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Hey, very curious about how much longer it is going to take for my lords of chaos subscription to ship. I know it has to have arrived in time since my friend just got his physical copy delivered and is now taunting me with it ><. If it doesn't ship soon it will make for a very unhappy demonic christmas ; ;.

Liz Courts Contributor |

sarokcat, from what I can see, you added the Pathfinder Campaign Setting subscription after your other subscriptions had been processed for this month, which means it is currently hanging out in your sidecart waiting for the next adventure path issue (#41). If you would like, I can finalize your sidecart and get that order shipping out to you.

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sarokcat, from what I can see, you added the Pathfinder Campaign Setting subscription after your other subscriptions had been processed for this month, which means it is currently hanging out in your sidecart waiting for the next adventure path issue (#41). If you would like, I can finalize your sidecart and get that order shipping out to you.
um.. yes please! not sure how that happened, maybe i didn't clear it out of my cart in time or something... i could have sworn it was set up well before the rest of the subscriptions shipped... i must be losing my mind.

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No worries sarokcat. I have sent you a confirmation email with the order details (sent two actually; the first one was missing your shipping and handling costs, so disregard that one). We'll get your order sent out as soon as possible.
*offers cookies*
Thank you very much! i had been freaking out about it all week, just got one more question since im looking at things now, i had ordered collesium morpheum at the start of the week, and it seems to have gotten put in the sidecart somehow to? Is there any way that can get shipped to me as well? looking at things now it says mid january??? is there any way to get that worked out? I know things must be crazy this close to christmas, but i thought that it would at least be set to ship much earlier...

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Thank you very much! i had been freaking out about it all week, just got one more question since im looking at things now, i had ordered collesium morpheum at the start of the week, and it seems to have gotten put in the sidecart somehow to? Is there any way that can get shipped to me as well? looking at things now it says mid january??? is there any way to get that worked out? I know things must be crazy this close to christmas, but i thought that it would at least be set to ship much earlier...
Any word on this one too?

Sniggevert |

sarokcat wrote:Any word on this one too?
Thank you very much! i had been freaking out about it all week, just got one more question since im looking at things now, i had ordered collesium morpheum at the start of the week, and it seems to have gotten put in the sidecart somehow to? Is there any way that can get shipped to me as well? looking at things now it says mid january??? is there any way to get that worked out? I know things must be crazy this close to christmas, but i thought that it would at least be set to ship much earlier...
They were out for the weekend by the time of your first response unfortunately. It'll probably be Monday before you can get a response =/.

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Thank you very much! i had been freaking out about it all week, just got one more question since im looking at things now, i had ordered collesium morpheum at the start of the week, and it seems to have gotten put in the sidecart somehow to? Is there any way that can get shipped to me as well? looking at things now it says mid january??? is there any way to get that worked out? I know things must be crazy this close to christmas, but i thought that it would at least be set to ship much earlier...
You should be able to go to your My Account page and if you look on the lower right side (might have to scroll down) there should be a "Ship As Soon As Possible" button for the item in your sidecart.
Now, when we originally listed this product you could get *just* the physical copy, but it was since changed to be a bundle with the print and PDF combo. We are currently out of stock on the print edition, but when you hit "ship as soon as possible" it should grant you access to the PDF and set the physical copy up to ship as soon as we get more in.
Sara Marie

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You should be able to go to your My Account page and if you look on the lower right side (might have to scroll down) there should be a "Ship As Soon As Possible" button for the item in your sidecart.
Now, when we originally listed this product you could get *just* the physical copy, but it was since changed to be a bundle with the print and PDF combo. We are currently out of stock on the print edition, but when you hit "ship as soon as possible" it should grant you access to the PDF and set the physical copy up to ship as soon as we get more in.
Sara Marie
Gah! thanks for the response.... though that means im going to need to get something else insead for them... wish i'd known about the sidecart thing and the out of stock sooner. Thanks a ton for the heads up though!
just looked and found it and set it to ship now... looks like it made it reprocess again, hopefully it wont charge me twice. Was the reason it got sidecarted because you didn't have any print editions?

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Gah! thanks for the response.... though that means im going to need to get something else insead for them... wish i'd known about the sidecart thing and the out of stock sooner. Thanks a ton for the heads up though!just looked and found it and set it to ship now... looks like it made it reprocess again, hopefully it wont charge me twice. Was the reason it got sidecarted because you didn't have any print editions?
There is a feature during the order check out process to "ship with subscription shipment" which is what sets things to go in the sidecart.
We only charge once; either when a item ships or when the PDF is fulfilled. The bundles are slightly different. They get the item charged because you have access to the PDF and then we charge the shipping when we ship the book.
My records show that the settlement today is the only time we've charged you for the Coliseum Morpheuon (when we granted access to the PDF). You may have seen an authorization for it when you first added the book, but we haven't settled for it until today.
And lastly, a bit of good news. We got a few more of the physical copies on today's truck so the order will go out today!
sara marie