DM Zyren's Heart of Darkness Discussions

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

Absolutely slammed at work. Will post tomorrow on my day off.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Zyren Zemerys wrote:
Armor is expected :-)

This usually means incoming troubles :(

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

You know, i'm afraid i'm going to inflict a TPK on my players, what troubles me the most is the fact my char is amongst them as well

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

lol, TPK by means of what?


Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

lol, TPK by means of what?


Drow...and there are two surface elves women in group

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

eek drow :-)

You really fear you could kill 'em all? I suppose this would end your campaign?

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

eek drow :-)

You really fear you could kill 'em all? I suppose this would end your campaign?

Not really, they are quite high on stats, and i'm not using too hard CRs

But drows don't play fair.
Anyway i think they'll roll new PCs if the y die (hope not of course)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

eek drow :-)

You really fear you could kill 'em all? I suppose this would end your campaign?

But now that i think of it, how do you handle things like these? I usually run encounters like they are intended to, in this case the drow cultists are there for a reason, and the story is such that the PC went there to check on this cult, and only once they were there they saw the cultists were it is perfectly normal in this case that PCs face them. And as such i run the drow like they should be...but i surely won't force events so that the PC are caught and the drows get some fun with the two elven girls. Things aren't getting easy for the players, but they can do it.

Zyren Zemerys:
But in case that despite your efforts things go bad and the PCs are caught by some sadistic cult, how do you handle that ? I mean, unlucky die rolls may happen, but it isn't logical that the players are imprisoned and (usually in such cases) stripped of everything just to let them break free and recover their stuff a few minutes later just because they are the PCs....but again i usually try to judge if it was the player's fault or just unlucky dice rolls. After all it isn't nice to tell a female PC AND player "you are bound to a stretching table, naked from toe to head and the torturers are raping you"

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


Yeah, its kinda cheesy when the PCs always can escape. Usually I try to embed an logical last straw. Like for your example:

Maybe there is a very ambitious priest in this cult who tries to usurp against the highpriest. He might free the PCs to undermine the power of the cult leader or use them against some groups in the cult or he frees them so they can help him to escape, too.

Something like that.

hey guys sorry i didn't post this weekend, my girlfriend and I just broke up so I spent the whole weekend moving =( Just in time for the holidays too! yay me!

Anyways, getting back to posting today.

Dark Archive

Leshok wrote:

hey guys sorry i didn't post this weekend, my girlfriend and I just broke up so I spent the whole weekend moving =( Just in time for the holidays too! yay me!

Anyways, getting back to posting today.

Sorry to hear it, Leshok. Hope it gets better for you soon.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

oh that sucks...bad timing :-(

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
leshok wrote:
hey guys sorry i didn't post this weekend, my girlfriend and I just broke up so I spent the whole weekend moving =( Just in time for the holidays too! yay me!

Well, maybe said from someone who is single from a lifetime it isn't very cheering, but i too hope it'll go better for you

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 1 (Starsoul)

Ouch, sorry to hear about that, but I feel you brother! (I am in fact quite drunk as I type this, in light of the anniversary of the end of my first love). In any case, I really hope things work out for you.

strange, but it seems we lost Celina, Kahir and Teris during the last days. is something wrong with the adventure?

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

It isn't even started yet, so i cannot tell

I hope its not some kind of misgibings that we lost 3 players :-/

Dark Archive

I fear Celina may have been my fault with the teasing. I hope not. Teris is Leshok and he told us that he is having personal issues right now, so I think he'll continue as he's able. I play in the game he's running and he hasn't posted alot there either.

Dark Archive

Zyren DM wrote:
I hope its not some kind of misgibings that we lost 3 players :-/

Leshok posted this on the discussion thread for his game.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband

I'm not gone! I'm just usually not around on the weekends. And Christmas is a busy time in retail, so lots of extra shifts. And my internet service has been rather unreliable for the past few days - sorry about that.

Let me catch up, and I'll get a post in shortly.

Also, a quick heads up: On Jan 4th, I will be switching ISPs, and won't be back online until the 6th at the earliest. I'll try and get to an internet cafe or something so I can post during this time, but I can't promise anything.

Oh that's good news :-)

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband

Post is up. Yay!

And I get the feeling that Alexite and I are going to have an interesting relationship...

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Zyren DM:
I have 10 minutes before going to bed,so will give you a summary of my idea for the main story of my campaign awful day at work: The main idea is focused on a drow cult of Zon-kuthon whose goal is to kill Astarathian (CR27 Great Gold Wyrm, which seems to have his lair somewhere in Nidal) because of a draconic legend which tells of an ancient alliance between the main rival of Astarathian (Daralathixl CR26 Great Red Wyrm) and the God of Pain. They are hunting sorcerers of gold-draconic bloodline in hope to extract a poison specific for gold dragons ( you don't easily kill a CR27 dragon after all). Since the player of mine which left was a gold-draconic bloodline sorcerer he was the link with the main story...but i had no troubles adjusting the starting event.

Dark Archive

PsionicFox wrote:

Post is up. Yay!

And I get the feeling that Alexite and I are going to have an interesting relationship...

Oh yes we are! I see things are already heating up.

Male Human Slacker 3/ Gamer 4 /Teacher 2

I was wondering if I might be able to solicit some roleplaying advice? I decided to give the "naive young sorcerer" trope a go, but I've never really played a character like Randovich before, and I could use a few pointers on how I could keep him naive and a bit shy without him becoming a wallflower. He's also more direct than the PCs I usually play, but I also want to avoid falling into the cliche of having my starry-eyed youth shout out "to the rescue!" and charge off every time a hook drops. I'm trying to set him up so he can develop in several directions (I think he's becoming a little hardened and embittered, much thanks to Drayen's machinations). Any ideas?

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband

Well, Celina will most likely treat Randovich like a little brother. And she tends to be a soothing presence, so she will encourage not flying off the handle. Especially because she wants Randovich to learn control, so he can control his magic.

Yup I also think Celina could help him finding his "destiny", if she can't maybe one of her soon to be raltives in Kaer Maga can. On the other hand-Alexites way is very tempting :-)

Dark Archive

Funnily enough, Alexite wants Randovich to learn to control his powers just as much as Celina. When he said ask Celina about her brother being happy and joyful, that should have come across as heavy sarcasm. It's very hard to get that across in text. He really did want you to ask her so you could hear about how he suffers internally.

Where Celina and Alexite differ is in their attitudes towards life. Alexite is going to be tempting Randovich to express himself and live life to the fullest, exploring the bounds of society and his own conscience.

I think you're doing fine. Just keep going as you have been.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband
drayen wrote:
Funnily enough, Alexite wants Randovich to learn to control his powers just as much as Celina. When he said ask Celina about her brother being happy and joyful, that should have come across as heavy sarcasm. It's very hard to get that across in text. He really did want you to ask her so you could hear about how he suffers internally.

And what she'll never tell you is that her brother is as happy as can be. Once he accepted his powers. She won't tell you that he is currently a formidable sorcerer.

She wants Randovich to feel free, and knows if she can teach him to control his powers, he'll stop being afraid of them, and come to accept them.

She has a plan. ;)

oh dear, a woman with a plan :-)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Maybe i'm being paranoid, but so far all the men Esfana encountered had a weird they are stripping her of every bits of clothes with their eyes.Talking of the NPCs of course

oh yes, thats really paranoid-Britten was really just happy to see a young lively iomedite. Thinking about women in the particular manner you were talking about only aches in his back...

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Fidarsi è bene, non fidarsi è meglio

To trust is good,not to trust is better

Male Human Slacker 3/ Gamer 4 /Teacher 2

I got the same impression. He was laying it on thicker than Lovecraft.

Dark Archive

Not to fear, Gandal. I assure you Alexite was mentally stripping Esfana with his gaze at the inn and again on the road. This way you shouldn't feel like the PC aren't giving you the same attention. Then again, he was doing the same thing with every other party member, so take it for what it's worth. =P

Dark Archive

martinaj wrote:
I got the same impression. He was laying it on thicker than Lovecraft.

Hear! Hear! Alexite was quite put out that someone else was laying it on thicker than he.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I can always consider changing alignment. CE for example


Your campaign sounds really epic. Totally reminds me of Forgotten Realms somehow. How did your group fare with the drow?

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Zyren DM:
The first encounter had just started (very bad for the PCs to tell the truth) when i had to stop for lacking of posting time. Will continue this evening.But the drow use to attack from the darkness, since they have superior darkvision range than the PCs, and they use a lot of alchemical objects thrown from the distance, and yet no PC managed to see the attackers.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Merry Xmas to all of you.

+1 :-)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Zyren DM:
Well, the story per se has some really epic potential, but i haven't planned how long it could get...just to have an idea of what quests the PCs'll face.Also we don't like low levels, so i'm using fast xp growth,at least until lvl 4.Maybe after the 4rth i'll skip to medium, so to enjoy a bit more the skills of every PC.Dunno how far we'll go.Do you planned a lvl range for your campaign?


Kaer Maga offers possibilities til lvl 20 I think. I'll just go on as long as people enjoy it.

[dice=Fauchard]1d20+5[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d10+4[/dice] [dice=Fauchard PA]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d10+7[/dice]
Human Paladin (Hospitaler) 2 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | HP 25/25 | F +8 R +4 W +6 | Init +1 | Perc +0

Merry Christmas from a snowy white Germany

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

And from a rainy , grey and cold Italy

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 1 (Starsoul)

Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I'm going on a holiday retreat, and will be without internet for a couple days. I'll be back again on Wednesday!

Dark Archive

I finally had a day off yesterday and took the day away from everything. I think this was the only one of the four pbp I'm in on these boards that posted since the 23rd. I would have been interested in going to the Shelyn temple, but another time is fine. I don't have anything to add in character at this time. I also do not have anything I need to do before heading to the wizard's shop in the Ankar-Te district.

I feel honoured to read this :-) holiday season's just a hard time for PBPs I think.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Just as i thought, Hard disk died :(
I'm without PC for some time...will make you know something asap

argh, that's bad news, I keep my fingers crossed fo a fast repair.

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