pinkycatcher |
I've run into a couple of problems;
I've run out of room for skills, my character (though not as skill heavy as say a rogue) just has too many professions for your max, as well as craft, and even with 3 as the max in them they still run off the bottom, can I disable the skills notes or something?
In the same note, my familiar's information has flooded over his box, and I can't read all of his abilities, would it be possible to combine the animal companion and familiar info boxes? How many characters have both? Or possibly create another page that's just the animal and has full written stats?
And the other is just a preference, how hard would it be to make another tab that is a vertical format character sheet? I love this program, but I love the layout of the sCoreGen generator, but he isn't updating it, and it would be nowhere near as good even if he did.
Sneaky |
I really like this spreadsheet using it everyday for my campaign... just a small error I found to give my small contribution to you great work kor, hoping before or later you'll finde some time to dedicate again to this, under the coin section of page 4(a) platnium is written instead of platinum.
Kind regards
Sethvir |
I hope to hear from Kor soon... and hoping that when we do see him back, he can report that his life is running groovy again.
Me too. I'm sure he will return when things settle down for him.
Just wanted to report a couple of errors I found when I was upgrading my character to the 1.2 version sheet.
Ranger 8th Level.
Protection from Energy is a 2nd level Ranger spell. All other classes have it as 3rd.
Hunter's Howl and Hunter's Eye missing from spell lists.
Residual Tracking is also missing.
erian_7 |
Hey Kor, hope all is going well with you! As we had talked in the past about some collaboration in our efforts, I wanted to note that a core group of folks have come together to create a sheet using the best practices from currently available work. Like you, I've been unable to do much on my sheet of late and my hope is this new project can get a process in place where multiple people provide support so when folks like us have life issues it doesn't shut the project down!
If you are interested, please head over to We're putting together teams now to handle data, development, user interface, integration, etc. and we'd love to have you on board. Barring that, one of our goals for the data portion is to have things in a central place and unified format for easy use. You'd be welcome to pull from that as needed for any work you continue.
erian_7 |
Sorry for the delay, had a bit of a family emergency (highlighting why I want a group of folks supporting this thing!)...
You can join the group in order to contribute to the project--we welcome anyone looking to do data entry, development, user interface design, testing, documentation, etc. However, group membership is not necessary in order to access the sheet. Once a functional version is available, we'll ensure it is widely available from sites like the PF Database and d20 PFSRD. I'll also host links in my profile as I do with my current sheet. Finally, we'll be listed in the community use list as an active development effort (a reminder to me to get that entry in place).
edross |
Kor, thanks a million for your awesome sheet. It is my #1 method of generating NPC's for my campaign.
I believe I have found an error (apologies if this has been reported, but I scanned the thread and didn't find it.) The feat Whirlwind Attack doesn't seem to register as a fighter feat. It shows up in the pull down for characters who have the requisites when selecting their general (odd character level) feats, but it does not show up for the same character's fighter bonus feats selections, even at higher levels.
I've tested this with the most recent version of the sheet from your site. Note that I use the version for older versions of Excel as I'm a dyed in the wool excel 2003 user.
Helaman |
Sorry for the delay, had a bit of a family emergency (highlighting why I want a group of folks supporting this thing!)...
You can join the group in order to contribute to the project--we welcome anyone looking to do data entry, development, user interface design, testing, documentation, etc. However, group membership is not necessary in order to access the sheet. Once a functional version is available, we'll ensure it is widely available from sites like the PF Database and d20 PFSRD. I'll also host links in my profile as I do with my current sheet. Finally, we'll be listed in the community use list as an active development effort (a reminder to me to get that entry in place).
Any word on this Erian?
Helaman |
Dotted for reference purposes.
The sheet as it is now is very very good. I am a BIG fan of it because there is options to add additional feats per level, add in custom feats etc. Its also been made E6 compatible insofar as there is an option to remove pre-req's for PrC's and Feats. The stuff I really want to see added is the APG stuff.
I don't see the Author active atm and the last time he posted he had RL stuff that took preference - my hope is that he's doing OK on that front.
Erian had an alternative sheet for sometime but like the author of this one, got bogged down from time to time and so opened a forum to share resources and invite others to participate in the creation of a good XLS form.
Unfortunately not a lot has happened on this front since.
This isnt unusual - as games evolve the stress of adding new traits, feats, classes, spells etc overwhelms these people (who I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to - they produce great stuff simply for the love of the game and helping fellow players at a great sacrifice of time etc) and whenever Real Life comes a-callin', the ride invariably ends.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
Hi all,
I just wanted to post a status update.
I am still busy working on a personal campaign project and doing house renos. Currently I am on vacation in Peru and I suspect when I visit Machu Pichu in a few days that I will have even more inspirations for my campaign project :)
The great machine that is Paizo keeps pounding out source material though, and it feels like my sheet is getting further and further behind.
I have tried all the other sheets out there but I still prefer the output of my (perhaps I am biased) so I certainly do plan to continue to work away to get all the APG info in it. Sadly, the sheet is now always going to be way behind content-wise. Until there is a sheet that outputs in a similar manner as mine (and more specifically contains descriptive text on feats and abilities) I will continue to develop the sheet... as time permits.
Sorry to all those that have emailed me and not received replies. I have just found myself having to prioritize other matters. You will at some unknown time in the future, receive a reply :)
Out of curiosity, does anyone know why Herolabs does not output descriptive text for feats and abilities, or if they have any plans to do this?
Sethvir |
Glad to hear that you are still around. I am still using the last version of your sheet and it is still my favorite.
With regard to HeroLab,they I think are working on getting more text in for the spells, and features and feats, as I think I understand what they were saying.
If I could get your sheet layout with all Paizo's content in HeroLab, with the Combat Manager application from Kyle, I'd have the perfect set of tools. I think in the next release, Herolab will provide the capability to do customized sheets, but I am not a programmer or XML guru by any stretch of the imagination, so I would have to wait to see what people come up with.
In the interim I will use your sheet to manage my characters for the layout I like and wait for you to continue further development.
Thanks as always.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
Well, I'm back from vacation and will begin chipping away at sheet again.
One of my roadblocks has been how to redesign the levels page. I have now constructed a new levels page that I am really excited with.
Once the levels page and its features are working, then I will work on the bug reports. Once those are all fixed, then I can resume with the APG inputing.
Thanks for being so patient.
Helaman |
Well, I'm back from vacation and will begin chipping away at sheet again.
One of my roadblocks has been how to redesign the levels page. I have now constructed a new levels page that I am really excited with.
Once the levels page and its features are working, then I will work on the bug reports. Once those are all fixed, then I can resume with the APG inputing.
Thanks for being so patient.
My pleasure to be patient - love the sheet. Please leave the possiblility of ticking a option still in the current sheet to cancel pre-req's for Prestige Classes and feats as this makes it a great sheet for E6 players.
Getting the current classes in without the archetypes would be a big plus atm... so getting in the APG classes and the single UM class would be a HUGE deal for the sheet and lay the foundations for the archetype stuff to be added later. I think from one of your other posts you had made some progress on the APG stuff so getting it out there so people could at least use the APG classes at last.
Then add in the extra traits/feats from APG (teamwork feats as a prority as the Cavilier needs them).
Then worry about the other AP traits/feats and the APG/UM spells as well as the UM Feats... I figure that its gonna be a solid 6 months of work to get that all done.
As a suggestion: If you have a template of EXACTLY how you want the traits/feats entered, formated or coded you could ask people on the forums who would be willing to do traits from the APs and who would do APG feats A-G etc. Could save you a lot of time just on plain data entry if nothing else.
Sneaky |
Well, I'm back from vacation and will begin chipping away at sheet again.
One of my roadblocks has been how to redesign the levels page. I have now constructed a new levels page that I am really excited with.
Once the levels page and its features are working, then I will work on the bug reports. Once those are all fixed, then I can resume with the APG inputing.
Thanks for being so patient.
WOW KOR I turn on my PC just to see if there was some news about your sheets... I use it still for my campaign and to see that you are going to continue supporting it is a great fact.
Thank a lot for your effort.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
I am making some good progress now. I am quite happy with my new and improved "levels" page which will accomodate the APG variant material. I have also added all the racial variants.
I'm hoping that in a week's time I should have the new version out.
I appreciate every one's offer for help. I do have a hard time assigning tasks to others, but perhaps I need to experiment.
So, here is the first task. If someone wishes to volunteer for this, please respond here. I will also soon have a similar task posted for the APG feats. Thank you.
Task #1 - APG Traits
Sheet: Traits_DATA
Task: Create a new sheet and input the APG traits in a similar manner as I have entered the traits for the other sources. Include column numbers at the top ranging from 1 to 20. Please just enter the data and don't worry about references to formulas -- I'll add those in when I copy the data over to the sheet.
Column Instructions:
1 - Name of the Trait: self explanatory :)
2 - Source: APG
3 - Description: Please eliminate the "descriptive text" and just include the game rule information as I have done with the other traits. If you are not certain what should be included or not, then please just copy and paste the entire APG text and I will edit it down.
4 - Stat 1: If the trait provides a permanent tait bonus (not a conditional trait bonus) then please indicate the stat name that gets the bonus (i.e. FORT). The stat name must be one that is from the "official sheet stat names" as shown in Column B, on Bonuses_DATA.
5 - Stat 1 Bonus: This is the numerical amount of bonus provided. If for some reason this is a variable bonus, such as one that increases with your level or that is based on another stat such as a Charisma Modifier, then please put in "999" and I will change it later.
6 - Stat 2: As per #4
7 - Stat 2 Bonus: As per #5
8 - Note 1 Type: Please indicate the note type (Skills, Saves, Defense, Combat, Magic or Ability).
9 - Note 1: Similar to my current format, please enter in a brief note relating to the note type. These are usually for conditional bonuses to the above listed types.
10 - Note 2 Type: As per #8
11 - Note 2: As per #9
12 - Selection 1: If the trait involves the user making a choice between 2 or more different things, then please just type in capitals: "CHOICE". This will be a flag to me that I will have to create a table for the choice.
13 - Selection 2: Ignore this.
14 - Choice 1: Ignore this.
15 - Choice 2: Ignore this.
16 - Prerequisite: If there is some special prerequisite please list it here. This should not be confused with Column #18, which is essentially a prerequisite as well, such as a specific race or religion.
17 - Trait Type: One of the 5 types: Basic, Campaign, Race, Regional or Religion.
18 - Category: This is essential a "sub-type". Basic (Combat, Faith Magic or Social. Campaign (for the campaign traits please enter as "Any"). Race (the listed race). Regional (the listed region). Religion (the listed faith). If any of these Trait types have more than 1 sub-type (Race - Half-elf or Human), then please make seperate Trait names for each. So if the Trait name was "Eagle Watcher" then the two names would be: "Eagle Watcher (Half-Elf)" and "Eagle Watcher (Human)".
19 - If the trait makes a skill a class skill, then please list the skill here and include a "#" on each side of the class skill (and also seperating multiple class skills). (i.e.: #acrobatics#climb# )
20 - If the trait is usable only a limited number of times (1/day, 3 rounds / day, etc), please indicate the number here. If the uses is variable based on some other stat (such as Cha modifier), then please enter as "999".
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
Your older sheet has the 4 big (combat, magic, religion, social) ones which are duplicated in the APG - want to include them or no?
For other posters this is NOT to say "I got this one" as I have some pretty heavy work over this week but am content to plug away as best I can. Jump in as needed.
I have now scanned through the APG Traits and I see they are all from the "Web Enhancement" Paizo had produced. (I thought all the traits would be new traits).
I have now replaced the references to "APG".
Task #1
I have not compared the text info though, so if instead someone could please compare the text information and advise me of any changes I would appreciate it.
Task #2
These are new traits introduced in the APG. Could someone please provide the information on them as listed in my prior post.
Elven Reflexes
Log Roller
Child of Nature
Ear for Music
Fortified Drinker
Undead Slayer
Veteran of Battle
Task #3
Also, I guess I took some shortcuts when I entered trait information. I have many traits that indicate the source being the Core Rulebook (which was supposed to mean it was from the web enhancement) however I can not find their original sources. An example is the Half-Orc's "Brute" ability. I don't know what source this is from, but in the old source it gave +2 to Intimidate where-as now it gives +1 and makes it a class skill.
Another example is the Well Informed Trait. This was a Taldan Halfling feat, but is now a general Halfling feat. I'm not sure what the original source was, but I see the trait mechanics have changed.
Here is a list of such traits that I can not figure out what the source is. Could someone please indicate where they are referenced:
Arcane Dabbler
Aspiring Bard
Attuned to the Ancestors
Azlant Fanatic
Blade of Mercy
Brastlewark Businessman
Captain’s Blade
Carefully Hidden
Child of Infamy
Child of Zolurket
Cleansing the Twisted
Conspiracy Hunter
Desert Shadow
Devil’s Mark
Devotee of a Dead God
Diabolist Raised
Dilettante Artist
Drug Addict (addicted friend)
Drug Addict (personal addiction)
Duskwalker Agent
Earning Your Freedom
Eastern Mysteries
Ekujae Reflexes
Expert Duelist
Fiendish Presence
Finding Haleen
Fires of Hell
Fools for Friends
Forlorn (Non-elven land)
Framed (Dropout)
Framed (Family Honor)
Freed Slave
Freedom Fighter
Genie Blood
Gnoll Killer
Gold Finger
Horse Lord
Hunter’s Eye
Iadaran Illusionist
Impressive Presence
Infernal Bastard
Into Enemy Territory
Kyonin Gatekeeper
Lapsed Faith
Latent Psion
Left Behind (Mwangi Expanse)
Left Behind (Varisia)
Legacy of Sand
Looking for Work
Love Lost (Orphaned)
Love Lost (Widowed)
Magical Talent
Master of Pentacles
Merchant’s Child
Militant Merchant
Missing Child (Sibling)
Missing Child (Son or Daughter)
Mordant Heritage
Narrows Survivor
Nightstall Urchin
Noble Born
Optimistic Gambler
Performance Artist
Pesh Addict
Pesh Dealer
Precocious Spellcaster
Reclaiming your Roots
Researching the Blot
Sacred Avenger
Scouting for Fiends
Secrets of the Sphinx
Seeker of Brightness
Seeking Adventure
Shadow Child
Sovyrian Pantheist
Spirits in the Stone
Strength of the Sun
Sword Scion
The City Protects
The Pathfinder’s Exile
Tomb Raider
Treerazer’s Bane
Under Siege
Unhappy Childhood (Religious)
Unhappy Childhood (Tortured)
Uwaga Highlander
Warrior of Old
Wasp Whisperer
Watching Taldor
Wealthy Dabbler
Westcrown Firebrand
Youthful Mischief
Sethvir |
Drug Addict (addicted friend) - Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Drug Addict (personal addiction)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Framed (Dropout)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Framed (Family Honor) - Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Love Lost (Orphaned)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Love Lost (Widowed)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Missing Child (Sibling)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Missing Child (Son or Daughter)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Unhappy Childhood (Religious)- Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Unhappy Childhood (Tortured) - Curse of Crimson Throne Player's Guide
This next set is from Second Darkness Players Guide
Combat Traits
Armor Expert:
Deft Dodger:
Dirty Fighter:
Faith Traits
Child of the Temple:
Devotee of the Green:
Ease of Faith:
History of Heresy:
Indomitable Faith:
Sacred Conduit:
Sacred Touch:
Scholar of the Great Beyond:
Magic Traits
Classically Schooled:
Dangerously Curious:
Focused Mind:
Gifted Adept:
Hedge Magician:
Magical Knack:
Magical Lineage:
Magical Talent:
Mathematical Prodigy:
Social Traits
Child of the Streets:
Natural-Born Leader:
Rich Parents:
Second Darkness Campaign Traits
Fools for Friends:
Into Enemy Territory:
Looking for Work:
Optimistic Gambler:
Researching the Blot:
Scouting for Fiends:
Sethvir |
Legacy of Fire Players Guide
Region Traits
Desert Child (Katapesh):
Duskwalker Agent (Katapesh):
Freed Slave (Katapesh):
Merchant’s Child (Katapesh):
Nightstall Urchin (Katapesh):
Pesh Addict (Katapesh):
Pesh Dealer (Katapesh):
Savannah Child (Katapesh):
Uwaga Highlander (Katapesh):
Race Traits
Animal Friend (Gnome):
Child of Zolurket (Dwarf ):
Ekujae Reflexes (Half-Elf ):
Freedom Fighter (Halfling):
Genie Blood (Human—Keleshite):
Historian (Human—Garundi):
Latent Psion (Human—Vudrani):
Legacy of Sand (Half-Orc):
Spirits in the Stone (Human—Mwangi):
World Traveler (Human—Varisian):
Religion Traits
Blade of Mercy (Sarenrae):
The City Protects (Abadar):
Cleansing the Twisted (Sarenrae):
Eyes and Ears of the City (Abadar):
Magic is Life (Nethys):
Strength of the Sun (Sarenrae):
Wisdom in the Flesh (Irori):
Campaign Traits - Legacy of Fire
Earning Your Freedom:
Seeking Adventure:
Reclaiming your Roots:
Gnoll Killer:
Finding Haleen:
Council of Thieves Players Guide
Campaign Traits
Child of Infamy:
Conspiracy Hunter:
Diabolist Raised:
Infernal Bastard:
Shadow Child:
The Pathfinder’s Exile:
Westcrown Firebrand:
Kingmaker Player's Guide:
Campaign Traits
Bastard (limited to human characters):
Noble Born: Garess:
Noble Born: Lebeda:
Noble Born: Lodovka:
Noble Born: Medvyed:
Noble Born: Orlovsky:
Boble Born: Surtova:
Sword Scion:
Sethvir |
Serpent's Skull Players Guide
Campaign Traits
Boarded in Cheliax:
Boarded in Mediogalti:
Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse:
Boarded in the Shackles:
Boarded in Varisia:
Get the Cargo Through:
Jenivere Crew:
Mwangi Scholar:
Hopefully this helps a bit. I know I probably didn't get all of the ones that you had on your list, but these are the PDF's I have.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
Doctadud wrote:Kor,
Shield Master is working fine with shields.
I was looking over my Errata on the core rule book and noticed that the Shield Master was updated from my version. I think you may have the same version as i do.
the update states that only the shields Enhancement bonus to AC is added to the attack and damage. so a +3 heavy shield would give a +3 to attack an damage.
The old version said that you add the shields, shield bonus to attack and damage. In the old version it would give you +5 to attack and damage.
I have this all fixed up for the next release. Thanks for posting it.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
I do have one question though: In a game with Doctadud, I have a monk, and he recently ended up with a spear. When I equip it, the sheet gives me a -4 because it shows he's not proficient, yet the monk description clearly shows monks are proficient with spears. What am I doing wrong?
I have this all fixed up for the next release. Thanks for posting it.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
If you're interested in getting some help with your project, I know of quite a few experienced spreadsheet programmers who did extensive work with the HeroForge Excel charactersheet over the last few years that might be interested in collaborating with you. This would go beyond simple data entry to bug fixing and new material implementation, if you want.
Feel free to message me here if you're interested.
I think the only hope of getting the sheet somewhat up to day may be to assign "areas" to people to update with new content. (i.e Feat sheet, Traits sheet, Equipment Sheet, etc).
This could be very helpful.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
Hey Kor, hope all is going well with you! As we had talked in the past about some collaboration in our efforts, I wanted to note that a core group of folks have come together to create a sheet using the best practices from currently available work. Like you, I've been unable to do much on my sheet of late and my hope is this new project can get a process in place where multiple people provide support so when folks like us have life issues it doesn't shut the project down!
If you are interested, please head over to We're putting together teams now to handle data, development, user interface, integration, etc. and we'd love to have you on board. Barring that, one of our goals for the data portion is to have things in a central place and unified format for easy use. You'd be welcome to pull from that as needed for any work you continue.
Sounds awesome, I'll check that out now that I have a little bit of time available :) Thanks!
Sethvir |
Sethvir wrote:TraitsThanks so much for identifying those sources.
Haven't done all of them. Started with the obvious stuff first. If I get some time tonight or tomorrow, I'll see what I can do with the ones that I know I didn't identify.
Looks like some of them are coming from the Pathfinder Player Companion line too. Ambassador comes from Taldor, Echoes of Glory for instance.
Saw your other note about getting some help with getting new content in, but haven't had time to pursue it yet. Real life intrudes.
Thanks as always though for your work on this. Glad to see you back.
Helaman |
Can some1 coordinate the additional work fans could do? I'm very skilled with excel (using VBA for work every day) and I also love the Ogree's Sheet so I think I should really help the community in some way...
Hi Sneaky, want to try entering ALL the APG feats using the same format? I am still working with the traits.
Helaman |
Hi Kor
17 - Trait Type: One of the 5 types: Basic, Campaign, Race, Regional or Religion.
I am adding "Equipment" as a trait category for the Adventurers Armoury.
I may add that while I have a good deal of the data entry done I am a bit "fuzzy" on some how to use some of the cells. So while it will save you some time on data entry (hope it helps), you will need to spend some time pretty-ing it up and fixing.
Helaman |
Sent to the contact for Kor given at
Did the APG ones you said needed help as well as Carrion Crown and the Adventurers Armory traits.
Can you email me some feedback so future efforts are more successful and tell me what else you'd have me do.
I think the BULK of the equipment traits will not be able to be reflected as bonuses and there should be a note that appears on the character sheet etc to reflect the full scope of the bonus.
Additionally you may want to put down what format (if its different)should be used for feats.