Davor |
Tinkering with the new Magus base class got me thinking about what kinds of prestige classes may be in Ultimate Magic. Now, the LAST thing I want is for Paizo to do what WotC did and make WAY too many player options for the same thing, but I would like to see more specific niches filled.
My hopes/guesses?
A) Monk/Spellcaster prestige class. While not very popular, I LOVED the feel of the appropriate D&D class back in the day, and I'd like to see it again, perhaps as a hybrid of monk/magus.
B) Barbarian/Arcane Spellcaster. Again, I loved the Ragecaster from 3.5, just because it was such a unique class. Perhaps something like the Rage Prophet from the APG, but designed around Arcane spellcasting.
C) Medium BAB Hybrid Arcane/Divine spellcaster. Think Mystic Theurge, but with medium BAB. Perhaps have a higher BAB prerequisite, or require specific classes, such as Bard 3/Magus 3 and Inquisitor 3/Paladin 3. I mean, a lot of the spells used by these classes to buff themselves are from the lowest levels anyways, why not combine the spell lists and make them lose some of the benefits? I can see the Magus/Inquisitor spell list looking really fun and interesting when combined. Make it stack progress with judgements/lay on hands at a slower rate, and you've got yourself a pretty nifty class, not to mention being able to use Inquisitor touch spells with spellstrike. Cure Light Wounds on a Keen Scimitar vs. Undead? Sure! Spell combat WITH in-combat healing spells? Nice and flavorful.