Have any groups made it off the Shiv with no deaths?

Serpent's Skull

Reading through the Body Count thread is making me believe that this is going to be a very deadly AP to run. However, then I realize that I of course am only seeing part of the picture. Maybe all these deaths are small fraction of those who have played so far...

So, as the title says, how many groups have made it out of the first adventure with no PC deaths?

Sovereign Court

My PbP group have defeated the cannibals and are going to level as soon as theymake it back to camp.

I've killed off a couple of players characters that dropped early (that left the PbP basically), but its looking likely that they might just make it off the island with no deaths :)

All my pc's made it through alive, albeit some of them were pretty close to dying on a couple of occasions. they even managed to save all of the npc's except for Ishirou who got killed by the cannibals.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

TerraZephyr wrote:

Reading through the Body Count thread is making me believe that this is going to be a very deadly AP to run. However, then I realize that I of course am only seeing part of the picture. Maybe all these deaths are small fraction of those who have played so far...

So, as the title says, how many groups have made it out of the first adventure with no PC deaths?

My entire group survived, although it was close for the party rogue. He ended the last fight at 1 hp, and down 2-6 points each of Str, Dex, Con, and Cha.

ryric wrote:
TerraZephyr wrote:

Reading through the Body Count thread is making me believe that this is going to be a very deadly AP to run. However, then I realize that I of course am only seeing part of the picture. Maybe all these deaths are small fraction of those who have played so far...

So, as the title says, how many groups have made it out of the first adventure with no PC deaths?

My entire group survived, although it was close for the party rogue. He ended the last fight at 1 hp, and down 2-6 points each of Str, Dex, Con, and Cha.

Woah how did the guy become a gimp?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
ryric wrote:
TerraZephyr wrote:

Reading through the Body Count thread is making me believe that this is going to be a very deadly AP to run. However, then I realize that I of course am only seeing part of the picture. Maybe all these deaths are small fraction of those who have played so far...

So, as the title says, how many groups have made it out of the first adventure with no PC deaths?

My entire group survived, although it was close for the party rogue. He ended the last fight at 1 hp, and down 2-6 points each of Str, Dex, Con, and Cha.

My group survived with no deaths. Sash was kidnapped by the cannibals, but the party raced in and saved her. I think most of the party was dropped to negatives in at least 1 encounter. The rogue was dropped a few times.

Klorak can be quite nasty especially against humans. The serpent skeletons rolled several hits in the temple with the javelins. Really hurt the party who pressed forward against Yazroth. When the gibberin mouther showed up they were really down on spells and abilities. The had to beat it and finish Yazroth of with x bows and swords. Tough fight, worth it.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Pendagast wrote:

Woah how did the guy become a gimp?

Hidden to protect the innocent:


Multiple poisonings from Yarzoth and summoned snakes, and the curse from the glyph in the inner sanctum. He stayed behind to search while the rest of the party was chasing Yarzoth. Missed finding the glyph by 1 point when he searched. :)

ryric wrote:
Pendagast wrote:

Woah how did the guy become a gimp?

Hidden to protect the innocent:

** spoiler omitted **

ummm wow,we didnt even run into some of that stuff....must have missed it.

in the final boss battle we took a licking but it only lasted three rounds.

My PCs have managed to keep everyone alive including NPCs and a couple island inhabitants. Everyone likes them and they have managed to get a little ahead of themselves ....

stumbling onto the tide stone, blindly activating it and string up the sleeping Red Mountain Devil who managed to get away with 2HP remaining. They are now standing at the doors to the temple and have only encountered 2 cannibals at the ambush point. I'm having a very hard time doing serious dmg to them but I think that's about to change. They are lvl 3 and about to walk into the temple having NO background help and the water will be pourng back in to block their way out in 2 hours...

This will be fun!


High social stats like diplomacy have been KEY! I have a highly social group and it had worked in huge ways to their advantage. They have avoided some seriously deadly encounters by just being nice

We got off alive, but only due to Hero Points. Otherwise, we would have TPKed twice, easy. But then again, our GM juiced stuff up something crazy, so... yeah.

My party made it with no deaths, though the final battle with the serpent woman put a couple PCs on negative HPs and dispelled the summoner's eidolon easily. All the NPCs were kidnapped by cannibals while PCs where returning from dealing with the fungal spore and talking to the dryad, but they staged a pretty desperate rescue. The cannibal chief also downed the melee PCs, but having a Life Mystery Oracle is the ultimate life saver!

Liberty's Edge

I just got off the island. All npc s are alive and we got an extra person off too. Echiru and jask were taken but saved from the canabals in a rescue that was also the final struggel to take out the leader and the last of his men. We all took mager Hit point damage on a regular basis and relied on healing from the npc bard and cleric.

The big fights went well becaus we went into them prepaird. the ramdom encounters are what got most of our damage earlyer in the game. But this is also were we got better than half the canabals killed off before we took over their base. Traps set here and there also added to our survival becaus they slowed, mamed, and gave early warnings on threats.

Over all it was an awsome adventur with improvision being key. Those who couldent adapt probly dident do so well. I personaly played a barbarian/rouge that ended up takeing a level of druid by the end of the story becaus of all the time she spent around the dryad talking to her in sylven and learning about the island from her.

thats so weird.... see I thought the boss at the end of shiv was pffft...

should have been tougher

Liberty's Edge

The big boss was an epic tussel. We went for rounds beating on her. My personal pc got domonated and and almost took out an allie. Thing was the way we cowordinated our first strike ended up throwing off her groove just enough that she wasent able to pull acupel of her more nasty tricks.

yea see we never let her get off nasty tricks at all i guess. we just tooled her.
3 rounds
she needed some minions. something between us and her.
yes she took one guy down but the rest were not that damaged.

Dark Archive

Looks like my entire group (Pc's and Npc's) will be making it off the shiv in one piece. Thought the red mountain devil would maul one or two of them but a critical fumble on the creatures part (using the fumble deck) means it brained itself and was knocked out for 6 rounds.


our battle was epic with the Red Mountain Devil.

We were SO going to be toast (this wasa TPK in the making)

it had swooped down and got the witch (unconscious and flying away with her)

the pally was out on a rope bridge trying to steady himself and shoot his bow.

The druid was still up top of the cliff.
The Zen archer was climbing the cliff (didnt trust the rope bridge)
and the ranger had already gotten to the bottom (used the paladins shield like a sled to "ride the rope bridge")
and the ranger only had throwing axes and was mega out of range.

Here comes big bad baddy, they way we were spread out and the levels we are, Vs. whatever that ting was...it might as well have been smaug the dragon!


the Zen Archer leaps (yup leaps) off the cliff and with a really awesome acrobatics roll lands on the Red Mountain Devil's back in mid flight (he figures what the heck this is gonna be a TPK anyway right?)
Druid gets a wild idea that maybe she can lead the target who is swooping by actually below her feet at the moment and cast entangle from the vines growing along the cliff face.
The RMD fails his save and is caught mid air in an entangle! (he was flying close to the cliff face, thats how he snatched the witch in the first place who was using feather fall instead of the bridge or climbing)

so the Zen archer is "riding" the RMD...but makes his reflex save and isnt entangled... RMD comes to a screeching haul, but zen archer makes riding check to stay mounted (why do monks get ride as a class skill??)
so on his next action he stands up (on the RMD's back) who is still entangled and fires a crit roll arrow into the things skully!

next round the RMD is still incapacitated by the entangle.. so the Zen Archer gets away with a coup de grace on it point blank style with his long bow!

THEN we have a problem. The witch is still bleeding out, grappled in the cluthces of the now dead RMD.
How do we save her in mid-air?
long anf shot of it is monk with his crazy saves; ties a rope to her (still not bothered by the entangle) and fires the bow with lead end of rope up to the druid, who ties it off.
then the druid drops the entangle spell, the RMD's dead carcass falls free, and the monk with the witch unconscious in one arm, swings to the cliff face like indiana jones.
Paladin and ranger come back up the rope bridge (one at a time)
and the druid, ranger, paladin and the druids wolf all hoist the two back up the cliff.
(the monk wanted to try and climb down one handed holding onto another PC his own body weight)
Dont press your luck buddy!

Liberty's Edge

Ya see my fight with the red devil was bow shots acouple lucky melee hits and then BOOM. A crit with the +1 scimitar that we took off the canabal cheif. Coolist thing ever because it was throwen. Nat 20 then just a good enuogh role to confirm it. Near max damage and he died in the air and tumbeled over the cliff. Not to say he was a push over,he got every one for good hp loss before he went down.

In fact I beleave he was on the run when we got with the thrown sword.

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