressure water stream to his attacker but fails. Upstairs Mevanthalyn and Faenor attack the creature but can't hit it. Adolamin hits one that attacked Ocham and with Ragnar they surround it. This point they see that fire starts to spread and something shoud be done to it. Assasins make some serious damage with assist of house fire while only Adolamin hits assasin and Ocham who uses magic missiles. After some fighting Faenor (who was fascinated by assasins swirling blades) is forced to retreat or fire would kill him. Meanwhile Ragnar casts Create Water and stops burning downstairs.

Fighting assasin alone isn't smart. After Faenors retreat Mevanthalyn also casts Create Water to stop fire but assasin casts Hold Person to her and puts blade on her throat. Next round assasin coup de graces her on same second Faenor comes back to room and sees his friend falling to floor with long cut in throat. Ocham's magic missiles finish assasin downstairs and soon after that they manage to kill upstairs assasin. Both of them disappear to red fog leaving no mark of being around. They won the fight but it came with high prize.

Surviving PCs decide that they'll use Vencarlo's home for hideout for now and discuss what to do next. Will they look for Vencarlo or try to raise Mevanthalyn from dead with risk of being caught. They remember King of Spider, he might know where Vencarlo is so they decide to go Eel's End.
On the way there they notice that maybe worst tailer ever is following them. They surround him at the alley adn they meet familiar face. Student of Vencarlo, Amin Jalento is happy to see Faenor again and asks if they have seen Vencarlo. They change information and Amin tells them that Vencarlo did meet with some local artist know as Salvator Scream. Amin knows where Scream lives has been afraid to go to Old Docs since it is under Emperor's reign. Party decides to go check if artist at home and Amin goes to guard Mevanthalyn's body.

Salvator Scream isn't at home but someone else is. They meet up with cheerful elf woman who is acting like they have known each other for long time. Her name is Laori Vauss and she is looking for Salvator too but has been unable to find him. She suspects that Emperor's men might have taken him by force. Party checks the room and confirm that theory. Laori suggests that they join forces to find this artist. When Laori realizes that Ragnar is priest of Abadar she proudly states that she is also servant of god, god of pain and suffering known as Zon-Kuthon. Her outfit did drop hint of this before but now it's sure. She even promises to use her scroll Raise Dead to their dead friend for free as proof for friendship.

Soon Mevanthalyn is on her feets and they decide to continue their way to King of Spiders for information. On the way they face twenty and more zombies at the most empty side of Old Docs but they easily kick their arses. Laori shows her skills to party and they know they made wise decision when agreed to help each other. (Flame Strike is always scary as hell.) They also encounter Emperor's mobs and realize that Emperor has small army under his controll since over forty people are watching them if they back-off peacefully. Adolamin doesn't want to retreat but fight their way trough of these thugs. Others aren't so high spirited since their enemies has five times their man power and many archers. They negotiate and mob leader decides to take them to Emperor (party lied about going to collect depts from King of Spiders).

Emperor isn't really as awesome as rumors made him sound like but his cruelty was. On the way they saw hanged men, woman and children so they were prepared to see this monster. Still he wasn't really that scary, more like stupid show-off. They figured that Emperor had Salvator as prisoner and he liked arts. They left as soon as possible to see King of Spiders and to make plans how to get to Salvator.

King of Spider had lost many of his men to Emperor so he decided to help party for free. He explained about Emperor's personal history and told about sport he invented: Bloog Big. Best way would be win Emperor's team at Blood Big and ask to meet Salvator as reward. Party with Laori decide to do this. Session ends.

Very good session. More we play this campaign better it turns. This session had lots of good roleplaying and challenging fight. I was amazed how they came up plan to ask help from King of Spiders. Players did like Laori Vauss, she wasn't annoying eventhought she was very gleeful and "personal" on her own way. I'll write next session recap as soon as possible!

Our campaign will continue today so now is best time to write about our last session. Release of Dragon Age 2 did take my time but I managed to collect will power to resist it and focus real roleplaying this morning. Today's session will be our 12th so we have reached some kind of milestone.

Party moved back to Emperor's domain and offered a deal: they will entertain the emperor and in return Emperor would let them meet Salvator. Emperor agrees but only if party manages to win his Shiglebarons and even then they will be supervised. Party agrees and Emperor explains the rules. Rules and idea of game are as mad as they had thought but all are excited about the game (okay Ocham maybe not because magic is forbidden).

Game starts and soon party notices that Emperor's team is veteran at this sport. Every time they try to hit one of the Barons they also get hit or almost hit and Barons try to hurt them as much as possible while their hits aren't very lethal to Barons. Soon party leads 2-0, Ocham made both goals. Then Barons narrow their lead to 2-1 and are close of evening the game but party manages to get pig and get it moving. Adolamin knocks couple of Barons out but always when PCs had more players than Barons new players from stands came to ghelp Barons. Then party takes control of the game: soon they lead 3-1, then 4-1 and finally 5-1. Game is tough and Ocham falls to ground while carrying the pig but they still win the game.

Emperor is shocked but suggests that best of three is best way to handle this situation. Party reluctantly agrees to play best of three match but Emperor changes the rules: party leads now 1-0 in matches but remaining matches will be played with golden goal rule. Party still agrees (what choice they really have?) and new match is ready to start. Jabbyr the gnome executioner joins the Barons and is gangerous addition to this team as he is small and fast. Game starts again it is Jabbyr who rushes to get pig which appears to party's end of fiel. When party can't get the pig Jabbyr takes it and makes goal: matches are even and again pig appears to party's cage (after the goal 7 times out 8 the pig appeared next to their goal and I roleld these alwaus in front my players). Brawl for one goal starts and first it seems that party is trapped to their end but soon they found more space and Ocham get's chance to rush to goal and manages to score! Game end and Emperor's reaction is that there will be more matches but is informed that they run out of pigs. He makes big fake smile and congratulates them.

Fun match and fun game eventhough it took almost half our session. First game to five goals was really good gaming and players were excited as they all play Blood Bowl often but later one-off matches weren't so good as they felt cheated and tired to Emperor's whims (not all but some). I suggest that keeping matches bit shorter (like only three goals) would make this "best of three" more enjoyable. This game is awesome and I saw more combat maneuvers than ever before in one session. Funny fact is that out of six goals the party scored Ocham made three, Adolamin and Faenor and someone I can't remember now..

Emperor leads them to artist and takes one mob leader and Jabbyr with him. He is watching over the party as they meet the artist. Salvator is uneasy in front of them and bluffs that he doesn't know anything about Vencarlo (hidden message is that he doesn't want to talk about it when Emperor is present). Faenor tries to fascinate Emperor and his thugs but fails and combat starts. Some mebers are happy about this turn of events.

Emperors first move was Confusion spell and catches all but Laori to its are of effect but all others succes in their saves but Ocham and Mevanthalyn. Adolamin hits the Emperor and he scream like girl. Jabbyr rages and Adolamin tastes his own medicine as furious little barbarian hit him twice with his axe. Then the real fun begins as Emperor uses his scepter and points it towards Adolamin. Suddenly barbarian turns to purple and Emperor screams: "How the life tastes as you are purple?" Adolamin answers with a slash of his axe. Mob leader falls and Mevanthalyn casts Hold Person to Jabbyr. Next round Emperor uses his scepter again and disappears. Adolamin coup de graces the gnome and Ragnar casts Invisibilty Purge to reveal the Emperor who again uses his magic tool. This time strange hulking animal know as an elephant appears to room and ceiling and floor take some damage from this. Emperor laughs madly. Ocham can't get animal to disappera with his dispel magic and Adolamin is hit by its gore attack. Ragnar's dispel magic has more effect and floor bends back to normal (I ruled that floor survives couple of rounds before breaking and party was quick enough). Then Emperor surrenders and party captures knocks him out.

Salvator tells them his story about Vencarlo and other friend who might be in danger. This other friend is Neolandus Kalepopolis former senechal whose life he saved when he appeared to his doorstep on same day King Eodred II died. He took seneschal to Arkona family just before quarantine hit but when Vencarlo heard about this he got angry to Salvator. He believes that Vencarlo must be at Arkona's as he wouldn't let them have seneschal. Laori asks if she can ask her questions in private and party agrees and moves to plan their next step. Laori suggests that she takes care of Salvator as city is dangerous to him and Salvator wishes that party saves his friends from danger. Laori says goodbye to party and believes this isn't last time they meet and takes off with artist. Party takes Emperor to King of Spiders who thanks them and suddenly drops him lower deck using trap door on the floor. Bit shocked PCs head to Salvator's home to plan their next step.

Their main discussion topic is how to get in Arkona Place: would they try to sneak in or with diplomacy. Faenor and Adolamin move to check Palace's defenses and other things while others remain at the house. Faenor makes them both invisible and they climb over the fence. Yard is decorated with exotic animals and stuff and first they look in room which looks like small parlor. Then they hear guards moving towards them saying that someone has come over the fence. They move forward trusting that guards can't see them. Next they found doors to garden which is like jungle but they retreat as something starts to tise from fountain. They return to homebase.

As you can see I added more security in Arkona Palace than the original had. Mostly for my own fun for scaring players out their pants but I have good reasons for this.

After some discussion they agree that they'll use diplomacy first and if that fails they'll try other ways. They are suprised that they meet Glorio Arkona quickly and he is nice man. He explains something about Queen and how she's dangerous. When asked about Neolandus he tells that he is at Palace as visitor but meeting him is bit complicated. Both Neolandus and Vencarlo are in their labyrinth beneath the Palace which is used to test new allies if they are worth of Arkona's trust. Its impossible to get anyone out of there before they solve the labyrinth. Labyrinth isn't very dangerous more like puzzle and riddle thing than combat training. For sign of trust and hopefully for new friendship hi gaves them advice how to get in to labyrinh and gives them a ring (which Ocham identifies as Ring of Evasion). Party thanks him and says that they'll head to this labyrinth.

In the garden they discuss how they don't trust Glorio at all and Faenor thinks it isn't wise to straight there where he wants them to go. Still they move under the Palace and start feel uneasy. They climb down to bottom of secret passage and start look for secret door as informed. Soon they found it but as they open it they see some fungal creatures rising from ground. Battle starts and again party faces very dangerous creatures as their scimitars crit constantly and even Adolamin is danger of losing. Ragnar is only one to fall before Ocham realizes what's the catch with these fire resistant creatures: he casts Open Close to secret door and closes it and creatures start to sink back to ground. Others were ready to retreat but Ocham's wits save them from that problem. They heal and Ocham explains his plan to get through the door: he casts the same spell on in, they move in and he casts it again. Using this they ignore the guardians and move to look for labyrinth's entrance..

Session ends.

Whee this was fun. I even let PCs to level up (finally they are 7 level) and now they are ready to face dangers of the labyrinth. I'm keeping them one level lower than suggested because i)five players ii)they know how to play this game (some are bit powergamish) iii)constant leveling is boring. Nothing else to write this time.

Okay it is time to write about last week session which continues the story about will the party found seneschal and Vencarlo Orisini from Vivified Labyrinth! Funny thing that session didn't involve much (mainly fighting) but it was still fun mainly because I dropped some mysteries and foreshadowing to the mix.

So party is standing in front of first lewer but are arguing how they shoud proceed. Faenor thinks that they are waltzing to trap waiting in the labyrinth and soon they decide to check where the main tunnel leads them. They found dead end but Mevanthalyn finds secret door that leads them to light room that looks liek prison. Also the jailer makes that assumption true. Three faced and six-armed woman attacks them only using its barehands to barrage the party down. They realize that jailer has very high AC and Ocham's spells aren't working because spell resistance. Also flanking isn't working as nicely as before. After some fighting they manage to beat jailer (which Ragnar identifies as Beatific One, Vudra monster that is used often as guardian and torturer) but they are also beat down. Adolamin throws its body to brazier and smell isn't nice one.

There are three prisoners and after some discussing they learn that all three are enemies of Arkona: two youngsters did stole something from person that was under their protection and older one (mid thirties) tolds them same story but he has been here about month and wants to help the party. They release them but warn them that it isn't safe to stroll here. They agree and ask if they can wait the party here and maybe help them if needed. Party agrees and heads to labyrinth.

First lewer pull and labyrinth starts to shake but soon they found themselves at the bigger area with new lewer but they think it is wiser to check this area before pulling again. Faenor leads the party through the door and sees strange marking on the floor. He and Ocham check it and immediately feel strong pain as thousand swords had pierced them. Sobbingly they warn others about the symbol of pain and they retreat from it. Adolamin check new room and founds three boxes but after caster's check aura's of boxes they decide not to open them and continue forward.

Adolamin is next victim of symbols as he stares right to one and falls asleep. Party tries to wake him up (violence and dispel magic) but their efforts fail miserably. Now they retreat again and wait barbarian to wake up. Ocham is agnry as his magic have failed him too often today. After three hours of waiting Adolamin wakes up and they are ready to continue. They return to the first lewer and pull it again. They found the same corridor where in was the symbol of sleep but can avoid it. Suddenly labyrinth changes again and now they are trapped! After some time labyrinth moves again and now they can explore that throne room they saw.

Unfortunately throne room's master is at home: darksphinx with two kukries attacks them! (Again creature with high AC and spell resistance as Ragnar identifies it.) Also Vencarlo is there in chains and looks hurt! Firstly party falls prey on its spell, Unholy Blight does some damage to them but only Mevanthalyn is sickened by it. Party's attack is furious but so its sphinx's. Its kukries are sharp and Adolamin and Faenor took some heavy damage from those, Ragnar's healing helps them to remain conscious. Ocham's spells mostly fail against creatures spell resistance and Mevanthalyn prepares for something as she looks for scrolls and stuff while sickened. When war oracle attacks she has lot of buffs goign around she even used her Align Weapon scroll to help her cause to kill sphinx. She slays to beast which others had made weaker. Combat is over and they free Vencarlo.

Vencarlo tells them about how he got in to labyrinth and Faenor gives him rapier that was in the chest at Vencarlo's home. He hinted even that they know who Vencarlo really is. First the duelist is confused but then recognizes the weapon and takes it smiling. Vencarlo tells them that Glorio send them to die here and he has no intent to let them go. They head off from labyrinth.

At the doorsteps of the labyrinth they meet oldest thief they released and he shows his relif about their survival. He greets Vencarlo as old friend but he doesn't recognize the old man and then party gets it: Vencarlo isn't Vencarlo! He snarls angrily and changes his form to woman with fox head and Ragnar knows they are in trouble as rakshasa are dangerous. Battle begins!

My players keep out:

As other GM can see I changed things here. I realized that my party was bit too clever and firstly checked parts where first lrwer could lead them and that made them find Vencarlo very early. So I made changes and made things bit different here: Vimanda let herself to be caught by darksphinx and was waiting for party arrive (as she could easily survive sphinx's attacks BUT especially she could trick PCs even more easily because they feel sorry for tortured Vencarlo). Battle wasn't as good as my plan to trick players. Best thing was that this made Vencarlo look like total badass as he could survive in labyrinth so long!

Party knows this will be hard battle but they couldn't think that it would be this horrible. Mainly they can't hit her and if they manage to land a hit them her damage reduction takes egde out of the hit. Faenor's rapier is main weapon in this fight but in his chivalry he gave Blackjack's rapier to rakshasa so he is forced to use his original weapon (magical but still). Ocham's spells can't pierce her spell resistance and he doesn't ahve spells to help his allies so he feels himself useless. Mevanthalyn and Ragnar mainly flank and heal others and that is the fight in short. Rakshasa monk is dangerous as her can make full-attacks all the time and her attacks hit most of time and she follow character's that try to retreat (Step Up) so casting spells isn't easy.

Turning point of this fight is when party felt that they can't really wint his fight (they had done bit over hundred points of damage at this point) but Mevanthalyn tries casting Bestow Curse on the enemy and suprisingly manages to pierce her spell resistance and then she fails her save and is cursed! Party rejoices as enemys hit point total went down (-6 to CON) but fight isn't over yet. Rakshasa focuses her attacks to caster's trying to stop them. At the end of fight oldest thief arrives to scene (Ocham yelled them to help after they fled) and charges with club to aid the party. Soon after this rakshasa falls down.

After the fight party decides to retreat for sleep. They discuss with thief and he introduces himself as seneschal Kalepopolis and suprises the party. He promises to explain all to them but they need to rescue Vencarlo first. Next morning they head back to labyrinth and after couple of traps they meet up with Vencarlo and now they check if he is real (like ”show your right hand!”, ”When did we meet last time?”, ”How many people did escort Trinia?”) and return to Kalepopolis. They tell Vencarlo that they found out his secret and smiling he jokes about it but says it's topic for better times now.

They build a raft for escape and then escape from Arkona Palce. Ocham burns down bridges but in silence of night they cross the river and head to nearest farm for shelter. On the way Kalepopolis hints something about Queen's real identity, ancient warlords and dragons. Session ends.

Even though fights were bit too much for my PCs it was good session. Best parts were discussion with Kalepopolis and Vencarlo but their desparation in fight against rakshasa was fun eventhough some of them had no chance of hitting eventhough they flanked everytime they could. We are now half way through this campaign and I made my players to answer some questions about how first half went. I'll make summary about answers when I get all of them to answer.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Blue_Hill wrote:

Next door they open leads to dead end but still they are attacked by its guardian (or something). Ocham recognizes it as carrion golem and starts to use his new item: the thurible which helps them fight the diseases carrion golem spreads. Adolamin moves to hit it as Ragnar and Mevanthalyn.

Last session my group encountered the Carrion Golem. The adventure (Edge of Anarcy, pg.52-53) describes the Golem as:

"If the PCs open the door, the golem emerges and attacks them at once. It still clutches a severed arm that it snatched when it first went berserk."

Quote of the day from my PCs: "I guess we'll have to 'dis-arm' it."

Banesfinger wrote:

Last session my group encountered the Carrion Golem. The adventure (Edge of Anarcy, pg.52-53) describes the Golem as:

"If the PCs open the door, the golem emerges and attacks them at once. It still clutches a severed arm that it snatched when it first went berserk."

Quote of the day from my PCs: "I guess we'll have to 'dis-arm' it."

That's awesome pun! My players have also made some puns or jokes about what they have encountered (other are better and other worse) but most them doesn't work on different language.

I'll write about our last session as soon as possible, stay tuned!

Oh my gods, I'm SO out of my element here. Ahahahah. That huge-Shoanti-barbarian-dude-person will kill me! Krojun Soon-eats-Ocham! And What's this thing with that Clan-eater? Why every barbarian (Except Adolamin and Skull Clan, they're pretty cool) try to kill me or flay me? I know people didn't always like me back in Korvosa but this? I feel like i'm plague.

Uh huh.. My "as soon as possible" isn't as soon as I hoped it to be. We had about two week break from our regular campaign but played other games instead with smaller group. Now we have played three session but here is just quick recap from our first session of History of Ashes. I summarize it to couple of dots:

  • Party, Vencarlo and Kalepopolis march to Harse. Trip takes about three days because they doesn't use roads but count on their survival skills. Luckily Adolamin knows a lot about surviving and senechal is former ranger so they don't get lost or anything. Ocham speaks to toads for knowledge and Mevanthalyn hunts wasps for her newest spell.

  • Arriving to the Blackbird Ranch and meeting with Jasan Blackbird who greets them as they have been friends for decades. Also Trinia Sabor is waiting for them at the Ranch. They enjoy for Blackbird's hospitality (warm food and beer, very good self-made beer) and Jasan tells them about his adventuring days with Vencarlo. Later on the same day they move to undeground cellar (beer barrels!) and Kalepopolis tells them what he knows about the Queen Ileosa: her new powers has something to do with relic know as Midnight's Teeth that shoanti were protecting furiously three centuries ago. Teeth are more older than that, remains of ancient warlord of Zun-Kuthon knows as Kazavon who conquered Hold of Belkzen. Kalepopolis expects shoanti historian know more about Kazavon than he knows and suggests that party travels to meet them. They agree and start to plan how to get to Storval Plauteu. Thousand Bones is their best shot so visiting Kallow Mounds is logical choice. Jasan's family starts to gather their property so they can move to Magnimar. Vencarlo asks if Faenor is interested about becoming new Blackjack and he humbly accepts the role of Korvosa's hero. Next stop is Janderhoff where they buy gear and stuff. Jasan gives them horses for this long travel and wishes them luck.

  • On the way to Janderhoff Zellara manifests to them and reads Harrow cards to them: party is in same situation as shoanti were three centuries ago and they still have demonic animals after them. Ocham will play big role in uprising but it isn't sure will he stop it or cause something that lights the uprising. Zellara asks them who they are dealing with escape from Korvosa (and how Adolamin feels about returning home). She wishes them good journey to shoanti and wishes them good.

  • At the Janderhoff party heads to Ragnar's estate inside the mountain. Using it as base of operations for couple of days they ready for next trip. Ragnar pays wages to his servants and get his father's old armor from the basement magically enchanted full plate. Ocham and Faenor check some old caves and find strange mushrooms and stuff. Soon they depart from Janderhoff.

  • Adolamin leads his party to Cinderlands using shoanti passage (they didn't find Kaer Maga good place to go) and about two days after leaving Janderhoff they meet Boneslayers who greet Adolamin using shoanti language but switch quickly to common to ask why he is with this many outsiders. After telling them that they helped him at the city and found Gaekhen's body they greet others more warmly. They lead party to Kallow Mounds where they meet Thousand Bones, Ash Dancer and chief One-Life. Guest's tent is rised for them and Thousand Bones tells them that they are guest of Skoan-Quah. After Adolamin told them the situation Thousand Bones asks themn to join Bone Fire Council this evening for answers to their question. Party rests and some of them try to learn more about shoanti culture. Adolamin and Skoan-Quah men tell them about Kallow Mounds and their habits.

  • Just couple of hours before Bone Fire Council party hears shouting at the camp and Ocham checks situation from their tent. What he sees scares him: big angry shoanti with earthbreaker marches towards their tent. Ocham runs and Adolamin steps outside to meet with Krojun Eat-What-He-Kills. Krojun yells: ”Why does Skoan-Quah let tshamek defile their sacred place with their presence!” Situation is tense..

First recap of three ready. Hopefully others are ready before next session.

Second session of History of Ashes was very similar to first: roleplaying and getting information about what might help party's cause. Eventhough I feared that all player of my group wouldn't find these kind of things interesting I was totally wrong. They were really motivated about doing what was necessary. Here is the second recap:

Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills is standing face to face with Adolamin and he is demanding to know why tshamek are defiling Kallow Mounds. Adolamin tries to explain that these people aren't same as invaders three centuries ago, they are nice and not responsible for that. Krojun doesn't like that one of shoanti is defending tshamek and after asking their names he commands them to leave Cinderlands (using very aggressive phrase of shoanti language). Adolamin takes position between Krojun and his friends and says if either side attacks they have to go through him first. Krojun states that Adolamin "Guardian" from Tamiir-Quah isn't nothing more than mere tshamek in his eyes from this day forward.

Just before Krojun acts Thousand Bones asks him to stop and suprisingly hero of Sun clan calms down and asks more politely this time why tshamek are living with Skoan Quaoh. Party watch closely how Thousand Bones can handle Krojun but after all he can't argue with older and wiser Thousand Bones. Danger has passed for the moment at least.

Krojun asks if someone is interested about friendly match of sredna. After Adolamin explains what it's about and suddenly Ragnar volunteers for match. He loses to mighty Krojun but gets some complimens from man that was just a moment ago ready to crushh their skulls. Then Faenor wants to play the game and performs a little miracle as he manages to win Krojun. Barbarian sounds furious but when he gets up to his feets is laughing to Faenor and congratulates him for being stronger than he looks. Krojun gathers his Burnt Riders and soon they leave from Kallow Mounds but tell them that he'll be watching them. Adolamin is bit upset about Krojun calling him tshamek bu others ask him to teach them about more shoanti culture and so they'll learn language and stuff before Bone Fire Council.

Bone Fire Council is as mysterious as it sounds. Chief One-Life, Ash Dancer and Thousand Bones are waiting party to arrive and Thousand Bones takes the lead as he knows party the best. He talks about that party might need their help it might the shoanti that need party's help as other Quah's are preparing for war against Korvosa. he knows that they aren't here because of war but for other information. Mevanthalyn explains current situation at Korvosa to Thousand Bones and tells him that they are looking for information about Midnight's Teeth, That information is crucial if they plan to do something to Queen.

Thousand Bones nods to elf and tell that he has heard Midnight's Teeth twice and both times it was Sun Shaman talking about Korvosa and their past. He might know more but he wouldn't reveal that history to party as they are tshamek in their eyes. Party asks if they could fix that condition and Thousand Bones tells them about Shura the Reborn that was exiled from Sklar-Quah but was reborn at the belly of Quah-Kael, the Clan-Eater. Some members of the party are shocked about what that might mean (Ocham mainly) but Thousand Bones tells them that Sun Shaman wouldn't take their word seriously as they are tshamek and he either can't help them with that problem. Then Ash Dancer advices them for first time: they could ask help from Truthspeaker. Thousand Bones tell them that Truthspeaker is man that has promised to never speak false and is respected because of that among all Quahs. He knows one living in the Lyrune-Quah, the Clan of Moon. Party thinks that is their best shot and Thousand Bones ends the Bone Fire Council. He gives party some equipment for journey and states that these gifts might be more useful than they thought.

Next morning party prepares for long journey over harsh Cinderlands to meet Lyrune-Quah. Thousand Bones asks how Adolamin feels about Krojun calling him tshamek and he tells that it hurts but he tries to endure with it. Thousand Bones tell him that if he can endure that disrespect from other shoanti he is ready to be new ambassador between shoanti and Korvosa. He gives party two guides, boneslayers know as Alahak and Nalmik. Soon they depart from Kallow Mounds to face new challenges.

Trip takes about four days with normal travel speed and on the way they have time to wonder about all things at the Cinderlands. Animals and all other wonders of Plauteu suprise and astonish all others but Adolamin who feels his come back home. They notice that Krojun and his riders are following them all the time.

On the first they party is ambushed by group of four bullets that on first move tear Nalmid's mount to tiny shreads. Battle is furious but with everyones help they can beat these predators. Bullets were biggest creatures party have ever fought against together. Without one horse they continue their travel near Wyvern Mountains where they meet Lyrune-Quah's special warriors know as Moon Maidens. They won't let tshamek to their camp but after some discussion they will let them meet Truthspeaker. Truthspeaker wants them to get token from sacred place of Desna (who is their goddes) before he will follow them to feeding grounds of Quah-Kael. Moon Maidens protests but Truthspeaker silences them quickly. Party's next destination is old ruin called Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers which is marked with Sihedron, mark of ancient lords that long time ago ruled this land with powerful magic...

Very good session with lots of fun in it. As some others gms might see I changed this chain-quest bit and it worked nicely as they have negotiate with Lyrune-Quah for audience with Truthspeaker. Small things but nice results I have to say. Stay tuned for more!

Okay here's the third session for you:

Party slept and then headed to Acropolis of Thrallkeepers with Alahak and Nalmid (who bought new mount from Lyrune-Quah). On the way Faenor firstly notices something is odd: cinderstorm was tailign them! Quickly they rise their speed to escape from it. They see Krojun dealing with same problem but they won't change their course. Barely party makes to safer place near Acropolis. They leave thei guides to guard horses and move inside the ruin.

Long hallway takes them to large room with two pools and couple of doors. Ocham is particurally interested about pools and water in it but can't find evidence about anything strange. They check northern door and find picture of mermaid. Ragnar appraises gems in it and meanwhile Adolamin looks for evidences about other people in the Acropolis and finds two tracks. They hear and see that somebody is coming to pool hall and party prepares for battle but it is only Krojun (which is enough to Ocham be terrified) who asks what they are doing here. After telling that they are looking for token for Lyrune-Quah he laughs to them. Krojun is taking shelter from cinderstorm and party leaves them to be.

Party heads southern doors and meet up with two people. Man says he isn't their enemy and party can relax. Man introduces himself as Silas, member of Brotherhood of Bones and his companion, chain-devil Asura. Party is familiar to him as he knows Laori Vaus who told him about party of five friendly companions. He is also taking shelter from cinderstorm but doesn't want to disturb them more and asks if they could talk more when outside of Acroppolis. Party agrees and warns him about Krojun and his men. Silas thanks them and leaves.

After this conversation Faenor uses Zellara's cards to identify strange but magical devide on floor. She reveals to him that it is Illumacone, magical lift device using couple of common spells to move lower level and back to main level. Faenor and Ocham race to use this device and soon whole party is on lower level. On long hallway Ragnar sees different colored stone but other's aren't so interested about it and they move forward. Then party founds big glass globe which floats on short rods. Globe has some markings which looks like map but noneone recognizes it. Ocham tries to touch the globe but his hand moves through it and butterfly mark appears on it. They test and test how to move the globe but can't figure it out. Ragnar takes Mevanthalyn to cehck the different colored stone if mark has something to do with it. Meanwhile others continue their test and Faenor finds out that you can remove rods holding the globe. They take them off and globe drops to ground making thundering sound and big crack appears on it. They lift it back to normal position and stop to think what to do.

They decide that tokens they were looking for are these butterfly marks not the globe itself. Mevanthalyn fixes the crack with mending spell and they are ready to leave. On the long hallway they are attacked by Red Mantis assasins!

Fight is cruel and short. After suprise round assasins have no chance to really kill the party and they kick their red asses quickly. Party moves upstairs to chekc if Krojun and his men are OK.

They really aren't looking for Krojun as there is something in the pools. Two large tentacles are watching the area and notice party on next room and start move closer. Party doesn't wait to see what that creature is going to do but Mevanthalyn casts Wall of Fire between tenctacles and the party. Ragnar starts to retreat and yells others to follow. It goes well but Ocham and Adolamin retreat to wrong direction. After some chaos Adolamin finds Ocham and they start to look what's behind new doors they found. Others wait for them but Faenor goes look for them. He regroups with them but joins their "let's check all rooms"-party. They find big statue of some forgotten goddes knows as Lissala but then Mevanthalyn comes to get them and they leave Acropolis. Adolamin looks for signs of combat but cannot find anything. They are unsure what happened to Krojun...

Outside they meet up with Silas and their guides. Silas proposes that he joins the party to help them but guides aren't fine with that. Party is forced to turn down Sila's offer as they can't risk their friendship with Skoan-Quah. Silas takes it calmly and states that he wouldn't either like those savages around him and takes his leave. As farewell he says that they'll meet again. Guides tell them that Krojun and his Burnt Riders run away from Acropolis sometime ago.

Then they get Akram and their guides vow to protect the Truthspeaker with their lives. Adolamin is unsure if he should vow too but doesn't do it. Akram is old man but capable of movign with magic so there isn't a problem. Truthspeaker is strangely interested about Ocham and his role in party and in the world. At first Ocham was suprised about this attention but lately he felt it was refreshing to talk someone who was interested about him. Akram talked with Ocham almost whole trip to hunting grounds og Quah-Kael.

On the wat they encountered Red Reaver, big gorilla like creature with six eyes and two claws that could easily tear man to shreads. It probably was either hunting or protecting its territory but it was angry! Battle starts and Ocham casts maximized scorching ray on it and everyone is suprised about who Reaver howls after that. Adolamin moves closer but ends too close and gets attacked by Reaver. Same second they realize that enemy is super dangerous that Adolamin is hurt very badly. At first only Ocham is making damage to it with his spells (while Akram commenting and asking about his magic) and melee guys are taking powerful hits. Ragnar's healing magic can keep everyone alive and Ocham finishes Rever with magic missiles. Battle is over and for first time in the Cinderlands someone was going to die. If this was power of Red Reaver how much Quah-Kael had power...?

Akram tells them more about Quah-Kael when they arrive to its hunting grounds and advices them not to kill it as it would make the whole legend meaningless. Also he tells it isn't necessary that all members go through this trial. Party thinks what to do then but then the Quah-Kael arrives! Quick rock-paper-scissors and Faenor is the one going in (and hopefully out). Some buff spells and then they see Quah-Kael. Gargantuan purple worm that is flaming all the time. Party is amazed about its size and start to retreat and casts spells to protect themselves (no protection from energy to Faenor..). Ocham flies up and Faenor tries to get beasts attention. Quah-Kael isn't hungry and just attacks Faenor and after that he knows that he can't survive another round. He tries to retreat but is knocked unconscious.

Real turn of events happens here. When Faenor was knocked out by Quah-Kael, Ocham takes the cloak of hero to himself. He waits beast to attack someone and then flies inside! After that Ragnar wants to make sure that they really recreate the legend and dimensional hops to beats mouth and gets shallowed. Ocham escapes using scroll of dimension door and appears next to Akram who is smiling to him. Couple of times later Ragnar slashes his way out of the worm and they flee quickly. Faenor was poisoned by Quah-Kael but next morning Ragnar's cures him. They are happy about getting this done and are ready to face Sun Shaman.

Good session and awesome ending. Ocham taking the role of Shura was something I couldn't predict BUT Zellara did. ;) Check Harrow reading two session back where she foresees Ocham's big part in their quest. Someone might argue that this isn't uprising Zellara is talking but this was awesome. Tommorrow we will play again and then we will see how their meeting with Sun Shaman goes.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Blue_Hill wrote:
Good session eventhough Carowyn Manor wasn't as creepy as I wished it to be. Ochams Turn Undead-ability made it lot more easier to them.

I'm about to run this encounter (Carowyn Manor).

Do you have any suggestions that would make it "creepy-er"?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Banesfinger wrote:

I'm about to run this encounter (Carowyn Manor).

Do you have any suggestions that would make it "creepy-er"?

First thing come to my mind is that try to time PCs arrival to Manor at the evening: "Darkness falls and you can hear music soming from Manor and see silhoutes trought curtains. They are dancing but noneone comes to open the door when you knock." Jolistana could command zombies to play creepy dancing music* which would add nice feel to whole scene. Elf acting as "prom queen" would also be cool..

Some zombies (maybe musicians?) should be fast zombies as Rolf could create scroll of haste to his underling. Makes battle bit more dangerous. If you have more than three players (as I think you have) make manor bigger. My players felt that there weren't enough space to do anything else than run to upstairs to catch the mad elf. If you want your party to fight against zombies change place of the stairs to other side of the building so they are forced to fight against them. As you can read my players run to upstairs as fast as they could.

Later aren't much of suggestions how to make Manor creepyer but I thought those might be useful. Manor sub-plot isn't great but if you handle it better than I did you could make it memorable encounter.

*Sorry I couldn't resist.

We played History of Ashes to end some time ago and even had one session of Skeletons already so it's time to update this log. So last time they went through ordeal..

Trip to Flameford Gathering goes nicely, they meet some Sklar-Quah riders who lead them to camp after asking why they were riding on their lands. Flameford camp (or as I call it: "Camp of Friar's Lantern". Name I came up when I couldn't translate Flameford Gathering well enough) is on high cliff and it's protected by nasty looking rocks (which are magical). Soon enough they meet Sun Shaman, chief Ready-Klar and Krojun while all other Shoanti are watching them. Akram starts to tell story about how Moon and Sun are brothers that rule different realms (night and day) and how they only meet quickly (dawn and dusk). Story goes for while but then Akram states that he is Truthspeaker and if someone doubts that he should speak his mind now. Ragnar notices that Krojun looks like he wants to say something but man stays quiet.

Then Akram tolds them story about how these brave souls took trial like Shura the Reborn did long time ago. Ocham, citizen of Korvosa and descendant of Chelish people was first to reborn in Quah-Kael's belly. Soon after that Ragnar, member of proud dwarves managed to do same as Ocham. Their destiny is bound to their friends and they deserve same treatment. Lastly he says that these tshamek has showed real courage and shoould that title removed from them. Sun Shaman nods and takes chief to his tent to think about this.

It takes about hour to Sun Shaman and chief to make their decisions. Sun Shaman states that from now on these five people aren't tshamek anymore and they are free to travel on their lands and are welcome to their camp. Party is relieved but can see that other shoanti aren't happy about this turn of events. Guests yurt is raised for them and party decides to ask about Midnight's Teeth later.

Next morning they take part to ritual which is for honor of Sun (and Moon as Akram is present). After this party asks if Sun Shaman is willing to tell them about Midnight's teeth but he bluntly refuses. They are asking him to reveal very heart of their history and he can't tell them as they aren't Sklar-Quah. Mevanthalyn asks if there is way to change that thing and they hear Akram laughing near them. Truthspeaker speaks directly to Sun Shaman that there are no reason why these brave people couldn't become part of Quah. Sun Shaman nods and says that by taking Trial of Totems and completing it they could become full-members of Quah and then he could tell them about Teeth. Krojun is furious about this but don't act against Sun Shaman. He takes his riders and heads to Cinderlands. Sun Shaman tells them he wants to meet them next morning before sun rise here and party promises to be there.

Akram leaves camp couple of hours later and wishes them good luck with Trial as it isn't easy. Also he suggests that they try to get Krojun's respect as he is famous member of Sklar-Quah. Their guides, Alahak and Nalmid convoy him back to Lyrune-Quah and then head back to Kallow Mounds. Thanks are changed and now party is on their own. First thing they do is prepare for Trial: all others head to hunt some food than Ocham who stays in the camp. All day hunting is enought to gather some goods for exchange and they got food and water to themselves.

Early in morning they meet up with Sun Shaman how leads them to Bolt Rock where he explains the Trial. Party must get these totems on the top of Bolt Rock before sun rises and keep them up for two whole days. They can help each other and use magic but if harm is done to either totems or to Bolt Rock they can't pass the Trial. Lots of eyes are watching Bolt Rock for these two days so if Totems aren't up he would know that. Totems also glow in darkness so nights aren't for resting. After explaining this to party he changes to bird and flies back to camp. Party starts to carry totems on the Bolt Rock and with each others help they manage to get totems up before sun rises. Trial begins...

First day is easy. They have food and water for whole trial so starving or dehydration isn't a threat. Totems aren't extremely difficult to hold up but fear that they break them is threat enough not to test their luck. At the evening something climbs up to Bolt Rock and it isn't human but basilisk! At the very start it turns Ocham to stone! Battle starts but basilisk is nasty foe for someone trying to hurt it. Mevanthalyn's giant scorpions are turned to stone and soon herself suffers the same fate. Ragnar and Faenor who are away from beasts eyes buff themselves before joining the battle. Adolamin puts his totem on the ground softly after he had kicked basilisk couple of times. Faenor charges and Ragnar uses his dimensional hops to get near baslisk and then the beast stands no chance. it dies and they save their allies using its blood. Night falls.. They discuss about Ocham's past (and his true name is revealed!) and he trust others enough to tell the truth.

Cold night turns to morning and Ocham uses last charges of their wand of endure elements. Ragnar gives potions of lesser restoration to Ragnar and Ocham to cancel fatigue. Three others can manage with their fatigue. Before noon Krojun climbs to Bolt Rock to watch their process. He sits silently watching all of them (especially Ocham and Mevanthalyn) and doesn't answer their questions. Half hour later he leaves saying only that "You all are lucky that you have each other as nalhari."

Less than day left and suddenly Ragnar is seeing things: he is an auroch proud animal of Storval Plateau. He notices that predators are near, they are hiding now but they are coming for his pack. He understands that he isn't the prey but defender of Plateau. He is strong, primal and proud defender of his pack. Soon after this realization the vision ends. Morning comes and their trial is over. Sun Shaman and people of the camp have come to Bolt Rock to welcome them to their Quah. Change of heart among shoanti is incredible.

Sun Shaman tells them that he must travel to Kallow Mounds and other places to contact the spirits about their matter but then he is ready to tell them about Midnight's Teeth. He makes Krojun the leader of Sklar-Quah while he and chief Ready-Klar are away. Party heads to sleep after their ordeal. They wake up on the evening and are ready to take part to feast. while they are preparing for it they hear yelling voices from the camp but doen't have time to check things as something gray comes trought the tent's roof. Flameford Gathering is under attack!

As you can see party was suprised very soon after their trial ended. Before combat started I asked how had their armor on and told them that they had time [half hour to hour about) to put it on. Ragnar and Adolamin instantly stated that they aren't wearing armor but Mevanthalyn and Faenor are wearing as they could sleep while wearing it. I simply nodded to them and asked to do the math for their new AC. Nice addition to feel of combat that they really are suprised.

Four attackers are identified as gargoyles which are pretty common around Cinderlands. On the other hand Flameford is far from mountains so it's bit strange. Party is suprised so they got some hits but their counter-attack is furious. Ocham is only one on trouble as tent is too small for his area effect spells and enemies are in combat so he doesn't want to use ranged touch attacks. Using good team tactics they kill all attackers in couple of rounds. Still they can hear combat coming from camp so it's time to make their move. All others move outside the tent but Ragnar who feels that he needs his armor now more than ever.

Just outside their tent they meet up with three Red Mantis assasins and some gargoyles. Ocham uses some spells to gargoyles and Mevanthalyn is attacked by two of them while Faenoer and Adolamin take assasins as their targets. Ragnar is trying to get in his armor but without help it's really hard.. Ocham turns to shadow for protection and for flying (player likes shadow protejection spell from APG). Some attackers arrive to help their allies but even four heroes are too much for them. Without too much effort they finish off their enemies and rush to help others!

It looks like Ragnar is out of this combat because he is trying to get his armor on. No worries lads as I quickly made offer to ragnar: he gets his armor on in time to move with his friends if he takes -2 penalty to armor bonus and armor check penalty is two points higher than normal. He takes it and "tadaa!" he is back in the business!

It would have taken forever trying to get in his armor without help so this was my solution. Try to be nice for your players so don't punish them for being awesome (start combat without armor).

They find lots of attackers at the campfire. Gargoyles, assasins and one fellow with brimmed hat and long coat and crossbow. They realize it's tshamek devil the Cinderlander! He is protected by his pet cougar, some gargoyles and assasins who now keep Krojun in check while Cinderlander shoots him. Party goes to help: Adolamin charges to cougar, Mevathalyn and Ragnar both use Righteous Might to become more efficient combatants and Faenoer turns ivisible and goes after the Cinderlander. Ocham flies over the battlefield and thinks which spells he can use without his components..

Cinderlander changes his target to Adolamin and he feels this mans wrath. Assasins can't really hurt "Team Xeno" because their new form, Faenor moves behind the Cinderlander and is ready to start his attack. Adolamin gets another round of bolts but he also gets to attack Cinderlander. Faenor's attack suprise him a bit but next round Faenor is also a target and he retreats a bit and uses Blink for protection. Ocham hits Cinderlander with Enervation (and soon again with Enervation) but Adolamin goes down as he can't take another round of bolts while being attacked by cougar. Team Xeno is kicking some red mantis assasins easily.

Then new attackers arrive: beatiful woman in red mantis armor yells that she is only after these five outlanders and if shoanti give them up she retreats otherwise she kills the whole tribe. She and her assasins join the battle. Her target is Team Xeno as cinderlander is taking care of others. Ragnar's healing gets Adolamin back to his feet and he hits Cinderlander hard. Then Faenor blinks behind him and stabs him to death! At this time gargoyles are retreating and assasins are feeling really alone..

Mevanthalyn and Ragnar pummel their enemies easily (especially Mevanthalyn's "trip them and then power attack them while on the ground"-tactics is working nicely). Assasin leader tries to cast Hold Person to Mevanthalyn but she resists it. Then Ocham sees his opportunity and tries to Suffocate (APG spell) the leader. She resist it but ends up to ground trying to catch her breath. Faenor and Adolamin rush to kill assasins and when assasin leader stands up she ends up to shreads by attacks of opportunity (somebody critted can't remember who). Battle of Flameford Camp is over..

Good long session with good roleplaying and very good large scale combat. It went smoothier than some smaller combats I have run and I got praises for this. Enemies arriving in waves was good choice for many reasons as there weren't too much named enemies which they could hunt and I could change the course of battle easily. Especially arrival of Red Mantis assasin leader was crucial as some of my players has habit of always going after "the big bads" and leaving mooks to others. Now I could give the others the main enemy while getting "the rushers" to fight the Cinderlander.

I swear that Ragnar will just snap one day to this group :) Every1 for himself and all but meh...... will keep my armour on from now on.

Generaly the best mass combat there has been during my entire "PF career" with a nice carrot for the rusher type players, thumbs up!

PS: Ragnar would have propably just slaughtered those assassins without much of a problem even without hes armour on but hey, mr.dwarf just has to look cool while breaking some red mantis suckers. *Cough*

^Thanks Ragnar for your glorious insights about final battle of Flameford Camp. ;) We have played twice after last session report so time update this log now.

Camp is doing some repairing after the attack and also burials for fallen. Ocham suggests that it's maybe better if they just leave as they seem to bring harm to shoanti. Krojun looks him and bluntly states: "You are now one of us. Attacking you is same as attacking us and shoanti don't abandon their own. You stay and wait for Sun Shaman. That is why you are here." Party helps the Sklar-Quah and waits Sun Shamans return which doesn't take too long. They also realize that they have known each other/hanging together for three months now and rise toast for that.

After Sun Shama's return he tells the party that he is ready to tell them about Quah's past. Before the dawn they meet him at the campfire. Shaman starts his tale about his ancestor who helped a hero named Mandraivus. Hero needed help from Sun Shaman's ancestor with his quest to slay despotic overlord knows as Kazavon whose domain was Hold of Belkzen. Ancestor agreed to help Mandraivus and was gone for months. When he returned he wasn't same man as before, he had seen something which changed him forever. He told other shoanti that Mandraivus won and terror of Kazavon was history but now he had new duty that Mandraivus had given to him. He had fangs of Kazavon with him and he was ordered to protect them or there was chance that Kazavon might return to life. Sklar-Quah took that as honor and placed the fangs their sacred place (which now serves as foundation of Castle Korvosa). They guarded fangs over five centuries until Cheliax conquered their lands and build a city around their sacred monument. They have feared that someone could find the fangs and now it has happened. They have failed Mandraivus.

He also tells party what he knows about fangs. There is a tiny fragment of Kazavon's soul inside it and it's like a seed. When it founds good soil it will grow fast and become powerful and as his ancestor was able to resist Kazavon he isn't so sure that petty young queen has same strenght to resist the dragon. When Kazavon joins with someone there are two souls in one body which will give one a power over her own mortality. Party agrees to this one. Sun Shaman proceeds to next subject: Blessing of the Ancestors. He summons ancestral spirit which will tell more about this subject. Party decides that Zellara is best spirit to this job after Sun Shaman asks if they have strong connection to some spirit. Sun Shaman chants again and fells unconscious. Sun rises and Zellara manifests before the party. She smiles and greets them.

She tells that she has some information from spirits that send her here but before telling it she wants to perform Harrow reading to them. She foretells that castle known as Scarwall contains help to their quest and how old long forgotten tyrant is now rising again and if noneone stops it there will be dire consequences. She smiles to them again but she's bit bitterish this time. Then Zellara starts to sing about Scarwall and something called Serithiel which is trapped inside the castle. They decide to go Scarwall for more information about Kazavon. Then party feels something coming closer and see them: ghostly figures of humans surround them and look happily to them and they can feel hope that these ghosts have. Then Zellara and other spirits disappear and Sun Shaman wakes up. Party tells him that they'll leave today as they have long road ahead. Ragnar vows that he won't rest until threat of Kazavon is dealt with.

After praparing (and arguing about will they visit Kaer Maga or Urglin for spell components/etc. Ocham and Adolamin want to go Kaer Maga but others think it will be faster to use Urgling as it's on the way to Hold of Belkzen. After a while they vote and Urgling wins) they leave Sklar-Quah behind them. Farewells are changed and even Krojun is calling them as his nalhari. As they have started riding they hear the whole tribe yelling one sentence of shoanti language: Storval ekbitel nalharest! We walk the land as brothers!

Couple of days riding and they arrive to Urglin which really isn't nice place. Den of outlaws and half-breeds is still good place for equipment and stuff. Ocham search for mage guild or similar with Faenor (who wants to be sure that Ocham won't find trouble for himself) while others look their gear around the city. Ocham finds rag-tag mercenary guild which trades some spells for Ocham's spells. Faenoer makes some money in gambling with halfings of guild. They leave Urglin on same day and head to Hold of Belkzen. Luckily Adolamin is familiar about areas near borders of Varisian and Belkzen as his clan lives there. They won't visit them on this trip maybe when they return.

Days go by and Ocham uses sending to check situation of Korvosa. Cressida's answer isn't happy: city is mainly fine but Gray Maidens use martial-law more often, elven embassy is under blockade, Ragnar's empolyees are in safehouse, Abadar's church supports the Queen, Ishani is imprisoned for warmongering and rebellion. Trade routes are opened to... Sending ends before party hears where the routes are opened. They discuss about these sendings and decide that they won't contact Cressida again for her protection.

Landscape changes as they are closing the border of Hold of Belkzen. Dust and dryness changes to green grass and forests. They know that Hold of Belkzen is volcanic area so it explains a lot. One day they hear sounds of battle near by and group speaking using language they don't know. Faenor casts comprehend languages and now understands giant tongue. Giants are attacking travellers near by! Party rushes to aid them as they have hunch who these travellers might be.

Seven hill giants have surrounded a familiar couple who now hide among large rocks and can't do much to giants. There are already several fallen giants near them so they have been there for a while. Without much of thinking Adolamin rushes to stop giants that are closest to Silas and Laori. Ragnar curses the shoanti as he goes but he attacks nearest giant with his axe. Ocham uses his area of effect spells very effiently to weaken the giants. Faenor and Mevanthalyn buff others and themselves for starters but then join to the battle. Giants aren't really a threat to them only Adolamin takes seirous damage while fighting. Ocham's spells are super effective today and he kills four giants, Ragnar and Adolamin both kill one and Mevanthalyn with aid of Faenor finish the last one.

Silas and Laori thank them for saving them. They didn't have enough Flame Strikes to finish all attackers by themselves but luckily party was near. Laori is superhappy to see party again and offers some skulls to them again. Silas is bit more restrained than his collegue and often tolds Laori to be bit quiet. She asks if party wants their help in Scarwall as they are going same way as they. Party is bit suprised about this but Silas explains that they know about Queen and Kazavon and as followers of Zon-Kuthon they don't like it. (Laori: "Yeah Brotherhood of Bones isn't happy either!") It doesn't please the Midnight's Lord to see his greatest general as plaything of petty queen so they are looking for ways to get them separated and best place to look for advice is Scarwall. Brotherhood of Bones wants the fangs of Kazavon themselves to be sure this won't happen again. (Laori: "That is our worthy goal." *Big smile*) But they can't do it alone that they need party's help and party needs their help. After some discussion party agrees to help these two and they separate to meet up at hte castle.

After Brotherhood of Bones is gone Ragnar tells others that he doesn't trust these two. Others think the same and Ocham fears that Brotherhood might be gathering parts of Kazavon to resurrect him. Still now they need help so there isn't much a choice. Travelling continues...

After 14 days of riding from Flameford Gathering they arrive to Scarwall. Castle is huge: high towers, several wings, balconies and long bridge leading to castle that waits them in a middle of lake. It is dark and old but looks like it has survived throught centuries as it's walls and roofs look intact. There is small barbican near the bridge so party heads there to look if Brotherhood of Bones has arrived.

Obviously they haven't as someones in barbican start rain arrows to them and mad yells rise behind the broken buildings. Several orcs arrive to road leading to bridge and their leader (apparently) orders his band to attack! Party quickly dismounts and is ready to face these orcs. Especially Adolamin is eager to kill these bastards.

Orcs were tougher than party assumed. Their leader is basically same sort of fighter as Adolamin and his underlings aren't weak either. Ocham quickly flies over the battlefield and uses his spells effiently to weaken orcs but also to hurt them. His spells really helped others as melee was going to be very brutal. Ragnar is almost killed by one of the orcs, only quick mass healing from Mevanthalyn saves his life. Maybe dwarf was bit proud when facing these enemies and it was going to end his life. Mevanthalyn uses her spells to aid others but then takes more offensive position (Righteous Might is her spell of choice). She still helps her allies with healing (like above saving Ragnar) and manages to hurt their leader badly. Faenor hurts orcs as fast he cans but takes more damage than he can make. He is bit in trouble but luckily Ragnar was able to heal him a bit. Adolamin took orc leader as his target from beginning but also did the orcs. He takes alot of damage almost drop unconscious but healing keeps him standing up.

Battle was long and furious but in the end orc leader and his gang was beaten. Ten orcs in total dead and almost one hero. They heal themselves and search the buildings but don't find anything interesting. Leaders greatsword is nice and Mevanthalyn takes it as secondary weapon. Just before night falls Silas and Laori arrive and he wants to tell party about history of Scarwall as they might not know everything....

Awesome sessio. I really like these session between the books as I don't have to check Ap all the time and I can just improvise things. Urglin was familiar to couple of players (as their characters in RotRL visited the place) but to others it was new place. Running gag in our group are gambling halflings so Urglin was best place for them. Next recap hopefully soon. Stay tuned as you might want to know about how party survived the horrors of Scarwall!

Damn, am I and Adolamin only ones with brains? When you have two options, and other one includes orcs, you choose the option without orcs! Its common sense, people!

By Aroden's dead ass, we are gonna get ourselves killed one day. "Sigh" How much I miss my little clinic. It used to be so calm.

^And thanks to Ocham for his viewpoints about party's "route selection". Time to write about party's first trip to Scarwall.

At the evening they all have gathered at the campfire and Silas tells them about history of Scarwall. 800 years ago count Andachi desperately needed help as orcs of Belkzen were invading his county knows as Tamrivena. He prayed help from Desna but she was silent. Count turned to other god for help: Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord. He heard Andachi's prayer and sent one of his mightiest minions to help the count. Kazavon came to meet count and took his army to Hold of Belkzen to meet the invadinf orc army. Stories tell that Kazavon ride in the front line and no attack hit him as he lead the army. Very quickly orc armies were beaten but Kazavon didn't return to count Andachi. He stayed in Hold of belkezen with the army and build himself a castle (Silas: "which no looms behind my back" 'As if castle could hear Silas you can see shadows moving behind castles windows').

From the castle Kazavon started his own reign of terror. As Andachi knew this was his fault he tried to negoatiate with Kazavon. Messengers were flayed and send back to Andachi as undead. This happened to messengers from other near by countries. Andachi didn't see any other way to solve this than gathering his army and marching to Scarwall. He tried to negotiate with Kazavon but his army was slain and he suffered the same faith as others.

Over a decade Kazavon ruled Hold of Belkzen and all tries to defeat were doomed to fail. But where armies failed a small band of heroes could do much more. Hero of Lastwall named Mandraivus gathered a band of trusted companions and planned to destroy Kazavon once and for all. What really helped him was that he had a man inside the Scarwall who was ready to betray Kazavon. Tyrant's own chamberlain Kleestad guided Mandraivus and his cabal and they caught Kazavon by suprise while small army attacked Kazavon's army outside. Still there was more as Kazavon escaped the cabal to highest tower of his castle. There he faced Mandraivus and his cabal in his true form, as a powerful blue dragon. Most of cabal's attacks just bounced off his scales as when he was leading Andachi's army. Still cabal was able to kill the dragon, Madraivus himself delivered the final blow. Kazavon's reign was over.

Mandraivus couldn't destroy the dragon and to be sure it could never return he ordered his survived companions to take a part of dragon and take it far a way from Scarwall. He stayed in Scarwall so noneone could take Kazavon's place as tyrant of Scarwall. His command was short as orcs of Belkzen noticed that Kazavon was dead so they attacked Mandraivus and his small army there. Mandraivus and his men were slain but orcs didn't enjoy their victory long.

The castle swallowed the orcs.

Scarwall became a place of horror stories. Most of the adventurer's weren't bold enough to try loot the place and those who tried either died or returned insane.

Short pause and Silas states the obvious: "..and you are going there." He plans to stay behind as backup and Laori will accompany the party (Laori: "Me? Hahah, I mean of course I will" *giggle with smile*). Party agrees to this and heads to sleep in Silas' strange skull tower. After a good sleep they head towards the castle. Lake is foggy and sun can penetrate the clouds just barely.

Scarwall doesn't welcome them as Adolamin and Mevanthalyn can feel uneasiness of spirits that live withn them. Also Faenor feels this but more stronger. Suddenly they all see restless spirits coming from the castle and Zellara apperaing next them. Spirits attack her and eventhought Faenor tries to help her he can't save her. Zellara is taken to the Scarwall by spirits and Faenor can feel that Zellara isn't anymore with them. Party is upset about this but plan to save their friend and head forward.

About half way to the castle they hear that gate or similar is rising and they hear marching sound coming towards them. They draw their weapons and discuss what to do. Mevanthalyn asks if they retreat a bit but none one answer to her. Then they see what's coming to them. About twenty skeleton warriors and (obviouly) some sort of leader who is riding a burning skeleton of horse (which is identified as sceletal nightmare). They are out numbered but Ocham has a trick in his sleeve.

Undead to Death-spell hits the attackers hard, leaving only four skeletons and their sergeant to attack the party. Rider charges to Faenor who just moved closer and using his longer reach to almost pierces through bard's neck. Rider is still out their reach and they see him turning around, preparing for next attack.. Skeletons attack the party but most of them can't charge so party can cooperate to save Faenor and still defend themselves. Sergeant charges past Mevanthalyn but she withstands the attack. Ragnar's channel energy saves Faenor and heals others. Adolamin starts destroy normal skeletons for real and Mevanthalyn has another trick to suprise their foes (and GM and allies alike).

One of her spirits appears next to sergeant and wields elven blade and attacks him. Spiritual Ally spell (APG) isn't something that these skeltons have seen before so sergenat uses his attacks for nothing as normal attacks can't hurt the spiritual ally. Ragnar walks on air for reason storyteller can't remember. Skeletons are dealt with but new attackers arrive to scene. Three large gargoyles fly through fog to threaten Adolamin, Faenor, Ocham and Laori. Ragnar is attacked by sergeant but then he is surrounded by spiritual ally and Mevanthalyn who again uses Righteous Might to grow her reach. Ocham fries gargoiles with fireball and soon drops one that attacked him with maximized scorching ray. Adolamin crits one gargoyle out and someone (maybe Laori?) takes the third out soon. Faenor asks for Enlarge Person and Mevanthalyn grants it to eager bard.

Reason was clear as Faenor's weapon isn't good for hurting skeleton he disarms him. Lance falls but sergeant has an backup weapon, longsword. Later bard tries again but fails and drops his own weapon. Others either heal themselves or do some damage to sergeant. Faenor tries disarm the sergeant unarmed and manages to snatch his longsword to himself. Mevanthalyn kills the skeletal nightmare and sergeant crashes down and solid bridge destroys him. Party heals and continue their way towards the castle. Mevanthalyn suggests that they would use another way to get in (like flying) but Faenor shoots the idea down quickly. They continue..

They almost reach the gate when someone shoots them from second floor, just above the gate. Party rushes inside the castle and comes to corridor which leads deeper to castle but portcullis is down. Faenor takes lead role here. He Blinks* to next room where are stairs to upstairs. On stairways there is guard coming down and Faenor turns invisible. Minotaur skeleton with strange crossbow comes down and moves to arrow slits to shoot the party. They retreat a bit and just wait if Faenor could do something to the portcullis. He finds lever upstairs and four more guards. Adolamin is tired to wait and goes to lift the portcullis, Ragnar joins to help. Same time Faenor starts to lift it with lever so way inside the castle is opened. unfortunately Faenor's Blink has ended and he is forced to travel alone in the darkness of Scarwall.

My player's keep out:

*Yeah I forgot that Scarwall is under a Dimensional Anchor.. next session I'll correct this and suprise my players that something that worked before won't work. Funs of being a GM. Same goes for Ragnar's dimensional hops that he uses soon after this.

Others move forward and find disgusting room. It's full of dead bodies, orcs and humans alike, and they look as they had just died. They see light moving behind arrow slits (and Faenor who casted it see his friends behind the arrow slits). They regroup when Faenor finds door to this chamber. Then they see soemthing moving. Huge pile of bodies start to move and abomination made of dead bodies starts to roll towards them. Bit shocked they draw their weapons to defend themselves.

Body pile starts with terrifying scream which echoes trough the halls os Scarwall. Party waits it to attack them and soon their wish is granted as it charges to Adolamin. Divine caster's buff and soon it goes to all out confort in melee. Distusting body pile takes a lot of damage from the party and it tries to absorb a new body and screams again but party kills the aberration.

They are almost out of spells so party decides to retreat. Faenor suggests that they destroy the guardin skeletons before leaving and all agree. They head upstairs and take four skeletons in melee. Ocham uses his Undead to Death again and destroyes all four on the spot. Fifth is destroyed soon enough and they head to meet Silas.

Session ends. Good session and I managed to get some distuested and frightened faces from players while playing. Funny fact about this session is that we were forced to play this outdoors so sunshine made it bit difficult to create horror feel. Still I got feedback that it worked well enough so... Next time more about exploring Scarwall. What will they face and can they save Zellara?

Well, you must admit it was much more cooler way to get in that spooky castle with blink, no matter if I couldn't used it. we would get there eventualy and that was just chool and one of my favorite scenes in our epic quest! You forgot that I also used "Ghost Sound" to fool those stupid Minotaur skeletons and all five of them fell for it. (Dc 13 woohoo!)

So, Here's Faenor for you all!


Faenor. CG Bard(lvl.8)/Duelist(lvl.4)

Hit points: 103
AC: 27
Touch: 20
Flat- Footed: 18

Str: 14
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 16
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

Saving throws:
Fortitude: 6
Reflex: 15
Will: 7 (+2 against mind affecting stuff if Drunk |,,/)

Iniative: 7

Melee attacks:
+2 Keen Mitral Rapier 17/12 (Critical 15-20/x2)
d6+4 +4

+1 Mithral Human bane Rapier 16/11(18-13 against humans) (critical 18-20/x2)
d6+3 +4 (d6+5 +4 +2d6 against humans)

CMB: 12 (disarm 16)
CMD: 29(disarm 31)

Weapon finesse, Dodge, Mobility improved disarm,
Combat expertise, Spring attack, Combat reflexes,
Whirlwind Attack

Special Abilities:
Bard: Bardic Knowledge, Well-versed, Versatile performance(Bluff, sense motive, intimitade, handle animal), inspire Competence +3 Lore Master,

Bardic Performance 21/day:
Countersong, Distraction, Facinate(Dc 17), Inspire Courage +2, Suggestion, Dirge of Doom

Duelist: Canny defence, Precise Strike, Parry, Imp, reaction, Enhanced mobility, Grace

Acrobatics: +23
appraise +3
Bluff: +14
Climb: +10
Diblomacy: +11
Disable device: +11
Disguise: +8
Escape artist: +10
Fly: +5
handle animal: +3 (+10)
Heal: +2
Intimitade +7
K(arcana): +11
K(dungeoneering): +12
k(Engineering): +11
K(Geoghraphy: +11
K(history): +14
K(Local): +12
K(Nature): +15
K(Nobility): +11
K(Planes): +16
K(Religion): +12
Linguistics: +8
Perspection: +12
Perform(singing): +14
Perform(Dancing): +10
Perform(Flute): +10
Ride: +6
Sense motive: +0 (+14)
Sleight of hand: +9
Spellcraft: +12
Stealth: +24
Survival: +1
Swim: +2
Umd: +6

So that's Faenor For you!

Indeed Faenor, that ghost sound spell of yours worked really well indeed! Ahahahahha. And also, how i destroyed lot's of skellies with cost of five hundred diamond dust! Ahhahahah.

Here's my medical raport.

Ocham The Quak
Neutral Male Human Doctor (Necromancer) 12

Initiative +5
Senses: +10 Perception, Lifesight 20ft

AC 16 Touch 14 F-Footed 13
HP 91
Fort +6 Reflex +8 Will +11

Speed 30ft
Melee: Grave Touch +6 (Shaken)
Ranged: Ranged Touch Attack +9
Ranged: Doctor's pointy things(Darts) +9 (1d4)

Str11 Dex16 Con14 Int22 Wis14 Cha13

Feats:Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus(Necromancy),Great.Spell Focus(Necr.), Turn Undead, Improved Iniative, Spell Penetration, Great. Spell Penetration,Defensive Comabt Training, Craft Wand, Maximize Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell.

Skills: Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Craft Alchemy +17, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +3, Fly +10, Heal +19, Know.(Arcana) +16, Know.(Dungeoneering) +10, Know.(History) +14, Know.(Local) +10, Know.(Nature) +10, Know.(Nobility) +11, Know.(Religion) +21, Linguistics +10, Perception +10, Perform (Violin) +2, Profession (Doctor/Quak/Fraud) +12, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +6.

Languanges:Common, Infernal, Elven, Draconic, Terran, Old Taldan.

Class Abilities: Arcane Bond: Toad familiar Bufonidae, Necromancy School (Conjuration,Illusion), Power Over Undead, Lifesight

Traits: Caretaker, Framed-Dropout

Magic Items: Ring of Resist Fire, Ring of Protection, Headband of Intelligence +2, Rod of Power, Wand of Fly, Wand of Charm Person, Wand of Magic Missiles,Cloak of Resistance +1, Ectoplasmic Metamagic Rod, lesser.

Thats' it. He's nuts. AHAHAHAH.

I'll post stats for Adolamin and Mevanthalyn. Next update to this journal will come tommorrow (or soon after it).



Mevanthalyn Tugathalon, ng female elven oracle of battle (lvl12)

HP: 111
AC 25
initiative +6

str 16
dex 20(+2ench)
con 14(+2ench)
int 13
wis 10
cha 20(+2ench)

fortitude +8
reflex +11
will +9

+1 Elven curved blade +17/12
d10+5, 15-20/X2
/power attack +14/+9
d10+14, 15-20/X2

Composite long bow (+2 str)
+14/+9, d8+2/X3

CMD:30(trip 32)


Acrobatics +12, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Craft(arrows) +6 diplomacy +15 heal +6 knowl. (eng.) +5 knowl. (hist) +6 knowl. (loc)+4 knowl. (pl.)+6 knowl. (rel.) +9 linguistics +2 perception +13 ride +10 spellcraft +11 stealth +11 surv. +1 swim +4 use md. +7

point blank shot
precise shot
weapon finesse
power attack
combat reflexes

From weapon mastery revelation(elven curved blade):
improved critical
weapon focus
greater weapon focus

from maneuver mastery:
improved trip
greater trip

From skill at arms revelation:
heavy armor proficiency
martial weapon proficiency (all)

skill at arms
maneuver mastery
weapon mastery (as extra revelation feat)
Battlefield clarity
iron skin



Adolamin "Guardian" Hawksoar
Barbarian 12, Chaotic Good

HP: 173 (221 when in rage)
AC: 24/22
Iniatiative: +6

STR 18, DEX 18, CON 20, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 11

Fort +15, Refl +10 (+14 vs. traps), Will +8 (+11 when in rage)

+1 Great axe +18/+13/+8 (1d12+7), power attacks +18/+9/+4 (1d12+19)
Greater rage 31 rnds/day, +6 STR, +8 CON

Acrobatics +19, Climb +8, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Know (geogr.) +10, Know (hist.) +1, Know (nature) +4, Perception +17, Ride +8, sense Morive +4, Stealth +16, Survival +10, Swim +8

Dodge, Weapon focus (great axe), Power attack, Toughness, Furious Focus, Raging vitality, Extra rage power (low-light vision)

Rage powers:
Spirit totem (lesser), Elemental Rage (lesser), Spirit Totem, Elemental Rage, Spirit Totem (greater), Night Vision

Shoo Ocham with your expensive diamon dust wasting mass pew pew spells.
Your still on -gold in my account book ;P

Anyways, here's Ragnar:


Ragnar Ironbreaker, LN male dwarf cleric (8)/holy vindicator (4) of Abadar (lv12)

HP: 115
AC 25
initiative +1

str 16 (+2ench)
dex 12
con 14
int 14
wis 20 (+2ench)
cha 16

fortitude +12
reflex +5
will +14

+1 Dwarven Waraxe +14/10 d10+4, X2
power attack +12/+8 d10+9, X2

CMB: 13
CMD: 25(trip,bullrush 29)

Appraise +10, Climb +10, Diplomacy +10, Heal +11, knowl. (his.) +10, knowl. (planes) +10, knowl. (reli) +10, linguistics +10, profession Scribe +10, Ride +10, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +10, Swim +10.

Aligment Channel (law-positive)
Selective Channeling (3)
Extra Channel
Power Attack
Quick Draw

Special Abilities:
Channel Energy-Positive (6d6, 8/d)
Touch of Law (8/d)
Agile Feet (8/d)
Staff of Order (4rounds/1day)
Dimensional Hop (80ft/day)
Darkvision (60ft)
Vindicators Shield
Faith Healing (empowered)
Divine Wrath

Now it's time to head back to Scarwall. Great to have all character sheets here, big thanks to my players. Party sleep through day and prepares to enter castle at night...

Scarwall is darker and creepier at night and they need light spells all the time (Ragnar's darkvision helps them a bit). They pass the all where they fought corpse orgy and Adolamin leads then. Large room where lies bones of humans and orcs. Before they can check doors something happens as vortex appears to floor and allip spirits rise from it and start dance that can make weaker man insane. Allips retreat but something bigger wakes up: dark, ghostly humanoid looks at them and looks angrily to (especially) Ragnar and others. "You will not have my Serithiel! She's mine and mine only!"

Wraith (as party identifies it) attacks and Ragnar is his primary target. His ghostly attacks are nasty to deal with as it drains their life force and stamina quickly. Still one ghostly attacker has no chance against the party as they asks help from their spirit allies (Faenor and Mevanthalyn chose bane-ability, others took ghost touch-ability) and wraith disappers. They heal themselves and face the fact that they don't have enough lesser restorations but they still decide to continue.

Castle's barracks from eastern side are mostly empty, just couple of zombies and skeletons. They also find access to eastern minaret tower but decide to head back to wraith's room. Then to west and that corridor is same where Faenor was alone before. They open some doors and end up to kitchen. Large tables are full with kitchen equipment and lots of butchery stuff. Room is also decorated with scenes of burning humans alive. Adolamin notices that smoke is rising from one of the large ovens and checks what it is.

Big burst of flames fills the room and while some of them notice that flames aren't real but some have serious burn marks. Then three creatures rise from the ashes of the oven. Grey, over two meter tall undeads that burn slowly all the time. They attack everything that moves and so another furious battle starts. Creepy thing was that all furniture and equipment disappered after the inferno. Ghouls have nasty abilities (negative levels aren't nice) and their flaming claws hurt party. Still Ocham's ice spells and crits do quick job to finish these nasty things. Then they check western barracks but don't face anything. They knew that more minotaur skeletons were guarding next hallway they needed to enter and they finish them really quickly.

I don't like fights that have anything new to give so I just said that they'll win of they plan even a bit and after palning I described who the combat went.

Corridod is build for defensive operations and it has one door that they haven' check in eastern end so party heads to it. They find stairway to second level and couple of doors. After opening them they arrive to room that have signs of living. Curtains as decoration, fishing nets and other mysterious stuff. They are suprised as they find living person here as captive. Halfling woman named Alimae is hanging from the fishing net and pleads party to free her as she is captive of an evil witch. They are bit suprised about the halfling but Faenor helps her down and after couple of questions about her tells them that witch need to be killed as son as poosible. Party agrees eventhough they are suspious about this halfling lady) and plan an ambush. Halfing tells them that witch is upstairs but party still prepares for ambush. After an about half hour waiting they head upstairs as witch didn't come.

(Faenor scouted before setting the ambush but only saw some jester-clowns and heard music following them but returned quickly after this.)

They explore hte easter side of second level and end up to good looking douple doors and enter. Great hall of Scarwall is awesome eventhough it isn't in best condition. Large oak tables are rised against the walls and big dark throne is standing another side of the room. Ocham (who is looking for new furniture to his clinic... at the Scarwall) is amazed about the throne and wants to look it closer. About half way through the hall something attacks him: ghost with many chains hanging around rises and attacks Ocham. Then the halfling changes her shape and turns to night hag and offers the party as sacrifice to this spirit which she calls as Mithrodar. They are in trouble!

Chain spirit is one nasty opponent as it can attack far away and it's chains drain their charisma and night hag isn't a weak either. Ocham is standing against the chain spirit and gets help from Faenor who heroically comes to help. Others focus to night hag whose spells weaken Mevanthalyn. Ocham tries to negotiate with chain spirit if they could help it to free itself but it yells madly as Ocham speaks about honour-bound promises and stuff. After couple of rounds night hag turns invisible and starts retreat but party takes more damage from chain spirit than they can do to it. Even Laori's shadows can't help them. It heals all the time and their attacks are bit inefficient against it but more to that it looks stronger and stronger after every hit it makes. Scariest thing was still coming..

Chain spirit breathes deeply and sends two hooks towards Adolamin and Mevanthalyn and they lose one spirit which live inside them all the time. Then the chained spirit uses their signature abilities against them: it throws the throne against them as using the telekinesis and then corrupted shoanti warrior hurts all near by heroes with negative energy. They are stunned about this turn of events.

Heroes understand that this is battle they can't win and start retreating. Ragnar gets nasty suprise as he can't use his dimensional hops but they can retreat without much of trouble. He takes last look for information about where its chain go and then run downstairs. After quick discussion they head back to Silas as they are in really bad shape. They ask help from Brotherhood of Bones and Silas' spells heal most of their damage and they head to sleep.* They discuss about the Zellara's song and now understand more about it. They plan to go for the four other chained ones before dealing with Mithrodar as it might be easier to kill after the others are dead.

*This might have happened before meeting "the halfling" but I can't remeber and Ocham's real life journal isn't helping me about time of this visit. Still session ends after party comes back to barbican.

I had some troubles of descriing the rooms but mostly good session. Ability damage is lot of trouble but good way to get players scared as it hurts them more than normal damage. *evil GM laugh*

I'm afraid I will not make out alive.

Is there something wrong with me, when I'm actually wondering-is this worth of it? I love Korvosa, but is it worth of sacrificing my life. I'm seeing my friends being tortured with negative powers of undead, beaten to pulp by monsters and now I almost lost my friend. Is this really worth it? I've seen horrors that can suck your soul and torment you to the horros of unlife.

But everybody else is pushing forward. They shrug it out.Me? I'm generally soiling myself every time we face something evil down there. But, I cannot escape. Because alone I will die for sure. Hhahahaha. hahha.hah.

^Ocham here refers (mostly) to today's gaming session which contained some serious action and one dead character. Which one was it?

18th day of Erastus and party heads back to Scarwall. Mevanthalyn suggests if they could fly to second or higher level of castle right away. All agree and they move closer that Ocham's wand of fly only gives them six minutes of flying. At the castle's gate they start flying upwards to balcony above posts of minotaur skeletons. Flying isn't as easy as it sounds especially Ragnar has some problems but everyone reaches rooftop's edge. They see the balcony and decorations, mostly gargoyles. Then five of them start to move and shriek loudly and attack them. Mevanthalyn realizes that she completely forgot the gargoyles guarding the castle...

Most difficult thing in this combat was movement as only Ocham have experience about it. Mevanthalyn calls help from two giant wasps and two gargoyles attack them to get her and Ragnar. Ocham's fireball fries them badly and combat is mostly theirs but strange thing is that gargoyles yell and bang their chests loudly. After the last falls they hear other gargoyles doing the same around the castle and they are bit afraid about what's going to happen and start to fly to the balcony.

Then they see it. Large, dark figure of a dragon rises behind the main tower of Scarwall to the sky. Heroes rush to balcony doors and find them stuck or locked they aren't sure. Before Mevanthalyn, Ragnar and Adolamin break the doors the dragon flies over them and roars loudly. They hurry inside and close the door. Darkness of Scarwall is with them and they still hear the dragon through the ceiling and doors.

Exploration begins. First they arrive to empty storageroom where balck slime drops from the ceiling and walls. They leave it behind to find room full of different sized spyglasses. Ocham and Faenor both snatch one spyglass. Ragnar finds his way to other balcony which is more hidden than last but comes quickly inside as he hears the dragon around. Then they open the door that is on opposite wall to balcony's door. Small guardroom and the guards!

Guards are devils, hamatulas precisely and some of them know how dangerous those could be. Still they are ready face them and Adolamin rushes to strike them! Ocham helps barbarian and buffs him and others do same kind of stuff. alori is very excited about facing hamatula's and is one of the first attackers. Soon they knew the terror of hamatula's as Adolamin runs away towards new door and finds a corridor and runs towards another door. He comes to main tower and sees another devil flying there. Mevanthalyn's dispel evil fails and they are in bit of trouble as their weapons can't pierce devil's thick skin. Ocham transforms to bronze dragon and uses his electricity spells to hurt devil's. He feel the terror of hamatula as one hits him while in this form. Mevanthalyn is grappled for long time and is out of combat. Ragnar is forced to channel energy for healing as his friends took lot of damage.

Adolamin runs away from new enemy but it follows him and stops him using the forcecage spell. Then it disappers but soon Adolamin and Ocham (who gathered his courage and returned to battle) are targets to charm spells but they can resist. Ocham's dragon is still dispelled (and his angry about it). Then dangerous spells falls upon them as eveything starts to wither and dry out. Horriwid Wilting scares them but all of them resist it and it doesn't do lots of damage. They know that new enemy has arrived (as Adolamin yells warning to them) and Ragnar's reveals it using Invisibily Purge. Big but not bulky devil that has scythe like arm is identified as ashmede devil that is assasin of Hell. (About this time party manages to kill hamatula's).

Ashmede attacks to Ocham and his hurt badly but more was to come. Before ashmede appeared and battle was looking difficult Laori asked if they were ready for desperate measures and they agreed. She used her god's power to create aura of pain, massacre and suffering (Aura of Destruction) that made attacks more deadly against all creatures in it. Then ashmede could use the field for her advantage as her scythe arm was really dangerous..

First Mevanthalyn takes a critical hit from it and is almost killed thanks to Laori's aura. She survives and is soon her feet but doesn't want to fight against ashmede. Devil releases Adolamin as her underlings are ready to face him. Faenor rushes to help Adolamin with bone devils. When Mevanthalyn doesn't want to face ashmede Laori encourages Ragnar to help her and casts buff to Ragnar who charges in. He hurts the devil badly and things were looking good. Then devil strikes her scythe right through Ragnar's chest and dwarf draws his last breath and dies when victory was really close.

Faenor comes to kill the ashmede and avenge his friend's death and leaves Adolamin alone with one bone devil who casts Wall of Ice to separate the barbarian gain from others. Adolamin is target to charm spells who order him to drop his weapon and beg but this doesn't last long as bone devil attack him and breaks the spell and soon kills the bone devil. Others are terrified about this turn of events. Mevanthalyn healed herself to face devil and furiously slashes her and manages to kill her. Like other devil's here ashmede is drained inside the castle's wall. Then they see something which suprises them. They see a chain coming from ashmede and shatter to pieces. They find one of the four enslaved ones in castle.

They mourn their friend and plan what to do next. Laori is ready to use raise dead if they offer diamonds but before that they check what is inside ashmede's tower. They find some kind of treasury full of interesting stuff and they loot some of it and return to Silas (Adolamin looks for way to lower levels and stairs lead near to familiar area). On their way down Adolmin feels something crawling inside his armor towards his belly and Faenor feels cold slime on back of his neck. Adolmin dons his armor but there isn't anything.. They return to Silas.

Laori preapares to raise Ragnar and especially Adolamin is keeping eye on her. Her spell preparation includes self-piercing and -slashing but casting the spell is normal. Ragnar is soon with them eventhough he is still shocked about all of this and wants to be alone for some time. Others think about what to do next. They have defeated one of the spirit anchor's but they need to defeat others. Ocham is especially afraid of retuning to castle (what irritates Faenor) but next morning Ragnar tells them more about these anchors. Anchored one (probably) needs to be evil, corporeal and intelligent. They assume that dragon they saw is one of the anchors as one of the chains pointed to inner yard. Ocham is terrified about facing dragon which color they don't know for sure. Again Faenor conforts Ocham about his reluctance about this quest and Ocham feels that he is forced to confort the dragon.. They preapre for returning the castle and to face the dragon.

Session ends as we wanted to cheer for Finland in quarter-final against Norway in ice hockey world championship tournament. Suprisingly we'll play tommorrow again so keeping the mood and scenes in mind is really easy. Stay tuned for epic battle against the dragon of Scarwall!

Okay let's continue the story. I've been busy as I have been reading to entrance exams for couple of weeks now. Two session since last update so time to tell the story about the dragon.

Party wakes up and moves back to castle with Laori as always. They decide to check upper floors of front castle before looking for dragon. Also the treasure in ashmede's tower is in their minds as Ragnar is skilled valuer. Some undead attack them on the way but these normal skeletons don't stand a chance. They decide to explore new areas before checking devil's quarters. Party moves in darkness of Scarwall and arrive to another defensive position where one can shoot to bridge. They just step in the room and something lights up and they see flaming skeleton other side of the room. They draw their weapons and hear something coming to room, maybe through walls..

Adolamin charges to flaming skeleton warrior but misses. Others buff and just move closer but then shadows appear. One attacks Adolamin and one selects Ragnar as his target. Adolamin gets hit by bruning skeleton and others move to help him. Shadows are destroyed fast and burning skeleton is overnumbered. Still it shows signs is intelligence as it resist Ocham's Command Undead spell (which should have worked but something takes his control off) and is cautious about getting flat-footed. Still it's fate was to get crushed by party and for happy suprise one chain is destroyed as skeleton dies. They loot it and find neat ring, called ring of immolation. After some discussion Adolamin takes the ring. They move to devil's area.

Faenor checks the room with black slime (he was very interested about it..) and others look other rooms. Nothing particulary interesting is found but Faenor remembers that there was trapdoor in room that they fought against hamatula's. They find (another) observation deck. They move downstairs and discuss about defeating the dragon. They don't know its color (either black ot very dark red/blue with some darkness magic) and aren't even sure if it is necessary to fight against it (Faenor argues that need to deal with it even if it's not anchor as it's "evil dragon"). They continue their way to inner yard move towards castle donjon.

Then darkness fall to inner yard.

They can't see a thing.

But can hear the roar of dragon near by.

Mevanthalyn tries to Dispel the darkness but fails badly. Ocham flies upwards to escape the darkness (he casts Overland Flight every morning) and others draw their weapons and yell what to do! Party hears dragon taking deep breath and feel how negative energy surrounds them. They retreat to castle in darkness and Ocham takes look to inner yard but can't see the dragon. Other flee to castle and hear dragon mashing castl'es walls and rising its wings. Ocham sees dragon rising off the inner yard and is first one to see it clearly: umbral dragon or shadow dragon to someone. This is enough to Ocham and he runs to castle from the balcony.

They meet up in room they fought against great wraith and think what to do next. Ocham tells them some facts about the umbral dragon and most fearsome thing is that it can breath shadows that drain strength. That is enought to others and they back to Silas' skull tower to think what to do with the dragon.

After a while they come to conclusion that they need to kill the dragon and they need Brotherhoods help. Silas scribes scrolls of Daylight to them. Also they need Deathward against it's breath weapon. While caster to their preparation, Faenor wants to go back to castle to check some things and Ragnar goes with him. He lures chained spirit back to room and uses Clairaudience to check its chains. Two remain and both head towards inner yard. Ragnar checks ashmede's treasure (they forgot it before) and finds some good diamonds for their use.

Then party makes strategy against the dragon: Ragnar, Faenor, Mevanthalyn and Laori fly to inner yard from balcony while Silas and Ocham (in Dragon Form) wait there and help them with their spells. Three clerics are all ready to save lives with Cure and Breath of Life spells. They buff more than ever before facing the dragon*. They are ready.

Melee group flies to yard and Mevanthalyn confirms that dragon isn't there (True Seeing). Adolamin checks the door to donjon and finds it sealed off. Then dragon arrives through doors other side of the yard and fight begins!

First rounds are calm, dragon comes closer and breaths on them but realizes that party is ready to meet it. Its darkness is countered by Daylight spell, then melee starts and Mevanthalyn, Ragnar and Adolamin take offensive positions while Faenor waits for his moment to strike. Umral dragon bites Mevanthalyn hard but elf takes it as a man. Ocham casts couple of spells but only some of them pierce dragons high spell resistance. Dragon is forced to buff itself: in two rounds it casts Stoneskin and Displacement and meleers are in bit trouble. Then Ocham dispels both spells with his Greater Dispel magic and dragon looks him angrily. Then it bites Adolamin who has been hurting it most with Akeraum, greatsword of dragon slaying which they got from orc leader.

Dragon uses its darkness ability again and party is suprised by what happened- dragon speaks to them:

"I don't want to die here, please I beg spare me!"

Adolamin hits the dragon while trying to negotiate with it (which is bit in disharmony with his actions) and Ragnar counters the darkness again. Dragon is ready to negoatiate with party as it hopes to escape from Scarwall but chained spirit keeps it here. It promises not hurt party or their relatives while alive and is ready to give his treasure to party if they help him. Party asks questions about its role here and Belshallam promises to answer after he is free as Mithrodar prevents him from talking about Castle. After many promises Mevanthalyn breaks the anchor with Dispel Evil and dragon keeps its promises. He tells them about how he got here and how he has destroyed adventures who have tried to explore the castle. Belshallam destroyes the door leading to donjon as party asks it. He also tells them more about Serithiel as it's maybe item of some sort or many items which belonged to Mandraivus and his companions. Party thanks the dragon and it flies off the castle.

Party is happy about who things turned out and are ready to continue their exploration as castle is now dragon free area. Session ends.


Some would say they buffed too much: Blessing of Fervor, Bulls Strenght (someone or Mass can't remember), Bear's Endurance (Mass), Heroes Feast (or Breakfast of Champions), Deathward and personal buffs. I can't even remeber all of them BUT I remember how much hassle these were. I hate mass buffing and as you can see this made fight very easy for them. But good fight still as it turned to roleplaying encouter ^^

Good session. Mostly I liked the Belshallam and roleplaying with him but other things were good too. They got more info about backstory of Castle which is always good. Next time the western side and donjon.

^Sorry about typos, I was bit sleepy when I wrote that.

Okay party negotiated with Belshallam and he crushed the door leading to castle donjon. Silas and Asura returned to Bone Tower and party is wondering what to do next. Some want to check donjon as it's opened for them but others want to go to western wing as they don't want to leave something behind their backs. Western wing is their heading.

This wings purpose is really different from front castle which was build as defensive formation against invaders. This is more like guests wing with gruesome but skillfully made decorations and stuff. Wing is full with nice small rooms but time (and undead presence) has made them less nice. Party checks rooms one by one till they see a statue in the end of corridor. Statue present a man in armor and with greatsword and there is a maybe surrendering enemy in his feet. Strange thing is that it has bag over his head. Party thinks about bags meaning for a while (they are pretty sure it's Kazavon) and then check double doors which lead to end of this wing.

They arrive to ballroom. There are big glass windows to outside (eventhough outside they look as stone walls) and small stage on other side of room. Mevanthalyn moves to ballroom and then music fills room and dark cloaked thing with large scythe appears next to her. Dancing figures appear to ballroom and it looks like room is full of dancers. Music enthralls Laori, Ocham and Faenor as they realize what they are against: Danse Macabre!

Fight against it isn't easy. Macabre is dangerous enemy with his scythe as it drains their life power out quickly and three of them are dancing to its tune. Ragnar and Adolamin take more offensive position and challenge it in melee combat. Mevanthalyn casts Protection from Evil to Ocham and he is free from dancing. Faenor and Laori are still dancing around the Danse Macabre. It slashes badly to Adolamin and takes lot of his strength with one hit. Ocham reaches Faenor and casts Protection from Evil to him and bard is free! Then they focus their attention to their enemy and soon it vanishes to thin air. They know that fight isn't over as it will manifest again if the ballroom isn't purified by Hallow spell. They return to Skull tower to rest after this.

They return the castle after sleeping and getting rid of effects of Danse Macabre. Ragnar doesn't have components to Hallow the ballroom so they can't finish the job with Macabre. Some want to check statue with bag over his head and trapdoor above it. Trapdoor leads to small tower that has goos view to western side of castle. After some arguing Adolamin touches the bag and it crumbles to dust. Kazavon's stare is too much for him and he rushes through trapdoor and starts to sing dark song about marching to certain death. Ocham covers the statues head with his doctor's coat. Mevanthalyn breaks the enchament with Dispel Evil and Adolamin is suprised about what happened (others are not). They head to castle donjon.

Adolamin tries to enter donjon but something prevents him entering the donjon. Laori shrieks in joy as this is the time party need her the most. She silently prays a small prayer and steps through the doorway without problem. She hurries others to come as barrier is coming back and party rushes to donjon. They hear cracking sound and barrier is back. They are in small entry room with water bowl. They move forward to explore this area better..

It's obvious that donjon is made for religious people as symbols of Zun-Kuthon decorate the place. Clerics aparments and rooms for study. They found stairs that lead to lower floor but they explore second floor to end before moving down a level. They found a room that walls are made of different stone. After some investigation they are sure that different walls are walls of Star Tower. Faenor and Ocham knew some lore about Star Towers: when gods imprisoned Rovagug Zun-Kuthon had a part in their plan. Sarenrae made a prison for Rough Beast and she drove Beast there and Asmodeus locked it up. Zun-Kuthon's role was to reinforce prison and he did it with Star Towers. He placed towers like this around the Golarion and so made sure that Rovagug couldn't break out. After some wondering party moved on. They were near place that has more larger meaning than they can realize.

They find a small sanctum and its guardian: mummy priest which attacks them right away. Ragnar tastes a Slay Living spell and is soon in danger to catch mummy rot as it targets to him. Mummy's gaze paralyzes Adolamin out of fight at the very beginning and Ragnar (who has spell ready to free him) can't get near him his friends block ways. Ocham's fire spells deal lots of damage and mummy is quickly destroyed. They move a lower floor to look for last anchor..

They arrive to cathedral of Midnight and Laori is excited but bit disappointed that there isn't big statue of her god in area but smaller statue of skeleton. She starts to look for statue of Zon-Kuthon as others check carefully the room. Faenor moves near the altar and sees a skull embed with gems and dust and bones. Ocham's Lifesight reveals something terrifying: skull shows in his sight as strongest undead he has seen here. Faenor stabs the skull and then hell is on loose. It rises from the altar and screams loudly that "infidels have entered to holy place!" Fight starts!

Demnilich (as Ocham identifies it) is one of strongest undead known in Golarion. Adolamin, Ragnar and Faenor start to hit it but notice that it has great resistance against physical damage. Ocham knows that only some spells can hurt it is really nervous about what to do. Demilich curses Adolamin and barbarian is feeling himnself very weak. Mevanthalyn joins the melee and Faenor asks Laori to use her destructive aura and she frolics closer- to meet her end.

Demilich screams deadly and all other are in area but Ocham. Wail of Banshee strikes them hard but they resist its effect (crazy saving throws). They strike demilich as hard as they can when it casts the spell and skull shatters to pieces. Chain appears and falls apart. They are happy about half a second until...

They notice that Laori lies on ground dead.

Adolamin takes Laori on his shoulder and they run back to Skull Tower as they fear castle will take her soul forever. Silas doesn't react much to death of his companion, coldly states that she knew that castle is dangerous and that could happen. He doesn't have equipment for Resurrection and Brotherhood will not rise Laori. Silently party decides that resurrecting Laori is their responsibility. They head to sleep as they need new spells to destroy demilich once and for all.

Next day they feel that castle has changed again to more normal. On the way to cathedral they see a gargoyle that is attacked by chain and is in great pain. Party rushes to kill poor gargoyle and they realize they need to hurry: chained spirit tries to get new anchors. They also discus that Silas has been very cautions about coming to castle. Maybe he knew about chained spirit here. Still just speculation.. After pouring holy water to altar they decide to kill chained spirit to free castle from it. To throne room...

They cast some buffs and encounter chained spirit again. This time it doesn't have chains to harrass whole room but its touch makes still damage to them. Still it doesn't stand a chance and chained spirit is destroyed by Faenor. They hear clattering around the castle as chains are removed around it. Then party sees spirits escaping the walls of Scarwall and spirits of those who blessed them in shoanti camp are around them again, cheering for them. Faenor feels that their first ally has returned: Zellara is back in her cards. Then old man appears next to them and speaks:

"You. You are heroes of this day! You have ended legend of Scarwall and returned honor of Tamrivena, honor that I, Count Andanchi, couldn't return. I thank you. I send Kazavon to this area and set this tragedy to happen."

Party humbly takes the compliments and asks about Mandraivus and Serithiel:

"Hero Mandraivus killed Kazavon here with his blade Serithiel. He couldn't destroy Kazavon's remains so he gave relics to his comrades who took them far away from here. Wise plan I have to say. But orcs in this area noticed that Kazavon was gone and attacked castle. When orcs killed Mandraivus the curse of Scarwall took control and killed all orcs and defenders of castle. Why you might asks. Kazavon performed heinous acts here and those don't disappear quickly. All malice and evil here gathered and made castle "alive". Sertihiel was taken deep that it couldn't be used again. I can feel its presence in heart of Scarwall."

After some questions Count Andachi continues:

"But my friends, I sense that your quest isn't done yet. I can feel Kazavon's presence growing far away from here. Strange names come to my mind: Korvosa. Your names. Ileosa. You need Serithiel to stop Kazavon's return and I hope you can do it. Retrieve it below the Star Tower, it will help a lot. But remember- Agents of Midnight's Lord want that blade as much as you. They can't touch it without invoking wrath of Iomedae but they can make someone else to use it for them. Be careful when working with them. I can feel a presence of strong minion of Zun-Kuthon in a Star Tower. You know it was in a top that tower where Mandraivus killed Kazavon. Seek a way to Star Tower, you might need help from Zon-Kuthon's agents to enter, and retrieve Serithiel."

Then Andachi starts to fade away: "I'm going now, I wish you luck. I'm ready to face Pharasma.." Party discuss about getting to Star Tower and about Silas' and Laori's motives.

Session ends.

Last scene was awesome. I was suprised that we reached this point of Skeletons of Scarwall but this went greatly. I even managed to put my players in difficult position: they want to ressurrect Laori but after Andachi's warnings all of them aren't so sure what to do with her.. We will see how this turns out!

So last time party broke the curse of Scarwall and learn about Serithiel's location. They are ready to continue their exploration but Faenor (especially) wants to check the well on the inner yard if that's the way Mandraivus and his cabal used to infiltrate Scarwall. He and Adolamin knot their robes together and he starts to climb down. Their rope isn't long enough to reach bottom but he sees that it is dry. Then lots of small spiders attack him and only quick climbing saves the bard. He climbs up and tell them that he couldn't reach the bottom and after a short discussion they decide to forgot the well for a while.

They head back to donjon but can't get in as they don't have Kuthonite with them. Ocham flies to get Silas to help them. He is willing to help and breaks the barrier. To all their suprise Silas can't get out of the donjon and is "forced" to follow the party for first time. They searched entrance to Star Tower and soon found secret door that leads to Star Tower (and of course it was trapped to attack all others but servants of Zon-Kuthon). First two rooms of Star Tower aren't very special. Tower is cold and its inner walls are made out of tree that isn't familiar to anyone. They found stairs that lead to higher levels. They start climbing up.

On the top of the stairs is room with a well and stairs to very top of Star tower. There is also guardian of Start Tower: large shadowy creature with wings folded behind its back. It's face is like a dark stone mask but as it starts to speak it moves as normal:
"I welcome thee to Star Tower, curate canditates. Who is going to be the honored one that will become the curate?" Party asks what is curate and Ocham can see terror on face of Silas as he starts to take slow steps away from the creature.
"Curate is a living guardian of this Star Tower. It's honor to be even considered as a canditate and refusing is like spitting in the eyes if Midnight's Lord. Who is going to take role curate?" Party refuses and creature grows larger and it opens its wings while stating: "The last of you will take role of curate and will beg for it, you shall see!"

Adolamin charges the creature before Ocham and Faenor can tell a thing about it but he misses. Its a nightwing, foot soldier of shadow plane's army. It's undead from different plane and can eat magic, sometimes permanently. Dangerous foe and it wants them dead. Party takes offensive formations and soon realizes that nightwings ability to eat magic is really annoying as buff spells disappear very quickly and those heal nightwing. Ocham has some problems piercing it's spell resistance (his Banishment spell could have save so time and resources but). Nightwing's Confusion takes Silas and Asura out of the fight at the very beginning and Asura even attacks Mevanthalyn with her chains. Ragnar and Adolamin corner the nightwing and Faenor spring attacks it and Mevanthalyn helps too (in melee and with healing spells). Then Ragnar takes a heavy hit and falls to negatives. Mevanthalyn's mass cure reivive him to continue the fight. They manage to destroy it after a hard end.

They check the room and Ocham tries to get to outside but barrier stops him. They asks Silas to try it too and he can't get out either but all others can. This fact is bit a suprise to them but makes sense as Laori helped them in but then she just followed others. They return inside after a while (Ocham is bit nervous as Silas and Asura are whispering with each other will all others but Ocham are outside). They check the well and Ocham tells them this well is full of divine energy collected from praises to Midnight's Lord. There is strong conjuration aura and evocation aura in the well's mist and bottom but they can't confirm why. They discuss about what to do. Ocham believes they need to jump to well but others aren't so sure about that, it sounds dangerous.

Then Ocham takes the action and jumps to well. He is stretching and disappears before the bottom. Moment of silence and then Ragnar jumps after Ocham. Same effect and he disappears. Rest of the party is shocked and so is Silas ("do they really want to die so badly?"). They start thinking what happened to two others. Faenor starts lowering rope to well see what's happening. He frees it as well starts to pull him to well and they see rope disintegrating at the bottom. This doesn't rise their spirit about what happened to Ocham and Ragnar.

Don't read this spoiler if you don't want to know what happened the two who jumped to the well

To make things look more dire I ordered these out of the room so even they wouldn't know anything about these tests others ran. We took coffee break here and I took Ocham and Ragnar to personal chat about their characters: they are alive but not sure where they are. First they fell through darkness (plane of shadows) and then crashed to the atone floor in a room which resembles a shape of Star Tower. They don't know how much time has passed after their jump. Then was time to make bluff check against other player's: I took Ocham's and Ragnar's character sheets and removed them from the gaming as with their players and stated that they maybe need to think about new characters. Faces on Adolamin's, Faenor's and Mevanthalyn's players were priceless. ^^ Read more to see how things went!

They start to explore Star Tower more closely to look if they find way to bottom of tower or something that could help them. After a while they find stairs that lead down and there is another room with well. This time aura's are different: first there is evocation and after that a conjuration. That doesn't look good so Faenor throws his bedroll to well. It shatters to thousand pieces at the very moment it goes to well. Things doesn't look good. Faenor takes Zellara's cards out of his pocket and makes s spread and asks Zellara to help them.

Serious looking Zellara appears: "Thank you Faenor for asking my help in this dire situation. It warms my heart that you trust me this much. You have faced maybe the hardest part of your journey. Two of your friends have lost to well of Midnight's Lord. Harrow deck hopefully will you."
Then the spread of nine cards and harrowing: "In the past there is Tyrant who wants to control and has lots of plans to get in his goals. (Zellara looks to Silas) He's closest allie is his most hated foe,. Beware the presence of the Tyrant. In the present cards tell this challenge maybe turn point their quest. But to your relief I can tell that Ocham and Ragnar are alive. They have disappeared but they are alive. Then the future. Vision tells me that your friends have done their past actions with caution even if didn't look like that. Ocham is complex man and Ragnar is servant of Abadar who should lead his servant safely where he ever goes. This Keep's legacy is testing you if you are worth enough to carry Sertihiel. You must have faith in your friends and to be ready to follow them. I don't say jumping to well is wise choice but worth of trying."

After this party thanks Zellara and after image of her vanishes Silas asks what happened? He saw Faenor spreading cards and then woman appeared and disappeared. They are happy to know that Silas didn't hear what Zellara told them. They ready to jump the well upstairs (Silas refuses to follow them to the well) and after a sometime are ready to go.

Darkness surrounds them as they leave the well behind. They can fear somethin flying nearby but soon they that place and crash down to stone floor. They see two familiar guys in the room with light spells on. They have found Ocham and Ragnar!

They change information and it looks like Ocham and Ragnar stayed in Plane of Shadow longer than three others as they feel like it has been just couple of minutes after they jumped to the well. Adolamin, Faenor and Mevanthalyn can tell that they took over an hour to ready their jump to well. After a while they start to move on, to look the cave which leaves room they arrived. It is natural cave that goes deep underground. They face some gugs, aberrations of underground that confrim they are deep below the surface. They find entrance that leads very deep but rather check this place before moving down (if that is needed). They arrive to underground lake that has small island. In the island stands a sword that shines like a torch. They have found Serithiel. As Faenor moves closer to the shore something starts to rise from the water!

Over 80 feet long worm/centipede looking monstrosity attacks them as its yelling in agony. They can be sure it's aberration of some sort but no man could create one like that. They are ready to face it but aren't sure about its abilities. Worm attacks Adolamin and he can pain inside the worm channel to him but he can manage that. Party starts to to plan a way to win it as Ragnar starts to circle behind it with Air Walk spell and he and Mevanthalyn buff themselves a lot. Ocham starts casting spells at the worm and feels some protection against spells. Then worm barfs acid on them and Ocham feels himself very sick after that (sickened for 3 rounds). They attack it and attack but it doesn't care how much they attack it. Of course it takes damage and doesn't heal itself but nothing looks like stopping it. Then Ragnar gets an idea, he dimensional hops to the island and takes Serithiel.

Ragnar feels the will of Serithiel, slay the abomination! He takes the sword to hte fight and things start look lot better. Faenor starts to sing about glory of the dwarf kings at the Five King Mountains to boost their fighting spirit. They surround the worm and Ocham uses his blast spells to harm it the most. They finish it with one great cooperative attack. Worm falls down and starts to sink to the bottom of lake.

They learn about Serithiel and everyone gets chance to hold it a while. Mighty Serithiel is their ally now. Only thing left is deal with Silas..

Session ends. I gave them reward: they have 16 000 gp in their use to upgrade their gar or buy new. If they buy new they find it at the island where Sertihiel was or if they upgrade their old gear it's more like "boon of Serithiel" or something like that. I hate magic shops but this kind of thing is cool. We'll finish this book later today.

Party makes a camp in the cave and sleeps to get new spells and to be ready return on the surface. They discuss about what to do with Silas as he clearly has some ulterior motives which he won't tell them. Especially Adolamin and Faenor feel sure that Silas will betray them. Ocham doesn't want to confort Silas but they will still do it. Ocham prepares two Teleportation spell and they are ready to go. Soon they found themselves at the bridge that leads back to Scarwall and Skulltower is still there. It's a night and they aren't how long their trip through Plane of Shadow took. They aren't even sure if Silas got out of Star Tower.

Luckily for them Silas is in his Tower. He is impassive as always but says that he is relieved. He asks about Serithiel and Ragnar shows the sword to him. Smill on his face he admires the group for this deed. Then it's time to asks their question. Ragnar states that they have got information that Silas might have something against them. Silas shows a angry face as he and Brotherhood has done a lot to them and they are blaming him as traitor! Faenor tries to speak Dwarven to Ragnar (hoping that Silas doesn't understand him as he wants Ragnar to use Zone of Truth) but Silas is fast, two magic words and he has Comprehend Languages on. This doesn't improve their trust to each other but Mevanthalyn offers an apology and Silas strangely tooks it. She asks if they could use Speak with Dead to Laori and Silas permits that but follows them as he wants to hear it too.

As Silas is in their presence they can't asks questions about his motives from Laori so they ask about does she want to be resurrected (yes) and if there is someone they should infrom about her death if they can't do it (yes, in Riddleport there is missionary of Zun-Kuthon. I would like him to know about this). Conversation ends and they head to sleep.

In their sleep they got message from Vencarlo. They all are stitting in his academy as Vencarlo appears and greets them. He tells them that Cressida have fled underground to lead rebellion and he and Neolandus are returning to Korvosa to help her. They need their help and he believes that party has new tricks up in their sleeves which could help rebellion a lot. Come to Grand Cathedral of Pharasma at night, Bishop d'Bear is a friend. As party tells about sword they have found he is excited about that. He hopes to see them soon and then dream ends.

Next morning they plan what to do next. They want to visit Sklar-Quah but Silas can't go there. He says that he will meet in their next stop which is Janderhoff. He wants party to carry Laori around as he can't shrink his Tower if she is inside. They agree and give him a presents: chair that has hundreds of gems embed within. Silas takes the present and uses potion for faster travel. Party teleports to Flameford.

Shoanti are happy to see them and quickly normal day at the camp turns to feat as they share stories about Scarwall and get new tattoos. Burnt Riders and Krojun challenge them to sredna and some of Ocham's patients ask him to sell more of his ointment as it works. They party long. Next morning Zellara appears again to perform a Harrowing as their return to Korvosa is near. Past tells them that now everything that they have done to this point has meaning in future. They faced the Queen (Tyrant) and she make them agents of Korvosan Guard. In Guard they did help the city but made Queen their enemy and they had to escape to help the city. Now their return will have impact in city that needs help. Present shows interesting cards: Paladin, Twin and Inquisitor (from top to bottom). Korvosa has split as Twin. There is small rebellion who try to resist usurper Queen and there are followers of Queen. Rebbelion versus Gray Maidens and their devil and dragon allies. Rebellion needs their help to balance the scales. Future is unsure but Zellara can see that they are bound to face Queen on her own land. Korvosa needs them but so they'll need Korvosa.

After the Harrowing they use Speak with Dead again as now Silas isn't here to supervise them. They asks Laori about her role here in Varisia and she is willing to tell them something. Brotherhood of Bones have think that some parts of Kazavon could be in Varisia so they sent Laori there to look for them. She found artists that had Kazavon as their muse for while (like Scream) and she tried to track Kazavon but couldn't. Then she eet up with party and learnt that Fangs of Kazavon really were in Korvosa. She contacted Brotherhood and they sent Silas to take over. She isn't happy about that as she found the clue and fears that Silas will take her honour. She also reveal that Silas is Shadowcount which suprises the party for good (Ocham tells them about Shadocounts and Umbral Court). They ask what will Laori do after getting the the relic of Kazavon and she tells them that she will start looking for another as it would be neat to ne one that finds them all. She also tells them that Brotherhood will only protect those relics as this kind of blasphemy must not happen again! After spell ends party discuss about possibilty that only Shadowcounts know why they are collecting the relics and use lower level members for scouting and then Counts collect the relics.

One Teleport later they are in Janderhoff. They buy some gear and make Celestial Full Plate fit for Mevanthalyn. They meet up with Silas who doesn't want to be involved this rebellion and says he'll wait them in Korvosa. Next day they Teleport to woods near Korvosa.

Ocham is on hurry to see his home city. Hightower is under demolition work and city sounds more quiet than before. Before his companions can act Ocham Dimension Doors to city without saying anything. He disguises a bit and gets through southern bridge to enter the main city. Gray Maidens are bit suspicious about him but nothing happens. He travels through city and sees its nw state. There are large construction sites as they are building statues of Ileosa (now 20 feet high but only legs are finished). Gray Maidens patrol the streets and don't tolerate protests about Ileosa or anything. Strong reign of fear. At the Grand Cathedral of Pharasma Ocham wants to meet priest Sylar Tuoni (who was his mentor when Ocham studied as acolyte of Pharasma. also Ocham's uncle.) He learns that Sylar is imprisoned by Gray Maidens but they are trying to get him free. Ocham leaves a message to d'Bear and leaves.

On his way back to woods he is ambushed: six heavily armored gray maidens and two lighter armored suprise him and order to surrender for investigation. Ocham is in trouble! He sees a figure running to near rooftop and recognizes him and flies towards him. Black figure throws smoke sticks and thunderstones near Gray Maidens and yells: "I have returned citizen of Korvosa, to face whore Quuen! Down the Queen!" Name Blackjack is on everyones lips and Gray Maiden commander gives a shoot to death order to her undelings but with Ochams magic he and Faenor escape.

How did Faenor arrive at the right moment? He did see that Gray Maides started to tail his friend and he wanted to be sure their arrive to city isn't detected yet. Using his magic he got in city without being seen and Zellara's deck gave him a hint where to go: The Carneval. He realized that he is needed near the Bard's End and there he did find Ocham in trouble but using is new identity for first time managed to get attention and maybe Gray Maiden don't even remeber disguised Ocham.

In the woods others are ready when Ocham and Faenor return. They tie Ocvham to tree and restore some discipline to him, with words and fists. Especially Adolamin and Faenor are angry to him, Mevanthalyn and Ragnar are more relieved that he is safe. They release him and wait for night to fall.

Session ends. Without that last event this could have been very perfect gaming session. It was bit too much for me (it looked like players did got something out it, maybe) and I did gave them some feedback about it. We'll play today more and get Crown of Fangs officially going.

So party waited for night to infiltrate Korvosa and meet the rebels at the Grand Cathedral. Using invisibility and flying they easily get there and meet with Keppira d'Bear. She welcomes them and tell how to get to catacombs where rebels live. Party ask her if she could offer a place to Laori's body and somE acolytes take her safe. They move to catacombs which are deep below the Grand Cathedral. They can hear talking coming behind the door and when Ragnar opens it they see lot of familiar faces.

But Cressida is faster. She jumps to hug Ragnar and others and they can see a flow of tears on her face. It's time to meet old friends. Vencarlo and Neolandus (whom arrived some time ago). Raul Soldado (who tells that her brothers family moved to Magnimar), Amin Jalento (who escaped Old Korvosa soon after Pcs escaped Korvosa) and Eries Yelloweyes (wererat who asked their help). Then there are a lot of old Korvosan Guard and Sable Company soldiers who they know from morning practise or from streets. There aren't many rebels, maybe 50 but Cressida tells them that some live at different place as this catacomb isn't that big. She thanks church of Pharasma as archbishop d'Bear arrives. Then they start planning what to do.

Cressida briefs them quickly how city is doing and as party knows it isn't doing well. Korvosa is under martial-law, there is bit of food shortage, Abadar's church supports the Queen and so. Rebellion is out-numbered but hopefully party have means to balance the difference. Their goal is conquer the castle and catch Ileosa and she hopes party will help there as they have more skill and strenght than many here. Then it's time to Faenor tell story about what they have done after escaping Korvosa. Short story about shoanti and getting the Serithiel (and quick note that he will share more stories later if someone wants to hear). Ragnar shows the sword and it raises their spirits.

Then Cressida tells them that they have to do something before attacking the castle as Ileosa has many powerful allies. First of all they need allies but she doesn't know how would help them. Quickly party comes up with some: shoanti and elves of Mierani forests. They will negoatiate with them and try to get help. Then there are Gray Maidens and their leader, General of Korvosa Sabina Merrin. Mevanthalyn asks how many Gray Maidens there are and Cressida isn't sure. It looks like IF all female members of Korvosan Guard and Sable Company had joined to Maidens their numbers could make sense but she knows that that isn't true. Then Sabina Merrin. She is excellent general and tactical genius and so real danger if she is at the castle when rebels attack. They need to take care of her (both Raul and Vencarlo say that if it's possible to take her alive the better. They don't believe that Sabina likes to see Korvosa at this state). Party starts to plan how to separate Sabina and her troops and how to get her out of castle. (Plan involves unfinished statues of Ileosa)

Vencarlo tells them about another threat. He reminds party that it is important that rebels look good in people's eyes as if they just seize the power they are just like Queen but if they get people's support they are doing well. But there is a one man who makes this difficult, new hero named Trifaccia. He is fighting under Queen's banner against "rebels" and states that Queen Ileosa is best than has happened to city. This kind of propaganda isn't doing good to rebels as these fake rebels rob citizens and shops. Faenor says that Blackjack isn't happy about his and Cressida asks how does Faenor know that. He throws a ball back to Venraclo and asks if he has heard about Blackjack lately and if he is supporting rebels. Vencarlo says than Blkackjack is complicated man but if he knows city's state he will help rebels and Faenor agrees with him. (Adolamin almost talks over his mouth there as he didn't realize that Cressida doesn't know who Blackjack is or was).

So party has a plans for future: recruit allies and deal with Trifaccia and Sabina Merrin before they can face Queen Ileosa. They head to sleep to start their work next day.

They have busy day. Ocham and Faenor go to Old Korvosa to ask if King of Spiders would help them somehow. Also they want to check situation in this cut off district and see how much power Arkona family have in Old Korvosa. Eel's End is empty, no drug dealers or whores or anything. Soon they find disturping sight: man sized cocoon. Faenor checks it and finds body of King of Spiders. Ironic end to this crime boss. They leave as soon as possible, they don't want to face spider that did that to him. They do area check and see that things have improved a bit in Old Korvosa as Arkona family provides food and protection to people. Ocham and Faenor try to think what Glorio is planning but return to main city. They check Zellara's house and find it empty (Faenor finds a key so they can enter without magic).

Meanwhile Mevanthalyn contacts Perishiel Kalissreavil, ambassador of Mierani who was forced to retreat some time ago from Korvosa. Mevanthalyn asks military help and gets it, Perishiel promises that he sends oen general of Mierani and his men to help Mevanthalyn. This is more than she asked but is happy about this turn of events. Mevanthalyn, Adolamin and Ragnar get brilliant idea how to improve their image in eyes of citizen of Korvosa. They need to share free food! They start plan where they would get a lot of bread and other grociers fast. First to come their mind is Magnimar but after Ocham and Faenor return they got their winner: Nisroch. They had called Silas to meeting in the Cathedral so they plan to ask him about getting food from Nidal.

Same evening they take part to resurrection of Laori. Keppira d'Bear promised to cast the spell eventhough it is kind against her faith. Party meets their friend again who is very happy to be alive. She laughs, talks and is ready to action (what ever it means). She asks about Silas and is ready meet him again. She again thanks party for helping her and goes to sleep.

Next day is important as Ragnar, Ocham, Adolamin and Neolandus are meeting with Thousand Bones and Sun Shaman at the Gallow Mounds. They want to discuss about possibility of shoanti helping their cause but first party talks with Silas who arrives to Cathedral. They discuss about their alliance (which is still valid) and what happens after they have overthrown the Queen. Brotherhood wants the Midnight's Teeth and Silas hopes that party will honor that deal they had (Adolamin says that they never promised to give Fangs to him, more like maybe. Silas isn't happy). They ask if Silas could get food delivery from Nisroch to Korvosa that they could help citizens, of course they'll pay. Silas smiles a bit and says that this would violate the peace treaty between Korvosa and Nidal and he wants something in return: solid promise that Midnight's Teeth are given to Brotherhood after this all has come to end. Party huddles to discuss about this..

They go through all kind of theories and chances what could happen if they give Teeth to Silas. Especially Adolamin is against this as it looks certain that they would resurrect Kazavon in future and that would be their fault. Still as others aren't so sure about that possibility they decide that if Sun Shaman doesn't want the Teeth they'll give them to Brotherhood. This pleases Silas and he sends Laori back to Nidal with his ring to get the food. She'll be back in five days.

Four man delegation uses Ocham's Teleport to get quickly to Gallow Mounds. They meet Sun Shaman and Thousand Bones and discussion starts. It's mainly between Shoanti leaders and Neolandus but sometimes they asks their opinions too. Korvosa offers a civil rights and Neolandus personally will do all he can to make people of Korvosa to understand shoanti culture. Also they will get land back near by the city but he can't give a whole city back to them. It takes hours of talking before Sun Shaman is ready to make his decision. He gives helping hand to rebels, he gives some warriors for starters but Korvosa will get more help from shoanti in future. Ragnar, Ocham and Adolamin are suprised about which warriors Sun Shaman sends to Korvosa: Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills and his five burnt riders. Krojun is especially interested about facing new threats in Korvosa with Adolamin. Sun Shaman sends them back using his nature spells. They introduce Cressida and Krojun to each other (which is interesting meeting) and plan to hide shoanti to near by woods to wait coming battles against Gray Maidens.

Meanwhile Faenor does investigation in city to see if there are people who want to act against the Queen but can't. He finds out that owner of Bard's End isn't really happy about this situation and after some work they found a common tone and Faenor gets to know that Mirukova siblings are in town and ready to use their perfance skills to improve the situation in Korvosa. Also he learns something new about Trifaccia. Innkeeper knows that he is working with sczarni thugs to make scenes in city. He is also pretty sure that Trifaccia is just a performer who might have been in this inn long time ago. Faenor thanks for information and leaves.

At the evening elves from Mierani arrive. They used magic to get to Korvosa and they meet up in catacombs. Their leader is Kaerishiel Neireinar, one of generel in Mierani and his 20 man company of elven scouts how specialize in city warfare. He is strict soldier and can hardly endure the fact that Faenor is drunk. On the other hand he and Ragnar have lot in common and they boost each other. Kaerishiel has good news to Mevanthalyn, Perishiel promoted her to First Procter of Mierani embassy which is honor to her. They discuss where they could place elves and Ocham comes with solution. He has friend in city who is big fan of Andoran ideals so she might be willing to hide the elves. They agree it's worth of asking and head to sleep.

Session ends. Writing this took too long but finally it is here. Maybe the best session of CotCT to this point. Only pure role-playing and what make it so good was that party bought ”help the rebellion” thing and really thought how to help rebellion and Korvosa. It was awesome see ideas flying around and discuss about them. We have played once after this session so soon you'll have more to read.

"He is strict soldier and can hardly endure the fact that Faenor is drunk."

Well, it's good to be back in home! So me really thinks, that few beers in the good ol' Bard's end wont hurt anyone, eh?

The leader of elfs, Kaerishiel didn't like Faenor much. Maybe because this. The great elf general introduces him, or herself(can't really tell. it's an elf right?) to mevanthalyn in elfish language and then to others in common. He starts: "hello, im Kaer-". Faenor interrupts: "Yea, yea, heard it already." (of coure the great Bard can understand elfish language!)
Luckily, after few killing gazes, I changed my disguise(i was scouting in the city) and came back as Faenor the great himself! I am pretty sure he my disguise fooled him totally (i hope)

Okay, two session reports to write before next session which takes place on monday. This session was bit repeating itself as players planned and planned without getting nowhere so I'll summarize some part just very quickly and focus to interesting parts.

Day starts as Ocham and Kaerishiel go to meet Ocham's friend, Bella Ironspine. They Dimension Door near her house and Ocham knocks the door. After a while Bella comes to open is suprised about two strangers on her doorsteps. Ocham reminds her who he is and Bella remebers her friend. He and Kaerishiel go inside and tell their idea to her. Ocham is really confused in this situation so his diplomatic skills are put in to the test. Luckily Kaerishiel can help himn out so Bella offers them a secure hideout under her house. Ocham and Kaerishiel thank her and leave. Elves move to Bella's house on same day.

Faenor moves around the city trying to find sczarni thugs to get information about Trifaccia. He finds a group of three Varisians but doesn't get much of info as not all Varisians are part of sczarni. He offers then some gold about information but his gather information trip turns to normal scouting mission as he can't find a good clue about Trifaccia.

Meanwhile others plan what to do next. Food shipment is coming but not here yet. They plan how to get Trifaccia or/and Sabina Merrin appear but there are too many moving pieces in their plans so nothing good comes out. Ragnar and Ocham build a teleportation room to catacombs as they use teleporation spells a lot these days.. Mevanthalyn, Adolamin and Ragnar go hunting with shoanti.

Next day they (again) continue their planning and after a long discussion they finally get a good plan: Blackjack needs to appear and make a scene. They plan to move in the streets and find a someone that needs help and then Blackjack comes to rescue that someone.
Others observe situation (using Wind Walk) while Faenor (their own Blackjack) makes a scene. Finding a citizen than needs help isn't especially hard as soon they see a man with big bag and Gray Maidens asking questions from him. Blackjack shouts a warning to Maidens and jumps to help this poor man (who is illegal distiller). Maidens try to arrest/kill Blackjack but really can't do nothing to him. Blackjack escapes with distiller and he offers him a reward, one bottle of his finest liquor. Blackjack thanks him and they splitt off. Blackjack takes Gray Maidens to long run around the city as he runs on the rooftops and Maidens on ground.

Others scout and make notes about if they see Sabina Merrin. Ocham sees her but she was just giving order to Maidens at castles gates so he doesn't dare to act. Adolamin founds out that Gray Maiden troops are sometimes reinforced with wizards of Acadamae which is dangerous to them.

This goes on like couple days. Blackjack appears to help citizens of Korvosa and then escape Gray Maidens. Then the food shipment and Laori come back. Now they have lots of food to give citizen and planning how to share it to people of Korvosa takes a lot time. But they also have another plan: vandalize statues of Ileosa to make a scene and hope Sabina or Trifaccia to arrive. They take two statues as their targets: one in South Shore and in North Point. Blackjack leads party to North Point while other rebels take down the southern one hoping that Blackjack will attracts more Gray Maidens than them. Ragnar is ready to use Stone Shape to statue to destroy it.

Square is almost empty, some Gray Maidens who are watching the construction of statue,workers and couple of passers-by are there. Again Blackjack makes a scene with shouts that insult Ileosa and gets all Grey Maidens to attack himself. Other four sneak closer and Ragnar casts his spell to statue. completely destroying it. Ocham can sometimes make things funnier and this was one of his moments as he casts Stone to Flesh on remains of statue. Gray Maidens attack these iconoclasts too but they have no real chance against them. Friends of Korvosa won this round!

Crowd started to gather while they were fighting and they are shouting cheerfully to them as they clearly oppose Queen. Some aren't so happy as some thugs start to shout insults at them. Adolamin is called nomad who can't even remember his own name, Ocham is called frog-doctor and one who shouted that adds something to his sentence: "You should turn to frog". Then Ocham goes BOOF and there is one (okay two, his familiar) strange looking frogs on the ground. Then someone shouts to Mevanthalyn that "You elves should just go to Hell!" and she disappears. Now they know they are in trouble and Adolamin moves to see if there is someone hiding behind those thugs (and doesn't even notice than one tries to stab him). "Blakcjack, you should just die as you are nuisance!" But Faenor manages to resist the effect that could kill him but he is still shocked about this turn of events. Then they hear a joyful shout from near by rooftop:

"Hello you heroes of yesterday! My name is Trifaccia and I'm true hero of Korvosa!" Voice is manly and they see a humanoid wearing a red cape and mask with three faces in it raising s flaming scimitar over his head. He continues: "Blackjack, you are siding with rebels who try to corrupt our beatiful city. You all should just follow your Queen. But this city isn't big enough to both of us, what say you if we duel? Loser leaves the city forever? What say you?" Blackjack takes up the challenge and Trifaccia jump to ground (floating like a feather). Then others see that small unit of Gray Maidens are coming to arrest Blackjack so Ragnar and Adolamin smile to each other and ready to fight as well. Ragnar uses Dispel Magic to get Ocham back and they are ready.

First rounds of duel are staring contest as either wants to attack first. Meanwhile Gray Maidens and others clash hard, Ocham is taking his time after turning to frog and then retuning to human. Then Blackjack attacks but misses Trifaccia. Then he attacks back and Blackjack (Faenor) knows that rumors about Trifaccia being a actor isn't true, he is skilled fighter. Blackjack disarms him but let's Trifaccia get his weapon saying "fencing is much more than swinging your sword". Trifaccia goes to get his scimitar back but suddenly snaps his fingers and three flaming rays hit Blackjack and he says: "Yes, but fighting is much more than just sword use".

Others take Gray Maidens and notice that these are lot stronger than those they fought before but still not much a threat. Ocham's Eyebite spell is making their fight really easy for them eventhought if Maidens hit them they hit hard. One Gray Maiden gets slaughtered to pieces by Adolamin and crowd isn't happy about that. Soon there are no Gray Maidens left as Eyebite makes them run away in panic.

Duel isn't looking good to Blackjack. He managed to land only one with while most of Trifaccia's attacks hit him. He is in trouble eventhought Ragnar heals him. Then Trifaccia asks if Ragnar is trying to interrupt their duel and dwarf agrees on that and takes defensive position in front of Blackjack. Trifaccia evades him and lands a hit on Blackjack again. Adolamin and Ocham are also ready to attack Trifaccia but they hear that more Gray Maidens are coming. Trifaccia raises his scimitar and says: "Lets continue our duel again Blackjack and try to come alone if you aren't coward!" Then wall of fire appears in front of him and he's gone.

They start to retreat as too many Gray Maidens are coming but they make a interesting find: horn of goat. Clue about where Mevanthalyn could be! They retreat to Grand Cathedral, where other rebels are celebrating their succesful attack. News about Mevanthalyn sadden their party..

Meanwhile in Hell... Mevanthalyn did found herself in Hell and she look for cover as soon as possible and tried to figure out where she was. She had some knowlegde about other planes and can soon tell on which layer of Hell she is on: eighth layer that is called Caina, realm of torture. Mevanthalyn contacts her friends about her location and they promise to come and get her out of there. She starts her waiting.

Session ends. Fight was good, epic battle and so was their plan to destroy statues. Next session includes their heroic rescue trip to Hell so be ready to read about it!

Party sleeps and prepares for trip to Hell to get their friend back. They aren't especially eager to go Hell but they must go as Mevanthalyn is alive (hopefully long enough to them get there). Ragnar prepares different kinds of travel and voyage spells and Ocham is prepared to cast Teleports couple of times a day (he is casting a lot of conjuration spells these days eventhough those are from his banned school). Faenor and Adolamin prepare food and other supplies to them as they don't know how long they have to be in Hell or how hungry Mevanthalyn is.

Meanwhile Mevanthalyn is fighting against some lesser devil kin, easily defeting them. She hides among rocks and tries not to draw attention to herself but it's difficult being a outsider in Hell. Some time goes and she have to fight again, this time bit more powerful devils. If this goes like it seems it's going to be hard journey..

Next day others are ready to go. Using goat horn they found their Plane Shift spell is atuned to right plane and soon they find themselves on a large desert like plateau where wind is so hard that it is trying to blow them away. They start their search for Mevanthalyn, firstly they contact her and tell her they are here and ask where could she be. Mevanthalyn Levitates to higher point and sees a huge prison like building like 10 miles from her position. Prison is known as Lasraspan, prison of Hell that holds the most vicious and most powerful souls ever known. Ragnar uses Find Path to get knowledge where prison lies and using Wind Walk they start moving.

They fly through Caina, luckily Wind Walk is too fast to follow and they can concentrate to look for Mevanthalyn. They arrive like 5 miles away from Lasraspan and think about how to find Mevanthalyn and Ragnar uses his scrying to her to get more information about her location. Ocham starts flying around as they are cloud like beings right now so if Mevanthalyn can see him she can inform about it to Ragnar. Soon Mevanthalyn sees Ocham and they all take off to look for her. As they close Mevanthalyn's hiding spot someone else is also close..

"Stop right there mortal, I command thee!"

Mevanthalyn sees group of three erinyes and one ice devil flying near her. Three are aiming their bows at her and ice devil is moving closer with its spear. She refuses to surrender as her friends are so close and is ready to defend herself and wait others to arrive. "So thou choose pain, attack!" commands the ice devil and battle starts. Mevanthalyn is alone but ice devil can't hit her (eventhough she doesn't have her Celestial Plate armor!), one erinyes hits her. Other party memvers see what is going on and start to turn themselves to corporeal while flying closer. Ice devil tries again but somehow manages again miss with all attacks. Mevanthalyn draws her newest weapon, lawful outsider bane elven blade (thanks Scarwall) and then others arrive, full of fighting spirit!

Ragnar's first spell does serious damage to devils, Abadar gave his child a Holy Smite to harm evil outsiders. They all are in area of ice devils Cone of Cold spell and Ragnar is only one that takes full damage of it. Adolamin moves to kill ice devil and lands a solid hit. Erinyes try to call more devils to fight with them (as they are blinded by Holy Smite) but only two bearded devils arrive. Faenor casts Haste as Mevanthalyn charges to kill these newcomers. Ocham decides to finish ice devil and casts Finger of Death to it destroying it outright. Then it's time to bearded devils to experince the same destiny as first Ragnar's channel energy harms them, then Adolamin and Mevanthalyn attack them, destroying them. That is enough to erinyes and they escape.

It's a happy reunion and quick escape to Golarion. They don't want to be in Hell any longer it's necessary and Ragnar casts Plane Shift, trying to get them to Gallow Mounds as he knows spell is never accurate and tries to avoid hitting to ocean.

First experince to Ocham, Faenor and Ragnar is dropping to water while Adolamin and Maevanthalyn crash to ships deck.. They arrived to Lake Syrantula which locates between Korvosa and Magnimar. Terrified fishers tell them that they can get them to Ilsuria if they need a ride but they politely decline as Ocham is ready to teleport them. Before that they buy all fish they have in ships as Korvosa needs food. They teleport back to Korvosa (while joking about that Ilsurian villager hardly can believe fishers story about them). In Korvosa rebels are happy to see Mevanthalyn again. She and Ragnar head to sleep after this hard experience while others chat with rebeö and plan their next move (and gut their fishes).

Next day they continue their planning and Ocham tells his crazy plan about getting rid of Trifaccia. Simply it goes like this: as trifaccia is hard to win in combat (Faenor says that Trifaccia is more skilled than him) so they need to get him out other way. They need bigger evil than Trifaccia. They need say, evil necromancer how just comes and kills off Trifaccia before Blackjack even starts fighting with him and then Blackjack doesn't need to fight Trifaccia but can still be hero as he would have to deal with this necromancer. This plans sounds too complicated (but Faenor says it's nice plan but uis unsure how people of Korvosa would react) and they get solid piece of advice from Vencarlo:
"Keep your plans simple. Remember they don't have to be supreme or superbly clever or precise. Only thing matters is that your plans work. I have known you for sometime and I know you can improvise things while doing playing "the game". Use your wits and be ready to do what is necessary, that was how I did work as Blackjack."

Keeping this in their minds party decides to deliver food supplies to people and see how it goes. They are ready to fight if it comes to that and Ocham agains has spells to get them safe quickly. They borrow carts and fill them with bread and head to North Point. People of Korvosa are happy as they get free food and Ocham gives his medicines to them that need it (also gives first aid so some). It's going well until they see group of Gray Maidens. Surprisingly Maidens try not to stop them, Maidens retreat. This isn't good sign and soon they hear whistles as before. They tell people that Queen doesn't like Friends of Korvosa eventhough they are helping them and now they need to go. People praise them as they move closer to docks to check situation.

Soon situation is turning dire. Gray Maidens are surrounding them and how is soon revealed as they see black dragon flying over the city and there is Gray Maiden guiding it and giving orders to other Maidens. It's Sabina! Party closes one street (Ragnar and Stone Shape), Mevanthalyn contacts elves that they might need bit help and Ocham Dimension Doors to get backup. Shorty he returns with Krojun and his burnt riders who are ready to face enemy. They take one intersection and party ready themselves as six Maidens arrive to attack them. Sabina is close but not attacking yet. Shoanti attack furiously to other Maidens that try to use another road to get party. Fight!

Maidens attack without mercy, calling their Queen and throwing challenges at the party. They don't stand a chance as Ocham decides to show off his skills. Mass Hold Person stops four out of six attackers. Faenor and Mevanthalyn take out one and Ragnar (bit accidentally) slaughters the other (Serithiel is tricky sword). They knock some out as they are paralyzed and let others run. They can hear shoanti fighting Maidens and Faenor goes to see how they are doing. They are facing more enemis than party but can handle them. Surprisingly shoanti aren't killing enemies more like crippling them as they can't fight again soon (not killing Maidens was party's wish).

Before they can go help shoanti they hear roar and see how dragon is closing in! It lands near them, raises on two feets and roars! Sabina says nothing. Sabina isn't controlling her mount well enough to get attack party but dragon is attacking them furiously. It has serious pontential behind its teeth but it isn't as strong as Belshallam was (which is relief). Ocham takes distance and uses Dragon's Breath. Other take it in melee and ask Sabina why she is still defending Ileosa eventhough she can see that Ileosa is reason behinds city's problems. She doesn't answer but tries to keep her mount in line. Ocham's Enervation is enough to dragon as it attacks Sabina, knocking her out of saddle. Then it roars and attacks party even more furiously. Sabina shouts that they need kill this beast before it realizes it has city in claws reach. All agree and attack, Adolamin delivers the final blow, almost cutting it's head off with Akeraum.

As dragon crashes to ground everyones attention focuses to Sabina. She looks at the party behind the broken helmet. She throws her weapon and shield at their feet and surrenders and wishes then be merciful eventhough Queen wouldn't be merciful to them. Party accepts her surrender and they quickly use spells to retreat before more Maidens come (Ocham uses Shrink item to their cart and takes it with them). Shoanti did cause havoc, maybe 15 Maidens are lying on the ground on the street they fought. Majority of Maidens are alive and shoanti only took some damage (they could handle more). Elves contact Mevanthalyn informing that they did fought against Maidens, trying to slow them down as Maidens where heading to docks. She thanks them.

They leave Sabina to custody of shoanti after talking with her. She tells them about prisoners in Longacre Building, training and numbers of Gray Maidens, devils in castle, red mantis assasins and Zarmangarof (dragon they just killed). She could help them in many ways but first party want to talk with Cressida, Vencarlo and Neolandus. They want to talk with Sabina if she is ready to help rebellion with knowledge about castle and her only condition is that she can take part of rescuing prisoners at Longacre Building. Sabina, Cressida and Neolandus start to draw maps out of castle for party as they are the ones attacking it. Party starts to think how to take Trifaccia out as they seem be be soon taking the castle. Plan involves (again) a statue of Ileosa so it's going to be fun.

Session ends. I like Crown of Fangs a lot, probably my favorite book now. We have had great session and this was lot better than last one (good action and great roleplaying). Short Hell trip was perfect, players had to work and use their skills to find Mevanthalyn but it wasn't whole session taking journey. They even got to easy fight which was still exciting as Mevanthalyn was alone against four devils for two rounds. Sabina encounter went smoothly, loved it.

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